The Peralta Stones

If the Sipapu is the point of emergence into the current world,could the maze be the place of return to the past world?
Or perhaps a future world? There was a search made,I believe,for a maze like that depicted at Casa Grande.That search was
focused to the north,up the Verde River.Can't remember if the party found anything or not.



"If the Sipapu is the point of emergence into the current world,could the maze be the place of return to the past world?"

When the people finally got to this world, they were followed through the sipapu by a great flood of water. Eventually it completely flooded this world and only one woman was saved. I believe she was sealed in a tree and told to not come out until the tree stopped moving.

I believe when that happened, she was on the San Francisco Peaks. I'm sure the story has many variations, but that's what I remember off hand. Suppose I could find that particular one, if need be.

If the story is true, and not merely a shaman's peyote dream, then I imagine you could dive down and enter the world they came from. Problem is, that world weren't none to good.

The story for Montezuma's Well being the place that the Yavapai people climbed up into this world, can be found on page 25 of the Timothy Braatz book , "Surviving Conquest: A History of the Yavapai Peoples".
The Yavapai believed that they were the foundation of all people on earth, just as the Apache believed that at one time, all people were Apache. :read2:

Take care,


Hi Joe:
"When the people finally got to this world, they were followed through the sipapu by a great flood of water. Eventually it completely flooded this world and only one woman was saved. I believe she was sealed in a tree and told to not come out until the tree stopped moving."
I believe that survivor's name was "Widapokwi".
The history and lore of Montezuma's Well has many variations among the native peoples of the southwest.
There are many ruins,both of pithouse simplicity and above ground complexity that surround the well in all directions.
Multi room habitations are common,with one on Sacred Mountain having sixty rooms.All were occupied at one time,including the small walled in caves that are below the sinkhole rim.Some of the rooms below the rim were also used for food storage,according to NPS historians.
Some of the various tribal narratives are insightful,historically speaking.Apache,Navajo,Yavapai, Pima-Tohono-O'odham,and of greater interest to me,the many clans of the Hopi.All of these tribes collect water from the well for sacred ceremonial use,the Hopi from the pool itself and some of the others from the outflow area.The Butterfly clan and their Montezuma Well "serpent" legend is of particular interest to me,as are a couple of stories related to the first NPS Ranger stationed at the well.While on a visit to Walpi,Al Schroeder handed a group of Hopi shamans a number of illustrations of the well and the surrounding ruins.They related a tribal legend of how " Paluluken",the "Great Plumed Serpent" had arisen from just such a hole in the ground,from which water then boiled and began to flow into a nearby river.Another legend of the Hopi,related by a shaman of the Badger clan when shown a drawing of the labyrinth petroglyph at Montezuma Castle,states that the maze design is a sign of departure to an unknown place.



I thought about putting Widapokwi's name into my post, but decided to see who would come up with it. Should have known it would be you. :icon_thumright:

Good post! Never get tired of reading or hearing about Native American legends and facts. Little known things, like both feet never leaving the ground at the same time when the women are dancing. Wonder if that applies to all Native American Tribes?

Take care,


somehiker said:
Hi Joe:
"When the people finally got to this world, they were followed through the sipapu by a great flood of water. Eventually it completely flooded this world and only one woman was saved. I believe she was sealed in a tree and told to not come out until the tree stopped moving."
I believe that survivor's name was "Widapokwi".
The history and lore of Montezuma's Well has many variations among the native peoples of the southwest.
There are many ruins,both of pithouse simplicity and above ground complexity that surround the well in all directions.
Multi room habitations are common,with one on Sacred Mountain having sixty rooms.All were occupied at one time,including the small walled in caves that are below the sinkhole rim.Some of the rooms below the rim were also used for food storage,according to NPS historians.
Some of the various tribal narratives are insightful,historically speaking.Apache,Navajo,Yavapai, Pima-Tohono-O'odham,and of greater interest to me,the many clans of the Hopi.All of these tribes collect water from the well for sacred ceremonial use,the Hopi from the pool itself and some of the others from the outflow area.The Butterfly clan and their Montezuma Well "serpent" legend is of particular interest to me,are a couple of stories related to the first NPS Ranger stationed at the well.While on a visit to Walpi,Al Schroeder handed a group of Hopi shamans a number of illustrations of the well and the surrounding ruins.They related a tribal legend of how " Paluluken",the "Great Plumed Serpent" had arisen from just such a hole in the ground,from which water then boiled and began to flow into a nearby river.Another legend of the Hopi,related by a shaman of the Badger clan when shown a drawing of the labyrinth petroglyph at Montezuma Castle,states that the maze design is a sign of departure to an unknown place.


those legends are very true , but only a shaman can go to the well of dreams !

I'm no authority on native dance.I've seen a few dancers at powwows where the women dancers are far more sedate in their steps than the menfolk.When the "fancy dancers" put on their show is when the participants seem to up the energy level a bit.The women do appear to have a greater connection to "mother earth" than the men and some kind of "always one foot on the ground" tradition seems apparent.Don't really know if this applies to all North American tribal dance ceremonies or not.It probably doesn't include the jig dance of the Métis.


The first impression one sees while looking at a body of water is the sky, or heavens. As it is in heaven so shall it be on the earth. The Native Americans are actually telling us where they came from and you may say that this type of thinking is to simple. Where did their ancestors go? To the happy hunting grounds to be close to the Spirits they loved and believed in. Many tribes offered the bodies to the heavens by placing them on elevated mats to include everything that they would need in the here after. The earth is considered to be like the womb; you are born from it, but will never return to it. One represents birth (within), the other represents death and decay (without) buried on or in the earth.

The Spirit came from the heavens and the body came from the earth and the body returns to the earth once the Spirit has departed to be with the gods (or God).

The story of creation is typically the same as told by all nations and peoples found all over this planet.
This is also true when relating the story of the great flood.

So, the next time you see a body of water take a good look at the reflection as it represents where we all came from. Our bodies come from the earth and our spirits come from the heavens. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to figure this one out. History continually repeats itself, just take a look at the past.

The Stone Maps were designed by those who wanted to carry on a legacy for their God and the future of their society. The riches hidden by this group were never meant to serve themselves in their lifetime.

They were looking forward to a great and glorious day. That day is soon in coming my friends as the signs promised are in fact happening as I write and there will be more coming soon. The truth is right in front of us all. Can you see it?

Time for bed,

Ellie B

somehiker said:
Does the tree of life come with a trunk,Twisted?
Otherwise it would be "the Bush of Life",wouldn't it?
Just kiddin :D

Compare to the glyphs of the ancient Sumerians and the records of Nibiru the destroyer.

Twisted Fork said:
somehiker said:
Does the tree of life come with a trunk,Twisted?
Otherwise it would be "the Bush of Life",wouldn't it?
Just kiddin :D

Compare to the glyphs of the ancient Sumerians and the records of Nibiru the destroyer.

"Nibiru the destroyer"

Sounds familiar..............does he look like Joe?

But who ya gonna call?


BTW: When the Mayan calender runs out in 2012,does that mean that I have to buy a new one?
Sheesh,the one I got free from Taco Bell has all of January 2013 on the back cover.

Since the Mayan calendar is circular, it can't continue on forever, like a linear one could. So it's got to stop at the point where it started. It's limited by the size of the stone onto which it is carved.

I read somewhere that they finally found one which was about twice as large as the others, and it went past 2012! But apparently that one isn't as much fun as the small ones.


somehiker said:
If the Sipapu is the point of emergence into the current world,could the maze be the place of return to the past world? Or perhaps a future world?
Ellie Baba said:
The first impression one sees while looking at a body of water is the sky, or heavens. As it is in heaven so shall it be on the earth.

Labyrinth Origin: 1540–50; < L labyrinthus < Gk labýrinthos; r. earlier laborynt < ML laborintus, L, as above.

Middle English laberinthe, from Latin labyrinthus, from Greek laburinthos; possibly akin to labrus, double-headed axe, of Lydian origin.

[Note by me: If the handle is held vertically, the left side of the double-edged axe is the same as the right side. But if the handle is held horizontally, then "what is below is as above."]

The oldest known labyrinth image is the 7-circuit labyrinth that is commonly called the Classical or Cretan Labyrinth.

...although labyrinth images are found in such disparate places as Brazil, Arizona, Iceland, Europe, Algeria, Scandinavia, Egypt, India and Sumatra, none has ever been found in Crete that could be dated during the Minoan civilization. In fact, the only material evidence that a labyrinth existed in Crete is the labyrinth engraved coins dated c 500 BCE - almost a millennium after the Minoan civilization ended.

Up until recent times, the oldest verifiably dated labyrinth was a 7-circuit labyrinth incised into a clay tablet found in Pylos, Greece, circa 1200 BCE. More recently, however, an older 7-circuit image, dated 3000 BCE, was located on a ceiling of the Polyphemus Cave in Bonagia, Sicily.

At about the same time as the appearance of the Greek labyrinth, a topologically identical pattern appeared in Native American culture, the Tohono O'odham labyrinth which features I'itoi, the "Man in the Maze". The Tonoho O'odham pattern has two distinct differences from the Greek: it is radial in design, and the entrance is at the top, where traditional Greek labyrinths have the entrance at the bottom.


Good post EE.
Does get one thinking,don't it. :icon_scratch:


Fish with your chips anyone? Someone most rad, returns to the earth every 3,600 years. A race of giants, and this is their vehicle.

The original gold miners who engineered us to find the precious metals for them..........Thus your fever for it...........genetic engineering and the beginning of the white man in a garden named E den
First man....Adamu previous men already here from earlier works..........worth looking further on youtube. The annunaki and the records of the Sumerians on stone tablets. Fire and brimstone they say. Looks like the Phoenix huh? The winged destroyer that has taken out humanity, over and over again. I'll bring the popcorn O.K.?

Hey Twisted dude:
"The original gold miners who engineered us to find the precious metals for them"

Do we come with a warranty?
Cause I think I need a tune-up :wink:

These Nibirunians are probably gonna visit all the foundit clones first......right?

Unless,of course,this guy knows something about planets and stuff.


One can get the same response about Jesus these days...........that's because humanity in general is still unable to grasp the high order of math that the scriptures reveal in the Holy Spirit's flow; IT goes over most folk's heads and as such they walk away feeling smart in their stupidity; the world. God is not of this world.

Thousands of clay Sumerian tablets from over 6,000 years ago, describe this killer star and it's five planets over and over again. Eye witness survivors recorded the event more than once.

"And Nibiru brought forth the sea up over the land and turned the inhabitants of all the coastal cities back into clay"

NASA works for the Illuminati........ they were scared off the moon and will not return accordingly because of beings and their technology they encountered. NOW why would they not tell you that one? No matter....if it's real it will be visible by the naked eye very soon. What ya gonna do when the earth stops turning and the sea keeps going? No gravity for hours............oh joy The government after your gold and their stockpiling it in a certain part of the world....I suppose to help save their butts as a gift when those who from heaven to earth came, return for it again. Tablets and gold.

Why would they build underground watertight bases for themselves using your money and not invite you. Clinton set up our mass headstone least we and our money be forgotten. Hillary and Bill will be snug as bugs with Obama. Scientists have been gathering in Europe for years in preparation for it. Their not hiding anything in these huge public gatherings.

"And Nibiru brought forth the sea up over the land and turned the inhabitants of all the coastal cities back into clay"

Al Gore has been saying pretty much the same thing for years now.Cept he wants us all to give him all our money so's he can buy more beachfront properties,and save the world or something.

So,tell us oh wise one.Should we quit this search for the LDM and start climbing Mt. Everest instead?



  • Freezing.webp
    22.6 KB · Views: 1,162
There is more evidence to back the legends of Nibiru; far more than the lost dutchman or any other great wonder that I am aware of. The Peralta tablets and the Dutchman would appear to be more real if one has visited the site 43 times as yours truely. Spanish Markers do not lie when one gets right within a stone's throw of the mine.

I've yet to be able to spend any of it since taking a crew in there to excavte the boulder plug would most likely get us all a tidy prison sentence to say the least; it would be impossible to keep it quiet. I would rather die with the secret than to see some anal compulsive goverment led by an illegal alien communist African clown that should be shot for his crimes.

Twisted Fork said:
There is more evidence to back the legends of Nibiru; far more than the lost dutchman or any other great wonder that I am aware of. The Peralta tablets and the Dutchman would appear to be more real if one has visited the site 43 times as yours truely. Spanish Markers do not lie when one gets right within a stone's throw of the mine.

I've yet to be able to spend any of it since taking a crew in there to excavte the boulder plug would most likely get us all a tidy prison sentence to say the least; it would be impossible to keep it quiet. I would rather die with the secret than to see some anal compulsive goverment led by an illegal alien communist African clown that should be shot for his crimes.

Yeah ... good excuse.

Springfield said:
Twisted Fork said:
There is more evidence to back the legends of Nibiru; far more than the lost dutchman or any other great wonder that I am aware of. The Peralta tablets and the Dutchman would appear to be more real if one has visited the site 43 times as yours truely. Spanish Markers do not lie when one gets right within a stone's throw of the mine.

I've yet to be able to spend any of it since taking a crew in there to excavte the boulder plug would most likely get us all a tidy prison sentence to say the least; it would be impossible to keep it quiet. I would rather die with the secret than to see some anal compulsive goverment led by an illegal alien communist African clown that should be shot for his crimes.

Yeah ... good excuse.

That durn Lost Dutchman Mine is everywhere out there isn't it?

It's amazing how many people have absolutely, positively, cerifiably, beyond a shadow of a doubt, outright found it, and yet they're all in different parts of the Superstitions and in some cases not even near the Supers.

Wish I had a dollar for every person who thinks they've found it :)

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