THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

D.C. Capitol has been breached: One woman shot, condition unknown. Senate floor taken over. Unknown situation at the time.

My friend and the man who helped me find my first bullet is there. I wonder how he's faring. Congressman Massie is there as well. I hope he has the brains enough to get behind the democrats in the room. :laughing7:

I'd be headed out of D.C. about now if I was a protester of any stripe.
Speculation of course, and partially induced by a Civil war event , but I'm envisioning a pincer movement. L.E.O.'s are staged already. Put the national guard on the other side.
Multiple other forces/departments like border patrol and F.B.I. for example can then catch anything squirting out the ends of the pincers.
Only needs coordination.... And lots of wire tie handcuffs after.

Overdone in my opinion.
I've no objection to objections.
But as much as I'm a kind of tiny boss of my representative as far as my being able to communicate , I'm not going in thier office uninvited.
Even the office of a rep I disagree with.

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I've an Otto Bock C-leg he has likely run. Quite a device.
Above the knee amputations require about 200% more effort to swing/work.
Modified or complete hip disarticulations require throwing the pelvis to swing a prosthetic. That often means using a cane. Now you've tied up a hand.
Good luck toting a bale or bag of feed. L.o.l..

I was researching prosthetics early on after my amputation.
While there is an art and science as to when to fit one , among farmers it seemed vital to get them on as soon as possible. Or...They were often found to be "in the way" as adaptation without them had already begun.

There is and can be both real , and "Phantom" pain. Both are interesting topics. Nerves can do strange things after being severed. But the illusion of a limb existing that isn't and by associated pain or other feeling I find more interesting.
Our minds/brains are constantly sending out signals (lets say like our detectors) and the returned input signal data is used.
When a limb is removed the brain is not getting return signal(s) , but normal function requires a baseline to measure with /from. So, the brain repeats the last received signal. That can mean feeling a broken limb. Or burning limb. Or whatever signal the brain substitutes as a baseline/feedback for the blank static it is receiving when it asks a part of the body , what's going on , how you doin?

Long time ago a guy (sorry I forget whom and am being too lazy to look it up) took "photo's" of peoples auras/energy fields around thier bodies.
Some amputees showed no limb where one was missing. Others showed a limb where one was missing.
My question would be , which of them had phantom pain?

Phantom pain, nerves mixed up, the brain still believes its there, can wiggle it up and down, but it not there.
Yup know all about it, live with it everyday and have going on 45yrs this year RC.

I made a homemade bomb at work one day, and it went off in my hands. Took 60% of the right one apart, the thumb, index and the middle.
They saved the thumb and the middle using the index as parts and after 15 reconstruction surgeries it works.
It gets cold, many little things I can't do that frustrate me to no end. Like doing up a cuff button on the left sleeve, if I don't get the first go, the fingers get all tied up thinking their another part.
So I give up right there and then because if I keep trying the nerves go spastic and then it takes hrs to settle the feeling away.
But over all it beats not having a mitt there at all.
Strange how one event can change the course of one's life.

Phantom pain, nerves mixed up, the brain still believes its there, can wiggle it up and down, but it not there.
Yup know all about it, live with it everyday and have going on 45yrs this year RC.

I made a homemade bomb at work one day, and it went off in my hands. Took 60% of the right one apart, the thumb, index and the middle.
They saved the thumb and the middle using the index as parts and after 15 reconstruction surgeries it works.
It gets cold, many little things I can't do that frustrate me to no end. Like doing up a cuff button on the left sleeve, if I don't get the first go, the fingers get all tied up thinking their another part.
So I give up right there and then because if I keep trying the nerves go spastic and then it takes hrs to settle the feeling away.
But over all it beats not having a mitt there at all.
Strange how one event can change the course of one's life.

We adapt. Best we can.

Funny feeling thinking it's there when it's not while on the way to the ground.
Should be a retained lesson there , somewhere , eventually. L.o.l..

We adapt. Best we can.

Funny feeling thinking it's there when it's not while on the way to the ground.
Should be a retained lesson there , somewhere , eventually. L.o.l..
Miss the snot picker myself.:laughing7:
I would flip the bird at someone, and they'd look up into the sky.
I go what? :dontknow:
Then one day I flipped the bird at the reflection in the mirror.
Light bulb went on moment.
It looked like I was pointing to the sky.
Modifications were taken, I used my ring finger instead.
Tried it out, and it worked quite well as I recall.
Got a knuckle sandwich in a quick response.:laughing7:
Ya we adapt, sometimes the hard way.

Good morning all :coffee2:

Morning Anti.

Morning ARC... interesting day at the US Capitol yesterday. :icon_scratch:

Morning ARC... interesting day at the US Capitol yesterday. :icon_scratch:

Complete morons... I don't think there is enough brain cells among them to understand this country's fundamentals.

I hope they arrest every one of them that breached the Capitol property... and the ones that did damage should do time... and pay for the damage.

Thank you, that was very kind of you to say that. I often doubt my online presence here. Even take breaks intentionally to give you guys a break from me.
WD, never doubt for a moment that your presence and opinion isn’t appreciated here. I was fortunate enough to marry a woman who's much smarter than I am and our daughter is a dangerous combination of both of us… of course, I’ve always thought she looks vaguely like our mailman. :dontknow:


You had mentioned about asking the recruiter about the VP's personality good move on your part. When I was doing mostly pricing/marketing one of our sales reps had mentioned that the director of sales at one of our major customers was an antique car buff.

The downside he was very introverted by nature. When we had our annual traffic club dinner I'd double up with the sales reps to help out with smoozing with the customers. We were standing around chatting during the pre dinner cocktail and I brought up the topic of antique cars with the customer.

He opened up and was telling me about his latest restoration project on an old sports car and he had the time of his life. For several years after that he'd gravitate to me because I helped put him at ease.

Some sales techniques are not taught in school...
Thanks for sharing this story Bill, it’s so true though, we all have a deep-seated need to be recognized for our outside passions in life. For some folks it’s their work, family, faith or hobbies. I learned years ago through a Dale Carnegie Sales Course to find out what makes people tick. Look around their office, ask them about their hobbies or their family… just take a genuine interest in folks. What's a salesperson’s favourite topic of conversation, themselves of course. I learned early on with customers to ask them a question, then shut up and let them talk. If you actually take the time to listen, they’ll tell you everything you need to know to help you close a sale. :thumbsup:

Phantom pain, nerves mixed up, the brain still believes its there, can wiggle it up and down, but it not there.
Yup know all about it, live with it everyday and have going on 45yrs this year RC.

I made a homemade bomb at work one day, and it went off in my hands. Took 60% of the right one apart, the thumb, index and the middle.
They saved the thumb and the middle using the index as parts and after 15 reconstruction surgeries it works.
It gets cold, many little things I can't do that frustrate me to no end. Like doing up a cuff button on the left sleeve, if I don't get the first go, the fingers get all tied up thinking their another part.
So I give up right there and then because if I keep trying the nerves go spastic and then it takes hrs to settle the feeling away.
But over all it beats not having a mitt there at all.
Strange how one event can change the course of one's life.
You never told me this story Jim; I’d always assumed your hand injury had occurred through a work-related accident.
I know that you’ve led a varied and interesting life and I just assumed that you’d lost a finger or two along the way and were too busy to stop and pick them up. :laughing7:

Morning AARC, Dave

Morning Pepper.

Complete morons... I don't think there is enough brain cells among them to understand this country's fundamentals.

I hope they arrest every one of them that breached the Capitol property... and the ones that did damage should do time... and pay for the damage.
It made me physically sick to see the destruction these people did to the US Government buildings.
Would someone please tell me, how can this type of behaviour actually change US election results? :icon_scratch:

I don't mean to get all political here ARC, but having worked in the US for US-based manufacturers for years, I have a great deal of respect for US patriotism.
Canada is very fortunate to have such a good neighbour living along the largest undefended border in the world.

I just feel there has to be a better way to protest election results then to destroy the buildings that are representative of your countries freedom. :dontknow:


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AARC, pepper, Dave. Good morning

Morning Rook.

Morning cap and crew !!

Morning Bart.

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