Well its easy to see why such stories become side tracked and in time incorrect information gets added to become accepted as fact. For Example in the case in question concerning Carlota's Crown claimed to be the one in victorio peak story below.
While I am wanting to side track into detail of that treasure legend. I only wish to highlight how the above claim is totally false in the above belonging to Carlota. To me it seems the perpetrators of that untruth was trying to connect the alleged Maximilian treasure with the treasure allegedly found at Victorio peak. Yet even now the same BS is bandied about as fact on you tube.
The is Carlota's imperial crown in the painting of her after her coronation in 1867.
What of this alleged crown that belonged Carlota ?
Well it was a picture taken of another crown belonging to a Russian princess. You can see her below.
It was Tsarina-Alexandra-Feodorovna-of-Russia-Empress-Alexandra-wearing-emeralds. That crown was never in Mexico or United States. Its has been in the imperial Russian diamond fund now housed in Museum in Moscow.
You can see it today if you visit the museum there. Here it is below. You will notice it is exactly the same one as the black and white picture of the alleged Carlota crown.
In short a 1905 black and white picture Tsarina-Alexandra-Feodorovna-of-Russia-Empress crown. Was claimed to be Carlota crown.
I even know who took the 1905 photograph.