THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7


Here's the knock off cob I found detecting. It's obviously moulded rather than hammered.


  • Spanish cob - modern replica.webp
    Spanish cob - modern replica.webp
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Morning Dave and RR

good morning Bill ARC, Dave and rook.

Pepper the shop looks great....I use a similar product.....its turpentine and boiled linseed. It dries up and leaves the wood rock hard. Looks great pepper !!


Here's the knock off cob I found detecting. It's obviously moulded rather than hammered.
Well Bill in Florida you can find them pretty regularly. Over the years I've collected up a jar of them. I actually enjoy collecting them.....many different styles and quality can be poor to almost perfect. I enjoy looking at them !!

I kinda felt bad about getting all these rings without my partner....Islamoradamark. I called him yesterday to see if he wanted to go. Well about a month ago I showed him one of the galleon wrecks that he did not know about. He has no motivation to go after these fresh drops. So we made a plan to do our 3rd hunt inshore on the flats from this wreck. So far not much of real value....but...many a great find has been made by the few who know about it. I get a feeling here when I hunt like I've never felt. I can feel the presence of something substantial here. Mark is obsessed with this spot and can think and speak of nothing else. I'm working on a new theory....the wreckage drifted in the opposite direction due to a strange phenomenon of the current setting to one direction here always!! After hunting here a number of times I've found that the flooding tide runs opposite of what is normal....that means the wreckage drifted in much differently than the other wrecks in the fleet !! So....come Saturday or Sunday weather permitting, we will hunt inshore of the "sueco de arizon" 1 small piece of marked gold jewelry from this galleon would be worth more than multiple pounds of fresh dropped gold rings!! Thats why we got to look !! These gold rings I've been finding are great....but that banner silver pillar dollar blows them away in value and desirability.

I know one thing....a lot of the swimhole hunters will be glad to see me go back to galleon hunting !! I got right in there and pulled 9 rings before those guys could blink an eye !! I'm sure they'll be happy to see me leave !! Its a simple equation....get out there first, stay in the water longer, and get to the gold first. I told you guys I thought there was a window of opportunity because no one was hunting the bar....obviously no one had been because there were 9 rings laying there. I still have quite a few other spots to seems my rival pat is not around anymore ?? Not sure where everyone is...but its obvious to me that we are missing a couple hunters lately. This leaves the door open for me to make a gold grab and be the only one hitting these major spots.....this could be the best August of fresh drops for me if everyone that hunts is on hiatus !! Woooo hoooo....the immediate future looks good for the gold.

Good morning Pepper, Bart, Rook, ARC, Anti, RR, Bill. And the rest of our "NODY": not on deck yet.

Safe & successful trip pepper.
Good luck Anti.
Bart congrats on getting gold again.
Good luck on your and Islamoradamark search for what lies hidden. When you pay attention to the little things they sometimes pay off in spades!

RR best of luck on your wheeling & dealings.

WD congrats on a very successful garden. As long as it's not trying to eat you, you're ahead of the game! :laughing7:

We had a little excitement on the street yesterday. Three fire trucks, one a ladder truck, fire chief's vehicle, and building inspector all converged on a house down the street, and a single police car.
Fire men hopped out with axes and went to the side of the house. People came out of the house and distanced from the gathering, five of them got in their cars and left in a hurry. The guy next to them came out and was talking to the firemen. They ended up sprinkling something from a large white container on the ground. All the emergency apparatus left. Then the five cars returned.
We have no clue what went on.

I know one thing....a lot of the swimhole hunters will be glad to see me go back to galleon hunting !! I got right in there and pulled 9 rings before those guys could blink an eye !! I'm sure they'll be happy to see me leave !! Its a simple equation....get out there first, stay in the water longer, and get to the gold first. I told you guys I thought there was a window of opportunity because no one was hunting the bar....obviously no one had been because there were 9 rings laying there. I still have quite a few other spots to seems my rival pat is not around anymore ?? Not sure where everyone is...but its obvious to me that we are missing a couple hunters lately. This leaves the door open for me to make a gold grab and be the only one hitting these major spots.....this could be the best August of fresh drops for me if everyone that hunts is on hiatus !! Woooo hoooo....the immediate future looks good for the gold.

Your rival is probably on some quiet beach , raking up pillars like clams....L.o.l..

Na, the trained fish would tell Bart.:laughing7:

Morning RC

I have 3 incoming grandkids in about 20 minutes. So I may fall off the ship, leave a rope ladder over the side. I will stealthily slip aboard if I can.

It's certainly large enough to house animals, farm equipment and a workshop for you to play in all day. :laughing7:
Now, if you can just keep the trees from falling on your buildings you'll be all set.

Have a good drive in to T.O. today, at least the weather looks good... wish I could say the same about the highway construction out by the airport! :BangHead:

Was trying to decide if I could detect a spot or two on this trip.
But have to pick up fresh case lots of peaches, plums, and some early apples.
Hope the traffic will be heavy east bound out of this this this sh%# show of traffic.
I'll nibble all the way home.
Got 120 steel posts, and 6 rolls of wire on the truck.
Fencing chores coming up.

:hello: hello G.A.P.....How are ya !!


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