The Land of Ophir and the Ancients Ones....

Old Dog said:
Please forgive this post as a shamless tag to follow along.

Ditto ;D
This is fascinating material. It is amazing that with so many anomalies to our "accepted" history that these historical finds
are not more widely known. Whether that it has be covered up or that most people just don't care is debateable. I too believe
that there is far far more that is unknown for us to just accept what we are told about the world's history. So much seems to
have been lost as great civilizations fall over the millenia.
Just the other day I was watching a doco on the Hittites who are believed to have come from Europe and settled in the modern day
Turkey/Syria region. They were one of the four most powerful empires of the ancient world and the city of Hattusa was cunningly
guarded by rows of walls with access tunnels so the Hittites could ambush and surprise any beseiging army.
From what they were saying on the documentary Hattusa ended up being abandoned and the temple burned (most likely by the fleeing population)
and all records were destroyed at the time. So to decode the tablets that they did find required the work of language experts and the
Hittite language ended up being based on European dialects which enabled the breakthrough.
Getting a bit off track here but what I'm getting at is that so much knowledge must have been lost over the millenia and this is just
one example.
I really hope this thread keeps going cause I'm eager to see what other bits and pieces get posted.
Here's a couple of Aussie anomalies;
Note that the Gympie was the site of a huge gold rush in the 1800's.
Again, no proof but some fascinating reading.

Cheers All

Here is a profile I found today.
The face on the left of the wavy looking rock has a square beard.



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How about the Ram skull above?


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Most interesting.
I think, if a sign, ancient as well.
But probably natural. That's my luck.

Thom - even if a landmark is totally natural (or partially natural, partially man-altered) it could have been used or even revered by the ancients. One of the most holy sites in all of Egypt was a mountain with a "hoodoo" spire that looked something like the cobra sitting up on a Pharaoh's headress, which they took to mean that it was a very holy mountain. Mentioning Egypt brings me to my next point.

If that is a Ram's head, remember the symbol of one of the most important Egyptian gods was the ram - Hammon - or Baal Hammon of the Phoenicians, Zeus Ammon to the Greeks. I would sure look that place over very carefully.... :thumbsup:

Really great to see you here Roy,
I agree with you .
There are other figures in Phoenician culture that are seen around here as well.
one we we call the "Rat Man" is a 50 foot tall monument.
This thing stands well above the tree tops.
I believe this fellow must have been revered in some way by the ancients.
I have pictures of his head in many places as well.
covering a 50 mile circle.

Here are a couple examples of "Rat Man"
I have more photos but for now this will do.


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I am no Expert but that is NOT natural and it is not Espanol.

Here is another anomaly,
This 65 foot tall face is one of many along the side of a canyon that has many large monuments ,
they are along the floor of the canyon as well as up the sides.
These things spill into the neighboring canyons and surrounding mountain sides.
They are a wonder to behold.
Notice the head dress and ear decor on this one.



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This is truely fasinationg! Awesom work guys. you have really opened my eyes to some stuff.... just when I was beginning to get a handle of those crazy Spaniards! lol Thanks.

Makes me feel pretty darn lightweight with a few knife slashes on beech trees and cedar trees that aren't native to the area haveing been planted in random places .
Hope this thread keeps going .

The Templar ARE the Ancient Ones.....

It just makes sense, if you think about it.. of all the Ancient Ones who migrated to North America
it is the Templar who's resume fills the job description of what is needed to answer the question
about who built all these monuments!
Ponder me this, who else would have the motive, opportunity and means>? As my old detective
dna kicks in to decipher this puzzle.
Motive, The Templar are known to have dug at Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem,which covered the
area now where the Dome of the Rock stands. It is believed among other things found here were
information and maps of the New World.

The secret of Longitude gave the Templar's the key to the vast riches in North America. The gold and
precious metals would finance their campaign in Europe and Middle East.

Opportunity, Their command of ships, sailing and crews to man them, gave them a vast reach and once
the persecuting of the Templar started, they then took the opportunity to cross the Atlantic and sail off
the edge of the world. They called Nova Scotia.

In his book The Templar Merdians Willam F Mann states it very concisely :

The Templar Meridians : The Secret Mapping of the New World
William F. Mann

Book Description
"Reveals the true nature of the secret science the Templar's discovered in the Holy Land that was the key to their power

• Shows the cartographic knowledge that allowed the Templar's to cross the Atlantic and establish settlements in the New World

• Explains the connection of the Templar meridians to the journey of Lewis and Clark

• Shows the role played by secret societies in the establishment of the United States

The most enduring mystery surrounding the Templars concerns the nature and whereabouts of their great treasure. Whereas many believe this lost treasure contains knowledge of the bloodline of Christ, William F. Mann shows that it actually consists of an ancient science developed before the Great Flood--knowledge discovered by the Templars in the Holy Land during the Crusades and still extant today in Templar/Masonic ritual*.

Among other things, this knowledge enabled the Order to establish accurate latitudinal and longitudinal positions long before the foundations of the current science were laid in the seventeenth century. This allowed them to cross the Atlantic to reach the New World, where they established secret settlements and mining operations that gave them a limitless supply of precious metals and a military edge over their opponents.

Pursued farther into the interior of the North American continent by their adversaries from the Old World, the Templars left artifacts, relics, and information caches at key sites, confident that future initiates could use their understanding of the science of meridians and ley lines to locate them.

The author points out that not only did future masons such as Jefferson and Washington use this science as the basis of their designs for Monticello and Washington, D.C., but the true motive of the expedition of Lewis and Clark was to identify the meridians mapped by the Templars and to search for the final resting place of Prince Henry Sinclair--where the great Templar treasure could also be found." (My Emphasis).

*Once persecuted , including burning two of them at the stake of Friday the 13th, hence the the superstition. Many fled to the Scotland, where the Sinclair clan took them in, and their members joined the Order of the Masons, to hide and to gather their members.

Now with their rituals, codes, and legends firmly intertwined with the Masons, not only the Ritual Masons, but the
Stone cutters as well, joined the expeditions to the New World ( Nova Scotia) where later then penetrated the area of New England, Michigan and as far was the Southwest and the West , long before the Spanish!
binocs 073 copy.webp
(c)2007 all rights reserved

The Templar Code- a mix of the Arcane, Egyptian, Thoth, Greek, Archaic Hebrew, Natural Science and the Phoneticians who came before them. The Spanish were tertiary, the third wave, who knew enough of this information from being highly educated in the University Salamanica, Spain in the 16th Century to break this code!

Knowledge of mining, ability to get to the new world, Stone cutter Masons to shape and build monuments, the Templar take center stage as the Ancient Ones who left these monuments and mines for the later Jesuits to find decode and exploit for the King of Spain and the Pope.
(c)2007 Al rights reserved
a lone sentinel in outback america,sits silently as we contemplate his purpose...

another ancient face.
with my partner for size.


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Thom - your avatar photo, that is some pretty danged harsh toilet paper! :o Makes the old corncobs look downright SOFT! ;D :D I suppose that type would not leave any dingleberries though, so might be an advantage for some folks! ::) :tongue3: :thumbsup:

Very cool photos too amigo!

Rangler wrote
It just makes sense, if you think about it.. of all the Ancient Ones who migrated to North America
it is the Templar who's resume fills the job description of what is needed to answer the question
about who built all these monuments!

I am not convinced of any Templar involvement - considering the manpower required to construct monuments, discover and operate mines, etc and their known heavy involvement in the Holy Land, where could they have found the men and ships and time? Did the Templars even know America existed? Any Templar ships voyaging to and from the Americas would likely have been noticed passing Gibraltar or other places, wouldn't you expect? Do you know of any un-deniable Templar artifacts which have ever been found in America? (Coins, sword, etc) Thank you in advance,

The Templars ARE NOT the Ancient Ones. Rangler e-mail me if you like. I'm suppose to be an hiatus of sorts.

Hey Oro
you wrote..
I am not convinced of any Templar involvement - considering the manpower required to construct monuments, discover and operate mines, etc and their known heavy involvement in the Holy Land, where could they have found the men and ships and time? Did the Templars even know America existed? Any Templar ships voyaging to and from the Americas would likely have been noticed passing Gibraltar or other places, wouldn't you expect? Do you know of any un-deniable Templar artifacts which have ever been found in America? (Coins, sword, etc) Thank you in advance,

I will give you a more detailed response as I continue my research on this thread but this is what
I have found out so far...regarding your questions

A. The Crusades were in their early career-much earlier ( will post a timeline later)
B. Once they formed the first bank in history and got
on the wrong side of some Monarchs and even the Church itself
things became desperate real quick!
C Part of their escape plan was to sail with all their treasure at
night thru the Pillars of Hercules, and on to Scotland.
D. The Mason ala Sinclair, took them in.( didnt read my post lol)
The perfect front organization the Mason had two main members
Secular Masons were the actual stonecutters, the other group were
the Ritual Masons, those higher ups, were given the codes and secrets
of the Templars sucess in return for the man power to sail and work
in the New World.
E. The gold mines which the Templars had worked earlier in their career
now where done in earnest, as they wanted to not only hide their
treasure, but the body of their benefactor, Mr Sinclair and to establish
a new world, ( Nova Scotia) New Scotland.
F. There are lots of Artifacts left by them, even the Kensington Rune
Stone that I posted last week has a Templar connection - if you dig
in to that story far enough. Even Oak Island has a flavor of the Templars
which I hope to cover later in this saga.
G. The Newport Tower is believed to have been built by the Templars!
( do a google on this and read for your self, will post the url later also)
H. The monuments built all over the New World could have been built
by them and the Secular Masons, you can see the Masonic code
woven all though the symbols, sign and techniques.
I. Of course it is not EASY evidence that is just laying there for us to cite
I urge that everyone with an interest, do your own googling
just dont sit back and look for holes in my story, (thats too easy) dig in and
plug some of those holes yourself! Or if that does not work
for you , then cite your proof of WHO were the ancients.

Either way I am happy with the response and to OPEN the discussion, I appreciate the input., but please ADD to the body of knowledge and contribute something that helps us get closer to the answer

Nice to see you here and appreciate your interest, let solve this together! Post some pics for us Oro!

Rangler - whoa, take it easy amigo, not trying to "poke holes" in your theory, and if you knew what my past posts here on T-net have been, you might be surprised. My name is Roy Decker and I have been working on a book on ancient explorers coming to America long before Columbus, but the Templar connection has been very tenuous, with a lot of "possible" things but no proven connections. I will explain.

First for any Templars to sail to America, they would have to have knowledge of it - yet the only people with any (proven) knowledge of America at the time were the Norse, they called it Vinland and may have had quite limited knowledge of the true extent of the continent. However the Norse did ask for and get a bishop assigned by the Pope to Vinland, and the Templars in theory served the Pope, so it is POSSIBLE they learned of America that way.

Next problem is whether Henry Sinclair was involved with the Templars - it is POSSIBLE but not proven.

Did Sinclair sail to America? Again this is POSSIBLE but not proven.

Did Sinclair bury some kind of treasure at Oak Island? POSSIBLE -not proven.

I won't irritate you with more along this line, but as tantalizing as the Templar connection is, - so far, we simply can't prove it. That is why I asked if you knew of any un-deniable evidence of Templar visitors to America.

Rangler wrote
Post some pics for us Oro!

I don't have any photos along the lines of this thread, at least none that I can post (copyright infringement) however you did mention the Kensington Runestone

from Gloria Farley's site
which I see as excellent Norse evidence, but no Templar connection. Farley's book is quite an interesting read if you haven't already read it I highly recommend it, the title is "In Plain Sight, Old World Records in Ancient America". Her chapter on the ancient coins found in America is particularly interesting.

Actually your posts have been (in my opinion) pretty much right on target, which I had nothing to disagree up until we got into the Templars, which I have researched for evidence of American visits without luck (so far).

Good luck and good hunting Rangler, I hope you find the treasures that you seek. :thumbsup:
your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco :coffee2:

If they came here secretly Evidence will be very hard to find. Unless you know what to look for. As far as man power you had the " Indios " who were already here mining for gold before the Spaniards arrived. Cabeza de Vaca wrote in his diaries that he was shown were the Indians had accumulated and smeltered lots of gold. " Why Gold " and for what purpose. What monetary purpose could the Indians possibly have had with gold. There has got to be more to it. :icon_scratch: than just riches.

If they came here secretly Evidence will be very hard to find. Unless you know what to look for. As far as man power you had the " Indios " who were already here mining for gold before the Spaniards arrived. Cabeza de Vaca wrote in his diaries that he was shown were the Indians had accumulated and smeltered lots of gold. " Why Gold " and for what purpose. What monetary purpose could the Indians possibly have had with gold. There has got to be more to it. :icon_scratch: than just riches.

There were several groups of "Indios" who revered the yellow metal as sacred.
even the Apache and Yaqui referred to it as "God's tears".

I just stmbled Across This

Alphabets currently in use.

Alphabets used mainly for religious and/or decorative purposes

Extinct alphabets

there is def some I've seen posted here in the Extinct section..

Gonna Put Dat in my Fav

Roy Oro
No need for the whoa.....I am taking it easy! I am just passionate about treasure hunting :tongue3:

....... amigo, not trying to "poke holes" in your theory, and if you knew what my past posts here on T-net have been, you might be surprised. .

First for any Templars to sail to America, they would have to have knowledge of it - yet the only people with any (proven) knowledge of America at the time were the **Norse, they called it Vinland and may have had quite limited knowledge of the true extent of the continent. However the Norse did ask for and get a bishop assigned by the Pope to Vinland, and the Templars in theory served the Pope, so it is POSSIBLE they learned of America that way.

** Guess what Roy..Sinclair was married to a lustly Norse woman....see C&P (copy and paste below)

Sinclair was married into a Norse family, and the Norse (Vikings) had visited Canada long before Columbus and John Cabot and other explorers founded the new land. His family connections may have given Sinclair the information he needed to sail to Nova Scotia and hide the treasure. We also know that along the mouth of the Lahave River not far from Oak Island are what seem to be the ruins of an old castle like did that get there? and why don't more people know about it? It's not something you read about in the history we are taught in school, even in Nova

Below is an artist rendition of the Newport Tower, on the East Coast of the USA, very likey built by the Templars in America.
Seems EVERYONE knew about the Americas in the Old World, each group thought they knew a secret, The Phoenicians
came to exploit the Gold of Ophir, the Carthaginians and possibly the Egyptians,and the Chinese, the Norse obviously and I think because the Rune Stones were Proclaiming the Land, they had nothing to hide, so we find their artifacts, on the other hand the Templars wanted to hide everything. So we don't up to now have anything concrete that can be tied to them beyond 'possible'. Except that is for hundreds of thousands of Monuments and gold and silver mines all over North America and beyond.

......."the Templars enjoyed a monopoly on the best and most advanced technology of their age, stonemasonry, surveying, road building, map making and navigation.

In Portugal the order was cleared by inquiry and modified its name to become the Knights of Christ, devoting themselves to maritime activities. Vasco de Gama was a Knight of Christ.

Prince Henry the Navigator who founded the Navigational school at Sagre was a Grand Master. Christopher Columbus was a member of the Order of the Crescent and sailed on Templar ships under the red cross patee and was married to the daughter of a Knight of Christ."
This puts a direct link to the New World for the Templars, Ole Chris may have beseached Queen Izzy for the funds to undertake his Voyage of Discovery, but it was the Templars who supplied the funds and the ships themselves!

consider this..abstract
Remember after Philip de Bel disbanded the Templars that some of the Templars fled to Scotland and some of the Templars became Navigators.

In 1392, a Templar Navigator named Prince Henry Saint Clair (Sinclair), reportedly sailed west from Scotland, headed for the New World or the New Jerusalem. He took with him two Italian mapmakers, the Zeno brothers who charted his trip. Evidence shows that the voyage took Saint Clair to Nova Scotia.

Did Sinclair take the Templar Treasure to the New World? Was it the Holy Grail? Did Saint Claire go to the New World to try to establish a new Templar stronghold? Incidentally, the Sinclair’s also claim lineage to the Holy Bloodline of the House of David.

Micmac legends tell of a great warrior-king, Kluscap who came from a distant land. Could Saint Clair have been their Kluscap?

Next problem is whether Henry Sinclair was involved with the Templars - it is POSSIBLE but not proven.

I dont think that is possible that he was NOT involved with the Templars.

Did Sinclair sail to America? Again this is POSSIBLE but not proven.

I think it was his dream of Nova Scotia,his Arcadia, his Camelot as it were, and that he sailed with Zeno and returned to Scotland but died before he could realize his dream and his body was carried back to the New World by the Templars as a fulfillment of the commitment on both of their parts. That's not proof , that's just plain detective thinking based on what we do know. Sure it is conjecture, but until proof surfaces it is all we have. I am willing to go out on that limb, as I am not so uptight in that I need to have all the ducks lined up before I shoot a duck. The idea is , without proof, the best theory is the best we can do and we must do out best!

To me this theory fits. As I stated at the onset, I am not here to PROVE the Templars were the Ancients ones,,just to OPEN the discussion, and
for that I thank you , Roy for engaging in that discussion, and yes I am impressed with what your wrote in your posts on this very subject, which I was unaware until you posted here on this thread! I thank you in advance for your continued support of this thread and your posts to come.

Did Sinclair bury some kind of treasure at Oak Island? POSSIBLE -not proven.
(I will post some of the typical Templar/Jesuit codes markings found on Oak lsland later.)

NOTHING can be proven beyond absolute, if you are cynical or skeptical - and debates if this nature are soon denigrated as to what can be 'proven' - some want a nice clean 'white paper' with peer review accolades, footnotes, annotations, to make it real, to me that is just fluff from academia, perfect for those who don't live in the real world. For me that same white paper would be more beneficial as a kindling to start a fire, when I am out pounding the ground in some outback spot looking for chisel marks on stone. Perspective is perception.

I think Sinclair did not bury anything, I think the Tempars buried HIM with the treasures they laid down. Can I prove it, no , hello no, but that doesn't change the fact that, that is what I have surmised. I am not an all googly-eyed student , trying to impress some professor who lives in a cloistered ivory towers, nor am I applying for some grant, or composing some book on history, this is a treasure hunting site, not a history hunting site. Therefore my provenance doesn't step form solid rock to solid stone, some leaps of faith are required in any treasure hunt.

I won't irritate you with more along this line, but as tantalizing as the Templar connection is, - so far, we simply can't prove it. That is why I asked if you knew of any un-deniable evidence of Templar visitors to America.

Not sure where you got that tenor or tone from my remarks, perhaps it is just past experience debating certain types
that you have to be defensive with or they over run your position. That is not the case with me - I am single minded only on the goal, tenacious on the cause - to seek what knowledge is out there, thankful for the facts that can be uncovered, but when that thin sting of facts runs out, that is not the end of the trail, I do not give up.

Leaps of faith are the rule not the exception when it comes to treasure hunting, in fact the Jesuits, who I believe decoded the Templars code,( who learned the code of Solomon - ala Solomons Seal) often inserted gaps in the treasure trail, that purposely made one take leap of faith
in order to find the trail again. Many were stopped at what was the apparent end of the trail- it protects the treasure.

Here the apparent end of the trail protects the history of the Templars. I see no need to stop there.

Lets consider the assertion that they didnt have the man power or skills. Its funny really, many don't realize who built the awesome Churches and Cathedrals of Europe!
knights templar battle gear.webp

"Additionally, during this period, the Templars were active throughout Europe funding and managed the construction of cathedrals, abbeys and churches. The Templar engineers and architects were expert at construction of large stone edifices. They had designed and built castles and fortresses through the mid-east, combining European techniques with those learned from Byzantium and Egypt. With this knowledge they now returned to Europe and with their ability and massive amounts of their funds and began the construction over 300 large cathedrals and 2,000 abbeys and smaller churches. Examples of this are the Gothic cathedrals throughout Europe that were started in the mid 12th century -- examples would be the cathedrals of Notre Dame in Paris (1163), Chartres (1194), Reims (1211) and Amiens (1221) and the famous Temple Church in London."
If they could accomplish these tasks,with the help of the Operative (Secular) Mason, then building massive monuments from raw stone, cutting and shaping them into shapes and symbols would be an easy fit for the Templar's and well within their job description. Beside they needed the massive amounts of Gold and Silver they mined in the New World to help finance these huge undertakings.

It also fits that the Jesuits, where the second wave, once the demise of the Templar's was evident, the Jesuits secret mission from the Pope, was to follow the trail of the Templars, find and decode their monuments, and do what was necessary to get the flow of Gold and Silver coming into the coffers of the Vatican and the King of Spain.

If the following abstract is correct the Templars were well acquainted with digging, tunneling and working underground.

"By either circumstance or design (this is hotly debated as you will see), the stables Hugues de Payne chose to live in were exactly adjoining the remains of the old Jewish Temple of Jerusalem, which had been destroyed by the Romans in about 300 AD. Because of their living quarters and their vow of poverty, these warrior monks became known as the "Poor Knights of Christ at the Temple of Jerusalem" and, more popularly, as the "The Knights Templar".

In addition to their announced tasks, under the direction of de Payens, the Knights Templar also spent much of their time and effort secretly excavating beneath the old walls to find the labyrinth of tunnels that were rumored to exist beneath the temple. I say secretly because only these nine Knights were allowed near these excavations. Here they labored for three years. In 1121, they sent their second-in-command, a Knight by the name of Geoffrey de St. Omer, back to France with the results of their excavations.

What were these results? No one really knows... and it is a subject that has many theories, each more bizarre than the other. Some believe they found great wealth -- to support this view, the recent discovery and translation of the "dead sea" scrolls does list 619 vessels of silver and gold that were buried in the tunnels beneath the Temple. Others say they found the "Holy Grail" -- the supposed cup Christ used in the last supper. Yet, still others say they found ancient scrolls giving them secrets of alchemy and architecture. Lastly, the most extravagant claim -- that they found religious writings telling an expanded or contradictory history of Christ and the crucifixion.
All we do know is that Geoffrey de St. Omer carried some metal artifacts back to France along with some Aramaic scrolls. One of the scrolls exists today in the library of Ghent University -- it describes the Heavenly Jerusalem referenced in much of the old testament and in St. John's revelations. These treasures that the Templars returned to France add fuel to the fire for the wild speculations and theories that have surrounded the Knights Templar since that time."

Let me add my own extravagant claim, to the list.....they found Maps, maps from King Solomons' day, maps of Ophir and the secret of Longitude, a waybill of all waybills...they found the What, the Where and the How to get There. You think these Noble Knights did not feel that is was not only their Right to fullfill this manifest destiny, but their Duty!?
If you are going to suppose what these Knights did, then your supposition must be as Bold as they were!
I do, footnote, or no footnote!

"And, when that evil next appears, as when it did with the Templars of old, it will find a Knight Templar on guard at the gate"........ Templar saying


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