Oroblanco said:
Jim, I started to write out a full response to your rebuttal, but a key point you seem to be missing. Let me give an example;
Lets say that I tell you John Doe is a sick man, and Doctor Smith tells you that John Doe is in perfect health. Whom will you give greater belief to, me, with NO medical training whatsoever, or the fellow with the PHD?
With the Peralta Stones we have several PHD's saying they think the stones are a modern hoax or forgery, and yes they CAN be mistaken - the stones were cleaned, they looked at "copies" which makes zero sense whatsoever for why on Earth would anyone take a copy to have it authenticated etc but you and I don't have PHD's so I have to at least be keep that in mind that several experts didn't think they were authentic.
Roy ~ Oroblanco
Hi Roy,
Glad to see you are still following the topic and at least trying to understand some things you have been overlooking.
I don't know how many PhD's you have been around in your life Roy, but trust me. I have worked for, around a bunch of them in my career in the Nuclear Industry. The first thing I can tell you about them is that having a PhD is not a guarantee of having whole lot of intelligence. It only indicates a whole lot of education. I have run across a good number of PhD's in my time that had no idea of how to use their education to make a living!
There are a whole lot of them out there that graduated at the very bottom in their class. There are a lot of them who only got their PhD's because their father's name was on a building at the University that they attended. Never, Never
automatically associate higher education, with higher intelligence!
I am not saying that any of the PhD's involved with evaluating the stone maps have no intelligence, or graduated at the bottom of their classes. I am just saying that from what I see in their evaluations... it makes me wonder!
If you cannot see the flaws in their evaluations, as I have already pointed them out. It would be a total waste of my time to try to explain them to you any farther.
No... I WOULD NOT believe a single word someone said
just because they have PhD behind their names. (Especially if my B.S. meter went off in my head when they said it) I have seen too many Physicists with PhD's who could work mathematical calculations a half page long in their heads, that did not have enough common sense to come in out of the rain while they were doing it.
Look at the evaluations yourself. Read them word by word. Do you see any kind of science, higher education, or common sense in anything they wrote? Is any of it so far over your head that you cannot understand it? No! It is not, I am sure. If it is not over your head then you should be able to evaluate it yourself, and so should everyone else. Unless they are really dense, or totally biased by preconceived conclusions.
Keep struggling to understand Roy... Never know when that little light bulb will come on for you, and you will see the light!
If it doesn't... For God's sake spend your time thinking about something else. Delve into something you can get a handle on. These maps and their history are very complex. If you are not willing to make the commitment of time and energy required to understand them. Then just ignore them and get on with your life.