You might end up having a fight with the researcher, since you promised him 10%, but evidently you meant 10% of the guessed amount of $150,000, not 10% of the real worth. What if he wants his share in gold? Does he know the real worth? He might be slightly disappointed when he finds out the real value of the gold, maybe like he is being screwed! You say that the LO will not find the gold without you, so you deserve more, but then at the same time, you would not have found the land, without the researcher, so he deserves a bigger %, right?
You have been patiently waiting for the members here, to come up with a good argument as to why you should be getting 2/3 of the cache, but unfortunately for you, we just can not come up with that argument. If you would have at least told us something about the expenses you have for this project, then we could maybe understand a little better, but you have only told us about the $100 you have spent of fuel, and finally, after many post, you told us about the $75 dollars you paid to the researcher, and the 10% you promised him, (10% of what?). Yes, we understand your research, but you never did say in dollars, what it is worth, (research on this cache) not on research you have done all your life. This LO cannot be expected to pay for all the other caches you have searched for, but only this one.
Why not be satisfied with the 1/3 split, and if you really feel that you deserve more, then show him in dollars, how much your research cost. No matter how you figure it, it cannot amount to more that a few thousand. As you have noticed, this thread is really losing interest. Most of us are of the opinion for a 50/50 and you want 33/33/33. Of course most of us dont know $hit about anything, but you shouldnt ask the opinion of people that dont know anything, but then the LO doesnt know anything either, but by now, he knows that someone it trying to get HIS cache. If neither LO hasnt answered your mail, then they might have already agreed to keep the greedy treasure hunters out of the loop, and hunt it themselves.
Dont screw up on your next hunt, although it looks like you have already decided that they are crooks. Pretty hard to give them an offer if thats how you look at people. They are either crooks or land owners that dont deserve whats buried on their land, and is THEIRS!