The Knights Templar connection to Oak Island Challenge

I have some archeological upbringing and a "megalith" has never been used a a unit of measure. Typically it describes a "huge stone" as in those at Stonehenge. Which is, in fact, where the first use of the word appears to have been invented in the mid 19th century to describe giant stones there (Greek: megas lithos = "huge stones").

**** I do not know where you get your educated guesses from. Like all the rest. I do not care if I get banned or not. You people are the worst to have a conversation with I have encountered. Good day to you all. Enjoy talking with yourselves maybe you can finally make a sentence together.

For you Charlie P. (NY) some archeological upbringing needs a refresher course: Go to: If that does not come up click on the first one that comes up about the megalithic yard.

Well that sends you to the homepage, click on it and then go down to Research and General Articles and click on Detailed instructions for making your own megalithic yard.

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Franklin- more farewells than Frank(lin) Sinatra... That didn't last long.

A theory by Alexander Thom that has never been demonstrated or widely accepted. So we can say it was "invented" in 1960 and only a "counter culture" curiosity. I wonder what is "acceptable variation" was that he thought it was consistently used in multiple sites.

So that makes at least two people who accept it as possible.

If it was 1.36 feet that would work as well - just double it to get the megawhozit. It's simply backing into a made-up unit of measure based on what's left laying around. It could also have simply been one average human pace 32" +/- (1/2 of a 2.7 ft length - or 2.5 ft for the Byzantine era pace). Also about the shaft length of a medieval arrow. Almost identically the same distance as the Roman step (gradus pes sestertius).

By no coincidence because almost EVERY early unit of measure was based on something on or done with the human body.

Hi Scotland has more than 900 islands in an isolated location so then why would one sail into unknown and uncharted waters across an ocean in 1300 s port hopping ships ? TP

Hi Scotland has more than 900 islands in an isolated location so then why would one sail into unknown and uncharted waters across an ocean in 1300 s port hopping ships ? TP

It was because they knew of the vast lands to the west and the Knight's Templar were looking for a place away from Kings and the Pope. They were searching for their "New Jerusalem" and by creating America eventually they found it.

The belief of establishing a "New Jerusalem" in the New World was held by the Puritans/Pilgrims not by the Templars.
There is no credible evidence of the Templars were even aware of "vast lands to the west", much less "searching for their "New Jerusalem" and "creating America".

More actions here than O.I.
But ...
Where is Robot ?

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More actions here than O.I.
But ...
Where is Robot ?

Probably now working for Rick and Marty. Robot had some great ideas.

More actions here than O.I.
But ...
Where is Robot ?


He certainly appeared very qualified to write fictional story accounts. Great imagination.

... You keep believing history in books and you will never know any more than all the idiots that have learned these same False History taught in schools today.
Truth hits them in the face and yet they keep teaching their lies.
Yet you believe and also promote the ridiculous fiction of Muir's Sinclair Journals based on the hoax Zeno narrative, the nonexistent voyage to the New World of Ralph de Sudeley in the Cremona Papers, and that Shakespeare was illiterate.
Makes one wonder on who is the "real idiot" that believes in unproven and undocumented "False History" that originate from perpetuated hoax works of fiction.

Yet you believe and also promote the ridiculous fiction of Muir's Sinclair Journals based on the hoax Zeno narrative, the nonexistent voyage to the New World of Ralph de Sudeley in the Cremona Papers, and that Shakespeare was illiterate.
Makes one wonder on who is the "real idiot" that believes in unproven and undocumented "False History" that originate from perpetuated hoax works of fiction.

Well I read it on the internet as well... so it must be true.



I Am Back...My Arm Just Got A Little Sore...Swatting Pesky Flies!

More actions here than O.I.
But ...
Where is Robot ?

Swatting Flies.webp

Looking forward to Season 7...November 5th, 2019!

Franklin- more farewells than Frank(lin) Sinatra... That didn't last long.

Probably will return after Diana Jean Muir's next installment of the "Sinclair Journals" series are written and published .

Hi Scotland has more than 900 islands in an isolated location so then why would one sail into unknown and uncharted waters across an ocean in 1300 s port hopping ships ? TP

It wasn't all of them, only a few as many did stay in Scotland. To answer your question though, the European World at the time was run by the Roman Church and as is common knowledge Scotland had been and would be again very soon. Your 900 islands would all soon come under Catholic scrutiny as did Iceland and even Greenland. They had to hide their secret where it would be safe for at least the near future. Nova Scotia was known to them and thats where they went, but again only a few.

Cheers, Loki

Where is the verified documentation that Nova Scotia "was known to them and that's where they went"

..the European World at the time was run by the Roman Church and as is common knowledge Scotland had been and would be again very soon.
Your 900 islands would all soon come under Catholic scrutiny as did Iceland and even Greenland.
They had to hide their secret where it would be safe for at least the near future...
The European World at the time was run by individual ruling royal families, not the Roman Church, and Scotland NEVER left the Church during that time as you imply, nor did the Vatican have the means, motive, or opportunity to "scrutinize" the 900 islands of Scotland, or Iceland and Greenland for your alleged Templar "secret".
After that October Friday 13th Templar roundup and de Molay's execution, the Vatican considered the Templar matter over.

The European World at the time was run by individual ruling royal families, not the Roman Church, and Scotland NEVER left the Church during that time as you imply, nor did the Vatican have the means, motive, or opportunity to "scrutinize" the 900 islands of Scotland, or Iceland and Greenland for your alleged Templar "secret".
After that October Friday 13th Templar roundup and de Molay's execution, the Vatican considered the Templar matter over.

The Church told your ruling royal families what to do which is why Templars were to be arrested in all Europe.
Hundreds of thousands of Scots who followed Robert the Bruce were excommunicated in the early 14th century, which is what I was referring to. All of Scotland would become Catholic and no heretic could be safe. It wasn't so much that it happened than Templars were sure that it would (although it did). And yes Iceland and Greenland became Catholic.

To say that a heretic would be safe on one of Scotlands many islands may even be true, but which one and for how long. I do premise some Templars sailing into Loch Etive in 1307 and staying the winter at Ardchatten but there is no way the monks at the priory would have known about the troubles in France, no telephones and such.

Cheers, Loki

Robert the Bruce was excommunicated because he killed John Comyn, it had NOTHING to do with the Templars

... All of Scotland would become Catholic and no heretic could be safe. It wasn't so much that it happened than Templars were sure that it would (although it did). And yes Iceland and Greenland became Catholic...
Ok, Loki, during this period, what other Christian Church existed beside the Roman Catholic Church?
There was a Catholic presence in Scotland since the 8th century, conversion began in the late 11th century.

*NOTE* The Picts did have a Celtic pagan Christian variation from the 8th century before the Catholic conversion.
Iceland and Greenland were converted to the Catholic Church around 1000 AD.
The Protestant Reformation was still several centuries into the future.

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