THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Same to you toe.....find anything yesterday ??

Having a morning of research on the planning of the future berry patch. It's almost fun-:laughing7:

Step 1 The pond has been deepened.

Step 2 The trails redone for easy access to field and pond

Step 3 Will do the second cut of the field

Step 4 Plow and disk and rake the 200'X200' plot (Where well in the heaviest target rich area of the field-so I can play) :thumbsup:

Step 5 Bring in wood mulch/top soil/sand to do rows (preparing rows)

Step 6 Fence the whole area 8' high and 6"-12" deep graduated for the first 50" then standard page red top. 1 strand of electric along top for 4 & 2 legged critters that come a picking.

Step 7 Planting of a clover/alpha mix between rows (something that gives back) Planting of berry canes, plants, bushes.

The wood chip/mulch, top soil/20yr old manure-black gold, cedar posts, sand, labour for fencing (trades for cow), trucking for products all has been arranged.
Just need to buy fencing supplies over in NY or Penn. and have it shipped to outlet in NY for pick up.

Where is this all going? Simple it will be the fruits of our labour, walk for a few minutes and we're at our own berry patch.
No more driving for up to 1.5 hrs in one direction to pick a blueberry, 30 for a strawberry, countless hrs of forging for a blackberry, buying Haskaps at $6+ a pound.
Will this be cheaper-Heck no! Easier? Heck no! Ours? OH YA!:headbang:

Enjoyed the squirrel video.:laughing7:


Good plan for the berry patch once established you can always sell or barter the excess to recoup you initial costs.

Well I'm having 2 of my pub buddies over for a few brew and munchies after lunch. Using throw away dishes and sanitizer at the door and in the washroom in case they have to go.

The weathers nice so it'll be done outdoors either on the patio or carport.

You get tired of being a hermit after awhile.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:


I just got finished leveling out the bumps.

For those of us who find we're having it a bit tough during this whole covid thingy a bit of a reality check.

We have new backdoor neighbors who took possession a couple of weeks ago a fairly young couple probably late 30's 3 daughters from age 5 to 13.

Finally had a chat with the lady of the house and as a welcome gift gave Emily a jar of our home made red currant jelly. Her hubby is a mining engineer.

So they bought the new house during this whole covid thing and while the daughters were out of school during the spring session mom was home schooling them.

Also turns out that she's an emergency room nurse at a major hospital which was designated as covid central and she got drafted to work full time on those cases rather than dealing with regular patients on a part time basis only like before.

Both her and hubby are doing repairs, painting, etc in the evenings after work.

Heck she even makes Jim look like a slacker.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

For those of us who find we're having it a bit tough during this whole covid thingy a bit of a reality check.

We have new backdoor neighbors who took possession a couple of weeks ago a fairly young couple probably late 30's 3 daughters from age 5 to 13.

Finally had a chat with the lady of the house and as a welcome gift gave Emily a jar of our home made red currant jelly. Her hubby is a mining engineer.

So they bought the new house during this whole covid thing and while the daughters were out of school during the spring session mom was home schooling them.

Also turns out that she's an emergency room nurse at a major hospital which was designated as covid central and she got drafted to work full time on those cases rather than dealing with regular patients on a part time basis only like before.

Both her and hubby are doing repairs, painting, etc in the evenings after work.

Heck she even makes Jim look like a slacker.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

We're figuring out a funeral service for my sister this week.
Ten people maximum in a funeral home. Or at any "public" indoor gathering.
The heck with that.
So...Out doors in a Church parking lot so far. Yes , masks and spreading out.
A field near the funeral home was offered , but vehicle traffic/noise was deemed to close.
We'll have a smaller ceremony at the cemetary the following day. Though that will have quite a group too.

RC... sorry to hear about your sister... my condolences.


Sorry to hear about your sister's passing. I also missed my older brother's funeral this spring since the provincial borders were closed.

Not an easy time to accomodate personal matters these days.

Thanks guys.

It is what it is.
Time waits for nothing humans concern themselves with.

My condolences RC it's hard enough when things run smoothly, must extra hard now.
I lost 5 over a 10yr period, it was a hard go for many years.

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