Thanks! But, like I've said...back the *real* world.
You're doing just fine.
Same world.
We take what comes on a hunt.
I can recall some years back jumping around multiple sites with a new doin great setting from a prior hunt , and ending the day with two modern cents.
Was not the sites cause. Or the cents. Or the settings.
Might have been the life form swinging the detector...But it was a two cent day regardless.
Obviously should have framed them and put them on the wall! L.o.l..
I was careful in trying not to insult the hunt , lest I get skunked on a future hunt.
Can still recall my oldest silver and not molesting it by rubbing what ever it was and slipping it into a padded pill bottle discreetly to check out later.
Did continue to detect the immediate area well enough to not regret it later. But it was just one of those trashy spots others had not dug that tiny peep on a tiny spot , and the other items the coin was in tight with that spoke louder than the coin.
It was just what turned up on a site that has produced for others over many years.
Age appropriate to locale , and history of locale seeing old coin.
Which is not as old as Bart's site. But is what it is.
I also recovered a watch's guts where a backhoe dug a drain. Old enough to perhaps be related to why I was there.
Would like to have found the case....
A silver one was recovered (by someone else prior) from an area with fairly dense trees six inches +_ in diameter that were not there during the time period I was hunting.
Making for a deep layer of time. And dicey with my detector...
But hey , we take em as they come. For what they are , and for what exists where we are hunting.