The Peralta Stones

Old Dog said:
BB said

LOL then i am doing my job .... if you think that way you should walk away from treasure hunting not look back ..

I think a better way for all of us to look at it is...
To leave BB in his cubicle thinking happy thoughts and posting his nasty little comments while we go out.
We find the actual signs, post CLEAR photos, and unashamedly share information with each other.

In the process we get to bedevil BB ... who still can't seem to do more than belittle anyone or anything.
and because of his lack of success has turned to changing the subject rerouting any decent discussion away from the subject because he actually has nothing to say... but has to say something.

Life is good.


you are confused . and you really dont have any idea of what i am doing and why .. in fact i will share something with you .. expedition 5 will take place in the near future .. we will in fact be investgating 9 locations .. not searching the unknown wildly or hopeing or testing theories .. we will be seaching given already define sites

OLd dog i fully under stand your over sight .. from what i have said in the past and shared to date it is fully under standable for you to draw that concluetion . and yes it was exspected in fact counted on ...

now there are 5 people that i have asked questions of and i will not explain the expedition to anyone from this point on with anyone other then those 5 people .. 4 of them and my self ..

now i under stand your reply Old dog and your more then welcome to think what you want .. and you have a real good point .. i almost cause my own death today ...

i am going to talk to my laywer this week about 4 letters i will be writeing to those 4 people .. makeing them the owners of the information with in those letters and they will share equaly between them the location and where abouts of the Ma Mine ...those 4 people and they alone will be the new owners of the LDM apone my death , and no sir this is not a joke.....

i can not give them a legal land clain to the Mine but they would in fact know where the real mine is .. and i dont beleive any one of them will give the location away any more then i did when they know what i know ...

i enjoyed your post threw the years sir .. but as late you have started to enjoy the hate and dis like for any one that dose not see or agree with you .. i am truly sorry you are not one of those 4 people OLd dog .. you would have made a good name on that list ...

one fact remains clear ..this is not about wealth or power or hate or greed

its about friends and a very gifted man that was once blind and saw more then most people will ever see in their own life times .. yes i could have done just what you speak of . i could have keep the mine for my self . and walked away .. but thats not who i am ...

those 4 people are the luckist people you will ever know in your life time ....we will find out if i am correct !

yes i have enjoyed the games and the jokeing around and head butting .. but thats over and done here and now .. expedition 5 will happen , those 4 people i hope will join me and see and under stand why i did what i did for so long .. waltz died with out shareing the location , thats not going to happen this time ...

i will not name those 4 people here on the site .. thats up to them if they want to make their names known .. and if they do want to let their name known they should respect the other members of the expedition and let those members step forward if they so chose to ...

so if you want to place me on ignore sir be my guest and good luck to you as well .. :coffee2:

i am sorry you feel the way you do ,, but i also under stand why you feel that way ..

EE THr said:
If it's such a big secret---why are you posting about it on a public forum?

its not a secert .. expedition 5 has been in the works for a few years now ..

the details of expedition 5 will not be made public ...

dont get me wrong EE i am fan of yours ...

I think I said it best the first time.
I have listened to your nonsense and seen how you treat others.
I have also heard of despicable behavior on your part.

But I have also seen your posts on other forums.
They are self explanatory.
So ... you consider us dupes, and stupid.

Let me fill you in on a small bit of info.
You and your expeditions are and have been the biggest source of amusement for a great many of us.
I fully expect that if you actually get off road any distance at all that you will be the reason for the next great search and rescue operation in the supers. (don't forget that these dupes will be the ones searching)

You have no information that is of interest to me so please ... don't count me in.
I have information I trust.

I have put you not just on ignore, but on forget.
Have a good time and a long life

Old Dog said:
I think I said it best the first time.
I have listened to your nonsense and seen how you treat others.
I have also heard of despicable behavior on your part.

But I have also seen your posts on other forums.
They are self explanatory.
So ... you consider us dupes, and stupid.

Let me fill you in on a small bit of info.
You and your expeditions are and have been the biggest source of amusement for a great many of us.
I fully expect that if you actually get off road any distance at all that you will be the reason for the next great search and rescue operation in the supers. (don't forget that these dupes will be the ones searching)

You have no information that is of interest to me so please ... don't count me in.
I have information I trust.

I have put you not just on ignore, but on forget.
Have a good time and a long life

why thank you old dog .. you cleared that right up ... lol

you still dont get it .. i am sorry i dont have the time to play right now .. you keep think that way and i wont need you search for me . i cross those mt about 15 times so far with no issues at all . i can map ever peak out there by memory ,i am not at all interest in your forward reaction to me or my expedition . and who is us .. you speaking for someone else or you got a mouse in your pocket ..LOL

dont worry i have put a lot of effert into misleding others when i felt they were not being honest , its funny i saw you that way often .... but no harm done .. good luck to you old dog .. and you be careful out there to its a dangerous place to get lost and you dont really strike me as being the gifted type ... other then useing your ignore botton or talking down to others you fail to under stand ...if you have any questions about the stones ask .. but other then that . i am glad to see you go your own way .. old dogs do that now the then ...stay safe stay free

ps ...i am sorry you see my reactions to others that way its not true for one ,, my action have nothing to do with anyone other then my self,, in fact i often reply with no direct person to late to because i do work independlyi hope if thats the way you feel you could some day under stand the level i work and research at .. i do under stand what your saying and i also dont agree with it .. your only seeing what you want to see and you only get to see what is on the internet .. the truth is far from what is shared here . and the truth is those 4 people may thing some what the same as you till they have an open talk with me the day before the expedition starts .. but i have a lot of real evidence you know nothing about ... if anyone of those people dont want to go then you are more then welcome to step up and prove your a bigger man then just talking like your so much better then i am when you have never known me and you have no idea what i really do know ..

and yes i think about 95% of what i read on this site is total foolishness and the people posting it lack real skills in the field ..but do not confuse those with the great minds that some here do have much like your self if you could direct it in a respectful manner ... :coffee2:

i guess the real point here is this is not about you an me .. its about the stones and what they real do mean .. what is their real translation and can any real locations be pin pointed .. the answer is yes .. but you beleive i am a fool and dont know anything of value and . see thats where your wrong old dog .. i know just what those stones say and how to translate them .. and if by sheer luck one of those people dont go and you do step up .. i cause teach you more in one day at base camp B then you will learn in 3 life times ... and that my old dog is a out right fact !

you react to me yet i am not the topic am i ... ...

Twisted Fork said:
The Peraltas have history going back further than 1847 and I have read where they were involved somewhere along the line with the manufacture of grave stones as such in Sonora.

Maybe they were hired to create the tablets at one time and eventually came into knowledge of the actual location down the line. I'm pretty sure that the first images were probably done on paper before being transfered to stone; one can trace things back again and read from there right? One would think to start the trail from the location where the stones were first set up and wing around up to left on the old Apache Trail from there; couldn't be easier.

Hey Twisted,
I think you are on the right track – one shouldn’t get the stone carver and the creator/author of the stones confused. The author had plenty of time (possibly years) to be very meticulous in gathering info needed to make the stones as he saw fit. Once he had it laid out exactly as he wanted it he then gave it to the carver… I would surmise that the carver had no clue as to what it all meant either.

I still feel a date would be useless information on the stones, unless the author intended to keep them as a historical memento – Very doubtful. The author was good at distraction and most likely figured that if the stones were found by someone unintended they would see it as a date as well.

The author’s method would be to use the “path less traveled” – meaning to use terminology less known or used at that time. Those that were meant to cipher the stones would have been briefed as to what to look for… The author and his intended followers were well educated and had the knowledge needed… along with other skills.

They were religiously systematic in their efforts to tackle this mining site coming from Mexico and the same in making every move with calculation; careful not to leave a mark or make a sound anywhere that might give them away. Main animal trails are safest as the wild game will cover your tracks when they go to water. Travel over stone as much as possible from there as one closes in on the lode. Enclosed is a real photo of the Lost Dutchman according to simple chicken scratch drawings on tablets.


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If they had to sneak in and sneak out, who were they hinding from?

Also, how did they manage to sneak around, while hauling all that gold out of there?

The Apache trail was safe as long as you had 80 men and lots of guns. Otherwise, not.

The French were the biggest worry in the early years. The settlers scared the crap out of anyone who wasn't white and they just loved the thought of all of that gold too; The blood thirsty and those all alone in the wilderness.

Legend has it that a group of folks through the Mormons known as the Danites, happened to be the characters who over took the Peralta's teenage boys just East of Mesa and scored on their family placer digs along the water. That's where Mesa came from in the first place and the placers are on the way to the Apache trail, the burial site of the tablets and the other gold mines that the Mexican family operated in the Tontos. If there is any gold to be found in the Superstitions, it was planted there as a decoy to keep ya all diggin there all day long.

Twisted Fork wrote
If there is any gold to be found in the Superstitions, it was planted there as a decoy to keep ya all diggin there all day long.

I can assure you that there is indeed gold in the Superstitions, and that I respectfully disagree on the theory that it is salted or seeded. The sheer land area where you can find the gold covers quite a large area, and would have required the efforts of many thousands of men to "salt" it over such a vast area. Salted gold is most commonly found right on top of the earth or not at any depth, for to bury it requires much effort and disturbs the ground, and virtually none is found on the surface in the Superstitions but is down in the dirt.

Which is not to say that there are many large and rich gold deposits in the Superstitions either, the record speaks against that. However that there is gold which is not salted nor planted there, is a fact. You can pan out a little gold in quite a few places in the Superstitions, including inside the Wilderness area which is probably illegal. The Palmer mine produced gold and there is even an ore shoot from Goldfield that runs inside the State Park for that matter, so I don't know where you got this impression that any gold in the Superstitions was "planted there as a decoy".

Good luck and good hunting, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

I should have added that my reference was to the marker trail of glyphs and monuments where the legends of our authors were first forged from. Reference points salted as part of the marker chain used by the Dons; a nightmare to the unknowing modern day gringo. A good example is the presence of poisoned cache sites at each dig site. Never intended to be disturbed by the originators, but to entice and distort the futures of those who do not belong in their circle. If there is a find that excites the modern man these days, one can count on the fact that the King's men already covered the area many many years ago seeing it as a waste of time by their methods and standards. In the time before the Spanish, gold carried no threat and recovering it in one pure form or another was an exact science we have yet to understand even now. The method is of tracking it with math based on the structural analysis of one shape leading to another in a chain. Certain natural stones of different shapes, found together in the same place confirms the presence of gold in the vicinity. Color being less sure. The markers laid out on the ground by them use stones that are shaped a certain way and not from the exact area where they are found together laying on the ground, but they will lead you to gold if you read. Some of the toys they couldn't take with em' enclosed here.


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Hello friends....
All the experts are requested. I had found Jesuit sign and text but don't understand what actually these alphabets meaning.

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OK, we have 239 pages, and have returned to the beginning. What have we learned in the course of this thread? I'm curious, what would you do if you solved the stone maps? How many of out have actually be out there?

OK, we have 239 pages, and have returned to the beginning. What have we learned in the course of this thread? I'm curious, what would you do if you solved the stone maps? How many of out have actually be out there?

I've been out there searching. Before we all learned the Stone Maps were fakes. Now we just "Pretend" to treasure hunt for the false clues!

Ohh No Mr.Bill

I'm your Huckleberry! The stones are not fake and I'll prove Ryan is full of doubt. The Stones are much bigger then Travis, Now if he made copies and kept the real ones who knows! I do know a guy in California made some and there in feldmans shop and goldfield and the superstition museums and a few other places but I also believe I saw the real ones once. But who knows, But come February you'll all know there not fake or the Sarg will tell you all I had a blind Bowmen moment and I'm full of Chit[emoji56]. But it fair to tell ya I always win pure lucky *******, my nickname growing up was Scabby so just hold off a mere 60days and what's that in a 150 year search but chicken feed.


OK, we have 239 pages, and have returned to the beginning. What have we learned in the course of this thread? I'm curious, what would you do if you solved the stone maps? How many of out have actually be out there?

What we have learned is to question things, especially treasure maps that are in the public domain. I have to respectfully disagree with the folks that feel they wasted time searching,
using these maps to hunt for buried treasure and/or mines, for really any reason at all that gets you OUT there hunting, is a good reason. You can not find a lost treasure or mine by sitting at home. Plus, just the fact that you might go out hunting for a lost treasure, increases the odds that you really will find something great. Maybe not the treasure you were hunting for, but a treasure nevertheless. After all, who really knows the true history of the Superstition mountains? None of us alive today, were around in the early 1800s, 1700s, 1600s or earlier, there are some mysterious missing pages of history and there really are traces of SOME kind of mining activities in those mountains that does not match with any known, documented mining activity. In other words, if you are out there hunting for the lost Easter Bunny treasure using a map you obtained from the back of a box of Cap'n Crunch, you still stand a far better chance of finding something great, than someone that sits at home and plays on the internet. This does not mean the Easter Bunny treasure and Cap'n Crunch map are genuine, but if it gets you OUT there hunting, then it is well worth it.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Ohh No Mr.Bill

I'm your Huckleberry! The stones are not fake and I'll prove Ryan is full of doubt. The Stones are much bigger then Travis, Now if he made copies and kept the real ones who knows! I do know a guy in California made some and there in feldmans shop and goldfield and the superstition museums and a few other places but I also believe I saw the real ones once. But who knows, But come February you'll all know there not fake or the Sarg will tell you all I had a blind Bowmen moment and I'm full of Chit[emoji56]. But it fair to tell ya I always win pure lucky *******, my nickname growing up was Scabby so just hold off a mere 60days and what's that in a 150 year search but chicken feed.


Scabbies? A show in 60 days? You know you can't believe anything you see on the TV or internet right? The only scabs I see were on the knuckles of Travis when he made the fake stones! And Ryan? He never was a good spokesman for the stone maps and will never be a bonafide Treasure Hunter of any status.
The whole enchilada went straight to his head and he stabbed all his friends right square in the back! Now who's the Huckleberry?

Let me share with you what it means to solve the means that; thieves raid your campsite, the po-po are constantly going through your boxes (and even initial them), you crawl in spaces over 200 years old prying they don't collapse, you meet rattlesnakes face to face (not to mention AZ blacks), the Forest Service does anything they can to keep you out, and you are limited to hand tools. Indians are watching you -yes even today! Do you think that the Gold is sitting on the surface? No, you have to dig, and dig, and dig..but where? which hole? Peralta had an army of men. I do not. Oh yeh, mountain lions with feet the size of basketballs!...had one sniffing through my tent one night with me inside! And falls..everyone falls...crumbly rock debris takes you down before you can blink and always landing onto a cactus! Lightning...makes the electric chair look tame! The big black scorpions crawl up on you silently as you lay there digging. None of the rodents and critters are afraid of you...they have not interacted with humans much at all, so they come to see what you are doing. If that is not enough, there are spores in the soil and rat poop that can cause lung disease....
and of course, the Indians DID back fill most of the tunnels and they cut up barrel cactus into 1" pieces and added to the mix! I have not found any gloves strong enough to stop the needle like spines!

I said all of that to say this:
The Peralta Stone maps are real! They are an incredible testament to the brave men who gave their lives in quest of their dreams! These men died, so please respect their legacy. You sit on your butts and read comments from other couch potatoes and take it all as gospel! The pompous butts that tell you the stones are fake have never, ever lifted a finger to pick up a metal detector or shovel, and will believe anything anyone tells them! Be independent...think outside the box!! But mainly, get off your butt, and get out there. I have a small hint

Thats Funny Bill,

Ryan's been a Stone buster since day one.

But think about it so has the Sarg, By his very nature of the the job! To prove suspects wrong. So convince the skeptics and I go down in History! Forever cemented in the anal's of time. Plus a expert in Jesuit treasure symbols. Might even get me a few gigs.


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