The Lost Treasure of Emperor Maximilian

Love em or hate they have a role to play. However I detest entrapment methods. But my friends there are ways a means of liquidating gold into liquid assets when needed under the radar.



Hello Bill Well done!

That lot is about 3.9 million. India is biggest buyer of black market gold in the planet. Only estimated 15-20% of customs recoveries of the total amount.

Even china was leaking gold to India. One fellow hides behind front company orchestrates sales from his laptop living in ultimate luxury. He shift an estimated 1.5 billion dollars of clandestine gold. Occasionally shipments are hijacked or busted by customs but the profit margins more than compensate any losses.

Why he was successful two reasons one the market demand and two. He paid well those down the chain of involvement that it was not in their best interest to betray a system that pays them so well.

Very simple money talks BS walks......


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Once my apologies again I am digressing a little off from topic. However interesting the murky world of clandestine illicit money movements.


Well its easy to see why such stories become side tracked and in time incorrect information gets added to become accepted as fact. For Example in the case in question concerning Carlota's Crown claimed to be the one in victorio peak story below.


While I am wanting to side track into detail of that treasure legend. I only wish to highlight how the above claim is totally false in the above belonging to Carlota. To me it seems the perpetrators of that untruth was trying to connect the alleged Maximilian treasure with the treasure allegedly found at Victorio peak. Yet even now the same BS is bandied about as fact on you tube.

The is Carlota's imperial crown in the painting of her after her coronation in 1867.

download (1).webp

What of this alleged crown that belonged Carlota ?

Well it was a picture taken of another crown belonging to a Russian princess. You can see her below.


It was Tsarina-Alexandra-Feodorovna-of-Russia-Empress-Alexandra-wearing-emeralds. That crown was never in Mexico or United States. Its has been in the imperial Russian diamond fund now housed in Museum in Moscow.

You can see it today if you visit the museum there. Here it is below. You will notice it is exactly the same one as the black and white picture of the alleged Carlota crown.



In short a 1905 black and white picture Tsarina-Alexandra-Feodorovna-of-Russia-Empress crown. Was claimed to be Carlota crown.

I even know who took the 1905 photograph.


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Who was the man who took the 1905 photographs that was later used for the 1922 Russian Diamond fund book?

His name was George Fredrick Kunze (1856-1932), a mineralogist and gemologist, gentleman explorer, and employee of the USGS and Tiffany & Co. George F Kunze made a trip to Europe around 1905. The was diamond exposition in Russia at the time when the Czars diamonds and the Russian crown jewels was on display to select few. George Fredrick Kunze was one of the lucky few.

George F. Kunz Portrait-opt.webp

Here is an overview of the Russian crown jewel collection in 1905. the crown alleged to have be Caroltas is in middle.


The picture of Carlotas alleged crown was lifted strait out the Russian Diamond fund book published in 1922 and 1925.

VP Crown.webp

So with every treasure legend such falsities creep in and muddy the story to suit other peoples agenda or pet theory obscuring and burying the real facts.

There is an old saying the more famous a treasure the more BS has been added.


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Great research (as always) Kanacki !!

Hello Don

Thank you for the thumbs up!:icon_thumright:

As many of us know that's been there done that good research can save a lot of heart ache theses treasure legends can some tines dish out.


Getting back to Maximilian's alleged treasure map.

Here is more detail below.....


One version told to me was that the maps represents locations where the Churches sent some of there treasures to. And indeed the convent monastery where Maximilian was killed in 1867 had a connection to sister convent in Guatemala near Santo Tomas and Porto Barrios.


Yet there is another possibility.....


. . . .

While I am wanting to side track into detail of that treasure legend. I only wish to highlight how the above claim is totally false in the above belonging to Carlota. To me it seems the perpetrators of that untruth was trying to connect the alleged Maximilian treasure with the treasure allegedly found at Victorio peak. Yet even now the same BS is bandied about as fact on you tube.
. . . .

I am little interested in Victorio, but clearly false info was added to the tale.
Certainly all contributions from that source are worthless.
I wonder what these stories would amount to if the bogus info was ignored ?
- but that is what research is all about

well done Kanacki

The other possibility Charlotte of Belgium (7 June 1840 – 19 January 1927) was a Belgian princess who became Empress of Mexico when her husband became Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico.

What many people to not know Belgian colony The territory was authorized in 1843 "in perpetuity" by the Guatemalan parliament to be administered by the Compagnie belge de colonisation, a private Belgian company under the protection of King Leopold I of Belgium. ... In 1854 the Belgian company withdrew because of financial losses.

Santo Tomás, Guatemala (1843–54)

In 1842, a ship sent by King Leopold I of Belgium arrived in Guatemala; the Belgians observed the natural riches of the department of Izabal and decided to settle in Santo Tomas de Castilla and build infrastructure in the region. Rafael Carrera gave them the region in exchange for sixteen thousand pesos every year from the government of Guatemala. On 4 May 1843, the Guatemalan parliament issued a decree giving the district of Santo Tomás "in perpetuity" to the Compagnie belge de colonisation [fr], a private Belgian company under the protection of King Leopold I of Belgium. It replaced the failed British Eastern Coast of Central America Commercial and Agricultural Company. Belgian colonizing efforts in Guatemala ceased in 1854, due to lack of financing and high mortality due to yellow fever and malaria, endemic diseases of the tropical climate.




King Leopold I of Belgium was the father of Carlota did he pass on property to her?

So regardless if the above alleged treasure map is a treasure map or not there seems a strong connection that Maximilian or Carlota had interests perhaps owned land in Guatamala?


Hi Kanacki

transport ?
the map suggests by sea

Hello Bill If anything sent there it had to be sent by sea and landed at Santo Tomás. Another factor was Churches in Mexico prior to French in invasion able to smuggle out past the Republican government strapped for cash looking to take Church Wealth in the separating church from State reforms?

At this stage we just do not know?


Hello Bill I suspect although the map has been alleged to have been a treasure map. In reality it is only conjuncture. I suspect the maps was lever if Maximilian had gotten total control of Mexico he could made a territorial claim on that part of Guatemala.

That is why that map was found in his private papers.


Hello Bill I suspect although the map has been alleged to have been a treasure map. In reality it is only conjuncture. I suspect the maps was lever if Maximilian had gotten total control of Mexico he could made a territorial claim on that part of Guatemala.

That is why that map was found in his private papers.


Hi Kanacki,

a potential claim seems more likely than the secreted Mexican treasury

A little more history in regards to Santo Tomás, Guatemala. The port was first founded in 1604 by the Spanish and Dominicans operated ecominda there creating plantations but sickness such as yellow fever and raids from English pirates from Jamaica blackbirding for salves caused the Mayan population to flee inland into the jungles. And Dominican ecominda and port only a minor Spanish port never really prospered. And eventually even the Spanish all but abandoned the region in Colonial times. Until a sizable population of Afro Caribbeans and mestizo Indians began to farm there in 1867.After the Belgium colonist either went broke or die of disease. Eventually land was appropriated by the United Fruit company that had too much political influence on the Guatemalan government. Hence the term Banana republic.

The current Nuns in convent only came there in 1944 from Malaga Spain. The previous convent there was abandoned due to political strife in United Fruit company years of corporate control.

So for the present nuns they have little knowledge of the history of the convent prior to 1944.

So it is a mystery what role the convent had prior to Maximilian if any any?


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Something more about the map the Confederate soldiers have made of the Maximilian treasure?
The legend says how in the maps clues are depicted a lake and a specific mark which the doctor and attorney were not able to find.

The Lost Treasure of Emperor Maximilian.

This legend is near and dear to me, because I have 640 acres of land in the area the treasure is supposed to be buried. The treasure is thought to be buried at King mountain in the castle gap. People have been hunting there for years, but nothing has been recovered.

Here is a link to the story.

The Lost Treasure of Emperor Maximilian - Mexico Unexplained

Your land is in Crane or Upton County? It's the land yours or it's leased from Handlin, Larry N & Jane?

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