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Old Dog said:BB said
LOL then i am doing my job .... if you think that way you should walk away from treasure hunting not look back ..
I think a better way for all of us to look at it is...
To leave BB in his cubicle thinking happy thoughts and posting his nasty little comments while we go out.
We find the actual signs, post CLEAR photos, and unashamedly share information with each other.
In the process we get to bedevil BB ... who still can't seem to do more than belittle anyone or anything.
and because of his lack of success has turned to changing the subject rerouting any decent discussion away from the subject because he actually has nothing to say... but has to say something.
Life is good.
you are confused . and you really dont have any idea of what i am doing and why .. in fact i will share something with you .. expedition 5 will take place in the near future .. we will in fact be investgating 9 locations .. not searching the unknown wildly or hopeing or testing theories .. we will be seaching given already define sites
OLd dog i fully under stand your over sight .. from what i have said in the past and shared to date it is fully under standable for you to draw that concluetion . and yes it was exspected in fact counted on ...
now there are 5 people that i have asked questions of and i will not explain the expedition to anyone from this point on with anyone other then those 5 people .. 4 of them and my self ..
now i under stand your reply Old dog and your more then welcome to think what you want .. and you have a real good point .. i almost cause my own death today ...
i am going to talk to my laywer this week about 4 letters i will be writeing to those 4 people .. makeing them the owners of the information with in those letters and they will share equaly between them the location and where abouts of the Ma Mine ...those 4 people and they alone will be the new owners of the LDM apone my death , and no sir this is not a joke.....
i can not give them a legal land clain to the Mine but they would in fact know where the real mine is .. and i dont beleive any one of them will give the location away any more then i did when they know what i know ...
i enjoyed your post threw the years sir .. but as late you have started to enjoy the hate and dis like for any one that dose not see or agree with you .. i am truly sorry you are not one of those 4 people OLd dog .. you would have made a good name on that list ...
one fact remains clear ..this is not about wealth or power or hate or greed
its about friends and a very gifted man that was once blind and saw more then most people will ever see in their own life times .. yes i could have done just what you speak of . i could have keep the mine for my self . and walked away .. but thats not who i am ...
those 4 people are the luckist people you will ever know in your life time ....we will find out if i am correct !
yes i have enjoyed the games and the jokeing around and head butting .. but thats over and done here and now .. expedition 5 will happen , those 4 people i hope will join me and see and under stand why i did what i did for so long .. waltz died with out shareing the location , thats not going to happen this time ...
i will not name those 4 people here on the site .. thats up to them if they want to make their names known .. and if they do want to let their name known they should respect the other members of the expedition and let those members step forward if they so chose to ...
so if you want to place me on ignore sir be my guest and good luck to you as well ..

i am sorry you feel the way you do ,, but i also under stand why you feel that way ..