THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Good morning folks

Over the 5-6 yrs its been a real busy lifestyle of getting the place in order. (I purged the iron once after we bought here)
Too many irons in the fire at one time and never enough time to completely do any right.
That basically sums it up to the purge yesterday out of the shop. 3 large barrels of iron, and smaller containers of pretty well non ferrous mix finds.
I still could fill a few containers (white plastic ice cream pails) with more washed-but for the recycling(scrap). If I could find them in the shop-I know the containers are lurking-laughing at me as I walk by them.

I detect take the keepers (most of the time)out of the mix.
I dump the mix out of the pouch into boxes, containers, in the back of the truck, until it over flows then in a rush it goes into the shop, and the major iron goes into the barrels, then overflows into other bins.
Basically no time to do electrolysis, other clean ups of pieces.
To actually go out to detect is one thing, but then to do many more hours of cleaning/posting/.........Well that just doesn't happen every time, and I'm just being honest here.
I see photos of a tailgate of finds and somebody makes a snarky comment of no shadow box photo-really sometimes time isn't there to dedicate to every post hunt clean up.
I commend the one's that do have time to do such post ups of every piece-I really can't find that spare time.

So much for that, and the purge has started basically of making room to do other things inside. (This to be taken with a grain of salt).
Honestly I had 2 36"x7' cabinets out of the garage that I needed to move out of the summer kitchen/freezer room.
I couldn't find room in he 3200sq.ft shop!!! :BangHead: What a $hit show that has turned into, storage on top of storage on top of everything.

I still do iron dumps on the permissions where the site is off the road-too far away to lug it back to the truck, so what makes it back is a what's in the pouch.
Over the years there are piles around a tree off the field that there might be all the heavy axe/stove parts/fencing wire.......
Here it is the middle of April and not one hunt in yet this time it seems.......Oh well......the main thing is to carry on with the purge.

Need some serious therapy here.........:laughing7:
So for all that think that their lives are unmanageable because of things-it isn't any worse that others that hide it from the world.
I hope I have given at least one person the thought-Gee I thought my life was out of control-sort of thing......

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So this is my destiny? Thanks for the heads up, Pepperj. I am well on my way. LOL!

Oh, and Pepperj, thanks for cleaning up the earth from all of that!

So this is my destiny? Thanks for the heads up, Pepperj. I am well on my way. LOL!

It's kind of like.....when somebody whines about it......:laughing7:
I try to keep it to a very dull roar in the eyes of the world.(Behind closed doors) Out of sight-out of mind.......


Plenty times i go for a small hunt in the morn on Sundays. Mainly just to be alone in nature for a quiet re charge of my batteries. I have been hitting my close spot for over a year now. Many great finds in this small coastal spot. Tons of iron and brass have come out of here. I have explored 1 home site out of 17. I have just started into the rest of the area. Lately there's been a homeless guy sleeping in his truck at my spot. I was completely shocked to see him metaldetecting my spot. He was picking up clad from a large spilt cache here. Thousands of clad coins come up here and I often find the clad stuck together in short stacks of 2-5 coins per stack. This guy was stacking change to buy vodka....he has moved on and left all the vodka bottles and a cooler in the woods. I will throw away the bottles and take the cooler home. I have had this major spot all to myself for so the only person that knows the significance of the site. A spot with 17 abandoned home sites from the early to mid 1800 is a major find in the keys. Its an entire lost town with very little documented history. This town was called red bird. The early spanish would come to this spot to capture the red cardinal birds that still frequent the site. This abundance of cardinals led to a settlement called red bird. This community sprung up in the 1837 the Seminole had brutalized and killed the first settlers. The site was abandoned at that point and the resettled after the Indian wars. That time frame was 1844 when members of the Russell family moved in and occupied the ruins and started to rebuild. A thriving area on the water sprung up for the wrecking and salvaging of sailing vessels. By the 1920s this was a bustling town that survived through pineapple and othe fruit and vegetable cultivation. Other occupations included the capture and sale of the cardinals, and a successful wrecking industry. As soon as Flagler train came through the farmed goods of Cuba caused this town to collapse and be abandoned. Wrecking had faded, no one wanted the cardinals anymore, and cheap produce from Cuba collapsed the farming industry. The bush moved in and reclaimed it all. For many years people and historians and archeologist searched for the rumored lost town. Only small tidbits of info existed. One clue was that this neat little community had streets that were died when I saw the network of red sidewalks hidden in the woods and buried under leaf litter I thought I might be on it. The area is large and has a wide concrete street that encircles the entire town. This is by far one of the biggest discoveries of my re writing the books with e ery discovery here. This is my scratching ground when im on break from the spanish hunting. Already found the large clad cache, and a killer little jeweled box buried on the best find so far is an 1808 spanish 8 reale. Im almost certain that other treasure will be found here. There were no banks in the keys for many years after this town faded out. The people would have kept there valuables and cash savings hidden or buried....just the way it was in those days. In the end and when im gone from this earth I think people will remember this discovery as my most important !! Such an integral piece of keys history that is lost !! Im very proud of this discovery.

And they say today's music videos are kind of racy......Thinking.....:laughing7:

That's really cool Bart, finding and discovering the homeless drinker. Part of a rewriting/continuing the history as it's just forgotten many times. Certain folks have just the fever:

Oh, and Pepperj, thanks for cleaning up the earth from all of that!

I was on a new 50 acre purchase from an old permission. Another farmer was taking his final crop from the field and putting his bins away and asked what I was doing-I think I'm just cleaning up the field for XXXX.
He loves to rib the other farmer-I'm going to tell him you found gold..:laughing7:
But that lead into "You can detect on my property anytime you want Jim" 600 acres beside 300 acres is a nice walk about.
Cleaning one tire puncture up at a time-see something-don't say anything-except to the permission as many don't want anyone knowing their lands secrets.
Keep a low profile-that's what many like-I lost a 250 acre permission a year or so back. (But that's a whole different story)

Good Morning!
I looked out the window this morning to see a robin searching for worms. It makes me feel guilty for having a can of them in my frig for fishing.

Good Morning!
I looked out the window this morning to see a robin searching for worms. It makes me feel guilty for having a can of them in my frig for fishing.
Oh don't worry about that one. There's plenty to go around when it comes to worms.
Lifted a thick 4'x4' mat of thick cardboard yesterday. Worms are everywhere. So we walked down got our hen Pips, took her for a walk back to the spot. 40 Worms in only a few minutes. She snipes those Worms so fast, other chickens have no chance around her.

My old man eyes have not been able to locate one yet, but I can hear timber doodles peenting in the marshes at dusk. They don't usually nest here. I think they are probably just resting for the trip further north.

So I'm on my way home..something is in the road, red light flashing. As I drive over it (straddle) I guess flashlight. I figure by the time I cross the Chetco bridge, 1/4 mile long (don't ask how I know that) it will be gone. Nope! It is beat up and I can not turn it off. Channel locks and some oil fixes that. It slides open and has a bright LED light that can be adjusted. Also a red light and red flashing light. Very strong magnet on the end adjustable beam on the front. BRIGHT! Rechargeable.

IMG_8042 (2).webp

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Still looking for that perfect GT-500. But we had our (1st of the year) get together .Lots of different cars showed up as people are tired of being locked up for the last year,enjoy:)
A 1950s 'something' Nash w/ a Mopar 440 001.webp003.webp
008.webp A paddy wagon 1930s007.webp
013.webp A Factory Five 34 Ford.016.webp019.webp A 2021 Corvette020.webp014.webp And assorted odds & ends:)017.webp010.webp

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Good afternoon fellas.

Turkey season is this upcoming weekend, so of course my friends and I were preparing the properties for hunting. Mapped out, I walked over 20 miles in three days up and down the ridges because I had no ATV. I'm wiped out now.

Of course, we had some crazy and hilarious things happen along the way.

One day we pulled into the entrance to Johns long driveway, and found a truck we'd never seen before parked near a barn. John got out and approached the truck, looked inside, made some sort of gesture that nobody understood what he meant by it, and then knocked on the trucks window. A few seconds later, that truck all but did a donut and burnt rubber and got the hell out of there. John was in stitches, laughing and then we figured it out. I won't go into detail on exactly what he saw, but let's just say he caught two high schoolers - ones he personally knew - butt naked doing rather unconventional dirty deeds in the front seat. We were all laughing about that incident the whole trip. I can only imagine the awkward silence next time he sees those two in town again. I mean really, I would move to Canada if that ever happened to me, lol!

Last night, we went to the Scioto Ribber, a legendary steak house in Portsmouth Ohio known for it's fantastic steaks, ribs and pulled pork, and it's staff of attractive waitresses. Mike, a friend of mine, noticed me eyeballing this one waitress, so out of nowhere he clears his throat and says, "So Ethan, how was your birthday today?"

Everyone knows that the most mortifying thing is to have a restaurant staff sing happy birthday to you in front of dozens of people you don't even know. I dropped my fork on the plate, and gave him the Death Stare (not to be confused with the Death Star). He continued. "So you turn 19 today?" At that point I sprung out of the chair, pointed at him and said quietly, but firmly, "Don't you freakin' do it." I wrote down the sanitized version of what I said for the sake of forum rules. :laughing7: He started to softly sing "Happy Birthday" and at that point, I ducked under the tent wall and waited outside while everyone was howling back inside. (The tent was outside seating due to covid restrictions.).

All in all, we had some laughs, and now I'm just bone tired. Good times.

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