Casca said:
Some will always argue, no matter the subject. I can not grasp half of what is said here when we get a long versions of history. But I see weird stuff and cant explain it. I posted a spoof a few weeks back and was attacked by members here. I promise no more spoofs as we are not allowed to laugh at ourselves, why have fun, this is serious rock business.
hi casca , sorry you were attacked .
every post should start with the words "in my opinion"
don't worry about speaking your own mind , cause you have as much right as anyone to do so.
personally i think the title of this topic is somewhat misleading . perhaps the words ophir and ancient ones should be separated , not because they(possibly) do not relate , but because the term ancient ones is so broad , while the land of ophir could be more defined to some specific time line .
many of the things i have read in the last few pages appear to be a repeat of Roger Snows research in regards to things like the knights templar in new Mexico . which is fine as long as the poster gives Rog the credit .
everyone should ignore my indigence towards "the banned one",
it has nothing to do with anyone else here , it is personal , and i did not start it .
my apologies to the rest of you that get to watch it , i did not come to treasure net to be disruptive .
however when i see something that is just not right going on , i have a hard time ignoring it .
as for this ancient one term , if the earth is 4.3 billion years old , and the existences of intelligent life in that time frame is really unknown . sorry not quoting the bible here at all . then where does that really leave us at?