THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Thanks very much for your thoughts regarding the Somero opportunity Jim, Bill and Bart... onto the next interview. :laughing7:

They probably found out your pirate heritage and that you take detectors out for walks, digging up pulltabs. Embarassing......for their dainty sensibilities. :tongue3:

Their loss!!

Geezy Pete’s! Looks like one could be decapitated.

Wouldn't care for my hindquarters to be hanging that close to the asphalt at those speeds!

On the menu tonight.......Saute chicken tenderloins,(in Rum) 003.webp with Broc,mushrooms over wild rice thingy .Quick,easy,and not too bad :)004.webp005.webp
De glaze and reduce Rum in pan & add to meal for a easy clean up > 001.webp

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Black Bart, have you got a scale that measures in grains?

26.8 grams is about 1/15 gram too heavy for a .900 fine Spanish dollar. I had to look it up, but I did recall that the U.S dollar is based on the weight of a Spanish dollar. According to The Coinage Act of 1792-

"the money of account of the United States shall be expressed in dollars or units … of the value [mass or weight] of a Spanish milled dollar as the same is now current, and to contain three hundred and seventy-one grains and four sixteenth parts of a grain of pure … silver.

Well, 26.8 grams is 413.6 grains, times 90% works out to 372.25 grains. Should come out to 371.25

Your scale is off or the coin was made a hair over specifications. Maybe that's how they did it? :dontknow:

Better a grain heavy than for the Spainards to lose credibility, I guess.


Given the way companies tend to treat employees or potential employees as just another commodity, I'd seriously consider going into a trade of some sort or set up my own company if I were starting out today.

That way you're not at the mercy of the powers that be. Just my 2 cents for what it's worth.

I did some homework on Somero...
I'm not one for burning bridges in industrial/or jobs in general. That's led to being rehired repeatedly. And jobs I wasn't interviewed for vs companies.
Tempting sometimes to get annoyed though.
I half joke when writing that you should bill (through a legal letter) Somero for a years wages and benefit value as severance pay....
After all they wouldn't screw a customer that way , or tolerate an employee doing so.

They could be testing you for your reaction . But more likely they are moving/actioned by a wobbly committee.
Thier P.R. seems disjointed. But then, I'm a picky , sometimes too critical reader of formal stuff.

Onward. Next!
We'll see if you let Generac have a shot at your talent and allow them your involvement.

Antiquarian, I know people that worked in Generac's shop in WI and they had good things to say about it. I don't know anything about the white collar end, but I do know that you don't get a happy shop without happy suits directing things. Best wishes.


Given the way companies tend to treat employees or potential employees as just another commodity, I'd seriously consider going into a trade of some sort or set up my own company if I were starting out today.

That way you're not at the mercy of the powers that be. Just my 2 cents for what it's worth.

Your logic is sound Uncle.
Per my hindsight of drone like crawling into the same traces to hear the crack of the whip yet again.
Same traces, Different whip holders is all.

G night T-nettians.



Given the way companies tend to treat employees or potential employees as just another commodity, I'd seriously consider going into a trade of some sort or set up my own company if I were starting out today.

That way you're not at the mercy of the powers that be. Just my 2 cents for what it's worth.

Could try the ploy I used throughout my career. I was fortunate enough to be what would pass as an expert in my field. And...the field happened to be a *very* narrow one!

When one company decided they thought they no longer needed my services,(sic...the expense of me), I simply went to work for another company. The key? I went to work for a direct competitor of the original employer. And worked overtime to make my current employer better than the last. Taking business away from them. :angel12:

They became less and less eager to lose a competitor. LOL

Black Bart, have you got a scale that measures in grains?

26.8 grams is about 1/15 gram too heavy for a .900 fine Spanish dollar. I had to look it up, but I did recall that the U.S dollar is based on the weight of a Spanish dollar. According to The Coinage Act of 1792-

Well, 26.8 grams is 413.6 grains, times 90% works out to 372.25 grains. Should come out to 371.25

Your scale is off or the coin was made a hair over specifications. Maybe that's how they did it? :dontknow:

Better a grain heavy than for the Spainards to lose credibility, I guess.

Actually an once=28.3495 grams (For some odd reason I now that one):laughing7:
437.5008238x90%=393.75074142 grains

Barts works out to be 372.229488

I'd look for employment of something. Get hired and be promised the ladder of being the CEO one day. Well many times there would be a raise thrown in just after starting and folks would whine the blues.
I remember Tony-he came up to me and was pointing at his pay stub-"Look Jimmy, look at what they gave me, 25cents! 40years I give them everything-look at those cheap :BangHead:.
Yup I remember that like today, because I looked at my stub just before Tony's rant and I was making 50 cents an hour more than that man after his raise.
I walked out he door that very day-no sense climbing up that slippery ladder.


Good plan when I got my early buyout/bridge I had to agree not to go to the competition or sign a non compete contract.

I gave them my word so they passed on the non compete contract. Mind you I got 2/3 of my salary for 39 months prior to going on pension.

Not a bad deal and after almost 35 years of playing the game; it was time to pass the torch to the young bucks anyway.

Could try the ploy I used throughout my career. I was fortunate enough to be what would pass as an expert in my field. And...the field happened to be a *very* narrow one!

When one company decided they thought they no longer needed my services,(sic...the expense of me), I simply went to work for another company. The key? I went to work for a direct competitor of the original employer. And worked overtime to make my current employer better than the last. Taking business away from them. :angel12:

They became less and less eager to lose a competitor. LOL

I consider all you good folks on here to be my friends, so I want to share a letter with you that I received this past week. :sadsmiley:

Tuesday February 16, 2021

Dear David,

We regret to inform you that we are withdrawing our offer of employment to you for the Somero North ULC Territory Manager role as we have decided to make a change in our business strategy with regards to sales in Canada. As such, we will not be making any direct hires within Canada at this time.

We appreciate the time you have invested in pursuing this opportunity with us and wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Kindest regards,

Jennifer Oliver
Director of Legal Services & Corp Affairs
Mgr Human Resources & Investor Relations

This letter came out-of-nowhere two weeks after the job was offered and I accepted.
What I would like to know is... how can a company that you interview with in good faith for 2 months do this to somebody? :icon_scratch:

The week did end on a positive note though, yesterday I received an email from Generac Power Systems asking me to re-interview for the position of Market Development Manager - Canada.
If you recall, I had two interviews for this position back in October, but I never heard anything after that.
They should compensate you for the period of time you were led to believe you were hired and had ceased looking for employment based on their stating you were hired.


Good plan when I got my early buyout/bridge I had to agree not to go to the competition or sign a non compete contract.

I gave them my word so they passed on the non compete contract. Mind you I got 2/3 of my salary for 39 months prior to going on pension.

Not a bad deal and after almost 35 years of playing the game; it was time to pass the torch to the young bucks anyway.

They tried that on me too. I told them, If the quit me, I'm a free agent. Dont want that? I'll go talk to them now. I wouldn't sign my freedom away to nobody. Spent a lot of time between. But, I augmented that with going independent, with independent rates....set by!

I've done well enough, never looked to be "rich" so I was one up on 'em. :)

I've been perfectly comfortable. Its just that my comfort level requires a *whole* lot less than most.

My biggest problem? Depression and let me tell you, there is no amount of money that can help that...gotta be fought from the inside out!

A simple walk, a few finds, decent eats, a roof....I am perfectly comfortable. On the outside anyway.

That is really neat pendant. Did it get out of round when ship wreck or in the recovery or all the above? If have the time tell about finding it. I like squash blossoms from south west too.
I watched a guy on utube explain and fire noon cannon. He used a “black cat firecracker” and than the mag glass lit the fuse, pow. I want one.
There is like 10 other questions I have but baby cannons have taken over. I started a lost wax casting class a year ago and went to one and than the virus stopped it. I’m going to call and get back on track this next week! pendant is my good luck charm !! I ware it everyday, its a full size cobb 8 reale !! Thats its original shape !! That irregular style of coinage is called a cobb coin. They can range in shape from almost round to pretty square. No 2 were ever alike, they are very collectable and can range in price from less than 100$ to at least tens of thousands!! They are hard to find because they are pretty old. They stopped making them in 1733.

Can we guess what kind of steak I'm having??

IMG_7752 (2).webp

A tasty lookin one !!

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