No Oro, I want you to show me the proof to back up the claims of waltz being a successful prospector that you have made. That is all, really simple actually. Show me the receipts or logged data from the assayers office.
No Oro, I want you to show me the proof to back up the claims of waltz being a successful prospector that you have made. That is all, really simple actually. Show me the receipts or logged data from the assayers office.
No Oro, I want you to show me the proof to back up the claims of waltz being a successful prospector that you have made. That is all, really simple actually. Show me the receipts or logged data from the assayers office.
No Oro, I want you to show me the proof to back up the claims of waltz being a successful prospector that you have made. That is all, really simple actually. Show me the receipts or logged data from the assayers office.
Joe Ribaudo
Amigo'sIf you were the dutchman and were in the bradshaws,why would you not have been at rich hill, this makes no sense, rich hill at the time was the best place to be if you were hunting for gold.np
EGADS Joe who is that goofy-looking old goat?I have seen him peeking at me in my mirror, so got rid of the mirrors, which I highly recommend for anyone that starts seeing similar things!
Just for anyone reading our discussion, so you don't get the wrong idea - Hooch is a straight shooter, one of the good guys, and this is why I have bothered to try to sway his opinion at all. If he was not, I would not have bothered, I sure don't have time to waste trying to convince people that are only looking for an argument or want YOU to do their research for them. I feel a little bad that I can not provide the kind(s) of proof he wants to see, like receipts for gold sold etc. MANY other Dutch hunters have been looking for these documents for many years, and while I am convinced that they did exist at one time, I sure can not prove it.
Everyone has a different level of what it takes to convince us of anything. Clearly the evidence of the LDM is scant, and not enough for some people, maybe most people. That scant evidence however is not NOTHING either. If the scant evidence is not enough for you, great, you won't have to waste any time or effort or money on looking for the lost mine. On the other hand if you are convinced there is a mine, good luck because you are going to need it, many thousands have already hunted for this famous lost mine without finding it.
Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek. And hope you DON'T see something like that photo Joe just posted looking at you from a mirror!
Roy ~ Oroblanco
PS this photo of the infamous match-box, is enough evidence for me. The gold ore that matchbox was made from came from a gold mine, and I would sure love to find that mine. If it is not enough for you, great you will be free to pursue other activities.
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Certainly there would be some sort of records from gold sales if it truly was the "richest mine in the world" or "enough to make millionaires of xxxx amount of men." Come on, this place seems to be turning into an episode of Oak Island.
lol...one thing for sure..the stories about the dutchman cashing in $250,000 worth of gold is pure b.s....i've never seen any proof of this..also the story of him sending his sister in germany a fortune is b.s.,,,
Hafta agree with you on that Dave.
And I believe the two stories are actually from one based on the same kind of "evidence" as was shared with Helen Corbin as I recall.
$ 250,000 worth was literally a ton of gold back then, and just don't fit the history as we do know of it so far.
People seem to regard and disregard whatever suits their own agenda or conviction. Do yall not think as stories are told and retold - they are embellished upon? Why getting hung up in "it would make a millionaire out of 20 men"? Can we not just agree that there might be a fairly rich (ok, everything is relative) goldmine somewhere in the Superstitions? It certainly doesn't have to be megarich for _me_ to try looking for it - heck, I'd be over the moon if I could find/extract what was under his (Jakob's) bed!