The Offer

Big scoop, this is a post about an offer, not a find. For all anyone reading this knows, it could be on the moon and that is intensional. Think about it, what is the cache story? Where is the location? Who is the cacher and the land owner and for that matter the hunters? How many of those questions can you answer. It's a true store, but about the unknown.


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Frankn said:
Big scoop, this is a post about an offer, not a find. For all anyone reading this knows, it could be on the moon and that is intensional. Think about it, what is the cache story? Where is the location? Who is the cacher and the land owner and for that matter the hunters? How many of those questions can you answer. It's a true store, but about the unknown.

If you really think so......well.......ok then. :thumbsup:

Newbie here with just my opinion.
By now I'm sure the landowners family and friends have heard about this offer from the landowner. Whats to stop the one of the family members to make a counter offer?
If my father told me that a couple of guys with metal detectors knocked on his door and made him such an offer, I would tell my father to tell them NO DEAL. Then I would .....(A) Invest in
a good metal detector and start my search. or (B) get a few experienced hunters to help with looking for the cache and offer them a much smaller portion of the cache than he would have to
give you. If not family or friends.........
What is to stop this landowner from getting online and searching for a metal detecting forum like this one, and posting an ad to all the members that he has very good reason to believe
a large cache of silver is hidden on his property. And he is offering anyone who finds the cache 25% of the value. How many hunters on this forum alone who live a reasonable distance away would
jump at the chance? I'm guessing he could get quite a few people detecting his property and only have to pay 25% to the finder. I'm sure 20 or so hunters could cover that 9 acres alot faster than
2 with much better odds of finding something.
If he made a counter offer of 50/50 I think you better jump on that as fast as you can, before he says Nevermind.....I'll find quicker and cheaper ways to locate it.

Newbie or not, you have great insight and vision as to how believing you're in control can quickly turn the other way on you. :thumbsup:

As there is question as to the value of the cache, possibly a sliding split may be your answer. We use this for commission calculations in some of our auctions. In the Auction, if the sale is say between $1 - $100 - the seller pays 35%, $100 - $500 seller pays 25%, $500 - $1000 - Seller pays 20% etc.

So, to make sure that your expenses are covered, possibly you tell the LO that you want a 33/33/33 split if the cache ends up being under $1M. This gives you $50,000 each if it is $150,000 in bills. If it is between $1M and $5M you will move it to 40/30/30 split. Between $5M and $10M you will move it to a 45/27.5/27.5 split, and anything over $10M you will honer the 50/25/25 split.

This allows the LO to see that your intention in the split is more related to covering your expenses.

On the opposite side, if it is not just to cover expenses, but to reward your value to the endeavor, you reverse the the direction of the splits by cache amount, and it gives the owner his 50/50 if the cache is smaller, and rewards you the larger it gets.

I think that a face to face conversation followed by paperwork is the only way to go. Drawing a contract that ensures that you will not damage his property or hold him liable for any injuries etc, and even being bonded if requested by the LO.

Frankn - Is this related to a WWI draft dodger by any chance?

Good luck. Even though most of us would handle the split differently, I applaud you for standing up for your partners interests. Lots of people would sell out their partner in a heartbeat if it meant putting more in their own pockets. Let us know how this works out.

Prowler53, I don't sweat it. If he wants to take a shot at it , that's ok with me. But it might cost him more in the long run is he destroyes the markers. By the way, skill counts more than numbers.

Swoodluther, I like to keep it simple with just permission and split stated. This post is Just about "The Offer", as titled, Not an actual search discussion. It could be applied to several caches in any area. There is a cache hunting section.

Jersey Hunter, There is honor among treasure hunters, You just have to know who you are dealing with. You see, there is no treasure before the actual find, so someone who would sell out his partner before the find is not worth much himself.


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Well, no reply yet. Maybe the economy hasn't cought up with him yet. My supply of coins is running low, might have to go to plan B or C while I am waiting. Frank


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Lets say iam the landowner and i agree to 1/3 one day i come home and BAM there are piles of dirt all over my land 5 6ft holes everywhere you are never heard from again???????? Then what do i have nothing but one heck of a mess :angry5: :angry5: :angry5: :angry5: :angry5: :angry5:

The solution to most every disagreement is always somewhere in the middle. You don't accept 50% he doesn't accept 33%. Mans ability to succeed is matched by his ability to adapt. Time for you to adapt- or not.


I know you never stop researching, I would let this thing simmer. The ball is in their court, you have other interests to investigate. Move on, spring is coming!

handy, I can see you are a worst case senario type person. I can also see that you have never done any cache hunting that amounted to much. Here's the reality of the situation. When you go in, you have a pretty good idea of the location of the cache. You use a good 2 Box detector so you are probably only going to dig one hole. When someone buries a cache, it is with the idea of comming back and getting it so it is not deep. I have never seen one over 2' deep. The last thing is you cover your tracks. That is when you leave, it looks just like it did when you arrived.

Sam8, I already have 2 on the back burner. One is ready for on ground search but there is snow on the ground up there now. Springs not far away. The geese have flown North and my Dafidills are bluming.


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Frankn said:
handy, I can see you are a worst case senario type person. I can also see that you have never done any cache hunting that amounted to much. Here's the reality of the situation. When you go in, you have a pretty good idea of the location of the cache. You use a good 2 Box detector so you are probably only going to dig one hole. When someone buries a cache, it is with the idea of comming back and getting it so it is not deep. I have never seen one over 2' deep. The last thing is you cover your tracks. That is when you leave, it looks just like it did when you arrived.

Sam8, I already have 2 on the back burner. One is ready for on ground search but there is snow on the ground up there now. Springs not far away. The geese have flown North and my Dafidills are bluming.
You say iam the worst case senario person???? I say i have read enogh on here about "How not to ever show a landowner" the good stuff hide all the good stuff just show the trash!!!!! so yes with being a landowner i have the right to protect my property there are to many on here that think everything belongs to them and no one else. I do belive there are honest people on here. But i have seen to many just hide the good stuff and never show the good stuff it turns people off bigtime. It is no wonder why we have a problem searching another persons property. But let me ask you this someone comes to you do you take the 1/3rd or do you just look for it yourself? You already said its probly no more than 2" down why not just look for yourself?

limegoldconvertible68 said:
There's no way I would accept that offer if I was the land owner. What if you had another guy in your group, would it be a split of 75/25? There are only two parties to this.......yours and the land owner......50/50. How would you feel if it was just you hunting for the cache and the landowner told you that since he's married he should get 2/3 of the find and you should get only 1/3?

I tend to agree with this line of thought. Legally he holds all the cards and might decide to wait and/or try to find it himself.

handy wrote --->You already said its probly no more than 2" down why not just look for yourself?

Are you refering to 1 of 2 partners involved in this hunt.. Betray the other and go for the prize alone.. If so then that is a definate no-no..

Handy, what I said meant you took a pessamistic view. Sure there are dishonest treasure hunters, but I am not one of them. Check that dept, I said 2 FEET, not inches. You think it is easy to locate a cache, so I think you have never looked for one. I have been looking 40 years for the cache on my property and I heard about it from the nice 90 year old lady who use to live with her uncle here.
Pirate Island, Legally yes, Technically no!

If Poor hunter came up alone and found the cache, I know I would get my cut, and if I went up alone and found it Poor hunter knows he would get his cut. That is what a partnership is all about. It's not just business, it involves honor.


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I was refering to the landowner why would he split something 50/50 when he can do it himself and not have to worry. But lets say he has you there and you all agree to a split, You sprain your ankle are you going to sue you got hurt on his land?

handy said:
I was refering to the landowner why would he split something 50/50 when he can do it himself and not have to worry. But lets say he has you there and you all agree to a split, You sprain your ankle are you going to sue you got hurt on his land?
handy, Sue over a sprained ankle? I have suffered worse injuries in more likely sueing situations.. Shake it off and hobble, Life goes on! :thumbsup:

You seem confident. Stick to your guns. I negotiate land deals all the time and when both parties are sure of themselves, we end up with a stalemate.

I still agree that it should be fiddy-fiddy, but also see your point of view.

Also I think the sprained ankle was just one scenario. What if the farmer fails to tell his ranch hand that you have permission and the ranch hand shoots you! Obvious negligence, good cause for a suit. The Farmer is now on the hook for letting you on his land.

Don't respond with....It's not a farm. That is not the point. The guy does accept risk by allowing you to enter his property. That is all!

Good Luck!

Hey there Frank, first I would like to thank you for sharing your thoughts on another treasure location that has helped me in my research. As for this location, the split should have been 50/50 from the get go. It should also have split 50/50 the costs of locating. Being up front with the landowner from the start preserves honor and faith to move forward with the project. It also needed to be a contractual process from the beginning. As it is, with all of your research, (cost to you in percentages, etc.) you now have 100% of nothing. If you take the 50/50 the landowner wants, you get 50% minus the research amount (cost to you in percentage, etc.). If you move forward with an Ace in the Hole, ( so to speak) you move without honoring the landowners rights. If you go back to the landowner with a 50/50 split on costs and overall take, he may change his mind. Rule of thumb is to ask landowner in advance of research with a written contract in hand. Best of Luck, Monte :hello:

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