THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

We managed to get a couple of large packages of ribs the other day. So that's on the menu for tonight they're marinating now and will be done in the slow cooker.

Probably finish them off in the oven to crisp them up at the end. Since they'll already be covered in sauce I'll just boil up some potatoes and we'll be having a side dish of squash.

Two holed clamshell button?
Let me wander. Even if it isn't! You found a button. Got me thinking clams and history....
An old timer , now long gone ended up in a room above a bar. Seems it was four bucks a night back then.
Waitresses used to sneak him a hot dog now and then. Or more often.
Wearing a sweater in summer , he'd visit with patrons.
Told me of his youth about a half hour South working a river there with his Dad collecting clamshells to sell for button material...

Cincinnati had a button factory.
Of course , buttons from clams came from many sources/states.

In the 1860's the rush was on in Ohio to search for freshwater pearls from clams. (It had started in New Jersey with a large pearl found.)
Like many areas...The poor clams suffered dearly. A lot of them had to be killed and gone through to find a pearl. Let alone a good one.
Today many states don't allow harvest.
And in my state not that long ago some folks got busted for harvesting clamshells.
They were taking the hinge areas thick parts (what wampum used to be made from) , grinding it to shape and putting them in oysters to get cultured pearls...
Pearls being layers of deposits the shellfish build around a trapped irritant.

What inspired Ohio as a search place?

[At archaeological sites throughout the eastern United States, huge caches of pearls have been unearthed, over sixty thousand of them were excavated from a mound in Ohio’s Little Miami Valley. It’s little wonder given the native inhabitants close and prolonged association with the great mussel beds lining our rivers, that pearls would play an important role in their lives as well.]

"Pearl" buttons could be from clams.
Some old timers would run one (note two holed vs four) on their ice fishing line for an attractor.
The pic. is not from our area.
But there are accounts of natives using shell to make decoys for spearing through the ice in winter. (?)

How is it that I have never heard about this?!?! I have lived here my entire life, less the 2 years in the army. Very interesting, Releventchair. Thank you! I found a button. What kind? I have no idea. It was on the surface, so probably not very old. Finding a button was on my list and I have managed 2 this year. Now, where’s the dang crotal bells and old coinage?!?!

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What you been up to GB...find any treasures lately ??

Been too busy working on my truck and other things. the grass burrs are terrible right now. Every time you walk out in to a field you get covered!

Good morning everyone! :wave:

I didn't get out yesterday Rook, but thanks for asking though.

I'm heading out this morning to investigate two new sites... here's one of them. :thumbsup:

Good morning, AntiQ, and happy hunting! :metaldetector:

After watching this video with my 7 year old son.....we started our own beach shack made from pallet wood only. One section of floor boards is nearly done, and I managed to use almost all nails that I pulled out of the pallets. Only 4 nails that failed on me and I've had to use 3 large nails from my shop. Almost 100% recycled. Ours will have a more keys beach shack feel, and will be my boys fort. Having alot of fun with the boy, and im only doing it for the same reasons as the creator of this video. Plus I'm teaching my boy how to use hand tools.....its a lot of fun for both of us.

Good morning, GB! Good to see you posting! :treasurechest:

How is it that I have never heard about this?!?! I have lived here my entire life, less the 2 years in the army. Very interesting, Releventchair. Thank you! I found a button. What kind? I have no idea. It was on the surface, so probably not very old. Finding a button was on my list and I have managed 2 this year. Now, where’s the dang crotal bells and old coinage?!?!

Some sites produce both, and some neither. The last new permission produced 3 complete crotal bells,(4 different broken) but only a thin half penny made into a whizzer.
I guess the homestead sites are what they are-some rich/some poor-and it depended on what they farmed/animals. If only crop/oxen and the old nag in the stable the little bells are scarce.

After watching this video with my 7 year old son.....we started our own beach shack made from pallet wood only. One section of floor boards is nearly done, and I managed to use almost all nails that I pulled out of the pallets. Only 4 nails that failed on me and I've had to use 3 large nails from my shop. Almost 100% recycled. Ours will have a more keys beach shack feel, and will be my boys fort. Having alot of fun with the boy, and im only doing it for the same reasons as the creator of this video. Plus I'm teaching my boy how to use hand tools.....its a lot of fun for both of us.

that's awesome, Bart! I don't remember who originally posted a video of building the cabin out of pallets, but I was so impressed, I have showed it to several people. It's very cool that you are running with the idea and, especially, building it with your son!

After watching this video with my 7 year old son.....we started our own beach shack made from pallet wood only. One section of floor boards is nearly done, and I managed to use almost all nails that I pulled out of the pallets. Only 4 nails that failed on me and I've had to use 3 large nails from my shop. Almost 100% recycled. Ours will have a more keys beach shack feel, and will be my boys fort. Having alot of fun with the boy, and im only doing it for the same reasons as the creator of this video. Plus I'm teaching my boy how to use hand tools.....its a lot of fun for both of us.

Sounds like you're having some quality time-playing and teaching.

I have found that skid material(wood) can be crap/scrap-or a good score of hardwood.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

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Some sites produce both, and some neither. The last new permission produced 3 complete crotal bells,(4 different broken) but only a thin half penny made into a whizzer.
I guess the homestead sites are what they are-some rich/some poor-and it depended on what they farmed/animals. If only crop/oxen and the old nag in the stable the little bells are scarce.

Oh it's all here. I can feel it. :laughing9: Well, it should be all here.OK OK no CW or RW, but yes to NA, and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that there was underground railroad activity here. It's all over this area.
Land purchased in 1832. House and barn built. Crops and cattle. Church cemetery. House emptied and cattle were reported seen roaming in and out of house (by a 90-something yr old friend when she was a little girl) Descendants still come out to visit cemetery. The oldest 75-80 ish doesn't remember the house. She and her nephew seen the foundation for the first time last year. And she used to play on this farm when she was little! Yep! I should be able to find those things. Oh and on the north end there was an old road where people drove and dumped their trash. I think it is me. I have gotten better this year in my detecting abilities, but I sure do wish the MR would allow someone to come over and help me!

My first and only old coin found (on my side of the farm) was an 1854 dime. When was that? Like 3 years ago now?

I have found 3 pieces of bells so far. need a whole one!

I am racking up the horse shoes. I've lost count of those.

I know, I know. I have Ohio's original poor farm. :censored:

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