The Knights Templar connection to Oak Island Challenge

... ECS you need to purchase some of those books by writers you keep putting down.
Sometimes they lead to what's behind the hidden door.
Far too often, the "hidden door" is an ephemeral illusion that opens onto a table rasa ready for fabricated faux filled facts of imaginative alternative pseudo history pedaled by profit orientated quasi historians for sale to the gullible and unwary reader.
I'll continue to stick by real history books that has been examined and verified by the process of true erudite academic research instead of the speculative fairy tales created by pulp writer history charlatans.

... You keep believing history in books and you will never know any more than all the idiots that have learned these same False History taught in schools today.
Truth hits them in the face and yet they keep teaching their lies.
Franklin, when are you going to start presenting hard evidence that will counter all this "False History taught in schools"?
So far all that you have brought forth is recycled drivel from pulp quasihistorical pulp writers, Petter Amundsen's claim of Bacon's hidden ciphers in Shakespeare's works, and Phillip Smith's unproven imaginative fabrications.

I already have given a lot of examples. One, especially is the belief that Christopher Columbus discovered America. When CC came over in 1492, voyages had been already made over here to this continent that became America, two thousand years before him. Actually, CC had the Knight's Templar Maps when he came over to the Islands in the Caribbean. As I said before the so-called historians you put so much faith in claim that two letters of CC and his crew mentioning Indian Maize, one in 1492 or 1493 and the other dated 1494 was the first example of Indian Corn to Spain and Italy and other countries, when Indian Maize was already carved into Rosslyn Chapel in 1446 and dedicated and finished in 1450. A prime example of your so-called historians and their facts. The TRUTH is right there staring right in their face and they deny the proof. You want more examples, history has now proven that Lee Harvey Oswald did not shoot President John F. Kennedy. Then why are they still teaching the opposite in our schools. The so-called historians claim that the Queen of Spain sold her personal jewelry so CC could come to America. Again NOT TRUE. Another example, you know why we went into the Vietnam War it was because our Navy thought they were under attack when it was actually flying fish. Almost 60,000 American Soldiers killed and hundreds of thousands wounded due to flying fish. But that is not written in your precious so-called History books.

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What is alleged as "indian maize corn" carvings is NOT unique to Rosslyn Chapel, but a common motif design in medieval art and architecture and seen throughout Europe, and has NO connection to the Templars beyond ones imaginative connection.
Rosslyn Chapel also has 110 carvings of pagan Celtic greenmen, which is highly unusual for a Christian church of the medieval period- but I guess the quasihistorians couldn't conceive a Templar connection to those carvings.

I already have given a lot of examples. One, especially is the belief that Christopher Columbus discovered America. When CC came over in 1492, voyages had been already made over here to this continent that became America, two thousand years before him. Actually, CC had the Knight's Templar Maps when he came over to the Islands in the Caribbean. As I said before the so-called historians you put so much faith in claim that two letters of CC and his crew mentioning Indian Maize, one in 1492 or 1493 and the other dated 1494 was the first example of Indian Corn to Spain and Italy and other countries, when Indian Maize was already carved into Rosslyn Chapel in 1446 and dedicated and finished in 1450. A prime example of your so-called historians and their facts. The TRUTH is right there staring right in their face and they deny the proof. You want more examples, history has now proven that Lee Harvey Oswald did not shoot President John F. Kennedy. Then why are they still teaching the opposite in our schools. The so-called historians claim that the Queen of Spain sold her personal jewelry so CC could come to America. Again NOT TRUE. Another example, you know why we went into the Vietnam War it was because our Navy thought they were under attack when it was actually flying fish. Almost 60,000 American Soldiers killed and hundreds of thousands wounded due to flying fish. But that is not written in your precious so-called History books.
So not true, where do you get this stuff?, the carvings at Rosslyn did not exist in 1446, in fact, there was not even a Chapel as it is seen today, and also, FYI, the Viet Nam war was actually in progress before the U.S. got involved.

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... Again NOT TRUE. Another example, you know why we went into the Vietnam War it was because our Navy thought they were under attack when it was actually flying fish.
Almost 60,000 American Soldiers killed and hundreds of thousands wounded due to flying fish.
But that is not written in your precious so-called History books.
It is not written in our history books, Franklin, because once again, its NOT TRUE.
Just another example of fact fabrication creating a totally untrue version of events.
The real version of this is the August 964 Gulf of Tonkin Incident when the destroyer USS Maddox was fired upon by four North Vietnamese P4 Soviet built motorboats.
Radio contact to the nearby USS Ticonderoga had four F8 Crusader jets scrambled that fired upon the VC's P-4 boats, killing 4 and wounding 6.
This hostile "attack" by North Vietnam enabled President Lyndon B Johnson to convince Congress to pass the SOUTHEAST ASIA RESOLUTION, which enabled Johnson to use military force against North Vietnam WITHOUT declaring war.
The "flying fish" came from a quip President Johnson made to Whitehouse aides:
"Hell, those stupid sailors were just shooting a flying fish".
There never was a flying fish firefight.

Once again, a perfect example how actual facts can be mutated and reshaped creating an entirely different version far removed from the actual facts that many times gets accepted as the truth.

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Franklin, when are you going to start presenting hard evidence that will counter all this "False History taught in schools"?
So far all that you have brought forth is recycled drivel from pulp quasihistorical pulp writers, Petter Amundsen's claim of Bacon's hidden ciphers in Shakespeare's works, and Phillip Smith's unproven imaginative fabrications.

It's easier to make it up than memorize all the hard stuff.

I already have given a lot of examples.

Without evidence.

I too can make statements without evidence, but that doesn't make them fact. If you want people to stop asking you for proof, offer proof.

I already have given a lot of examples...
...based on the unproven speculation and assumption of others like Petter Amundsen, Phillip Smith, and other alternative history writers, all the while putting down the work of real historians.
As Dave Rishar noted, without evidence doesn't make them fact without offering proof, which real historian are required to submit.

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AMEN :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2. BUT HOW DO YOU KNOW iF THE AUTHOR'S ARE TELLING THE TRUTH ???if

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Hi So you know but you take the horse over the highland pony and those who did get the most from the untouched Knights Templars Sites in 700 years rode camels in least lightly of places in find a camel SWORD OF SOLLOM is very real and thats nothing .Strange the events of that time got forgotten by a bigger event. TP

Please keep digging our own hole you no idea what a going to get posted TP

Ridiculous banter deserves an ignore

Flying Fish ??/ You had better reread your history my friend. I served the entire WWII and part of the Korean fiasco.
, Starting

Time for me to ignore this nonsense

I've already been kicked off Youtube and Facebook so nobody get me riled up okay? Oak Island was a place they stored Solomon's body before they found were to put it which happens to be the old Garden of Eden. They found out how to get past the flaming sword and let God know Man means business and we got our ear to the ground. The mondo beyondo spirits move men is the reason it is called Oak Island, because of The Tree of Life and every man's an Island. The connection you are looking for THEY found and is the one between the Heavens and earth. God Woman and Man or The Trinity. It is how they had to find out who the Devil is because he roams this earth. "Hear me now, believe me later" God divided night and day and these dudes work for the NIGHT! "When the night comes" it's in so many songs you can't see it! Men in Black kinda stuff. Oh yea you just can't wrap your mind around it kinda stuff. Illuminaughty One owe one!
Did Gabriel sound The TrumPence? I missed The Rapture didn't I. Not Again!


The Cobb represents the farmer like the one Jesus talked about and also how the plant is formed like a Cobb so is our D.N.A. and the Templars and Christians did not patent that idea.


That would explain some people I have met.

Lol! I want to tell you a story about me and Big Foot. I was crashed one morning 5 a.m. 34 degrees out. Sleeping like a baby and then KNOCK that came through the wall and put me on my ass. Knocked me clean out of bed and as I'm getting to my hands and knees Knock and back on the floor I go. This happened every 3 seconds and as I crawled to the window to look out I almost threw up because of the sound waves concussion going through the wall and through me. This thing meant business and as I peeked out the mini blind I thought dang I have to stop this and it's freezing outside and I have to put on clothes and then it stopped. THANK GOD. It knocked 7 maybe 8 times. I didn't go in my backyard for two weeks. No lie and all I can think is that was Big Foot. It was the first thing I thought as I was flying away from my bed to the ground, King Kong just uprooted a tree in my back yard and is now beating another tree with it. I did have some spirit or angel come down after that and told me I touched The Tree of Life while I was taking a crap out in the woods. So that may have something to do with it I'm not sure but I do love your photo!
Here's a juicy one for ya! Ya know why they called it M.T.V.? It's The Empty V. Illuminaughty know the songs are mom and dad we are them they are us kinda thing and it's the V between Jesus and Marie in The Last Supper.51S9CZXPQCL._SX425_.webp It's the real "String Theory" so much better than the "Big Bang Theory" lol!

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That's John the Apostle to Jesu's right. All men at the Last Supper - remember? You're thinking of The Divinchi Code that speculated it was a female.

Leonardo also painted John the Baptist as a little . . . pretty.


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