THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Morning there WD

Mornin all!

Covid is changing socializations /contacts for sure.

Lucky for me I'm happy to wander around the tiny property at home , or head to the nearby hunting property.
Easily entertained nowadays.

Lets see , what did I acquire at the shopping store yesterday while her royal indoors filled a cart?
A half dozen rolls of toilet paper.
Two rolls of poor quality paper towels. My vice ,paper towels. From dog poop pick up to place mats ,to clean ups and drying stuff.
Two brands of paper towel I prefer are non existent , and have been. Ah well , it's paper towels , not oxygen. l.o.l..

Store no longer carries 5 gallon buckets or lids for them. I wanted one to protect ice melt outside.
Store no longer carries decent rope. Let alone rope strong enough to tug deer.

A bottle of dish soap. Yeah!

Pack of brown jersey gloves cheap. (China.) I go through a pair or three in a winter. And like them in multiple coat pockets.

Coffee. Yes , Coffee...

Mixing bowls and spatulas. (China). Bowls hid till Christmas gift time.

No Spam at the mega store , again. Almost grabbed a can of Treat instead , but I have some loyalty still. Just not desperate enough I guess...

Peanut butter. Jiff creamy! Life is good.



2 bags of fun size Snickers candy bars. Just think of all the potential fun!

C-cell batteries for the dogs toenail sander.

That's about it.

There were bags of rice clearance priced. A popular Pakistani sourced one. I'm a Jasmine rice fan , but the package size would be good for barter. Or easy handling.
A few couldn't hurt right? L.o.l..
I knew what the ladyfriend would say if she caught me with them trying to add them to the five gallon buckets of rice...

Got the last of the deer cut up.
Need to freeze another several pounds.
Might fit in the freezer. (Our only freezer is the one below the refrigerator.)I leave room around what's being froze them move it to a tighter position after.
The turkey breast that came home yesterday foiled my calculation of how all the venison would fit in time.
But I am fortunate to have such a challenge!

Hang in there all.
Simple pleasures. Simple pleasures.
Don't overlook them.

Morning RC
Yeah RC even Bigfoot is practicing social distancing.:laughing7:

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Glad you're still managing to find supplies and add a bit of surplus to the larder.

Just an idea about the buckets being out of stock check at the supermarket they receive lots of their items in bulk in food grade buckets.
Think nuts, seeds, pickles, coffee, etc....maybe they'll have some you can get for free.


Like you said about taking pleasure in the small things and being thankful we have enough.

Tonight spaghetti with some of our home made sauce from last year. The missus picked up some produce today so I'll toss together a salad.


Like you said about taking pleasure in the small things and being thankful we have enough.

Tonight spaghetti with some of our home made sauce from last year. The missus picked up some produce today so I'll toss together a salad.

It was nice to come home from the cold to a microwaved chicken and noodle something and a slice of bread!
These glasses are amazing outdoors. Well , the lower bifocals don't do much...

Spiderwebs in the fallow field catching the sun were visible for 40-50 yards. Maybe farther.
Watching chickadees hang upside down on goldenrod .
Identifying bird species at a glance. Including the doves that could not seem to get situated at roosting time.

Enjoying the sights while trying to keep an eye out for deer. L.o.l..
Don't think I missed any deer while distracted.
A lovely evening outdoors regardless.

Stomach rumbled a few times.
I hurried out this afternoon without snacks and was running on the toast from breakfast only still.
But , hunger whets the appetite too.

We got 500 ft of the 3ft ground mesh installed yesterday along with the 650 on 4ft graduated page wire. I buried about 500 feet of the trench today to let it harden up and sink down over the next few days.
Bambi is going to have to be wondering what's going on with the new digs in their field of dreams.
Big buck almost trampled the raspberry canes in a few spots-better watch out as my buddy's lady is a deadly bow hunter. I guess there's a record or two with her name in the books.

Got the patio furniture off the upper deck today and up to the storage shop.
So if the snow holds off till noon I'll be in a fine mood as I want to bring down a load of insulation to the barn to start insulating the ceiling for the layers.

Had a visit from the landscaper today, brought along a nice lady friend that is in the movie/set/sewing part.
She really liked the roosters, taking all these picture and the they seemed to be showing off.
The big white Rhode Island was holding one leg up posing for his photo-trying his best to outdo the other two.:laughing7:

Picked up 43 lbs of butcher hamburger for max this morning so he's a happy camper again for the next while.

Been a busy week and everything, friends stopped in yesterday late in the pm.
Had dinner together and a great chat.
We toasted the new dock, and buddy went for a nude dip off the end!
Now that takes some balls to jump in the bay on the 20th of Nov. & 7 yrs ago he did it on the 17th to celebrate the closing of the property.
Oh to be young again-me body shivers just thinking of it. :occasion14:


You've had a busy week things should slow down now with the colder weather.

Arrrrrgh.....this is my pirate son and nephews !! Little scallywags are all ready creating mischief when they can !!

ECS, I hope your neighborhood gets safer. Geesh!

Morning WD

Can you do me a little favour?

Just warm this up a tad to change it from snow to rain. Just a degree, not asking much.

Snow is expected to begin Sunday afternoon. 10 to 15 cm of snow is possible before the snow tapers off by Monday morning. Brief freezing rain will be possible overnight.

Thanking you in advance for all your hard work/efforts.

This is a result of a Colorado Low that will track from Ohio towards the St. Lawrence River Sunday into Monday.

Bart, the lil pirates make a great “ live sea faring” display . And it is a family business, so you can put them to work at any age.

Morning WD

Can you do me a little favour?

Just warm this up a tad to change it from snow to rain. Just a degree, not asking much.

Snow is expected to begin Sunday afternoon. 10 to 15 cm of snow is possible before the snow tapers off by Monday morning. Brief freezing rain will be possible overnight.

Thanking you in advance for all your hard work/efforts.

This is a result of a Colorado Low that will track from Ohio towards the St. Lawrence River Sunday into Monday.

I would if I could. Colorado always sends us the cold crappy weather.

Good morning, BTW.

Coffee just started. Alarms will be next. Let the hustle and bustle begin.

I would if I could. Colorado always sends us the cold crappy weather.

Good morning, BTW.

Ya what is it with Colorado-lovely state-but has this weather attitude it seems. Like Alberta with their clippers.

Did you get on the water-or just watch the water yesterday?

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