Good morning, Pepperj. Exactly ! When the heck did I have time to work? Well, I put in for another retirement as Mom’s taxi. Today is the last for that. (Doubt it) Monday was a triple play for me: Drs, dentist and a haircut. Tuesday was pharmacy, bmv, courthouse and groceries. Yesterday was a little detecting the shed area before I can’t. Ooh boy! Glad I did! I found about six rusty nails and an undetermined amount of fence pieces. LOL today is a dentist appointment for my should be daughter -in-law, present shopping and a birthday party for my granddaughter. All the while I am supposed to be taking it easy because my knee is all whopper jawed. On steroids, can’t sleep due to the headache they give me. Oh the dentist appointment for myself? You guys are gonna love this one. I lost a crown. It fell out on the floor. I found it, cleaned it, and stuck it back on with temporary stuff. The next day, I lost it again while eating. This time I swallowed it. Mr WD says, “Well, you have to find it again. That’s like $1,200.” I said, “I am not putting it back in my mouth now!”