THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Got it... I will NOT respond when I don't need to... oops sorry, here I go again...

doh.webp is a RCT chat. Soooo....I'd like to pose a question of any here who can shed any light.

I'm looking for people who have gone from an AT-Pro to an AT-Max.

Things I want to know:
1. Is it much heavier?
2. What is gained by the upgrade?
3. Has it been worth the effort?
4. How does the extra things running on the batteries fair regarding battery life?
5. Does the transmitting of the signal to the headphones ever get in the way?

Feel free to add any and all comments as I'm seriously thinking about making the change.

Thank you folks!

Happy Easter!

Purdy sure they are about the same weight but the Max has gain. The pro does not.


I don't do farm/field hunts, however, a hardcore farm hunter says he uses the Union Jack approach when test hunting a field.

In other words he'll do a diagonal sweep from the Northwest corner to the Southeast corner. Then go up to the Southwest corner and go diagonally to the Northeast corner.

He's hoping to get a good cross section of what is available in the field and looking for hot spots at the same time. Hopefully that's of some help.

Waking up to Florida Gov DeSantis informing us that a leaking phosphate waste pool in Manatee county will aid night fisherman in Tampa Bay as the fish will now glow in the dark.
well,those warm waters are home to Manatees that live there....not good for anything if its as bad as they say...

Thanks guys. But I'm not trying to start another type of "roll call". I appreciate that someone is "listening" and taking time out of their day to let me know. But, I don't need info from anyone who's never used them. LOL.

Turn the volume up WIF-30 second mark says it all.


Parting is such sweet sorrow, goodnight....'til 'tis 'morrow.

Good Morning TreasureNet Ship.

Easter all!

Brace yourselves , it's story time!

At a time in my youth , Easter meant a ham.
Not just any ham. "The" ham.
When half a hog went in the freezer there were two. With one being a shoulder. Not that one. Rather ,the "real" one.
I wouldn't see it go in the oven. It's skin and most of the fats depth crosshatched into a diamond pattern and many of those diamonds hosting a clove stuck in it's center. (Don't eat the cloves , they can be toxic.)
Those diamonds after the ham was cooked were a treat better than any Easter candy. Yummm.
I'd be a child again to taste one today.....

The ham sat there while I was brought to Church and it was unattended. But I knew it was there.
Didn't it need constant tending? An occasional peek , or basting or something? What if the stove quit working? What if the ham got dry? Or perish the thought , burned?
Yet there it was on our return. Perfect.
There may have been a lesson in faith there somewhere.... L.o.l..

One particular Easter while a war raged in S.E. Asia and us being raised mature and conscious kids (expected to end up in a war, so grow up!) , we were brought to Church as usual.
Being Easter it was packed. I had no qualms about sitting in the "crier" (kind of an atrium where folks with crying babies could be out of the main mass) to accommodate the huddled masses in the main area.
I'd seen enough of the Church (a structure , I'd not adopted the idea that a Church is it's people quite yet) and the pastors , to know what I was missing.
And besides , rather than sit in crowded coach with the freshly scrubbed ,upright and attentive lest brimstone await crowd , here I could relax (out of range of a pastors stern glance should I slouch or not pay attention) and stretch my legs out in front of me.

The music was always good. A great organ and player helped. Being there was a war going on, I always thrilled to the intro on the organ to Onward Christian Soldiers. Another connection made in my youthful way , though I was aware of the spirit of being evangelical as well.

Meanwhile I must have been thinking about ham. Or just awaiting the cue to stand for a tune from the organ and must have relaxed a little too much. My eyelids may have drooped slightly and my normally attentive ears were not on guard for the slightest sound.
A bustling usher raced by in his part of passing the offering plates or something....And tripped over my well extended feet...
I may have noted an unexpected whiff of brimstone following the poor guys look. Had I a ticket to heaven in my hand , he might have contested it.

The Easter ham was as ever , perfect.

Nice story....I have some similar memories....are ham was a spiral cut masterpiece yesterday !! I had a very nice Easter with the family. Everyone got to pass my coin around and try it on. I got to relate my treasure tale many times !!

This is Bull!

I still can't get scheduled for my dammed license! I diligently check the website every day, sometimes up to five times a day, and NO openings are available even past April 16th! They only test drivers every Thursaday and Friday from 8:00 to 9:00! This is ridiculous. If demand for tests is THAT high that every appointment is booked an hour after the site updates then OPEN UP MORE BOOKINGS! Do it for more than two hours for two days out of the week!

Spring and summer is rolling around, and every kid in the county is getting his license so he can take his girl to Grayson Lake. I'm not doing that, I need a licence so I can take my father up to his terminally ill uncles funeral!

This is Bull!

I still can't get scheduled for my dammed license! I diligently check the website every day, sometimes up to five times a day, and NO openings are available even past April 16th! They only test drivers every Thursaday and Friday from 8:00 to 9:00! This is ridiculous. If demand for tests is THAT high that every appointment is booked an hour after the site updates then OPEN UP MORE BOOKINGS! Do it for more than two hours for two days out of the week!

Spring and summer is rolling around, and every kid in the county is getting his license so he can take his girl to Grayson Lake. I'm not doing that, I need a licence so I can take my father up to his terminally ill uncles funeral!

That really sucks Rusty-no matter what one's situation is in life and how important it is to the individual the next person's need is just important is just or more to them.
Thinking back to the my youth of importance ranking, I must say driving up to the lake tops it-just saying the brains aren't always where they should be.:laughing7:

I had a Class AZ-didn't have any need to retain the status so I decided to just keep the DZ which allows me to drive dump/cement/roll off trucks without a trailer that are air equipped. So I got notice in Nov./19 to get the renew-medical before April /20.
Due to the COVID everything was suspended-so my licence is invalid-but it's still valid because of no interaction with medical/office/officers writing up expired anything. So here we are in 2021 and I have been waiting now for 13 months for a simple medical exam to renew a licence.
The world is really kind of screwed up - and it will take awhile to get all sorted out.....(If it ever does) Day 2 in lockdown once again for the province of Ontario.
Not looking good either as the ICU ranking for max'd out is high 300's today with the new admissions of young folks 19-39 yrs old stands at 467 in the ICUs. So the system is bursting with the new variant.....
Back to hermit living once again.

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This is Bull!

I still can't get scheduled for my dammed license! I diligently check the website every day, sometimes up to five times a day, and NO openings are available even past April 16th! They only test drivers every Thursaday and Friday from 8:00 to 9:00! This is ridiculous. If demand for tests is THAT high that every appointment is booked an hour after the site updates then OPEN UP MORE BOOKINGS! Do it for more than two hours for two days out of the week!

Spring and summer is rolling around, and every kid in the county is getting his license so he can take his girl to Grayson Lake. I'm not doing that, I need a licence so I can take my father up to his terminally ill uncles funeral!

Welcome to bureaucracy. You'll encounter it again. And again.
If your last name starts with a J , then you have an ally that has been trying to bring attention to the slow process. I won't post the article so not to post names.
And the crap method of trying to get an appointment online was well covered.

Your state representative would be next. Then the governor.
Not so much to expect a quick result , but to suggest the Sec. of State be accountable. It claims it's all up and running for drivers tests and did not explain the backlog.

Here's what one place said to contact with concerns about scheduling.
I'd try it. Nothing to lose if they can't help but some time. It's either smoke being blown , or the public affairs office sincerely trying to help.
Be like me and polite as you can be. (More so if aggravated.) It can really help folks who are used to riled up contacts from upset people and have to deal with them all day for a living. I've been thanking folks for thier time and efforts more lately even if they can't help in a timely fashion ,or help at all , and I say we'll get through this. You'd be surprised at the contacts that return being nice in return.
Some actually appreciate the civility.
The S.O.S. gal I talked with was kind enough to send me a parking placard based on my having a disabled plate on the other truck. She probably didn't have to. But was not told she had to either. Just a pleasant fellow citizen calling , trying to get things squared up on the other end of the phone.

[Citizens who have questions or concerns regarding a scheduled appointment are encouraged to contact KSP via, the account is monitored Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. — 4:30 p.m."

Sgt. Billy Gregory

Kentucky State Police

Commander, Public Affairs]

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