For those of us who find we're having it a bit tough during this whole covid thingy a bit of a reality check.
We have new backdoor neighbors who took possession a couple of weeks ago a fairly young couple probably late 30's 3 daughters from age 5 to 13.
Finally had a chat with the lady of the house and as a welcome gift gave Emily a jar of our home made red currant jelly. Her hubby is a mining engineer.
So they bought the new house during this whole covid thing and while the daughters were out of school during the spring session mom was home schooling them.
Also turns out that she's an emergency room nurse at a major hospital which was designated as covid central and she got drafted to work full time on those cases rather than dealing with regular patients on a part time basis only like before.
Both her and hubby are doing repairs, painting, etc in the evenings after work.
Heck she even makes Jim look like a slacker.....