the priest map or witch map

That one looks like a snake

The spiral has a very ancient meaning which maybe was transmited to the Native Indians .
The spiral from the above image is a " positive " one . Is a "good " one because considering the direction ( from the centre ) of the rotation , emits the energy outside of its shape . Also represents the sun ( in the centre ) and the planets of our galaxy which are moving around of our sun .
When this energy ( spiral ) change its direction to the right , become a " negative " or " bad " one because absorbs ( like the black holes in the Universe ) . Is why the spiral from the picture shows the snake at its end after has changed its direction ..

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Does this look like the priest map to you

no it looks like a derby turned sideways.
two things about this map I have always wondered are: why is the word boy used instead of voy? why is the word coazon used instead of corazon?
Did a white boy make these maps? If not made by a white man then were they intentionally mispelt to signify a clue? or was this by accident?

The spiral's meaning depends on who carved it. Some say, "spring nearby." Some say, "migration." Some say, "hey, look, pay attention." One guy I knew said, "all the stars in heaven."

Another similar carving that may be more important is the concentric circles. Not pecked, but incised.

View attachment 1399262

That is special indeed. See the cross right next to it and the "X" above it?

It symbolizes something is close by.

What that is I would have to be there to see.

Notice how it repeats with Lichen.

Also a sideways letter "A" or go-to symbol just above the spiral like the hat in the witch map! And the numeral "5" for silver! The sideways letter "A" means you read it that way on that slanted tilt! In that perspective you can see a tiny shadow map of symbols viewed at the right time of day. It shows a centipede and some other small symbols. Must be a small treasure cache!

Could just be another symbol, just another clue,....damn masons!

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no it looks like a derby turned sideways.
two things about this map I have always wondered are: why is the word boy used instead of voy? why is the word coazon used instead of corazon?
Did a white boy make these maps? If not made by a white man then were they intentionally mispelt to signify a clue? or was this by accident?


Just a misspelling I'd say, Misspelt words are common even to the best writers. Schooling was like nonexistent back in those days.


It starts south look for temple of sun God.

OK what does a numeral 4 represent as I found a boulder with it carved in it.

OK what does a numeral 4 represent as I found a boulder with it carved in it.

"4" Usually means going around to the left. I could mean 4 vara, 4 leagues or 4 corners, 4 cardinal directions etc.

Or, you may be a on golf course? FOUR!!

I would try looking 4 paces where the arm of the 4 points then try reversing it. Dig and see what you find. Could be a stone map. But, only if Travis Tumlinson camped there.

no it looks like a derby turned sideways.
two things about this map I have always wondered are: why is the word boy used instead of voy? why is the word coazon used instead of corazon?
Did a white boy make these maps? If not made by a white man then were they intentionally mispelt to signify a clue? or was this by accident?

a white boy by the name of travis

a white boy by the name of travis

There were two white boys that went by that which one ?

two things about this map I have always wondered are: why is the word boy used instead of voy? why is the word coazon used instead of corazon?
Did a white boy make these maps? If not made by a white man then were they intentionally mispelt to signify a clue? or was this by accident?

"BEREDA" as well....should be "VEREDA"
Two "B's" where there should be "V's"
Two times the word "BUSCA", beginning with the letter "B", and with the priest cross in hand pointing the way to the lower of the two.
But what might this mean, if anything....
The missing " R " might be the solitary R on the other stone. Perhaps..."BUSCA EL MAPA" find the missing R.....(a clue ?)

Interesting puzzle where these "flaws" might not be accidental.


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I believe the spiral means the " Circle of life " . Is an Indian American
symbol , and usualy is used as a intermediate sign on the trail to a deposit/mine .
When is used in Jesuit treasure maps ( see Molina map ) , is a " move " of honor for their trusted Indian servants .

The spiral of Tumacacori map

View attachment 1399244


I have a signed copy of the following book by Claire Farrer. "Living Life's Circle: Mescalero Apache Cosmovision". I would recommend it to anyone who is delving into the Apache lifestyle. Although the site has less expensive copies, you can find a signed, fine hard back here:

Good luck,



no it looks like a derby turned sideways.
two things about this map I have always wondered are: why is the word boy used instead of voy? why is the word coazon used instead of corazon?
Did a white boy make these maps? If not made by a white man then were they intentionally mispelt to signify a clue? or was this by accident?

Uncle Josh

I believe the words are just a Spanish version from that era . Don't stay at this because is a waste of time .
The Priest side of the stone tablet has some numbers on it which correspond to each verse that " says " the Priest .
Nr.1 - Esta bereda es peligroza
Nr.2 - Yo boy 18 lugares
Nr.3 - Busca el mapa ( from the end of the trail )
Nr.4 - Busca el coazon ( the Latin heart )

Now , the Priest stone side has a very close connection to the trail stone tablets , which have also carved the nr.1 which points to the end of the trail and at the bottom the almost same numbers ( 2=3-o-18=7 ) . The bottom numbers " say " almost what the Priest " says " on his tablet beginning from the verse #2 :
- " Go 18 places "
- " Find the map " ( at the cave / trail end )
The numbers "18=7 " are for " Busca el coazon " and show where is situated the Latin heart ( heart #4 from the Priest stone ) on the trail and in regards with the trail stone heart .
And these numbers mean " Go back 7 lugares " , exactly where the Priest stone shows the place of the heart #4 .

That's it . If you know where the stone trail is , then you can find where lies the Latin heart and the Treasure of Santa Fe .


The hearts stand side by side like an open heart medallion .

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These are the hearts and the " stone " trail . The hearts point to the south and the blue is the Latin heart and the red is the trail heart .
The " ecclesia " from the Latin heart is at the highest point of the heart , and what is written in Latin as " north-west " is for the direction of the small canyon which has a triangle shape .


Good luck

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Homar, if your watching I couldn't get the picture to float on PM so I thought I would show everyone where the Petroglyph "ORO 1847" is found if you have good eyes for seeing it. It's on the State Park land and lines up with Goldfield if you look straight through it as your viewing you're pretty much looking at Goldfield in the back ground.

View attachment 1418979

Thanks Bill, I checked it out and in my honest opinion, it was made by a treasure hunter who has no clue what the 1847 is. It may have been made to make either the Bulldog, or Mammoth mine look like a Peralta mine. If it had been made to point to the log covered shaft found at the Mammoth, the 7 does not fit as it is much closer than 7 km.



I took this picture myself. No one showed it to me, I simply found it. It looks like he is clasping his hands in prayer. I make no claims as to how it got there.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo


About your Prayng Indian picture . I was joking when I wrote how is located near Palomino Mt . Was because I felt you wanted to keep the location secret .
That rock is over Apache Junction to Massacre Grounds . Just someone have to go closer to the mountains to see the Indian profile .

PrayingIndian.webp Prayng Indian 2.webp

Have a good day .

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Now , what I believe was the inspiration for the priest/witch map . Inccidentally , in this GE image , the stone trail starts at the imaginary point where the priest holds the cross in his hands .

I wish a nice weekend and a Happy New Year to all !


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