The Land of Ophir and the Ancients Ones....


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Casca said:
Some will always argue, no matter the subject. I can not grasp half of what is said here when we get a long versions of history. But I see weird stuff and cant explain it. I posted a spoof a few weeks back and was attacked by members here. I promise no more spoofs as we are not allowed to laugh at ourselves, why have fun, this is serious rock business.

hi casca , sorry you were attacked .
every post should start with the words "in my opinion"
don't worry about speaking your own mind , cause you have as much right as anyone to do so.
personally i think the title of this topic is somewhat misleading . perhaps the words ophir and ancient ones should be separated , not because they(possibly) do not relate , but because the term ancient ones is so broad , while the land of ophir could be more defined to some specific time line .
many of the things i have read in the last few pages appear to be a repeat of Roger Snows research in regards to things like the knights templar in new Mexico . which is fine as long as the poster gives Rog the credit .
everyone should ignore my indigence towards "the banned one",
it has nothing to do with anyone else here , it is personal , and i did not start it .
my apologies to the rest of you that get to watch it , i did not come to treasure net to be disruptive .
however when i see something that is just not right going on , i have a hard time ignoring it .

as for this ancient one term , if the earth is 4.3 billion years old , and the existences of intelligent life in that time frame is really unknown . sorry not quoting the bible here at all . then where does that really leave us at?

very ancient indeed, that rock must be 10 million years old! Who ever carved those faces...probably from the Bronze age guess pagans about 30,000 bc [wild unsubstanisated guess~!] plenty of mystery to go around...
thanks for posting them.


P8 seek knowledge rather than silver, understanding rather than gold....

thank you very much for the link~!!
it shows once again that the Bible can be proved to be exactly correct once professional techinques are used~!

I do think that this is the very FIRST 'Ophirs' of King Solomons time, and as all gold mines do..they play out
now the direction of this thread is to try and find and document the very next Ophir, which I think was down the
African coastline to the Gold Coast area...then some time later , perhaps much later it jumped across the Atlantic to
some where in the Caribbean, or Panama - a Century or two later by Magellens time to the South will be very difficult to find this data but an amazing amount of fun too~! As I will travel to the Phillipines myself if necessary.
oro ophir

Just a quick note. I have read somewhere, maybe here. That the placing of the Kensington Stone could possibly be explained by some exepidition looking for a new source of gold? I simplified that but hope it makes sense to at least some. Could the Americas be the last place of the mines?

I read somewhere that the gold from Ophir was sometimes called the "red gold of Ophir". I wonder if that was referencing natural "rose" gold or was it a "slang" name for copper.

Casca said:
Just a quick note. I have read somewhere, maybe here. That the placing of the Kensington Stone could possibly be explained by some exepidition looking for a new source of gold? I simplified that but hope it makes sense to at least some. Could the Americas be the last place of the mines?

The stone was found near the headwaters of the Red River in MN, probably reached in small boats beginning in Hudson Bay and traveling south from there. It was an exploration/land-claim journey. The Norse were not into gold prospecting.

So you believe it to be of Norse origin? Were not the script of old Hebrew?

Casca said:
So you believe it to be of Norse origin? Were not the script of old Hebrew?

Typical translation:
We eight Goetalanders and twenty two Northmen are on this acquisition expedition far west from Vinland. We had properties near two shelters one day’s march north from this stone. We went fishing one day. After we came home, I found ten men red with blood, dead. Ave Maria, save us from evil! I have ten men by the sea to look after our ships fourteen days’ travel from this site. Year of the Lord 1362.

Thanks Springfield. I have not seen any reference of that associated with the Stones in the past. I dont completely agree at this point, but you have my attention. You are probably aware there have been other stones found along the east coast too?

I have a very hard time with some of the historical references so Im glad I said something. There has to be at least one other guy out there wondering the same thing.

I look forward to more post.

Casca said:
Thanks Springfield. I have not seen any reference of that associated with the Stones in the past. I dont completely agree at this point, but you have my attention. You are probably aware there have been other stones found along the east coast too?

I have a very hard time with some of the historical references so Im glad I said something. There has to be at least one other guy out there wondering the same thing.

I look forward to more post.

I've seen the stone at the museum that houses it in Alexandria, MN, near where the farmer unearthed it while clearing his field. There have been many similar forgeries that have surfaced since its discovery, but it seems very likely this engraving is the real deal. A good book is The Hooked X, by Scott Wolper. In it he presents a lot of evidence that may link the Kensington Stone to artifacts and structures in New England.

Yes, I do believe I read something about the Hooked "X". Im glad you brought that up.

That is some good reading.

I dont remember where else the Hooked "X" was found, but it was significant, and also mentioned far away lands of ancient times. But just know I read about all that on here first lol.

I think what hurts me is say, I dont read Spanish, nor would I be allowed to see any Archives if I asked to. Also I doubt any real info I could use would be just wrote down in a way I could understand it. I use the Spanish as I try to stay in that time period. May not be real old, but old enough for me.

Dare I say Mayan or Olmec. I see a lot of snakes, birds, and cats stonework. Could be a copy by the Spanish, but maybe the Indians left the Mayan Stuff alone. Or the Spanish and others couldn't recognize it.

I think it is very possible that there was a colonization by a learned people of America Thousands of years ago. Things like languages, astrology, and architecture suggest it. The Kensington stone would be a johnny come lately then.

So is there a connection between say, the Phoneticians and the Hooked "X"? I would say yes. So who had it right. The Phoneticians or the Norse?

I dont believe it was bored sheep hearders. The Spanish could make some of the Phoneticans stuff, but not all of it. Not everywhere it has been found.

Now Mayans and Aztecs have a lot of similarity to the Phoneticians. I do not know enough about these cultures to say any more. I have the urge to call em snake or bird lovers, as thats what i think when I find certain stuff.

So yes something happened for all the similarity around the world.

there is a slight Templar connection to the Kensinton Rune Stone, that is the language or the fonts really were decoded and authenicated* by the fact that font or style of the Runes has its source in an Island off the coast of Denmark , that island was a ancient home of some of the Tempars, and a Church survives or so it is said....and that hooked X was used by Columbus himself at well as the Templar Emblem on his sails...
truth stranger that fiction
oro legends
* the farmer could not have faked the runes, because there was no known copy of this style of rune
as it was as old as the date of the stone. and not uncovered until centuries later.

rangler said:
there is a slight Templar connection to the Kensinton Rune Stone, that is the language or the fonts really were decoded and authenicated* by the fact that font or style of the Runes has its source in an Island off the coast of Denmark , that island was a ancient home of some of the Tempars, and a Church survives or so it is said....and that hooked X was used by Columbus himself at well as the Templar Emblem on his sails...
truth stranger that fiction
oro legends
* the farmer could not have faked the runes, because there was no known copy of this style of rune
as it was as old as the date of the stone. and not uncovered until centuries later.

The name of the island you are talking about is Gotland, a part of Sweden; the religious Order associated was the Hospitallers if memory serves rather than a direct link to the Templars. The translation of the Kensington stone even mentions Goths,

8 Goths and 22 Norweigans on exploration journey from Vinland over the west. We camp by 2 skerries one day-journey from this stone. We were and fished one day. After we came home, 10 men red with blood and tourtured. Hail Virgin Mary, save from evil. Have 10 men by the sea to look after our ship, 14 day -journeys from this island year 1362.

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

A history of the stone itself only accentuates the problems associated with validating such an artifact. Despite the the original attacks on Ohman, the obvious copycat runestones that have sullied the KRS by association since, and the wildly varied interpretations and explanations from academia, it seems to me that Wolter's work (a professional forensic geologist) indicates that the stone was very likely incised ca 14th century, as the carvings indicate. Wolter's ambitious book may include some questionable speculation, but it seems clear the stone is not a 'fake'. Until documentation surfaces regarding the expedition, it will be difficult to say exactly who they were and why they were in northern Minnesota. Having seen the stone's point of discovery and being familiar with the upper midwest, it seems that the route from Hudson Bay through Lake Winnepeg and up the Red River to it's source seems easily doable for those Norse.

There is one point that lends a little more credence to the origin of the stone is that there is a seriously LARGE percentage of folks with Finland roots of ancestry living in Minnesota. I was stationed in Duluth when I returned from Viet Nam and learned first hand just how bad they drove their automobiles. LMAO Good folks........LOUSY drivers. LOL

JOB 22:24 Then shalt thou lay up gold as dust, and the gold of Ophir as the stones of the brooks.

Sounds a little bit like the gold of Ophir came from some seriously LARGE deposits of nuggets in rivers
and lakes. I've read about how the rivers in the Andes valleys were so loaded with gold washed out
of the mountains' load bearing rock by the Deluge (also known as the Great Flood and Noah's Flood)
that the BOTTOMS of the deposites were not found. Also, the gold of Ophir has been described as
the "red" gold of Ophir. Interesting stuff.

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