Is that the same banner, some one (who shall remain nameless)...ARC, keeps unfurling and I fall into the water from![]()
Hi there boatlode, they miss ya if you take their rum with ya
Hi ya MsBeeps! I wouldn't dare try that with this crowd, they would hunt me down and keel haul me. Or make me walk the plank. Or maroon me.
Nobody ever misses me. Even my dog doesn't miss me.
I like bull riding. But only to watch, you couldn't pay me to get on one of them.
Tonight on the menu tuna patties with a salad on the side with home made dressing. Trying to liquidate some pantry items.
We went a bit heavy on building up our reserves early in the pandemic time to start rotating what we have and replenish with new stuff.
The moths wiped my pantry out. I’m going to start over with plastic containers .