The Lost Doc Thorne Mine - was it the same mine of Jacob Waltz?

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Yes case law. Do you seriously think that any Judge is going to ignore Tonto National Forest - Special Places and allow mining?

Can any of you direct me to any post in this thread that has verifiable information?


Why.......yes I can. This post. I am putting you on ignore. That's verifiable.

Joe Ribaudo



Why.......yes I can. This post. I am putting you on ignore. That's verifiable.

Joe Ribaudo

How do I verify? Not that I care.

Funny how a Native American Story that was probably created to keep children and fools from traveling into a dangerous place become "Facts" in a book. Here is another example of some folklore to make children behave.

Coco (folklore) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Somero, I thought this was an intriguing statement and example - and actually germane to another treasure-related site elsewhere. Out of curiosity, are you or other posters aware of a petroglyph similar to the one below being found in the Superstitions vicinity?

Cuco rock 4.webp

Many treasure hunters believe the Cocopah Indians once
knew of a subterranean network of caves and tunnels beneath the mountains. Geronimo was reported seen stepping
into rock walls and disappearing without a trace, only to be seen days later in New Mexico.
The Indians have a legend of the Little People or 'Tuar-Tums,' who live below the Salt River Valley, or Valley of the
Sun.Sources have claimed that 'little men' that live within the mountain have been seen on top of ridges in the
Superstitions , as if they were guarding something
Arizona, Legends and myths of Arizona, UFO's in the Superstition Mountains, hollow earth, goldfield ghost town, aj news, lost dutchman, Burlington National UFO and Paranormal Research and Educational Center 'In Arizona with Brad and Mary Sutherland',

Yes there are numerous hieroglyphics in the Superstitions
Hieroglyphic Canyon Trail - Short Hike in the Superstition Mountains - Phoenix Area

File:Superstition Mountain - Petroglyph Trail.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Somero, I thought this was an intriguing statement and example - and actually germane to another treasure-related site elsewhere. Out of curiosity, are you or other posters aware of a petroglyph similar to the one below being found in the Superstitions vicinity?

View attachment 906364


Honestly I'm not. I do find them interesting, I'm sure many have some type of meaning and significance of course some may also be a type of graffiti done by children just having fun. For some reason everybody puts such a serious face on Native culture, just like everybody else I'm sure ancient Natives had a sense of humor.

It is possible to get a Treasure Trove Permit with everything done legally. I would ask you for verification if I didn't already know the answer. Make sure you read the whole thing and try to comprehend what you read.

This is called proof: Tonto National Forest - Special Places It's Tonto National Forest but applies to all National Forests. Hahaha! It's ok if you don't reply.

The lizard people came from a direct descendant of Waltz. You really should read it! The great grandson took people to the cave!

excerpt: After what seemed to be an eternity, we came to a stop and Karl removed my blindfold. As my eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight again, I looked around me. We were in a large clearing flush against the canyon wall. Karl motioned for me to climb down from my now, uncomfortable perch, as he did the same. After stretching my tensed up body I turned to Karl who was standing next to the sheet cliff wall. "Put your hand against the wall right here," he said pointing to the solid rock face. I did as he asked, and my hand didn't stop. It continued right through the wall. It seemed that the cliff wall was only a created illusion to keep unwanted people away. Actually it was the entrance to a large secret cave called "PUPOVI." As we walked inside I was amazed to find the cave was brightly lit. Before us was a sort of escalator type device which you lay down on. There was some sort of transparent bubble which covered you called a HAWIOVI. My heart was beating fast, so I stood looking at this strange sight as I caught my breath.

World Top Secret:* Our Earth Is Hollow!


My comprehension skills are quite sharp, I prefer to read something research it if necessary and make sure I have a firm grasp off what I'm dealing with before I make stupid assumptions like you have by insinuating that I'm some type of foolish idiot.

You should go back and read your "verifiable facts" but this time try to put the smoking apparatus away and get some clarity on what your reading, Alice in Wonderland is not a Documentary either is Chariots of the Gods.

Apparently you did not comprehend this question, so here it is again.
So if you got the information about buried coins in that yard from say 4th degree of separation from the witness of the coins being buried, would you still have looked for them?

Why are smug, self righteous :censored::censored: always trying to soapbox on the LDM forum?

LDM stands for Lost Dutchman Mine not Lunatics Demented Mania

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Many treasure hunters believe the Cocopah Indians once knew of a subterranean network of caves and tunnels beneath the mountains. Geronimo was reported seen stepping into rock walls and disappearing without a trace, only to be seen days later in New Mexico.

The Indians have a legend of the Little People or 'Tuar-Tums,' who live below the Salt River Valley, or Valley of the
Sun.Sources have claimed that 'little men' that live within the mountain have been seen on top of ridges in the
Superstitions , as if they were guarding something ...

Yes there are numerous hieroglyphics in the Superstitions...

Underlying your abrasive approach to this forum, you have touched on some interesting, albeit controversial ideas. Rather than shoving your conclusions into peoples' faces, a softer-peddling approach might tickle their ears - if that's what you're trying to accomplish. That's my take, anyway.

Yes, you are correct - there are nagging rumors about large cave systems existing in the Southwest. I don't know about AZ per se, but I do know about southwest NM allegations, ie - cavern systems connecting the massive mineral deposits in the Santa Rita/Whitewater/Pinos Altos complex. It is a fact that numerous underground lead-zinc-gold mines in the Bayard/Hanover deposits found themselves unexpectedly connected by natural caves permeating the miles-long ore body. This was confirmed to me by a number of the old time miners who worked underground in the early/mid 20th century when some of the caves were discovered.

The most striking allegation, also anecdotal, contends that a cavern system originating in the Pinos Altos Range extends all the way south into Mexico. This is unconfirmed at this time.

It is alleged that an underground passage connects the Florida Mountains near Deming, NM and the Tres Hermanas Mountains, fifteen miles away on the Mexican border. This tunnel was reportedly used by Apaches on several occasions in the late 1800's. My information is anecdotal and little-known - I was told by a salt-of-the-earth man in his seventies whose people have ranched the area for three generations and who is the farthest from being a kook as you can imagine.

There are also rumors about fantastic caverns in the Superstitions. I spoke several times with a man back in the '90's - Jerry Babcock - who possessed anecdotal evidence on the subject. I can't vouch for Babcock in the same way I can for the people I know in NM, but the point is that if you are kiting unusual ideas, IMO you might research closer-to-the-source references and ease into the topic a bit slower. People tend to be skeptical of wild, unsubstantiated statements and over-the-top websites.

Re petroglyphs, my earlier post was only in reference to carvings similar to the photo I posted.

Chisbrna: I see that we both need some strong coffee, ORO will you do the honor. The very forum and group that you are advocating contradicted your statement on Waltz being a DNA donner to the lizard men (?) Reread your reference to the "Star Child ", in particular, the data on Dna. It states that the Star Child data is still not proven to be extra terrestial and at the same time that the Dna factors prohibits cross transfer.

As for a hollow earth factor we can have a long go around on that.

As for reliable evidence, I defy you to come up with any on, for example, Tayopa., yet it exists, even though the temple of many, Wickapedia, says that it is still lost and possibly just a lost mine legend with no basis. ..

Next you will be telling me that Atlantis doesn't exist -- It does, as Oro can tell you, just about were it is supposed to be.

You will find that many of the posters in here are also up on your favorite subjects, but most limit their posts to the LDM in here.

Don Jose de La Mancha

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Honestly I'm not. I do find them interesting, I'm sure many have some type of meaning and significance of course some may also be a type of graffiti done by children just having fun. For some reason everybody puts such a serious face on Native culture, just like everybody else I'm sure ancient Natives had a sense of humor. ...

Around these parts, it's usually the la llorona myth that is used to scare the young ones.

The petroglyph picture posted earlier is nowhere close to any location children would have been. Here's a passage from a letter that supposedly relates to the carving:

" ... Hacia el norte, más allá de los Tres montañas de las hermanas, se encontrará con una cadena de montañas donde Cuco come de la tierra. Allí podrá encontrar tanto oro que se derrama sobre la tierra! ..."

Springfield: yer coffee? As for these vast under ground tunnels, yes, they exist here also, At Tayopa where the barrancas have lowered to the limestone contac zone, they have carved out long long tunnels, all with predictable tales of finding Au nuggets on the floors, which can both be semi verified and explained, However, we also have long tunnels in much higher land ?? One that runs under the Alamos mt has layers of a brilliant white sand on the floor - if (?) man made, obviously for increased illumination effet.

But all can be easily explained as simply works of Nature. Remember Mpther Nature has ha dmillion of year to do her thing.

Around these parts, it's usually the la llorona myth that is used to scare the young ones.

The petroglyph picture posted earlier is nowhere close to any location children would have been. Here's a passage from a letter that supposedly relates to the carving:

" ... Hacia el norte, más allá de los Tres montañas de las hermanas, se encontrará con una cadena de montañas donde Cuco come de la tierra. Allí podrá encontrar tanto oro que se derrama sobre la tierra! ..."

Interesting Phrase, I wonder why the Cuco is referanced?

Springfield: yer coffee? ...

But all can be easily explained as simply works of Nature. Remember Mother Nature has had millions of year to do her thing.

I'm not into the Starbucks concept. Me, I just want a good cup of Joe - no froth, whipped cream, etc. Drip, percolator or cowboy - just make sure it's not decaf.

Yes, the caverns are natural, obviously in the limestone zones. What we are really interested is the metal solutions that may have concentrated in the big volcanic vugs.

I had an interesting talk today with those in the know about humanoid cave dwellers. They have provided evidence to support their beliefs and what they have told me about lost mines. I'm not going to discuss the evidence due to the fact that it will bring unwanted attention and will surely spur attacks on me by certain individuals on this forum. I can tell you that the peralta stone petroglyph was planted to lead people away from entrances to the underground. Waltz and Dr. Thorne did the same. They are protecting their friends! Pure genius that has obviously worked!

Waltz info is in the Arizona weekly enterprise. 1890's. You will have to find it yourself.

The Hopi Indians (& somero) use the number 4 often. The Hopi's believe in 4 worlds. They have 4 tablets and other 4's. somero has one 4, 4th degree of seperation that basically means everyone on the planet. Tell a story and after 4th degree if it gets back to you it will be a different story. The story is totally
deluded much like the lost mine stories have been deluded leading people farther away from what they seek.

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I had an interesting talk today with those in the know about humanoid cave dwellers. They have provided evidence to support their beliefs and what they have told me about lost mines. I'm not going to discuss the evidence due to the fact that it will bring unwanted attention and will surely spur attacks on me by certain individuals on this forum.

NP/DB had the same problem with those voices.

Apparently you did not comprehend this question, so here it is again.
So if you got the information about buried coins in that yard from say 4th degree of separation from the witness of the coins being buried, would you still have looked for them?

We can change it to 3rd degree if you like.[URL=][/URL]

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Quote Originally Posted by Somero View Post
Apparently you did not comprehend this question, so here it is again.
So if you got the information about buried coins in that yard from say 4th degree of separation from the witness of the coins being buried, would you still have looked for them?

You must not have comprehended my last post so I'll explain it as if I was explaining it to a child.

No I wouldn't have looked because the story would have been totally different and so deluded that none of the facts including the location would be the same. In other words none of the information would have been correct.


Quote Originally Posted by Somero View Post
Apparently you did not comprehend this question, so here it is again.
So if you got the information about buried coins in that yard from say 4th degree of separation from the witness of the coins being buried, would you still have looked for them?

You must not have comprehended my last post so I'll explain it as if I was explaining it to a child.

No I wouldn't have looked because the story would have been totally different and so deluded that none of the facts including the location would be the same. In other words none of the information would have been correct.


So kind, Thank You, was that so hard now. So if you don't believe in the looking for something that far from what you would consider fact, why are you on this forum screaming like a 4 year old "Look at me all you idiots, I'm right about everything" Such childish behavior. Also originally you did not answer yes or no, you just said the story gets muddled.

You should go talk to a real person about those childish imaginary friends and the stories they tell.

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... the peralta stone petroglyph was planted to lead people away from entrances to the underground. Waltz and Dr. Thorne did the same. They are protecting their friends! ...

That's surprising - my working model is that the Peralta Stones are a complete diversion away from something of great value concealed in the central Arizona region. Of course, I could be wrong.

Anyone who's read my posts also realizes that I am not a believer in the LDM legend as generally accepted by the public. I'm not ready to claim that he was a sentinel, but the possibility exists. Thorne - quien sabe?

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