Lately these stories have been piling up. Could be a nice area of finds if a sword was found. Been teaming up with alot of construction and excavation companies.....once I found that last little blast of treasure with the road crew, seems some other guys in the construction world are offering up lots of old tips and stories....winning the confidence of these local s is key to gaining access to grounds that guys like fisher, fismar,and McKee couldnt access. Although they became legends in the treasure hunting world down here.....they were not conchs/island born. They all had to come here from other states and be accepted into the community. As a conch im able to get the stories out of the men who kept those secrets from the outsider treasure hunters. Stories like I've been telling latley have been kept secret for many years and if fisher wanted to here it and see the spot and sword....well that info would have cost him as every piece of info he got did. Thats how the conchs get there share of the treasure..... you want the info'll have to pay for it....many secrets are still guarded. Ill be taken by the hand and led to the discovery spot of the sword tomorrow after work.....woooo hoooo !!