THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I helped my neighbor erect a post for a purple Martin house today. 24' post made out of two 2x6 laminated together with a 1x5 sandwiched between them. Put it up on a hill in front of the marsh. We dug down three and a half feet and hit water, so that's all the deeper we went. I hope this post does not slouch. There is a pulley at the top of the post, which will be attached to a winch so you can winch the Martin houses up and down. The houses need to be checked weekly in the spring to throw out any birds that ain't martins.

This is one of those "Oh boy, I hope this works!" type projects. Let's all hope the neighbor doesn't have to start chanting the ancient Buddhist mantra- "Ohhhh-S#!+..." He's gotta a lot invested so far. If I gotta climb up there for some reason, man it gives me the willies just thinking about it. :tard:

I saw purple martian's once.


Morning Tnet Crew.

Good morning RCT and crew

Good morning ARC, Rook, and to all the hammock loving folks that are out there.:hello:

Good morning.

Yesterday I was driving through town, when all of a sudden here here thumpthumpthumpthumpthump over and over again, so we pull over and inspect the car all around, finding nothing. We took off again, and the noise got worse, and the steering wheel began to quiver this time, so we pulled over again, and inspected the wheels. The culprit was the front left wheel o the car. My dad went to take the lug nuts off, and each one fell off into his hand. That woulda been bad if the whel came off. So we tightened them, and that solved the problem.

Good morning pirates and piratesses!

Rusty, close call. That could have been ugly.

Good morning.

Yesterday I was driving through town, when all of a sudden here here thumpthumpthumpthumpthump over and over again, so we pull over and inspect the car all around, finding nothing. We took off again, and the noise got worse, and the steering wheel began to quiver this time, so we pulled over again, and inspected the wheels. The culprit was the front left wheel o the car. My dad went to take the lug nuts off, and each one fell off into his hand. That woulda been bad if the whel came off. So we tightened them, and that solved the problem.

Morning Rusty

Close call for sure, it's never a good thing to loose a tire at any time.

Query has the tires been changed, or has a garage been doing work lately on brakes or a reason for tinkering with a tire? (wouldn't be the first time Bubba forgot to torque the nuts on correctly)
Most tire guys will say reinspect the tightness of all the lug nuts after a 100 miles. "Even though I tighten them today-they can back off again"
Remember steel expands/contracts with cold and heat.

Good morning pirates and piratesses!

Rusty, close call. That could have been ugly.

Good morning WD

Gee I was starting to think that the Easter Bunny kidnapped you and was holding you for an egg ransom.
Then again it might of been a case of you being retired now-result-so busy with everything that you wonder how you did it while you were working. :dontknow:
So now with the 5hrs of sleep eye-all the best to your fog brain today. :laughing7:

Good morning WD

Gee I was starting to think that the Easter Bunny kidnapped you and was holding you for an egg ransom.
Then again it might of been a case of you being retired now-result-so busy with everything that you wonder how you did it while you were working. :dontknow:
So now with the 5hrs of sleep eye-all the best to your fog brain today. :laughing7:

Good morning, Pepperj. Exactly ! When the heck did I have time to work? Well, I put in for another retirement as Mom’s taxi. Today is the last for that. (Doubt it) Monday was a triple play for me: Drs, dentist and a haircut. Tuesday was pharmacy, bmv, courthouse and groceries. Yesterday was a little detecting the shed area before I can’t. Ooh boy! Glad I did! I found about six rusty nails and an undetermined amount of fence pieces. LOL today is a dentist appointment for my should be daughter -in-law, present shopping and a birthday party for my granddaughter. All the while I am supposed to be taking it easy because my knee is all whopper jawed. On steroids, can’t sleep due to the headache they give me. Oh the dentist appointment for myself? You guys are gonna love this one. I lost a crown. It fell out on the floor. I found it, cleaned it, and stuck it back on with temporary stuff. The next day, I lost it again while eating. This time I swallowed it. Mr WD says, “Well, you have to find it again. That’s like $1,200.” I said, “I am not putting it back in my mouth now!”

We watched the movie version-good flick.

Good morning, Pepperj. Exactly ! When the heck did I have time to work? Well, I put in for another retirement as Mom’s taxi. Today is the last for that. (Doubt it) Monday was a triple play for me: Drs, dentist and a haircut. Tuesday was pharmacy, bmv, courthouse and groceries. Yesterday was a little detecting the shed area before I can’t. Ooh boy! Glad I did! I found about six rusty nails and an undetermined amount of fence pieces. LOL today is a dentist appointment for my should be daughter -in-law, present shopping and a birthday party for my granddaughter. All the while I am supposed to be taking it easy because my knee is all whopper jawed. On steroids, can’t sleep due to the headache they give me. Oh the dentist appointment for myself? You guys are gonna love this one. I lost a crown. It fell out on the floor. I found it, cleaned it, and stuck it back on with temporary stuff. The next day, I lost it again while eating. This time I swallowed it. Mr WD says, “Well, you have to find it again. That’s like $1,200.” I said, “I am not putting it back in my mouth now!”

Well it sounds like you're fitting/adapting well in your first week of retirement. :laughing7:

Now about that crown-it will be known as the "WD's golden nugget"
Well if you follow up on the Mr WD's statement-just bring to the dentist and say well here's that "$hitty crown" that fell off...........:dontknow::tongue3::icon_scratch::laughing7:................

Well for one... I am up at 4am or before... MOST days.. Today i actually slept in...

to 4:41 :P

Just because I'm not posting when you awake, doesn't mean I'm sleeping. My usual "awake" times is from 6am til about 2AM. That 'splain it any better? :dontknow:

Before you go back to the dentist scan it with your detector and see what it rings up. If it’s like one I had come out it’ll probably ring up around 17 or so on the MAX.

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