The Offer

Frankn said:
Jersey hunter, that would be worse. It's not how much each gets that matters, it's compensation for work done that matters to me. I have 7 months of computer time and work in the area searching for the land and interviewing relatives of the orginal owner. I have driven hundreds of miles and have a finders fee to pay if I find it. Now multiply this by 2 because my partner did the same. I can't see doing all that work, when this guy is basicly getting a gift, for less than 1/3 of the find. It's easy to say go 50/50 when you have nothing invested in the project, but I think you believe you should be compensater for work you do. I think this new letter I sent to the second owner will get a positive responce. I am composing an E Mail for the first owner with a similar offer.
As far as the location of the cache, I have never seen an X on the ground in a cache. I am estimating it is near the boundry line of the two properties. As far as compensating both owners, there is no need for a 4th partner that also contributes nothing. Frank

Stick to your plan it sounds like a good one to me and I can't wait to hear the out come

I just E Mailed the owner of the first property today. The problem is the cache sits near the property line. I know the markings are on one property, but I don't know how far they go. Frank

Today is Wednesday.
Nothing major going on in the world this weekend, but given the normal flow of life lets figure he gets this email by Friday.
He reads it, and digests it for a few days. He goes out and walks his property looking for a big, "X" on the ground or some other such indication that this is there, and he can find without you.
He fails.
He returns to stewing on it, does a little asking around...comes to the realization that he needs to contact you.
If he is married, he may tell his wife. That will help you. She will analyze this in seconds. It takes his ego completely out of the situation and moves directly to the issue at hand. She weighs the pros and cons and come to the only logical conclusion.
She will tell him,"Listen, we have nothing right now. Nothing. This guy sounds like he is legit, he is at least worth talking to and taking this to the next step. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain. What is bad about this? Contact him now and set something up."
I think you hear from him by next Friday.

I hope you are right again Sam8 because he does have a wife and there are no marks on the ground.

Frankn said:
Jersey hunter, that would be worse. It's not how much each gets that matters, it's compensation for work done that matters to me. I have 7 months of computer time and work in the area searching for the land and interviewing relatives of the orginal owner. I have driven hundreds of miles and have a finders fee to pay if I find it. Now multiply this by 2 because my partner did the same. I can't see doing all that work, when this guy is basicly getting a gift, for less than 1/3 of the find. It's easy to say go 50/50 when you have nothing invested in the project, but I think you believe you should be compensater for work you do. I think this new letter I sent to the second owner will get a positive responce. I am composing an E Mail for the first owner with a similar offer.
As far as the location of the cache, I have never seen an X on the ground in a cache. I am estimating it is near the boundry line of the two properties. As far as compensating both owners, there is no need for a 4th partner that also contributes nothing. Frank

I agree with your 1/3 deal, but if you're interested in being compensated then you should get that 10 fold. If your cache is truly worth over 4 million dollars...even split 50/ will well get your worth of time and energy back.

Matt092079, You have a good point, but when I think of compensation, I like to cover the past dry holes and maybe some of the future ones.
Here's the deal, $150,000 cache. If in gold coins- $20 gold coin contains 1 troy oz. of gold at $1700+/oz.
That's $150000 devided $20 = 7500 coins, or Troy oz. 7500 x $1700=$12,750,000. devided by 3 = $4,250,000. If this guy is not willing to settle for an equal part of $4,250,000, then I walk. That is because we have covered all the risk and he has covered none and there is always the possibility that some one beat us to it, in which case I would be out even more and he would still loose nothing. Frank

And if you did 50/50 then you and your partner split what was left, wouldn't you still get over 3 million dollars? Just standing from the outside looking in, I would jump on that quick. You didn't even invest HALF of that money wise. I know there was time and energy, but look...most people work a lifetime and don't make 3 million dollars. It's a tough decision, but it's something you should think about.

Matt, Jest let me say, I thought about it for over 7 months. Frank

Let me ask you this, are you 100 percent positive that this cache contains what you say it does?

Matt, No one is close to knowing what is in a cache!!! You read & research the info. You read between the lines, You closely examine the situation and literly put yourself into it. In other words you make an educated guess. This guess is based on the time period, the fact that he knew he was going to bury it, The " source of the money", and the situation surrounding it. I could get permission, go out there, and wind up with a dry hole and be poorer for the effort or I could hit paydirt and wind up a millionair, but I have no intention of finding it and giving most of it away. You see what some are calling 50/50 is in reality 50/25/25. Frank

Maybe you should start going without a partner. lol

Matt, I can tell you have never cache hunted, or should I say, successfully cache hunted. The work load to verify and locate is out of this world. I would still be working on it if I didn't have a partner on it. I work with partners all over the USA. I swap info on locations and advice about areas. There are a few good guys out there that I would enjoy working with and a few that I have worked with. It's a bit safer when you have someone to cover your backside while digging or detecting. Most caches aren't in areas where there are people around. Sure, I have gone after some alone in desolate areas, and spent a lot of time monitering my surroundings. I am a lone wolf myself, but there are times when the pack dominates.

After 273 reply posts, the two most important posts said were:

Keppy said:
And i still don't understand why Franken and his buddy wants to tell the world about it ?

calisdad said:
. . . You wanted validation.

Any TRUE treasure hunter would NOT have even posted what you did. Sorry, you're NOT even in the League of a TTH.


Frankn said:
Matt, I can tell you have never cache hunted, or should I say, successfully cache hunted. The work load to verify and locate is out of this world. I would still be working on it if I didn't have a partner on it. I work with partners all over the USA. I swap info on locations and advice about areas. There are a few good guys out there that I would enjoy working with and a few that I have worked with. It's a bit safer when you have someone to cover your backside while digging or detecting. Most caches aren't in areas where there are people around. Sure, I have gone after some alone in desolate areas, and spent a lot of time monitering my surroundings. I am a lone wolf myself, but there are times when the pack dominates.

I know, buddy. I was kidding. As in, you would get more without a partner...ha ha, right? lol I've never cache hunted before and wouldn't know where to begin! I commend you on your efforts and good luck with this all. I'll be waiting to see the outcome.

If I were the property owner and someone told me there was $12.75 million in gold on my property and if I let him and his partner search he would give me 1/3 of it I think I would hire a bulldozer and doze the entire 10 acres before I would let anyone take 2/3 of MY treasure. I also find it hard to believe that if there is a treasure that large in my area that I couldn't figure out what it might be by just talking to some of the old timers. Every area I have ever lived in has had its fair share of miser gold, buried stolen money, buried gangster money, civil war era gold that was hidden to keep it out of enemy hands, etc. Each and every one of these stories come from talking to old timers. Now that the land owner thinks he's got close to $13 million on his land I fear he will get a little more involved in trying to find out more about the story.

OK lime, let me clear your mine for you.
-The story was listed as $150,000. The fact that it is probably in $20 gold US coins makes it worth over $12M

-It could be on one of several properties so he isn,t going to spend a bundle bulldozing his land.

-It's not his cache, It wasn't placed by a prior owner so technically it belongs to a decendant of the cachier.

-Now you mention that you have found out about a lot of big caches in your area from elderly people. My question is how many have you recovered? The point is hearing all those stories and finding the actual cache are two different things.

- I have chased many caches all over the USA. A lot are bogus. I have found a few small ones, but non this big and I am researching two bigger ones. The odds are stacked against you in cache hunting so when you hit it, you don't want to give away the lions share. Frank

make sure you get both the husband and the wife to sign any papers that way the wife can't come back and contest the claim. But I am sure you already know this!

Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered. I'd have to side with the land owner. As was suggested earlier, I would shoot for 50/50 after expenses and be happy about it. If I owned the property, I would certainly feel entitled to half of what is technically 100% my money.

25% of over 12 million is much more gooder than 100% of nothing.

Just my opinion. Good luck.

GibS, You have to look at it from the land owners side. He now has 0% of "his" money and he could be looking at $4 1/4M.
Havent you ever seen those commercials? " I want my money NOW " Frank

How many here on T-Net use a bulldozer to hunt for a cache? Would any of you folks pay top dollar for a $20 gold coin that has been run over by a bulldozer? How much does it cost to bulldoze 10 acres? What are the chances of finding anything behind a bulldozer?

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