there was no Cibola, it is stuff of myth, like Ophir, in a way, Back in Dark ages the truth had to go underground, and code words were used to hide the meaning of what they were saying, Si Bola, Softy of ALT] Ancient ?Lost Treasures and I worked this out one day, I said Si = yes and Bola =Ball the coded truth that the world was round, then Softy came back with well then the other legend and lore of...Quieva spelling is wrong, but the meaning is IT TURNS
wiki says this..
In the 16th century, the Spaniards in New Spain (now Mexico) began to hear rumours of "Seven Cities of Gold" called "Cíbola" located across the desert, hundreds of miles to the north. The stories may have their root in an earlier Portuguese legend about seven cities founded on the island of Antillia by a Catholic expedition in the 8th century. The later Spanish tales were largely caused by reports given by the four shipwrecked survivors of the failed Narváez expedition, which included Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca and an African slave named Esteban Dorantes, or Estevanico. Eventually returning to New Spain, the adventurers said they had heard stories from natives about cities with great and limitless riches. However, when conquistador Francisco Vázquez de Coronado finally arrived at Cíbola in 1540, he discovered that the stories were lies and that there were in fact no treasures as the friar had described — only adobe pueblos.
While among the pueblos, Coronado heard an additional rumor from a native he called "the Turk" that there was a city with plenty of gold called Quivira located on the other side of the great plains. However, when at last he reached this place (variously conjectured to be in modern Kansas, Nebraska or Missouri), he found little more than straw-thatched villages.
The basis of this legends seem pretty thin but the Portuguese where the state of the art in the 15th century Navigation and Sailing off what legend had it was you fell off the world because it was flat..and who else would need a code word, but them.and the seven cities again seven on paper and the basis for all the confusion of seven meaning gold on paper and maps, but on stone in the field it means camp. period. truth.believe it or suffer the consiquinces your self
its the hardest way to learn, but for some it is necessary and effective.