THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Morning every "one" of you AARC! And the rest of my shipmates when once you roll in.

Morning AARC, Pete, and all that will be.

Morning folks.

Morning so far to AARC Pete Pepper

Good morning to the whole crew.

Morning bill

Morning peeps.

To infinity! And beyond! Remember? :dontknow:

Mornin all!
Whew on the snow shoveling.
Can't say I'm bored....

Rusty , if you see your age as a detriment , others will too.
You project an insecurity or similar , it'll get picked up on.

Paperwork. Computer work. If it is an area you dislike , keep in mind , you do what you don't like in order to do what you do like.
I've long done the hardest work first. Allowing ease doing the rest.

I applied for a position in an industry where they had a job below my (meager) skill set.
When personnel asked why I'd consider such a position I said , I want to get my foot in the door as I'm looking to work here. One way or another. If you won't offer me a door , I'll settle for a window.
Shortly after they offered me a job more suited to my experience. I might have been better off never working there....But hey , I wanted to.

You get a foot in the door with the R.R. or a very closely related field you begin gaining knowledge ,experience, and longer whiskers in the/a field.
Keep networking like you are. But get your face involved in meeting other related people too.
Know your and thier subject(s). Thier missions and histories.
That tells your interest is sincere.

Here's another tune us kids sang in school.
You might not want to sing it going in and out of interviews though..

I was contemplating my Grandfather the other day.
I never knew him to live where he didn't have a short walk to a rail line.
His last home it was in the back yard.
He rode the rails (and maybe the "rods" too) during the depression hustling work. Part of that culture and it's habits never left him. Including the language.


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Therein lies the problem. I am good at my school work, but the act of sitting down and doing paperwork drives me insane. I don't think I would last long at any kind of job that requires that.

Granted, when I am a conductor, I will be sitting down doing some paperwork, but I'll be in a moving locomotive going across the country while doing so. Before and after that, I'll be very physically active inspecting the train, coupling air hoses, and walking up to two miles either way to make sure the train is in good order. I just can't bear the thought of sitting in an office.

A simple advice. Use what you will and just throw the rest of it away.

Be *VERY* careful, of what you *TELL* yourself you can't do!
Sometimes you actually convince yourself and cause yourself *much* harm.

That's it.

When I was trying for my first job, an eon ago, I tried to argue. "If you won't give me a job, how will I ever *HAVE* any experience to get one!?!?"

I was told, "That's *not* my problem. That's the problem of *ALL* new job seekers. Once they figure out that problem...they'll be ready to be hired."

Good luck on your beginning of adulthood.

Just cleaned up plowing this mornings snow. I set the trip on the truck and it takes 4 miles to do all the plowing.
No wonder I like the truck instead of the ATV/snow blower/Tractor......
Windy as heck out there, limbs raining down on the trails and in the yard. Must be a front pushing through again.

Well I better get the rest of the orders scratched of the honey due list...... Simple tasks, more gopher than anything.

Have to get a few things for the next stage of painting in the house.
Note to all: Renovations are great if one doesn't live in the house while one is trying to accomplish the task at hand.
It sucks big time, and we should of just bit the bullet, and moved out-but the but list outweighed common sense. Oh well-:dontknow:

Have not made it shoveling to the truck yet.
Another day or two....?

I got tired of sitting inside and decided I would go out to the creek and see if I could spot a point or something... that didn't last long. Cold and gloves that aren't waterproof don't mix well.
I did end up bringing a couple buckets partially full of rocks back to the house so I'll see if I can pick out some debitage or something. The guy who owns the land about 200-300 yards away from where I was looking says his son used to find pieces of flint and broken points out there so I'm very hopeful something will turn up eventually. I think it would be pretty neat to find an artifact several hundred or even thousands of years old in my back yard ya know?

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I apologize for the gunk on the 1992 Seattle World's Fair Token. I am confident you will know how to clean it off. :hello:

Say what....where is it....I don't see a world's fair token ??

On the menu tonight Greek style shrimp, a side of rice and shortly I'll be whipping up a salad with artichokes, clementines and some black olives to compliment the main dish.

I might be in the cold north but I can still eat mediterranean style.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:


Arthur Christopher Orme Plummer R.I.P :sadsanta:


Yep a real class guy and a great actor.


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Good afternoon folks it been so nice today we’ve been outdoors with Sadie. See y’all in the AM

Just received another book this time on making vinegar. I figure with all the brewing and fermenting I do might as well add another option to the list.

Ok you ordered this book-When a while ago I offered you cook books-which probably includes anything and everything on most topics.
Now I feel like going and looking through the 900 books to see if this one was there.:laughing7: (Just kidding on the feel like it)

Any one 'round here know anyone in Hollywood? Local motel right.... literally.... right on the beach a film crew rented 40 rooms for 2 weeks. There are being VERY quite. Small town I guess long range lens? We have some of the most beautiful wilderness in the USA. 957,590 acres.
There is also an animal wrangler going to be there. Hmmmm. Zion pictures we think.

Well being sneaky I drove the Firebird around the parking lot ( I know the management) and what do you know....A guy asked about the's nothing fancy but still... and we struck up a conversation. He happens to be a cameraman. Movie is called 65. He said I'm not allowed to say anything else. Hmmmmm. So, the only reason to be filming in this small town is the gorgeous wilderness, or the stunning coast line. I guess I will have to "hope" I see them filming something? :icon_scratch: And try to figure out the movie plot.

Oh I know what ya wife said there was treasure at the brewery!!

Wooo hooo treasure from the RCT crew.....arrrrgh...much obliged WD !! Im buying the rum punch !! I will send my pirate son down to pick it up tomorrow.....I have to fish. Can't wait to see it. Is mr WD still here ??

Wooo hooo treasure from the RCT crew.....arrrrgh...much obliged WD !! Im buying the rum punch !! I will send my pirate son down to pick it up tomorrow.....I have to fish. Can't wait to see it. Is mr WD still here ??

Yes. They have a charter trip for tomorrow.

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