Jr. Member
I agree only to the point an old man wrote his remembrances late in his life and tried the best he could to get everything right. I don't know what he intended but he was educated only enough to read and write and not a scholar. Pretty much everyone agrees he wrote it for his children and grandchildren, not as a public document or book of some kind. According to the Cavaness family the memoir was finished after Mathew Cavaness was in the home at Sawtele sometime around 1928 not long before he died. Christina Morrell, his sister actually wrote down the words as her brother told them. About 20 years later a member of the family gave Joe Miller permission to type the notes and he typed them exactly as they appeared on the hand written pages. Miller kept a copy for the Arizona archives. The hand written copy is still with the family in California and the archives in Arizona have a photograph of the pages. There are mistakes in the memoir but for the most part Cavaness did a good job. Good chronology ? Yes and no, depending on which page you are reading.
Cavaness had major problems with the town of Phoenix. He owned a saloon, a blacksmith shop, a freight business and had about 500 head of cattle. The city taxed him nearly to death and he was swindled on some lots in the city he had purchased. He couldn't wait to get away. Once gone he never went back. This was 1872 just before his son Albert was born. Lots more to it but I must go over to Long Beach for now and will finish later.
he aludes to the issue with phoenix city lots and basically getting screwed out of them in some way. do you know if he, his wife and family ever had a residence in Pinal city?