Friday morning, I met with Rik, in Mariposa, where we transferred his prospecting equipment over into my Explorer. By about 10am, we were on our way to the mine/mill by way of Coulterville, Greeley Hill and Dogtown. This time, I managed to find my way in to the mine/mill without getting lost. (lol)
When we got to the site gate, the first thing we noticed was that the gate had been opened since the previous week when JHA and I finally located the place. Looking ahead, we could see a bit of a pickup down near a building. So, we walked on down and found 3 pickups, 4 young men and a woman already there. They were prospecting and found the place and decided they would camp there for the week-end.
Rik was kind enough to go back and get my vehicle. I had him park it near the hoppers, where it would be convenient for unloading our equipment.
Rik went down into the gulch and took (vacuumed) all of the milled materials he could find. (Out of the flotation cells and under the equipment off of the concrete pad), while I ran some of the ore from under the hoppers through the dry-washer. Though I got 2 or 3 thin flakes smaller than the head of a pin, all of the rest was 'ultra-fine'.
Rik managed to scrape up about a half bucket from the mill to pan down, while I ran a half tank of gas through the dry washer. All in all, we 'might' have recovered an eighth of a gram for all of our work. Unfortunately, we couldn’t think of any way to separate the gold from the other heavy concentrates without the use of chemicals, which neither of us have. So, the recovered amount is just a wild guess and could be a lot less.
ALL of the gold was 'ultra-fine'. Nothing big enough for a metal detector, or for that matter, nothing big enough to pick up with fine point tweezers. Don’t misunderstand me here, there was enough gold in our sampling to show that with enough money, modern equipment and extraction techniques, a dedicated company could probably turn a profit on this site. But with the average prospector’s equipment, it would be a waste of time.
So, the search is back on for the "old mine", and a suitable place to file a claim on.
Actually, I’ve found what looks like it could be an excellent spot for a claim. There’s enough water flowing (right now), to operate a couple of sluice boxes. And, it’s so secluded, a guy might even be able to operate a 5” dredge without being noticed. Not that I would ever do anything like that. (lol)
We got busy, so there were a couple of things I didn't get pictures of. But, it doesn't really matter, since I've decided it isn't worth filing on.
Anyway, here are the final pictures on this particular site:
This is the first piece of equipment you see once you're past the gate.