The Land of Ophir and the Ancients Ones....

where is your threads Caca ? critics are a dime a dozen, as it takes no brains or even intellgence to put others down or say negitive things about which you know nothing..get an idea, research, write something that contribute to the site, then lets see w hat others say about your musings? but you will not write a paragraph, as y ou have nothing to say but you only feel good about yourself is when you are putting someone down, that is crap dude pure crap.

The only way to solve this is to start keeping score , so far Bob632 +3 interesting pictures


Rambler's buddies >0

actually I'm going to give him a (-2) because he claims there are no monuments shaped like a hand, which is entirely incorrect.

Of course it can only be expected considering his wit is pretty dim shining from the back of his troll cave.

:hello: oreos bros

lets not hijack this thread anymore and get back to The ?Land of Ophir and the Ancients Ones thread

Here is what Wikipedia says about The Land of Ophir being in Asia;

[h=2]Archaeology[edit][/h]In 1946 an inscribed pottery shard was found at Tell Qasile (in modern-day Tel Aviv) dating to the eighth century BC.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP] It bears, in Paleo-Hebrew script the text "gold of Ophir to/for Beth-Horon [...] 30 shekels"[SUP][Note 4][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP] The find confirms that Ophir was a place where gold was imported from,[SUP][5][/SUP] although its location remains unknown.
[h=2]Theorized or conjectural locations[edit][/h][h=3]Africa[edit][/h]Biblical scholars, archaeologists and others have tried to determine the exact location of Ophir. Vasco da Gama's companion Tomé Lopes reasoned that Ophir would have been the ancient name for Great Zimbabwe in Zimbabwe, the main center of sub-African trade in gold in the Renaissance period — though the ruins at Great Zimbabwe are now dated to the medieval era, long after Solomon is said to have lived. The identification of Ophir with Sofala in Mozambique was mentioned by Milton in Paradise Lost (11:399-401), among many other works of literature and science.
Another possibility is the African shore of the Red Sea, with the name perhaps being derived from the Afar people of Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti.
Afri was a Latin name used to refer to the Carthaginians, who dwelt in North Africa, in modern-day Tunisia. This name, from which the name of the continent Africa is ultimately derived, seems to have referred to a native Libyan tribe originally, however, see Terence#Biography for discussion. The name is usually connected with Phoenician afar, "dust", but a 1981 hypothesis[SUP][6][/SUP] has asserted that it stems from the Berber word ifri (plural ifran) meaning "cave", in reference to cave dwellers.[SUP][7][/SUP] This is proposed[SUP][7][/SUP] to be the origin of Ophiras well.[SUP][8][/SUP]
[h=3]Americas[edit][/h]On the other hand, the theologian Benito Arias Montano (1571) proposed finding Ophir in the name of Peru, reasoning that the native Peruvians were thus descendants of Ophir and Shem. He also claimed, that the province of Iucatan, had the same name that Ioktan father of Ophir.
Proponents of pre-Columbian connections between Eurasia and the Americas have suggested even more distant locations such as modern-day Peru or Brazil.
[h=3]Asia[edit][/h]In the 19th century Max Müller and other scholars identified Ophir with Abhira, at the mouth of the Indus River in modern-day Pakistan. According to Benjamin Walker Ophir is said to have been a town of the Abhira tribe.[SUP][9][/SUP][SUP][10][/SUP] Most modern scholars still place Ophir either on the coast of either Pakistan or India, in what is now Poovar, or somewhere in southwest Arabia in the region of modern Yemen. This is also the assumed location of Sheba.
A more specific possibility is Southern India or Northern Sri Lanka, where the Dravidians were well known for their gold, ivory and peacocks. Sandalwood came almost exclusively from South India in ancient times. A dictionary of the Bible by Sir William Smith published in 1863,[SUP][11][/SUP] notes the Hebrew word for peacock Thukki, derived from the Classical Tamil for peacock Thogkai joins other Classical Tamil words for ivory, cotton-cloth and apes preserved in the Hebrew Bible. This theory of Ophir's location in Tamilakkam is further supported by other historians.[SUP][12][/SUP][SUP][13][/SUP][SUP][14][/SUP] Ophir, referring to the country of the port Tarshish may well refer to the nation of the Tamil Velir-Naga tribe Oviyar in ancient Jaffna, who lived around the famous port towns of Mantai and Kudiramalai, home to the historic Thiruketheeswaram temple.
Easton's Bible Dictionary (1897) adds a connection to "Sofir," the Coptic name for India. Josephus connected it with "Cophen, an Indian river, and in part of Asia adjoining to it," (Antiquities of the Jews I:6), sometimes associated with a part of Afghanistan.
In a book found in Spain entitled Colección General de Documentos Relativos a las Islas Filipinas (General Collection of Philippine Islands related Documents), the author has described how to locate Ophir. According to the section "Document No. 98", dated 1519-1522, Ophir can be found by travelling from the Cape of Good Hope in Africa, to India, to Burma, to Sumatra, to Moluccas, to Borneo, to Sulu, to China, then finally Ophir. Ophir was said to be "[...] in front of China towards the sea, of many islands where the Moluccans, Chinese, and Lequios met to trade..." Jes Tirol asserts that this group of islands could not be Japan because the Moluccans did not get there, nor Taiwan, since it is not composed of "many islands." Only the present-day Philippines, he says, could fit the description. Spanish records also mention the presence of Lequious (big, bearded white men, probably descendants of the Phoenicians, whose ships were always laden with gold and silver) in the Islands to gather gold and silver.[SUP][15][/SUP]
[h=2]Other & Mythology[edit][/h]Other assumptions vary as widely as the theorized locations of Atlantis. Portuguese mythology locates it in Ofir, a place in Fão, Esposende. The Bavarian antiquarian Aventinus(c. 1530) implied it to be Epirus, on the Balkan Adriatic coast.
In 1568 Alvaro Mendaña discovered the Solomon Islands, and named them as such because he believed them to be Ophir.[SUP][16][/SUP]
Author on topics in alternative history David Hatcher Childress goes so far as to suggest that Ophir was located in Australia; proposing that the cargoes of gold, silver and precious stones were obtained from mines in the continent's north-west, and that ivory, sandalwood and peacocks were obtained in South Asia on the voyage back to Canaan.[SUP][17][/SUP]
[h=2]Former Israeli settlement[edit][/h]The Israeli settlement created in the 1970s at Sharm el-Sheikh in Sinai was called Ofira (אופירה), Hebrew for "Towards Ophir" - since its location on the Red Sea was on the route supposedly traversed by King Solomon's ships en route to Ophir.
The settlement was evacuated in 1982, under the terms of the Israeli-Egyptian Peace Treaty, and the name fell out of use.
[h=2]In fiction and liturgy[edit][/h]Johann Sebastian Bach, Cantata Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen, BWV 65 Aria Gold aus Ophir ist zu schlecht.
Ophir is the subject of H. Rider Haggard's novel King Solomon's Mines, which places the lost city in South Africa.
Charles Beadle published a three-part serial, The Land of Ophir, in the pulp magazine Adventure, issues of March 10, 20, & 30, 1922.
Ophir is also a kingdom in Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian series of stories; see Hyborian Age for more information.
Several of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan novels happen in and around the lost city of Opar, deep in the African jungles — with Opar evidently being another name for Ophir. The city appears in The Return of Tarzan (1913), Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar (1916), Tarzan and the Golden Lion (1923), and Tarzan the Invincible (1930).
Philip José Farmer took up the theme from the Tarzan books and wrote two books of his own, taking place in Opar at the height of its glory thousands of years ago: Hadon of Ancient Opar and Flight to Opar.
Wilbur Smith's novel The Sunbird is set in ancient Ophir (called Opet) and its modern ruins.
Ophir is the name of the Nordic Utopia in M. M. Scherbatov's 1784 novel "Putishestvie v zemliu ofirskuiu" ("Voyage to Ophir").
Clive Cussler's The Navigator places the mines of Ophir on the eastern seaboard of the United States, postulating a pre-Columbian voyage by the Phoenicians.
Ophir is also referenced in Alexander Dumas's book The Count of Monte Cristo. "...but these two tears disappeared almost immediately, God doubtless having sent some angel to gather them as being more precious in His eyes than the richest pearls of Gujarat or Ophir."
John Masefield's poem "Cargoes" refers to Solomon's trade with Ophir.
Ophir is the destination of the adventures in the movie "Legend of the Lost 1957".
[h=2]See also[edit][/h]
  • Tarshish, another Biblical location providing Solomon with riches.
  • Ophur, Chicago, IL based rock band circa 1997 - 2004
  • Karl Mauch, an explorer who inadvertently discovered Great Zimbabwe when searching for Ophir.
[h=2]Bibliography[edit][/h]Edward Lipiński (2004). Itineraria Phoenicia Studia Phoenicia 18. Peeters Publishers. ISBN 978-90-429-1344-8.


[h=2]External links[edit][/h]


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  • This page was last modified on 13 January 2014 at 19:08.

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Hello all who are out there,
I have not posted in some time. But I have information that indicates Knight Templers were in the land of Ophir. I will post pictures and information on it in the near future.
I have known for a number of years that Solomon’s mines were in my backyard. I have also known that the Dutchman and another white man worked a long time with Indian help to seal those sacred mines. The Indians allowed them to get so much gold for helping them conceal it. The Dutchman took up the identity of Jacob Waltz a man who he was involved in killing. He went to great efforts to leave information behind so that the mines could eventually be found. So it would not look like he was responsible. He did not want Indians to retaliate against his family and friends.
Following this I will make a post in two parts on information that will help you to understand that the real land of Ophir is north of Flagstaff Arizona. Along with other vast treasures which you will be able to understand if you do your homework and follow the leads I give you. The mines for the most part were dug in ancient times and you can plainly see that they are filled in shafts and tunnels. One of the richest ones where they placed the most into it, was later called the Guadalupe mine. Its shafts are two hundred feet deep. When things are safe they can be cleaned out and opened up. I once posted a picture of the filled in rocks in the top of the shaft that leads to four other shafts that are deep and still filled in.
The temple that the Molina documents talk about is where Nebuchadnezzar stashed a lot of wealth and history. He purposely did not take it to his new capital in the Middle East for reasons that can be discussed at another time.

The Key to the World’s Greatest Treasure and the Fabulous Mines of Solomon in the land of Ophir.
Who can qualify themselves to be a part of bringing forth a marvelous work and wonder? Will most weed themselves out from the get-go by being down on, what they are not up on?
Do they have false traditions and a lot of wild assumptions based on incomplete history, written in parables or metaphors? Or will they use an old language that meant something a lot different than the way it was used at the time the authors or writers wrote the records? With meanings of the times before they were perverted so they would not be properly understood at the time that they wrote by the corrupted or ignorant. What is the real difference of what happened at the Tower of Babel and what has happen with our Bible since the time of Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon. We have our Bible they had their Babel. They were never intended for the corrupt or ignorant to understand. The original authors or writers throughout the Bible were messenger or light bearers. They were very similar to the angels that brought about the confusion of language in the days of the Tower of Babel where the people left off building or completing that tower at that time.

The Tower story itself is a parable. The modern light bearers that wrote down the messages they gave us in the Bible wanted to teach us laws and moralities to help those that wanted to protect the rights of their neighbor as well as themselves. When it came to sacred places and things, they were told as parables or metaphors to protect great treasures and keep them out of the hands of the greedy, so corrupt powers would not misuse the wealth to enslave the people.

We have records that come down in history that list great treasures. We have stories of the Greeks sacking Troy. We have stories of Nebuchadnezzar sacking Jerusalem. We have stories of Alexander the Great sacking Asia. We have stories of the sacking of Rome. We have stories that a lot of the Aztec treasure was hid so that they would not be sacked. We have an account of the Copper Scroll and its treasures. Recently we have the Treatise of the Vessels translated by James R. Davila. This is a small list of some key treasures that have been taken or hidden.

These stories have a lot of mysteries surrounding them. These mysteries are in the minds of many treasure seekers around the world. There are many scholars and religious leaders who are confused by the mysteries of many things inside and outside of the Bible.

In the Bible you have Nebuchadnezzar who conquered many in his day. Do we really know through the Bible or modern day archeology or science where his conquest began or ended? We have history written by scribes and light bearer that gave us names that identified what? The first place of Babylon was where they left off building the tower or was it the great new capital built by the great River Euphrates. Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that was interpreted by Daniel. In this dream he saw this large image it had a head of Gold, a body of Silver, Bronze and Iron. This has been interpreted by scholars to mean: Babylon as the head of gold, Persia as the silver, Greeks as the Brass, and Rome as the Iron. They are the four major empires having New Babylon as its head.

The Gihon River that would flow from the land of Genesis and reach the Euphrates at New Babylon was a metaphor. It represented the river or flow of people from the land of Genesis to their new lands in the Middle East. This is talked about in the Treatise of the Vessels.

The Israelites were carried into the new head capitol of Nebuchadnezzar by the new Great Euphrates River. They referred to that area as Babylon, because the people of that area were confused in their history that stemmed from the Tower of Babel. Was that the original Tower of Babel or the place of the original Ziggurat or the place that the Step Pyramids represent? There are a number of different scholars that believe in different Ziggurats or Step Pyramids as if they were the original Tower of Babel. There were native Indians early on in Latin America that claimed the Step Pyramid in their area was the Tower of Babel.

It would be real nice for a real scientific scholar to step forth and show any real evidence of where the real Tower of Babel is or was or what is left of it. In fact the river by the New City of Babylon is called the Great Euphrates this means; cold river. It may be a far cry from the original cold river that ran out of the Garden of Eden that Josephus describes as Eden meaning red earth. Aztec history also describes the same four rivers running out of red rock. There is a map of that place from Chiapas Mexico showing a river running around the terraces of rock with the Tree of Life at Palenque Mexico. There is also a relief carved into the rock of the Tree of Life in the shape of a cross or a Ta coming out of the head of a bull. This represents Taurus the Bull of Roman history. The bull itself represents Alfa the place of beginning in Hebrew, Greek and other histories. This matches many other histories.

All the empires and people that come underneath the head of Babylon and believe that the Babylon area was the original Garden of Eden and supports that as the head place of Genesis. They are suffering from the confusion of tongues since the Tower of Babel. They make up the Great Babylon of the day. They cannot nail down any real history or identify its four rivers coming out of that area which contradicts their own Bible including other Christian and non-Christian records.

Are they not dumbed down by the mysteries as whores that have prostituted themselves with the confusion of Babylonian history? If they do not even know where the first head of Babel is with its tower, how are they going to find the treasures that are listed as having been placed in First Babylon in the Treatise of the Vessels that was translated by James R. Davila? Much less all the original different temple stones of Solomon’s Temple that were moved and hidden. If you know anything about the original place of Babylon in the original land of Genesis you would not waste time even looking in the Middle East with all of its copycat named places.

No Israelite existed in the Middle East until the aftermath of the Trojan War around 1200 BC. We are talking about first Troy not what Alexander the Great called New Troy in Turkey. First Troy had all of its foundations dug up to hide what was below it in the underworld.

Trojan was a Greek name for the Israelites from first Troy. Troy was the original Urusalim where Christ said not one stone would be left upon another (referring to all buildings) this was not the case with the New Jerusalem created in the Middle East by Arab Jews. Others before them named that whole area after original places. The city of Ur over there did not even exist in Abraham’s day. The original place of the Chaldeans was east of the original land of Canaan where true history from around the world places it. It is not recognized by the scholars today because it does not fit their preconceived ideas or agendas.

Every religion and every school around the world are confused by what stemmed from New Babylon. They all make up the body of the Whore of Babylon. I started leaving that whore behind forty years ago. With all the great and good things they teach they still makes up the body of the Whore of Babylon. Daily I am separating myself from the mysteries of the whore and separating the assumptions that have reigned from the time of New Babylon. Now we have Babylon the Great with the clear and more honest thinkers when it comes to historical place and what does not fit in the Middle East wanting to throw out religion or destroy the whore. Yet they are in some ways more confused than the whore. A lot of those that make up the whore are at least holding on to some moral principles and teaching some righteousness.

There is a key principle if you want to find some great treasures and that is to put truth ahead of your false traditions based upon erroneous assumptions and false interpretations of history. If you are willing to seek the truth you can be free from past ignorance or the mysteries of history. In seeking and finding the truth you will recognize the moral rights of others and can share in opening up the places that have been hidden in the first place of Babylon or the Tower of Babel.

There were many wise men in ancient times that brought or guided their treasures back to the first land of Genesis. A lot of the treasures of Troy ended up there. Most of the treasures Babylon sacked from Jerusalem were never taken far from the original Jerusalem. Jeremiah called this original Jerusalem the City of Desolation, it is still desolate today, as the Bible implies. The stones of the temple were removed and hidden as well. Except for the gold and other things that Nebuchadnezzar needed for building his new capital by the new Great River Euphrates. Some of what he took into that area was returned to the Judeans. It was taken back to the first land of Judea where the second temple was rebuilt but not as the first Temple. Its original stones and most of its sacred stuff still remain in first Babel. The first Babel is in the area of the underworld of Adam where the main treasures of Alexander the Great were buried. Treasures from Rome and the New Jerusalem area ended up back in the underworld of Adam, the Egyptians, the Israelites the Babylonians, the Persians, the Greeks and Rome.

All these empires if you read their art work, creations and history right will lead you to the underworld of the Aztec’s Atlantis. It will not lead you to their new one in the Mexico City area which was once called Enoch’s (New) Atlantis.

The Aztec history takes you back to the first Mecca or Michael the Archangel in first Canaan. They carry a corruption to this day that abbreviates or stands for Michael Canaan. They are truly called Mexicans. Some of the Aztec and other Indian treasure were taken back to the first Tower of Babel which the Mexican Pyramid of the Sun represents.

There will be those who judge world history or the discoveries of any man by the Babylonian history or the confusion of the Middle East, such as using rock samples from the Middle East to identify the true Stone of Destiny. This will accomplish nothing outside of deceiving themselves and others. Anyone doing such will be judged by the facts of real history and its real places when the shell of Babylonian’s confusion or mysteries is taken off and no longer covers the people. Right now because the shell is not being properly broken through proper news channels it is dividing the more righteous Christians from the more evil manipulating intellectual elite.

The last part of Isaiah 44 has something to say about those that would divine. Divining or dosing rods are a poor replacement for down to earth honest research.

The Treatise of the Vessels, translated by Davila for the first time in English makes it real clear that the great treasures that are listed in that Hebrew record will not be found until we have turned to righteousness. A good start would be to respect and return to our original Bill of Rights and to the Constitution of our forefathers. In II Maccabees it also makes it clear that the tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant will come forth when there are a people that are worthy through serving and respecting the rights of their neighbor. Truth is the key to finding the great treasures that have been taken and hid up in the mother land of all civilizations which include the Chinese.

The moral of this story is that history has repeated itself. Just as the angels confused the language of Babylon, since then messengers of light (writers) have spoken or written in a language wherein the lesser would understand the lessor and the greater would understand the greater. What would be a greater test to separate those that sellout to an agenda that is self-rewarding from those that have the strength to sacrifice for the truth? The last will qualify to help bring forth the greater treasures of history.

Is James R. Davila confused, does he think that the treasures that were written about in the Treatise of the Vessels will not be able to be found? Is this the reason that they are finally publishing the English translation or are they hoping that someone else could shed some light upon the matter? If so are they ready to rush in and take over? In times past someone sent me two books that were about some sacred hidden mines. These mines were the source or the original place where Solomon got most of his gold, silver and copper from. I did not know why he sent me the two books for free. I soon found out that a professor from a certain University that had interviewed me believed I could be a key person that would lead them to the mines. I was quit enthused with what I found when I found the mines in the walls of the Garden of Eden just as it states in the Treatise of the Vessels. For many years I have known they were the Solomon mines in the land of Biblical Ophir.

Is James Davila willing to stand for righteousness? If he is he could share in bringing this forth to the world and help bring peace between the archaeologist, scholars that have rejected most of Bible as true history (they do not want to recognize that most of Biblical history will not fit in the wrong place) and the religions that do not want to give up the good morals that are in the Bible.

Many in the one field are following their ego and many in the other field are following idles of idolatry, blind faith that leads to nothing or destruction.

R. W.

These first 2 posts of yours are very interesting and I'm looking forward to more of your comments. And, welcome to the forum.

RWLJ, great stuff. but please be very careful with the truth on what your posting about. thats no small potatoes your talking about. I have seen people on here go wacko over the truth on the small potato stuff on here. Keep your guard up,the truth pisses alot of treasure hunters off,from what I have seen on here.They want to keep the same old treasure B.S. stuff going,like I said and that's just over small potatos. your potato can feed the world. That is a great read.Good luck.

RWLJ, great stuff. but please be very careful with the truth on what your posting about. thats no small potatoes your talking about. I have seen people on here go wacko over the truth on the small potato stuff on here. Keep your guard up,the truth pisses alot of treasure hunters off,from what I have seen on here.They want to keep the same old treasure B.S. stuff going,like I said and that's just over small potatos. your potato can feed the world. That is a great read.Good luck.
hi dog , Im not mad at all , i have a hard time with lumping everything in to one big bowl of mashed potatoes though.

not so sure about the kid from the Waltons being the end all, be all either , but hey that's just me .

jrd4 | School of Divinity, University of St Andrews

Jim Davila | The Dunedin School

not trying to make yall mad here , just use your head , i even believe in the possibility of Ophir being on this side of the world , but not quite like the poster has presented it here .

didn't,have you in mind at all kanabite, I like your post. I meant the ones that think its all about the Spanish and there bible and rule book. sure that's part of it.but I belive its a low percentage, it seems every time someone post a different thought, they get attacked. if its not the kenworthy book stuff.if that kenworthy was in Utah,still looking for something,i doubt he would put anything in his books to get people closer to what he was still looking for?

you know , off the top of my head i'm not sure if Kenworthy was ever in Utah , he might have been ,but who knows ? now at least one of his associates was that i know of , but i guess i never really looked into that like i should have.according to the treasure hunting forums , some folks claim Mel Fisher was here, but lots of stuff written about Utah gets the treasure spin attached to it so who knows . one thing both of these guys had was electronics , advanced stuff for the day .

now you got me wondering about Kenworthy . lol
i might have to look , its possible i guess. something else really interest me about him , that last book ,lost treasures of old mexico , the one that talks about where some of the mines that where used before the Spanish came , oh wait a minute i need to go see if i can find it , its not so much about codes and stuff as to where the goodies came from. hang on .....

please dis reguard what i said about kenworthys 4th book , i feel violated a liitle after going through it again . just the same ole vauge tales i guess . personally i would find another source if your looking for any of the legends . i guess it would be silly of him to give exact details about anything he was looking for. don't get me wrong some of his info is handy but getting to the bottom of the truth may take you a lifetime .

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I have only done this a couple of years part time.And where I hunt, the boarder region of mexico,new mexico,there is no way the Spaniards carved all these notches in these mountains,carved all these stones,built all these monuments,dug all these mines, processed all this ore,even with slaves in this area. and then to think they did this all over the U.S.,no was already here. they where just treasure hunting.they where following the same trails I do now that run north/south,east/west,except there not foot paths now,there jeep trails.looking at the same carvings in the mountains that I do,and heading straight for them like I do.took what they could find and haul,rehide what they couldn't take.worked what mines that where good producers.someone did this stuff way before them.didnt they take the Aztecs gold,who dug those mines and made that stuff?surley it was done way before the spainards got there. maybe the Aztecs where treasure hunters too.Funny how the book writers treasure hunters don't see the ancient stuff.the Spanish where treasure hunting,looking for the big score on the way,one of the 7 citys.its there.

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sorry kanabite,it was Mel Fisher I was thinking about being in Utah. yea, I think your going to have to find the truth on this stuff on your own,unless you got a good friend that really knows. I have a couple of kenworthys books,i never did finish reading them,they just dont do it for just seems so odd to me,that I only took this up a couple of years ago,iam very inexperienced,but I do know someone was mineing way before the Spaniards got here where iam at.yet it seems all the experts on here that have been doing this all there lives,20+ years never even mention the ancient miners,i just cant belive they haven't noticed it.

I think a lot of it is,that now with the internet,alot more info.and photos are out there.and I think they realize now kenworthy was wrong on some things and left a lot out,and they spent a life time out in the desert with his books,the bible and compass,diging holes. and there probley a little pissed, that they know now, that they have been most are not gonna admit it,they will just try and pass that B.S. on to the next generation,to keep them out of the hunt. I think that kenworthy dude knew full well about the ancients and there riches,and that's really what he was after on land. just a guess by this greenhorn.

Makes you think out of the box. I once thought I found Cibola and question why it was left alone by the Spanish and pancho Villa and modern day minors. I do wonder why air shafts were filled in and why a deep mine would be sealed and a rock with a black panther be left as a warning. Why a torch is carved on the cap stone. There is Spanish sign everywhere but this spot is not touched.....I like him. He talks about the hidden trail.

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there was no Cibola, it is stuff of myth, like Ophir, in a way, Back in Dark ages the truth had to go underground, and code words were used to hide the meaning of what they were saying, Si Bola, Softy of ALT] Ancient ?Lost Treasures and I worked this out one day, I said Si = yes and Bola =Ball the coded truth that the world was round, then Softy came back with well then the other legend and lore of...Quieva spelling is wrong, but the meaning is IT TURNS
wiki says this..
In the 16th century, the Spaniards in New Spain (now Mexico) began to hear rumours of "Seven Cities of Gold" called "Cíbola" located across the desert, hundreds of miles to the north. The stories may have their root in an earlier Portuguese legend about seven cities founded on the island of Antillia by a Catholic expedition in the 8th century.
The later Spanish tales were largely caused by reports given by the four shipwrecked survivors of the failed Narváez expedition, which included Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca and an African slave named Esteban Dorantes, or Estevanico. Eventually returning to New Spain, the adventurers said they had heard stories from natives about cities with great and limitless riches. However, when conquistador Francisco Vázquez de Coronado finally arrived at Cíbola in 1540, he discovered that the stories were lies and that there were in fact no treasures as the friar had described — only adobe pueblos.

While among the pueblos, Coronado heard an additional rumor from a native he called "the Turk" that there was a city with plenty of gold called Quivira located on the other side of the great plains. However, when at last he reached this place (variously conjectured to be in modern Kansas, Nebraska or Missouri), he found little more than straw-thatched villages.

The basis of this legends seem pretty thin but the Portuguese where the state of the art in the 15th century Navigation and Sailing off what legend had it was you fell off the world because it was flat..and who else would need a code word, but them.and the seven cities again seven on paper and the basis for all the confusion of seven meaning gold on paper and maps, but on stone in the field it means camp. period. truth.believe it or suffer the consequence your self
its the hardest way to learn, but for some it is necessary and effective. They put the seven to mean gold, but only to code the word and keep a gold rush from happening,,but Coronado fell head long for the Friars story..and lost his donkey [ass] and found noting like all the ones who came after Coronado, Francisco they were chasing ghosts of legends passed. Just as you
were Bub, fooled by greed.smacked by your Ego, abused by ignorance.Who is in the twilight Zone now?

The thread is the ?Land of Ophir and the The Ancients One hijackers f off~! start your own ?Kenworthy thread, or join someone else's..kenworthy thread.,just get off mine, or get back to the subject...

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there was no Cibola, it is stuff of myth, like Ophir, in a way, Back in Dark ages the truth had to go underground, and code words were used to hide the meaning of what they were saying, Si Bola, Softy of ALT] Ancient ?Lost Treasures and I worked this out one day, I said Si = yes and Bola =Ball the coded truth that the world was round, then Softy came back with well then the other legend and lore of...Quieva spelling is wrong, but the meaning is IT TURNS
wiki says this..
In the 16th century, the Spaniards in New Spain (now Mexico) began to hear rumours of "Seven Cities of Gold" called "Cíbola" located across the desert, hundreds of miles to the north. The stories may have their root in an earlier Portuguese legend about seven cities founded on the island of Antillia by a Catholic expedition in the 8th century. The later Spanish tales were largely caused by reports given by the four shipwrecked survivors of the failed Narváez expedition, which included Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca and an African slave named Esteban Dorantes, or Estevanico. Eventually returning to New Spain, the adventurers said they had heard stories from natives about cities with great and limitless riches. However, when conquistador Francisco Vázquez de Coronado finally arrived at Cíbola in 1540, he discovered that the stories were lies and that there were in fact no treasures as the friar had described — only adobe pueblos.
While among the pueblos, Coronado heard an additional rumor from a native he called "the Turk" that there was a city with plenty of gold called Quivira located on the other side of the great plains. However, when at last he reached this place (variously conjectured to be in modern Kansas, Nebraska or Missouri), he found little more than straw-thatched villages.

The basis of this legends seem pretty thin but the Portuguese where the state of the art in the 15th century Navigation and Sailing off what legend had it was you fell off the world because it was flat..and who else would need a code word, but them.and the seven cities again seven on paper and the basis for all the confusion of seven meaning gold on paper and maps, but on stone in the field it means camp. period. truth.believe it or suffer the consiquinces your self
its the hardest way to learn, but for some it is necessary and effective.

Theosophy article: "The Number Seven" by Blavatsky

great stuff kanabite,thanks. I was looking at the stars last night, looking for 7's up there in constellations.

I think when there saying 7 citys, there not meaning a count of 1 thru 7, but 7 meaning gold.that how I take it,citys of how they call their gold mines,the 7 mines.

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