THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I just looked at the Tnet site stats... heh

And the old RCT is still #1 hottest thread :/... go figure. lol

The mrs said one time to me: (sorry if you have heard this one before-but it's worth repeating) When you get that old persons disease I'll go bury your finds in the field so you can dig them up and you'll never know the difference. Now that's what I call :love4:.
Now it'll be great if all the old RCTs stay in the history-then I can go back and figure who I was.............:laughing7:

Good evening all! cough, sputter, hack...whew! Thanks WD, had to follow the sound of your voice, its dark out there.

Pepper leave a trail of rum kegs and a rope so you can find your way back to this ship!

Belated Happy Birthday Bill.
And belated happy... locked in the house together anniversary WD!

Welcome to the ship, IH, PP, Sphillips, SW!
Hope I got you all.


So the locked thread is still getting lots of views which keeps it at the top. You get top marks for having the most views ever of the Tnet site courtesy of your threads.

You should get paid royalties or free kegs of rum....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

I just looked at the Tnet site stats... heh

And the old RCT is still #1 hottest thread :/... go figure. lol

Good evening Bill. I had rum cake for ya, but some body ate it. If we light a match we may find out who!

#-1...hmmm??? ARC, maybe it was all those selfies you posted :icon_scratch::laughing7:

Found my Very first guitar on line,the exact one :) Only it went for $150.00 back then
I had one of those single coil Gibson Melody Makers in my first band in 1965.
Played it through a rhino blue skin Supro amp. Traded both for another guitar and amp, who knew both would be worth much in the future.
That is why NOW, I keep all my guitars, several from the early '70's.

Now about this invisible thing... Some one teach me how to do :icon_scratch::smileinbox:

Hello Msbeep! :hello2:

ok to be invisible:

at the top right of your screen choose “settings.”

then on the left side of the screen under “my account “ then under “my settings “ choose “general settings.” The “invisible mode” option is the first choice.

of course, if you are catching up on the likes, we will see you any way. Lol

Who are they? I'm itching for the taste of blood.

I’m not sure, but I think at first he went by the screen name of a washed up race car driver. Something like???
Oh yeah I remember, Jeff-gordon. Then he changed his name to a washed up quarterback, Peyton Manning.

WHADIFIND's way sound easier. Last time I accidentally touched the settings, it took me two days to get back on the ship! And I still don't know how I did it...mods may waved a magic wand. Idk.

WD i will write all that down and study it, and on a day I'm feeling brave I will attempt it.

Most of the time I just fall off the ship, that works too.
:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: of course I can't look & like busy fighting off hungry snackers.

Only the clothes knows! :happy3:

The complaint department must have heard me. We are watching the game and Ohio state is getting their butt kicked.

I am off to find the wizard! ...and the charger for the tablet...and ZZZzzzz ... ...snore...drool..

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