The Land of Ophir and the Ancients Ones....

.and the seven cities again seven on paper and the basis for all the confusion of seven meaning gold on paper and maps, but on stone in the field it means camp. period. truth.believe it or suffer the consequence your self
its the hardest way to learn, but for some it is necessary and effective. They put the seven to mean gold, but only to code the word and keep a gold rush from happening,,but Coronado fell head long for the Friars story..and lost his donkey [ass] and found noting like all the ones who came after Coronado, Francisco they were chasing ghosts of legends passed. Just as you
were Bub, fooled by greed.smacked by your Ego, abused by ignorance.Who is in the twilight Zone now?

The thread is the ?Land of Ophir and the The Ancients One hijackers f off~! start your own ?Kenworthy thread, or join someone else's..kenworthy thread.,just get off mine, or get back to the subject...

wow ! not sure what any of us said in these last few post to upset you , just because some folks may not agree with your ideas, is no reason to get all mad.

heck Rangler , I decided it was silly to fight with you . it disrupts this forum , and makes it hard for the folks reading these post to take any of this serious .

take it easy , the moderators here have a hard enough time reading all the posts , they should not have to babysit this little group posting . its a tough job running a forum , we all should at least try to be adults .

An open letter to: Hershel Shanks (editor of Biblical Archaeology Review) and William Dever (that some recognize as a giant in Middle East archaeology).
Hello Hershel Shanks,

Many years ago I wrote to you and William Dever a person you referred to as a giant in archaeology. I have heard William Dever comments on Nova and in other places. I felt shame for him, what a misuse of his talents. Even you could have used your talents much better even though I have appreciated many things that you have brought forth and your forthrightness in doing so. I also appreciated William Devers original stand for some of the truth of the Bible.

Years ago I tried to inform you about discoveries that I had made and etc. with small articles I wrote and sent to you both. I never received a response.

I told you both then and I will tell you again. The standards of the great laws and the history from Genesis to King Solomon did not come forth out of made up history.

The Exodus of Israel out of the land of Mizraim (not todays Egypt) is a historical fact. The whole story is carved in stone in the land where it took place. That story is reflected in bas relief in Roman temples across Europe. The Romans were Trojans that settled among the Tuscans of Italy from the first Troy or first Jerusalem that Jeremiah called the City of Desolation. In that city the Greeks dug up its foundations, just as Homer said. It was repeated when Nebuchadnezzar had it sacked. It was repeated the third time when Tiberius had it sacked. One stone was not left upon another. It was left desolate all three times for the same reason. It was to protect the Underworld that was below it. It was sacred to the conquerors as well as those that they defeated.

This place was the place that Adam lived when he was driven out of the Garden of Eden by the erupting cherubim. Tiberius said he would make the place so insignificant that it would no longer be recognized. Within a couple of miles you have the Exodus story plus many others writings carved in stone plus you have Abraham’s Dome Alter and Jacob’s Pillar Stone (The Stone of Destiny). Trails and history from around the world will take you to that place.

Now back to the bas relief in the Roman temples. You have a picture of Mithra the Roman sun god slaying the bull. It is a story that has been corrupted in the minds of the people today. Mithra was the first great Joshua of history who destroyed the gentiles or the bull or the power of First Canaan. The sun was a symbol of the great light of God. They surely believed that Joshua was the great light liberator and protector of Israel (human rights). I can easy understand why a lot of Christians believe that spirit and light was resurrected in Christ who also had the name Joshua. They would have sure reverenced the first Joshua and recognized that Christ stood in his place. The Greeks had their identity or their story of the same person whom they called Apollo. That great light in history was also Joshua. The Greeks were likely a mixture of Philistines and Israelites. With the Philistine blood most likely dominating. I do not know for sure.

The horses of Apollo were representative of powerful forces that lifted or carried the chariot. The Bible refers to them as cherubim and they still preside in the City of Desolation. Three are inside the city and one is outside of the city. The three inside the city is why it was called Troy. These cherubim where described in Psalms 18, II Samuel 22 and in the Book of Ezekiel. The chariot that these cherubim lifted or pulled was the center part of the City of Desolation. It was an area that the Ark of the Covenant was built to represent. The two that are on top of that boxed in area or cart are represented as the two cherubim or angels on the Ark of the Covenant.

Apollo and his chariot with his four horses would also represent Joshua’s conquest of that area. The reason the place was framed with a war chariot.

There are some real good reasons why Apollo is riding his chariot on the mosaic floors of old synagogues. For the same reasons he was in the earliest Christian Churches. Joshua was the one, the great light of the eternal good or God that led Israel in taking that particularly area from the Canaanite gentiles that are represented as a bull. Mithra and Apollo was Joshua in real history even if they have become pagan Gods. Much could be written upon this subject.

It is ludicrous for scholars that are wise in their own conceit to imply that the early Christians borrowed and reverend gods of the pagans, along with other Israelites before that time. The Babylonian scholars of today are destroying the roots of our great history along with the Christians that are idol worshipers.

One of the horses of Apollo was a cherub with one eye that the Egyptians called Horus the falcon hawk. That area that gave Horus birth was called Isis. The Christians called that cherub the Archangel Gabriel. It is represented on our dollar bill as a pyramid with an all seeing eye. The masculine part of Isis was called Osiris. The three cherubim that made up the body of Osiris that Isis put back together are what the ancients named Orion’s Belt after. The three cherubim are also what the three great pyramids in the Gaza strip were built to represent, in part. The two larger ones were faced with white marble and red granite to represent the red and white mountains of Paradise. Later the marble and granite was stripped off to help build some of the structures in Egypt.

What I discovered years ago maybe too different, too much or too much work for you and others to want to look at or it may just not fit your preconceived ideas, your goals or agendas. But it would sure do a lot more for human kind than the white wash that William Dever has done in the Middle East that you have contributed to.

Now what are you going to do with New Hebrew writings translated into English for the first time called Treatise of the Vessel translated by James R. Davila.

When I wrote to you and William Dever in the past I had nailed down the City of Desolation, the Garden of Eden and the land of Genesis. Since then I have nailed down the real Tower of Babel (not its copycats around the world), Nebuchadnezzar’s temple in the Underworld, the Tree of Life in the center of Eden and the fabulous sacred mines of Solomon (which the Treatise of the Vessels identifies).

I would suggest that you read the Treatise of the Vessels real well. It will show you that the land of Ophir is not even close to where many have falsely assumed it to be. Along that line, that goes for the Garden of Eden, as well and many other things.

If you do not want to be left out of a marvelous work and wonder that is mentioned in Isiah 29 then you should turn your talents and efforts to a far far greater direction. Keep in mind that most of the wealth from Solomon’s Temple plus the precious stones the Temple was made out of did not end up in the new Babylonian capital of Nebuchadnezzar in the Middle East. They were left in the area of Nebuchadnezzar’s Underworld, his motherland.

There are many things in history that will not fit or make sense; some are contradictory when you do not have the proper place of history or the correct understanding of language. Without such it is easy to be down on what we are not up on.

I will enclose a seven page article that I recently wrote.

If you want to broaden your field of research and gain a real foundation in history you can email me at

I would appreciate if you would send a copy of both of these to William Dever.

R. W.

From Treatise of the Vessels; translated by James R. Davila
The gold and silver of Solomon and David hidden in a cistern
(V) Seventy-seven tables of gold, and their gold was from the walls of the Garden of Eden the was revealed to Solomon

The pearls and precious metals of David and Solomon hidden in Borsif
(VII) The fine stones and pearls and silver and gold that King David set aside for the great House were a thousand thousand talents of silver and a hundred thousand talents of gold. And (there were) the trees of the gold of Parvaim which used to produce fruit of six hundred and sixty-six myriad talents of fine gold that was underneath the Tree of Life in the Holy Garden. All these were revealed to Hilkiah the scribe,

The area of Solomon's Mines were well hidden by the man that passed himself of as Jacob Waltz after he was involved with killing the real Jacob Waltz and a Spaniard. This same man created the Molina documents and the Peralta Stone. Their are some that will not want to deal with this reality.


why does this all sound so familiar? . The Truth...
that's weird that link I put up , witch I do not condone or condemn sounds just like the things you are saying . I mean almost identical,

sorry that I am having a hard time with what is being written , probably my own fault .

I guess that what happens when you question things , that your were always told were of the debil , if you did.

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Somewhere in my files, I have a copy of a very old map of the northern area of Mexico that included what is now Arizona and New Mexico. In what is now the Phoenix Valley, there are dots representing villages named the Cities of Cebola and showed the existence of water canals that were in place before the city of Phoenix was founded. The expansive system of canals in the Phoenix area utilized those existing ones and expanded them. I'll look for that map and post it.

EDIT: Since the land known as Egypt was originally called Ophir, then any lands in the world that were claimed by the ruler(s) of Olphir, would naturally be referred to as the Land(s) of Ophir. Much like the Protectorates and Colonial Lands of more modern day uphamisms. The United States, Britain, and France have all used that title for lands they .............helped. Hiwaii was originally a colonial collection of islands for decades until it was made the 50th state of the Union. Vietnam was a colonial protectorate of France because of all of those beautiful rubber trees in the south. Britain had countries in Africa. Oh, and France had French Gyona (sp). Anyway, I think you get the gist. :)

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Hi everyone. I usually stay out of these types of conversations because I absolutely do not want to offend anyone. I am a person who is open minded. Been called a radical Idealist. But I have also been through extensive studies of the geography of ancient middle east. I am open minded but not so open minded that my brains fall out and hit the floor. I have looked for the land of Ophir myself. From my personal studies i believe it is either in Africa or Asia. Now let me say that my authority on this subject is the historical accounts given in the Bible. I hold all judgments on archaeological finds until all facts and finds are recovered. Usually I wait for the scientific community to come together. If a scientist is on the right track, another scientist will eventually prove him right or wrong. I do not buy into every theory that comes along, especially when it contradicts the Bible. This is just my humble opinion, I do not think the theory presented in this page is correct. I do not want to ruffle any feathers, I just do not buy it. I do like how Rangler and Softy done some word play with the 7 cities of cibola. I do not know if it is correct or not, but i do like the effort to break a code. If my thoughts offended anyone, I do apologize.


wow ! not sure what any of us said in these last few post to upset you , just because some folks may not agree with your ideas, is no reason to get all mad.

it is not what you said, it is that you posted talk about kenworty or the number 7 on my thread OPHIR and The Ancients please delete those posts or better yet
repost them on the new thread that I just started today Kenworthy, the good, bad and the Ugly, plus the real meaning of the number 7
..ok cool

ps pinwheel, please leave your thoughtful post on subject, thanks


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Rangler how many times must you be asked and warned about insults, attacks and language?

There is NO "my thread", once you hit the send icon to post a thread it is TreasureNet's thread...

Since repeated warnings don't work let's try this....

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

thread seems to be de-railing a bit... But still going to do a quick tag :)

To go way back early in this thread, Columbus... he gets all this main stream respect, his very own day. And all he did was accidentally land over here and kick off centuries of genocide. Sorry, I just hate that he has "a holiday".

thread seems to be de-railing a bit... But still going to do a quick tag :)

Fronjm05. you might find the thread "Modern Day Sentinels???" Interesting.


I did find it interesting, posted a little tidbit there :)

dog, the treasure hunter,
I appreciate your kind remarks and advice.

Shortstack, you have truly stacked up some reality that many have failed to grasp.



Ya know i don't mean to be coming off so negative to these Ideas you are bringing out, its not that I am hanging on to some deep religious belief . and i sure don't have all the answers. I guess its a byproduct of being brought up in the state of Utah , being almost force fed the stuff that folks here, for the most part, claim is the only "truth" . if you question things and ask tough questions , you sometimes get looked down on by the" high and mighty" . i don't wanna bring up some religious debate on this forum , however you can't bring up OPHIR with out getting in to the religious side of things . It would appear you and I are both familiar with a certain geographic region of this country , and ill be honest some of the things you are suggesting , i myself once kind of looked into . what was America before the great cataclism ?Why is the tale of the great flood shared by so many cultures across the world ?how old is this planet really ? who did Cain mate with ?and on and on and on .....
there are many who believe that the bible is the word of God , there are some who believe it is nothing more than a collection of Hebrew fables .still others think it was just a reinvention of solar religions and pagan traditions and a tool to control the masses . who knows , i guess that is why it is called faith .anyway the question i have for you and it is not a religious one so much is hypothetical treasure one, and i hope you do not think it is of he devil cause i am not trying to offend anyone here . what if you found something in a cave or somewhere and it proved the things you are saying , lets say you found the Ark or some other item from the temple deposited in America and all your thoughts and ideas came full circle? what if you found something so big and historical that it would have to come forth to all the nations and peoples . i'll bet that would be the day many have dreamed about. you would have to tell , wouldn't ya . march that treasure right back to the holy land and build the new temple and all that stuff . am i even close ?

now lets say that instead of those things inside of that hypothetical cave, you found a craft that was 250 million years old and had a DNA experiment or something in it , along with some other items that would lead you to believe that man came from something other than what most believe of our origins on this planet. would your faith allow you to tell that story instead and show the world?

could you accept something like that ? despite of the things you might believe in now ?

my apologies this question is not designed to raise doubt , or question what anyone believes in this world .
folks can believe what ever they wish to , and i;m not suggesting any of what i have written has any chance of being real /
believe it or not I am not an atheists
just something to ponder before anyone goes looking for those " ancients ", or OPHIR for that matter , but its just in fun , so please take it easy on me .///bob

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I don't think the truth would ever get out, if it was the ark or DNA machine. you would be gone either physically or mentally,then the media,press would take the story over,after the N.W.O got control of the material matter. no pond is gonna have a say in that matter way is that gonna happen.

thread seems to be de-railing a bit... But still going to do a quick tag :)

To go way back early in this thread, Columbus... he gets all this main stream respect, his very own day. And all he did was accidentally land over here and kick off centuries of genocide. Sorry, I just hate that he has "a holiday".

LOL........not only did Columbus's navigator get him LOST, but later had this continent named after HIM and not the expedition commander. Too funny. :) Amerigo Vaspuci = America. Christopher Columbus = Columbus, OH. ROFLMAO Both of these people, by RIGHTS should have been honored by places in the Bahama's or Cuba, at the least. America should actually be something like, "Erica" for Eric the Red, leader of the Vikings who were coming here before Columbus was even a gleam in his daddy's eyes.

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Hello all you treasurenet readers,
I just started a new thread.

Solomon’s Gold and History’s Great Treasures

I just posted Solomon’s Gold Mines in the land of Ophir. With ties that identify it as the Seven Cities of Cibola. I will be posting stuff that may show the Knight Templars were here and why. And many other things from time to time that will tie down the land of Ophir in the land of Genesis.

What the Lead Crosses represent that were found northwest of Tucson on Silver Bell Road. And many other things from time to time that tie in with history’s greatest treasures.

I have many facts that identify the Dutchman’s mine. That I believe are more important than everything that has been published in central Arizona that will unravel the mysteries behind the Dutchman. I was lucky that I came across things that nailed down some of the missing links that opened doors. If you so choose the right path you can all share and be richly rewarded in history’s greatest treasures.

R. W.

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I once thought I found cibola but all I found was silver and copper deposits. Darn shame With so many people changing trails and folks burying sacred areas and such. I guess we have let all the belivers die off and have a newbreed of treasure hunters. Did you know Pancho Villa was a treasure hunter too. I found some of his work. Understanding the use of a sign like a 7 will help you not to confuse the trails that came before and after the spanish. I once found a picture of pancho villa stained or burnt into a rock. I then found a black panther on a reverse etching guarding a ancient entrance close by. I turn the corner and theres a mexican carne. I did not know what these signs were or others like indian sign till I got help. I found a lot of the help here. If you look at some older languges you may be surprised at how many different definations you will get on the number7. Depending on your belifes, everyone is right. I would like to see more pictures that go along with your explanations. It would help understand your interpitations. Im considering a post just to the number 7 for folks to consider for research.

Wow just read kanabites post. I may do some reading to see what all the fuss is about. Kanabite is correct about the 7 he only did not bore us with the many ways it is used. I dont understand the disagreement. Moving forwarc I have a site right now that displays a black panther guarding a rather disturbing large someone used as a cap to what I believe a ancient burial. I have a reason to believe someone came across the ocean from solomons time or before and taught the realitives of south america some mining and navagation. Even the religions have simularitys which could have been confused over 12 thousand years. Prove me wrong if you can. But I would really like to know what other evidence is still left a learned people landed in south america and influenced them.

Hello all you treasurenet readers,
I just started a new thread.

Solomon’s Gold and History’s Great Treasures

I just posted Solomon’s Gold Mines in the land of Ophir. With ties that identify it as the Seven Cities of Cibola. I will be posting stuff that may show the Knight Templars were here and why. And many other things from time to time that will tie down the land of Ophir in the land of Genesis.

What the Lead Crosses represent that were found northwest of Tucson on Silver Bell Road. And many other things from time to time that tie in with history’s greatest treasures.

I have many facts that identify the Dutchman’s mine. That I believe are more important than everything that has been published in central Arizona that will unravel the mysteries behind the Dutchman. I was lucky that I came across things that nailed down some of the missing links that opened doors. If you so choose the right path you can all share and be richly rewarded in history’s greatest treasures.

R. W.

RWLJ, your underlined link appears to be broken ,
here it is so folks don't have to hunt for it .

my personal opinion , not that it matters , is that you may be describing parts of somebodies "EDEN" , although i am not convinced that it has anything to do with The garden of Eden , described in genesis.

you are making some very extraordinary claims in your latest post . I'm sorry that I am having such a hard time seeing why you believe them. View attachment 938999
i do wish you luck , everyone is entitled to their opinion . one thing about it , it is very beautiful country

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