The Lost Treasure of Emperor Maximilian

Something more about the map the Confederate soldiers have made of the Maximilian treasure?
The legend says how in the maps clues are depicted a lake and a specific mark which the doctor and attorney were not able to find.

In regards the legend with the clues to the Maximilian treasure hidden by the Confederate soldiers, I believe the mark made by the soldiers was a cross which one of its arm has two diagonal lines at one end, and its shape promts to an arrow image, This specific arm of the cross, points to the magnetic south of that era.
What made me think this mark would be the same the Confederate soldiers left, was the fact I posted an GE image with that mark in this forum in two different dowsing threads, and two dowsers pointed at the same spot, each of them in a different thread. This is the image I posted and you can see the dowsers to mention about the spot at The mark is in the green circle.


I found that mark somewhere close to Castle Gap and after I did a measurement of the elevation from the cross mark to the alleged treasure spot, and I found how starting from the midlle of the cross, the terrain drops dows for about 3-4 feet to the west or down like you will see as a green line in the next image, and at the treasure spot forms a narrow hook, which maybe was the reason the soldiers choose that place to hide the loot.

Maximilian treasure.webp

Just my two cents of my 15 minutes of fame.


There is and something else related to the second legend's clue, the dried lake, which make sense if use it in combination with the treasure spot and Castle Gap.

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Other than Stories being handed down, is there any hard evidence? I live in the small town of Rankin, about 15 miles from where all this supposedly took place and have heard the tales of people searching for the lost treasure. My dad even took us out there to show us everything as a kid, Although we didn't get to look for the lost treasure we did see the wagon ruts as well as a couple of marked graves. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of treasure being buried out there somewhere as much as the next person. I have been looking and much like the others in the above posts have not found any real evidence. Unfortunately all of this is privately owned and to my knowledge they are not letting "treasure hunters" explore their land.... not that I blame them..

Other than Stories being handed down, is there any hard evidence? I live in the small town of Rankin, about 15 miles from where all this supposedly took place and have heard the tales of people searching for the lost treasure. My dad even took us out there to show us everything as a kid, Although we didn't get to look for the lost treasure we did see the wagon ruts as well as a couple of marked graves. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of treasure being buried out there somewhere as much as the next person. I have been looking and much like the others in the above posts have not found any real evidence. Unfortunately all of this is privately owned and to my knowledge they are not letting "treasure hunters" explore their land.... not that I blame them..

Hi brownbm and welcome to the forum.

I knew was in private land because I have searched it before. Sometimes we just do a research based in the existed clues and using GE aerial images. Another times we would go there to examine the spot if the the circumstances permit. But I believe, the most of us, never will go in private lands to do a digging in regards to find out if is the real deal.
The most times are only opinions in regards to keep alive the legends and to open the appetite of the new treasure hunters generation.
If you are still interested to find Maximillian treasure and if you believe my research could leads you to it, just sent me a PM with your email and I will send you the details, for free. I would be happy to hear you have found it, first for you and second for me, knowing I have did a good research and you have vindicated me.

I?m at Horse Head Crossing every weekend. If you ever need any help searching, I am more than available. All I want to do is help. I have several Detectors and endless heavy equipment resources. Im out of the Midland area. Just give me a shout. Thank you,
(281) 330-2628 Text is best but call if need to.

Benito Juarez turned to separating church from state in his reforms. He started sizing church property and confiscated over a million dollars at the time. Churches throughout mexico must of went into a panic and sent their wealth out of mexico to avoid confiscation by Benito Juarez.In his pursuit of church wealth he obtained the map that was in his treasury. When the Mexican treasury with what little was there was over run by the French. The map was one of documents passed on to Maximillan.
If you were a Church - (Franciscan, Jesuit, whatever) and were afraid of confiscation of Church loot, where would you be most likely to send it? I would think possibly to other Missions/Churches across the border in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and perhaps California and to the south to parts of Central America. Similarly, if you are a wealthy loyalist of Maximillan and he is imprisoned and Benito Juarez retakes control of Mexico how would you think about your future in Mexico? I would think many may have fled to AZ, NM, TX and CA (Central America not so much), taking their valuables with them and possibly creating caches of their wealth.

Of course this would mostly be something you find by accident while out in the field metal detecting and exploring unless you come across an official document describing such events or a diary which gives detailed accounts of the tumultuous times.

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