The Offer

Well, you will get their attention with this.
Just a couple of options then.
-They will believe you, and invest whatever it takes on their own to locate it. (If they can afford to spend 50 on what amounts to a 12 million dollar win, will they find it?)
-They won't believe you, and write the whole thing off as if it were tantamount to contact from Mr. Magoo in Nigeria with a big check.
-They will decide that there is enough potential gain going on here to make contacting you and hearing you out worth the effort

what ever happened to working together and just appreciating each other and their finds? I feel that the cache researcher needs to learn a valuable lesson about signing papers before investing his time and effort. I would be happy just knowing that my research finally paid off and then I would dig the thing with the farmer's help. Why not?

All -The catch in spending a bundle themselves is I always mention on or near their property so the risk would be high to them too.
-They might think"the off shore offer theory" but I am in the same state and assured them it will cost them nothing.
-This is the reaction I am looking for. It gives them the chance to meet me and talk it over.

Signing papers before research was not an option for we didn't know the owners or property location. They are not farmers but business people. I would love to work on a handshake, but with these people it woulld be to risky.

The gold coins are the lever to get things moving, I hope my way.

I don't like complicated split agreements. It results in problems later. If you know you are getting X percentage up front, that is what you expect in the end.

I will wait a little longer for the replies. Frank

Hello Frankn,

I would jump on a 50/50 deal any time on any treasure no matter how small.

Would it make you feel better knowing that he is only getting 25%, and his partner is getting the other 25%?
Maybe she is getting more. This is in case he is married, but he could still have a partner, you never know.

If he is married, try contacting his wife, she may be in the dark. That would speed things up.


Coazon de oro, That's one way to look at it, but consider this, Say he had a wife, and I had a wife would that be a 5 way split in your logic? Both wives put in no contribution of time or money. The way I look at it is my partner and I put in all the work and cost so far and might have to put in months more work and money to find it while he sits back with his hand out contributing nothing but his permission to search. If nothing is found, my partner and I loose months of labor and associated cost and he looses nothing. Where is the reward for taking the risk? Frank

Golden Eagle;

I appreciate your belief in human nature, and think if it were just two people that knew each other working together there would be a possibility of starting out as you mentioned.
One of the issues Frank is dealing with here is the other parties "box of unknowns".
He is an unknown to them, they may be unknowns to each other, and he is the only one with the critical information needed to locate the item or items in question.
If we were talking about a pocket spill or the location of some other minor goodies, you might be able to okie-doke your way into this and come out clean.
There is real money at stake here.
Real money has almost always brought out the worst in the human condition. History bears this out.
As far as cooperating on the research from the git go, working together, etc.; that sounds good.
Sometimes circumstances prevent that. Sometimes a ball gets rolling and before you have the chance to make any course correction you'd like it has reached terminal velocity and reached the point of impact with whatever lies in it's path. Or, the individual elements of the case, when combined, prevent proceeding this way.
This last move Frank is making is known as, "putting some perfume on the offer".
Ever had been in a room and watched what happen when the first woman wearing just a light scent of perfume walks in?
Within a minute or two everyone in the room has looked at her. Whether she is attractive or not, the scent has worked.
She has had the attention of everyone in the room, for at least few seconds.
The question is do you like the scent?
That is the question here. Frank has laid out a clear foundation of what he believes is going on. He has done his due diligence and made more than one contact with the players. They have not really come to the table. Frank has decided he needed a way to move them in his direction.
He has decided that he will put some perfume on the, "woman"....or package, in this case.
The perfume, in nothing.
It is a will only last for awhile and then it will be gone. The original package is still what it was, but the perfume has drawn the people it was intended to, and they will spend a moment analyzing the package again.
Now, the question remains is the package strong enough to bring them in.

Sam 8, there are too many kinds of perfume to narrow it down to a certain scent. Some smell good to some, while others may find that smell offensive. I kinda like the smell of a skunk cause I know I got the animal close or someone smoking a high grade joint. Frank is in control and the landowner is out of the loop. Ever heard the term "Cat Birds Seat", well in my opinion Frank is sitting there.


Thanks for an interesting thread!

I see both sides of this:

The landowner has no understanding of how your business works, and the hours and skill you put into it. He has no idea if you are really serious, or just a crazed nut job that has read too many westerns.

I think normal logic...something you've seen from most people here...would be to ask or demand that the deal is a 50/50 split, and call it fair for both parties. If you contacted me about a possible cache, I'd tell you 50/50, or hit the road.

I think that the bottom line is this: Human nature is a funny thing, and we don't understand it...not in ourselves, and certainly not in others.

In a nutshell, I think you need to teach your client how much you are worth. They don't always see or understand it themselves.

Good advice you guys. I think every one likes the smell of money. The catch is to keep in his mind the idea that he can not find it without me. I think the idea that it might not be on his property might keep him from investing his money to try to find it. Frank

Scar, I think Frank holds the cards in this hand, too.

The is a trail to money. Most will like it. Perhaps a bad analogy, but the logic stands.
I have, "packaged" the same deal over again to folks I needed something from, just changing the way we pushed it at them.
People are interesting creatures. Sometimes they react as if the whole deal has changed, content and everything, when all you have done is push the package at them a different way.
What Frank has to do now is allow the package to simmer awhile.
He has chummed the waters enough. The bite is next.

Is anyone else wondering how a "lead" became "real money"? Frank sez a 90 year old lady told him; can't be sure of what form of
"treasure" might be on site; might not even be on site; spilled the beans to absentee owner; willing to air on a non-secure forum?
Flags go up. :argue:

Lastleg, Did you really read the posts above? The 90 year old lady told us about the family tree and did not know of the cache. "Treasure" is in bills or gold coins as stated above. Land owner only got amount, not the story. I think you skimmed a little to lightly. Frank

hey old digger, do you really want to get the tax man involved. If you do no one will get nothing but the lawyers and IRS.


I read it all, the lead is suspected, not confirmed. Good luck.

Lastleg,It's confirmed in 2 nationwide papers and gov. records. Of course, in treasure, nothing is for sure. That's why they call it hunting.

Old Digger, This guy Just wants 50% period! Thats what this post is all about.

I am phrasing out the second letter now. It will take me a couple of days to present the image I want, Then I will send them. This wheather is helping, they won't even think about looking themselves with the snow on the ground.

It's off and running. I just posted the perfumed offer to the second lot owner. I casually mentioned the $4M+ possibility per share. I also reviewed the hard work that my partner and myself put into this. A 7month research period was mentioned. Our high tec locating equippment was mentioned.

The $4,000,000 perfume should get their attention.
The long research period and high tec equippment should discourage them trying to find it.

I am feeling good about this letter. I just ordered 4 pairs of socks for my snake proof boots and I am looking at the firehose pants with the padded knees. Frank

Frankn said:
It's off and running. I just posted the perfumed offer to the second lot owner. I casually mentioned the $4M+ possibility per share. I also reviewed the hard work that my partner and myself put into this. A 7month research period was mentioned. Our high tec locating equippment was mentioned.

The $4,000,000 perfume should get their attention.
The long research period and high tec equippment should discourage them trying to find it.

I am feeling good about this letter. I just ordered 4 pairs of socks for my snake proof boots and I am looking at the firehose pants with the padded knees. Frank

LOL,, Go get em! Good luck, let us know what you find! Scratch that tell us about the pulltab hoard. :evil5:

Frankn said:
It's off and running. I just posted the perfumed offer to the second lot owner. I casually mentioned the $4M+ possibility per share. I also reviewed the hard work that my partner and myself put into this. A 7month research period was mentioned. Our high tec locating equippment was mentioned.

The $4,000,000 perfume should get their attention.
The long research period and high tec equippment should discourage them trying to find it.

I am feeling good about this letter. I just ordered 4 pairs of socks for my snake proof boots and I am looking at the firehose pants with the padded knees. Frank

I am really looking forward to seeing how this progresses. I think you will get the desired results as well.
It is hard to ignore that kind of perfume.
Can't wait to see it all shake out.

Snakes...well I was going to start my usual diatribe about my problem with snakes, but for that kind of cash I might even be persuaded to let one live, LOL.

Just a thought but, what if you included both property owners? That makes up their 50% (25% each) and 50% for you and your partner to split? As I've understood it you didn't want the property owner to make more than you, and this way they wouldn't and as you've indicated you do need both as one has the markers and the other the cashe. Just trying to bring about another way of looking at it and turning a possibly dead deal into a working deal.

Jersey hunter, that would be worse. It's not how much each gets that matters, it's compensation for work done that matters to me. I have 7 months of computer time and work in the area searching for the land and interviewing relatives of the orginal owner. I have driven hundreds of miles and have a finders fee to pay if I find it. Now multiply this by 2 because my partner did the same. I can't see doing all that work, when this guy is basicly getting a gift, for less than 1/3 of the find. It's easy to say go 50/50 when you have nothing invested in the project, but I think you believe you should be compensater for work you do. I think this new letter I sent to the second owner will get a positive responce. I am composing an E Mail for the first owner with a similar offer.
As far as the location of the cache, I have never seen an X on the ground in a cache. I am estimating it is near the boundry line of the two properties. As far as compensating both owners, there is no need for a 4th partner that also contributes nothing. Frank

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