THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

GMorn, my wrestling mini me was a little too aggressive yesterday. First match, DQ loss, illegal throw....than pinned second guy in about 45 seconds.... so made the bottom bracket, the wrestle back bracket...third match, arm drag-head lock-hip toss——DQ, apparently you can’t pick up your opponent and slam dunk unless he has one foot on the mat when doing so. Is 3rd grade too early to start UFC training?
OV that’s the club I want to join. I use to watch the Buzzard on Sunday mornings growing up. Gold prospectors of America. I got a membership one year for x-mas, never went. I think that organization is old news nowadays. Let’s see some west coast gold.
I think I’ll go find an arrowhead today. Have a relaxing kind of day!

p.s. snow forecast for Monday night, Tuesday......

Sounds like a future State Wrestling Champion.

Well we decided on who was the designated Rooster out of the three. Bubbles is the winner and being the biggest and what seems the alpha he's now the hen's new daddy.
I had to put a line of chicken wire for the fliers in the group. Seem to like the one corner into the driveway so hopefully it will deter them now. Drilled a hole in the sugar maple and the sap is a flowing out, chickens were lined up for a little taste. So we put a couple of yogurt containers down to catch, for their drinking pleasure.
Well I'm going for a walk along the creek from the mill pond to the dam-see if I can see something in the low water.

MMMMmmmmm mmmmmmm .... fresh maple syrup is the best!

Blak bart,
Yes, Don Jose was as fantastic character. In his life he experienced a roller coaster of situations and emotions: war, police work, loss of his wife, treasure hunting, writer, teller of tales and just a great guy to chat with online; as if he were sitting next to you. We both got on TNet about the same time (2004). He is missed by many.
It's sad to loose online friends. May he rest in peace.

Went for a creek walk today, first time that I actually looked in the water for stuff.
Found a green 1959 pop bottle. Some old glass, bits and pieces of old glass.
Actually looking for points-pointless still.
Water was stinging to the fingers, but it was sort of a spring thing to do-so I did it.
Once they release water it's a torrent going down the creek. Not much snow left, and the water isn't close yet going over so it might be a drought year again.
Mill pond this year-getting the kayak in there and doing some exploring.

Gosh! You live in a beautiful place!

Hang on, ARC. I am still trying to think of a comeback for Bill's Lady Godiva crack. :sign10:

LOL! I wish I knew what you really looked like to see the covid cootie rum dance. :laughing9: The description reminded me of a scene from Pirates of The Caribbean and I have been trying to find the clip. So, yes, you made me crack a smile.


Capt I didn't know that you have a crystal ball and you can see WD on Friday PM at the retirement rum jig. :occasion14:
This is an amazing future realistic event-saved to the Fav. spot on the hard drive I might add. :headbang:

Morning WD
Wow the clock is ticking down the hours almost now......Just think the thumping headache will be just about subsided this time next week. (oh I won't want to be you Sat.morning-after Friday night rum party):tongue3:
Showed off the "She-Shed" to the Mrs the other night and she said: "Nice-I like the siding!":icon_thumright::icon_thumleft:
I always go on her having a good eye when it comes to looks of something.

Tell her, "Thank You." I was given a choice and picked that one, then picked the three shades, then ordered 25 12ft boards of each color. We spent most of the evenings last week putting finish on them, since they are technically not for outside use. The pattern plan was my thinking: 3 colors, 3 different lengths, hodge podged together. As with all of our projects, there were intense moments, but it worked out and we're still talking to one another. :laughing7: Repeated the pattern on the other end. It went a lot faster and smoother. Started the back last night, sizes have to be different and switched the order of 2 of the colors. The front will get whatever is left over. I will post a pick of the "blue print" on the gifs thread. The inside is looking pretty cool, natural knotty pine. One side will have a counter to work at and the other side we are going to put my 1935 Magic Chef Stove. If I can figure out the BTU's, Mr BuckIdgr said he would try to get it working with a propane tank attached. It's not going to get done by the deadline and at this point, we're only going to be able to work in the evenings. Fishing season is officially on. :fish:

Gosh! You live in a beautiful place!

Yesterday I was walking up through the icy cold waters in the neoprene -50 boots, feeling a little bit of coolness on the feet even.
But what really struck me is walking up a cut that was used by the Indigenous for 10,000yrs (Written history of the area) and still hearing my Rooster crow.
Kind of grounded me for an hour and really appreciated the beauty of spring and the proximity of the nature in my back yard.

Capt I didn't know that you have a crystal ball and you can see WD on Friday PM at the retirement rum jig. :occasion14:
This is an amazing future realistic event-saved to the Fav. spot on the hard drive I might add. :headbang:

Odds fish? Cap posted a gif? Not just any ole gif, but our favorite one. Oh Tom, Tom, why did you get yourself banned? Well, rook, looks like you get the honors here.
Go ahead on 3.
1, 2, 3....

PS: Pepper, these guys put a spy cam on me as soon as I boarded the first RCT. Bloody Pirates!

Hang on, ARC. I am still trying to think of a comeback for Bill's Lady Godiva crack. :sign10:

Nevermind, milady. Tis just a knave's wishful thinking.


OMG! Are you really a Truman?

Yep. See what you missed when you went AWOL? I think rook has the main feed. It's not so bad. They haven't posted anything.... well, wait, there was that one time. Oh crap! I forgot about that one. :censored:

Welp, I have to go do some prep work in the barn. You all have a great day!

Ever feel like this?


GMorn everbody, The quail have landed. The cat seems preoccupied now, a white goose scared him away from the ducks, I might have to get some fighting birds to whip him ascared of the covey... Have nice day

A small word of caution, milady. Its necessary for me to go out of town for this evening.


But....fear not! One of my friends says he will keep an eye on one who looks like Lady Godiva.


Be safe...Milady.

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