I agree about the let and let live approach. The squirrels are a nuisance around the garden so we use various netting, etc...to keep them at bay.
They generally feast on one of our neighbors gardens who don't take the adequate precautions and leave ours alone....

In the urban it can be a few of this or that-that try for the easy meal.
In the rural it can be a feeding fest for what ever has the 7yr cycle, and it's a problem to try to grow something eat when you are the last one to the table so to speak.
The grow 1/3 more for the little creatures works most of the time-but not always.
Friends have ground cloth netting over their berries-have to go daily to let out the trapped birds-yup I go

-maybe work on the securing.
Neighbour was up to 75+ chipmunks the other year back, it was a crazy time, but past the cute factor.
The Blue Heron took care of ours last year-did a bang up job of it too.
Cleaned up around the house then went through the bush getting them. 4 or 5 every time it would come for it's daily catching.
The few that are around now are so timid they 're gone at the slightest noise/movement.
Though we find most things are in balance-and if we want grow/raise anything we fence/cover what we want.
Live and let live seems to be the best way-as Mother Nature has a way that we humans just get in the way most times.