The Peralta Stones

Dear group;
Actually, the origins of the surmane PERALTA began in Catalunya and it is a contraction consisting of two words, PETRA and ALTA. Contrary to popular belief, the word Petra is not Latin, rather it's classical Greek and it means ROCK and as a point of fact, there is an ancient settlement in Jordan named PETRA and it is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It is believed to have been so named because it was carved from the solid rock face of a cliff.

The world ALTA is a Catalan derrivative of the Latin word ALTUS and it means HIGH or DEEP. Therefore, the name PERALTA can mean either HIGH ROCK (as in a tall cliff) or DEEP ROCK, however it most likely means TALL CLIFF or HIGH CLIFF.
Your friend;

Don Jose de la Mancha, AKA Tropical Tramp wrote
I.E. ROY is a Mango?

ROFLMAO :laughing9: :laughing7: heehee - boy considering what your LOCAL definition of a Mango can be, referring to a "sexy guy" there is NO danger that anyone will ever use that term when referring to ME! :tongue3:

So Peralta meaning "horse" is a local or colloquial meaning. Lamar posted very much what I found when I tried to find it last night, not sure just why that meaning came about. Well I will have to take your word for it, and on to the next objection. <Actually a double-edged one>

As Reavis was making a large land claim, and we know that his fake stone inscriptions were more on the ground type not anything portable, what use would such "maps" be? They do not show land borders or monuments marking a border, and instead have seemingly 'Christian' or PERHAPS intended to look 'Jesuit' symbols, most curious being the "witch". As some kind of land claim aids, these Peralta Stones seem very inappropriate, having no direct name PERALTA on them, no borders for his land grant claim, only mysterious "treasures" type of marks that seem to lead to some kind of buried treasures or mines. Can you explain this, and show how these stones would have supported Reavis' fraudulent land claims?

Secondary part objection - if we view the Peralta Stones as an aid to Reavis' false land grant claim, what significance is the "Witch"? What does it mean, as relating to Reavis' claims? Thank you in advance,

Contaminated by SWR? For asking to see some published definition of the meaning of a family surname? Sheesh! Next you will be saying I ask too many questions about what exactly is in the camp coffee! :o ::) :tongue3:
:coffee: :coffee2:

Evening el Mango de Naranjal: A delegation of the sheep met me, they are impressed, so that is established.

The stone tablets were to establish a presence, not boundary lines.

As for asking about what the camp food and coffee may contain, I have eaten enough odd food to stay alive at times, to know better than to ask, just eat and drink . Curiously enough, sometimes after getting over the initial urp sensation it has tasted good ????

Regarding sources of information for confirmation, many times I am the only one, as in this case, since no where are there any known documents relating to the factor in hand.

SIR Don Jose de La Mancha ( a court appointed investigator rates some perks)

A presence - okay, but still curious about what the "Witch" would mean for Reavis? Thank you in advance, :icon_thumleft:

A delegation of sheep met you, you say - sheesh now there must be a HOLE in the fence, and hoo-boy what a time it will be, trying to drive sheep from Mexico to Wyoming! Oh well, no rest for the wicked, as they say... :o :'( ::)

SWR said:
So...I guess Jacob Waltz being a sentinel for the KGC, watching over the Lost Dutchman mine and other "Confederate" treasures are outta the question?
Certainly not SWR. What would be the logic in eliminating Jacob Waltz as a sentinel? There are other treasures cached in the area that have nothing to do with the "Confederacy". The Woolsey Depository, the Three Buttes Depository and others are all connected. They use the same signs and symbols and are all laid out on the surface of the ground and form a map after you put the whole mess together. You are required to construct the map based upon the symbols and signs found in the depository area. The Stone Maps must be used in the depository area where they were designed to be used. The maps were designed and intended for those not belonging to this treasure caching group. They were made for us not for them.

The current search area has been determined by legend, book writers and the Stone Maps. The stone maps are loaded with deceit and misinformation if you base your decisions wholly on the maps without searching the area where these stone maps were designed to be used as the maps instruct us. For example; you are new to Arizona and you are looking for the state capitol building with a roof made of gold. Everyone tells you to use this heavily coded Tucson City Stone Map, and you will find the treasure. But, you must use/incorporate the following information provided by the legend/story experts. Heck, the capitol is depicted right there on the map and not a single soul can find it. The rest of us (aka the Cache Force) know exactly where the gold (actually copper) roof can be found and we laugh our booties off because we provided you with a legend, the initial first somewhat believable accounts, documented background information and a couple of old Stone Maps. Hello, does anybody see the deception here? The truth is so simple; if you have the knowledge and can solve the depository site/area by gathering the necessary clues needed to find the caches you would not even need the Stone Tablets. The Stone Maps were designed to keep us away from the real treasures. If you are not a member of the Cache Force you will never decipher the maps unless you have some first- hand knowledge pertaining to this group. You have to become as familiar with the depository site as you are with the Stone Maps.

Have a great week and give a hug to those you love.



peralta (n.)bellimbusto, cicisbeo, damerino, dandy, vagheggino, zerbinotto

analogic tree

personne belle (fr)[Classe]

(elegância) — (leggiadria; eleganza; finezza; raffinatezza; sciccheria; signorilità)[Thème]

person (en)[Domaine]

Man (en)[Domaine]

macho — maschio - adulto — adulta, adulto, grande - vestir, vestir-se — coprirsi, mettersi i vestiti, vestire, vestirsi[Hyper.]

manful, manlike, manly (en) - male, manful, manlike, manly, virile (en) - almofadinha, casquilho, fanfarrão, peralta — bellimbusto, cicisbeo, dandy, vagheggino, zerbinotto[Dérivé]

mulher — donna[Ant.]

personne élégante (fr)[Classe]

adult male, man (en)[Hyper.]

vestir-se exageradamente — vestire con eleganza[Dérivé]

peralta (name.) [Beau Stud]

the heart blanco.webp

Geoglyphs: geoglyphs Images and motifs set on the land surface using rocks, soil, or cuts into the ground surface. The NASCA LINES are large-scale examples of such things. Geoglyphs also can be carved into a hillside exposing bedrock; Hot Air Balloon was the only possible available technology. Images were constructed so that Gods in the Sky could see them.

Good morning Don ROY, El REY; I have solved the sheep problem, I rounded them up and sent them back to Dakota via the net. They should be milling around outside by now. I consider it a pleasure to have helped you in this matter.

I believe that you are now, or should be, convinced that that stones were part of a grand land scheme. I'll bring Joe around in a short while snicker. Our lovely BETH, being a delectable female, is completely unpredictable, as you well know, sigh..

There only remains Santa Fe & Ellie to work on, to show them the error of their sinful lives and hence distorted reasoning - so far. As for Djuicy and the others??

Some times it sorta frightens me to be another resurrected BB.

Speaking of BB, where are you?

Don Jose de La Mancha

(Joe do you know of a good, cheap, Psychiatrist? This post deserves to be studied by one)

I propose that one could take virtually every major mountain/butte/mesa out there, look at a satellite photo and draw a bunch of imaginary lines that connect to make a picture that could look like it has a connection to the Peralta Maps. I'll go one step further and say you could probably do that with any mountain range in the world.

I apologize if that comes off as rude, but when one has seen numerous google images and aerial photos with similar markings made on them put together by people who all believe they are 100% no doubt correct in their interpretation and then see that each location is different, one starts to become a bit jaded to the claims.

unless those theories can be proven to lead to something of value, I can't help but remain skeptical at best.

Dear group;
And even more important, am I still banned from having a cup o' coffee with Oroblanco & Co. from the Dakotas?
Your friend;


Lively conversation and debates are definitely no reason to stop the Koffee Klatch! How dull it would be if we all agreed all of the time, don't ya think??

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:


Lamar, el equivicado one, since when do you, or the rest of our wonderful peeps in here need an invitation? Beth is at your beck and call for coffee, when she isn't out gathering firewood etc., etc., for our err, ah, pow wows

If she is slacking in her woman's work, I have a few slender rods that were given to me by the Yaqui Indians precisely for just such lack of respect for the Males and their comfort.

You have free access to them for encouraging her to keep her place and do her jobs which we Males have generously allowed her the privilege of doing.

Who ever said the first Americans weren't intelligent?

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. If my Tigre sees this, I am only kidding, honest.

HOLA amigos,
This is a long reply, so I must beg your indulgence. <Thank you>

SWR wrote
So...I guess Jacob Waltz being a sentinel for the KGC, watching over the Lost Dutchman mine and other "Confederate" treasures are outta the question?

That sounds like a fascinating theory, but I just can't buy into it. The Confederates activities in Arizona seem to have been concentrated in the southern part of the territory, and they were driven out not long after arriving. Waltz is not likely to have been in the CS military due to his age, and during the war it looks like he was active in the Bradshaws. There is evidence that his partner may have been in the military, but on the other side. Of course some folks will take issue with this and state that Weisner was about the same age as Waltz, but I am not convinced this was the case.

There are yet other problems - for one, there is nothing on the stones to link them to Waltz or the CSA. Waltz never made any mention of any such stones either, and surely if they were his, he would have tried to get them to his friends Julia and Reiney.

I can't say that no KGC activities occurred in Arizona, but have never found any kind of evidence that they did. Baylor's invasion was quite a feat and it is surprising how far they got before the California column reacted, but did they even have the time to set up "sentinels" much less have treasures hidden there? If the treasures date to the end of the war, and were for fleeing ex-Confederates, Texas or Florida would have been shorter and considerably safer routes for the fugitives.

As you have brought the theory up SWR, may I ask your opinion of it? I see that others have already addressed it, but would appreciate reading your views. Thank you in advance.

Ellie Baba wrote
If you are not a member of the Cache Force you will never decipher the maps unless you have some first- hand knowledge pertaining to this group.

Well that leaves most of us out, and I would wonder how the Cache Force would like it if they found out the secret was out?

Muchas Gracias Santa Fe New Mexican for the explanation, and WELCOME TO TREASURENET!

Don Jose - I am still curious about the 'Witch' figure as it relates to Reavis - if you would rather not say I will take a guess. Thank you for expounding on the Reavis theory, but I respectfully remain un-convinced. Muchas gracias for driving those sheep home, now all I have to do is find that hole in the fence where they got out. (heh heh) ;D

Lamar wrote
Dear group;
And even more important, am I still banned from having a cup o' coffee with Oroblanco & Co. from the Dakotas?

My apologies for having given you the mistaken impression you would not be welcome at the campfire, and the coffee offer is perpetual. I do not have a bone to pick with you amigo, I realize that being our resident historian/skeptic is your thing. I don't think I could teach you anything in prospecting or convince you that the sky is blue, but whatever disagreements we have, has no bearing on friendship. If you should find yourself in the Black Hills I hope you would look us up. :icon_thumleft:

Oroblanco wrote:

There are yet other problems - for one, there is nothing on the stones to link them to Waltz or the CSA. Waltz never made any mention of any such stones either, and surely if they were his, he would have tried to get them to his friends Julia and Reiney.

The Stone Maps were not created until the turn of the century and that is why he never mentioned them. I surely wouldn't give my friends the Stone Tablets and Jacob didn't help Julia or Reiney (his friends?) either. Their lives were ruined. So many have gone to the grave with broken bodies and minds and had nothing to show for their lives after spending them on the LDM. Let's not quit our day jobs boys and girls. The treasures hidden in the mountains are quite safe as most everyone is looking for a gosh dang lost mine.
Grab one of those sheep and head for Arizona (at your convenience of course) my friend Oroblanco, and I will show you sign like you have never seen, KGC and otherwise. And I will bet you that I drink more coffee than most regular folks so we will never run out. The desert is open 24/7 and I need to get some sleep. Five AM will be here soon so I bid you all adieu.


SWR, what are you up to?

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