The greatest threat to our hobby (long post)

The biggest threat to our hobby is all the people watching those detecting shows and then going out and asking all the stupid questions about detecting public places.....does the guy letting his dog poop in the park ask permission,the guy riding his bike,the guy flying the Frisbee.... NO and if they did ask all those activity`s would be banned .look up the rules yourself as we did years ago....or are you to lazy. Heck that is i use the park to recreate,but you newbie will screw it up soon.
IF WE ASKED ALL those QUESTIONS 40 years ago NO ONE and i mean no one would be aloud to detect today....there would be so many laws against it.
So i see the new people asking all this crap as our enemy........those fools have all ready closed down some parks around here by running there mouths.
Just shout up and go MDing while you can....and try not to rune this hobby.
Tom in ca. has got it RIGHT if he asked all those stupid questions 40 years... CA. detecting would be banned a long time ago

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I've got to get back to work and have no time to post so I'll just say something quick.
I have no idea why people think I'm implying to ask for permission for every public place.
I don't so why would I expect you to?
What tipped me over the edge is the bank foreclosures. I hate banks but it's still private land.
The direction this forum is heading is towards justifying trespassing.
I also brought up a whole pile of things with the intent of getting a discussion going.
Is there anything wrong with discussing things?
What we say on this forum affects us all.
If this post of mine brought a bunch of people together to stand against me and what I say then so be it.
I'm not sorry I posted what I did. I certainly have looked at your opinions for years now.

The biggest threat to our hobby is all the people watching those detecting shows and then going out and asking all the stupid questions about detecting public places.....does the guy letting his dog poop in the park ask permission,the guy riding his bike,the guy flying the Frisbee.... NO and if they did ask all those activity`s would be banned .look up the rules yourself as we did years ago....or are you to lazy. Heck that is i use the park to recreate,but you newbie will screw it up soon.
IF WE ASKED ALL those QUESTIONS 40 years ago NO ONE and i mean no one would be aloud to detect today....there would be so many laws against it.
So i see the new people asking all this crap as our enemy........those fools have all ready closed down some parks around here by running there mouths.
Just shout up and go MDing while you can....and try not to rune this hobby.
Tom in ca. has got it RIGHT if he asked all those stupid questions 40 years... CA. detecting would be banned a long time ago

Gary, sounds like you've been at this for awhile then, right? Then you too remember back in the 1970s, when it never DAWNED on any of us, that you should "ask permission" (or inquire of potential rules, or ask "can I?" type questions) of city or county halls. Oh sure, we had the "presence of mind" not to go during school hours, and to avoid lookie-lous when in the middle of retrievals, and avoid obvious historic monuments. But ...... never occured to any of us that "something might be wrong" at regular beaches, parks, schools, etc.... If someone back then had asked us "Is it legal to detect such & such park?" we'd have looked at them wondering "why would you think it isn't?". In other words, such things never occured to us, since .... afterall we'd have reasoned: "It's a public park isn't it?".

But all this changed in the early to mid 1980s. I remember it distinctly. There was some random stories that appeared in some treasure magazines, well intentioned mind you, about far-away states with some rumors or stories of bootings or laws. You know, simply an editorial lamenting and reporting some state park something-or-another. And then the BIG clincher, was when the FMDAC came out (mid 1980s?) and started mailing out their monthly periodicals. AGAIN "well intentioned" (who can argue with solidarity on our behalf?). But oddly, when all such stories of "bootings" and "laws to head off" and "arrests", and "confiscations", were reported, an odd effect started to occur with the hearers: Persons who PREVIOUSLY would never have given thought to such things, and perhaps there's no issues where they hunt, nor ever was, yet ........ if they are inherently "skittish" types, guess what their pyschological reaction will be, to hearing such stories? They will "play it safe" and go "ask" wherever they're at. I mean, afterall, you "don't want to get arrested", and the "code-of-ethics" says you must "know and abide by all laws". And to them, they interpretted that by thinking the best way to know if there's any laws, is to go ask "can I?"

So you see, prior to scary stories making the rounds (only further compounded by today's internet), then no matter HOW REMOTE or isolated, the human mind takes over, and people .... who understandibly want to "avoid trouble", will go ask. THEN the trouble becomes, as you note: that places where it was never an issue and no one ever cared, started getting these "no's". So you see, it was as if laws were "invented" to address this "pressing issue" that people were bringing to states, cities, counties, etc... (afterall, it's the "easy" answer).

And oddly then, when stories of these "no's" therefore "make the rounds", guess what that makes the next generation of newbies do? GO ASK EVEN MORE. Thus only snowballing into even MORE "no's". It became a self-fulfilling vicious loop, all started with sincere intentions to "join in solidarity" and spread stories of fellow hobbyist's woes.

Yes there are probably some places that are off-limits NOT by the above mentioned psychology. There could be places off-limits only because truly someone left holes. But I'm of the opinion that a bunch more are off-limits NOT by holes, but by the psyschology I spell out. Oh sure, the person saying "no", may give "holes" as his reason (causing the md'r to say to himself "durned those people who must've left holes"), but in reality, that's just their "go to" answer to justify the "no" they just gave you, when in fact, it might have never crossed their mind.

I have had 4 & 5 day gold ring finds with melt value over $1000 hunting those crowded beaches so hunting them crowded is not an issue for me at all, I do it all the time. Waiting till beach goers had left odds are i would not have found half of them....

I dont hunt lunch money, I hunt for lost gold but I will pick up all the coins I find, one day they will buy me a new detector, last count that lunch money coin collection was almost. $700.00.......
Hunting a crowded beach makes no sence :icon_scratch: why weave around beach goer's and pi$$ them off, and why would you want a crowd when you are finding Gold rings, suerly better to wait until the beach is less busy.


Silver Searcher said:
Hunting a crowded beach makes no sence :icon_scratch: why weave around beach goer's and pi$$ them off, and why would you want a crowd when you are finding Gold rings, suerly better to wait until the beach is less busy.


Because not everyone will wait till the beach is empty to hunt, wait till dusk and you have missed out on a lot of the gold.

When I find gold I don't advertise it, I put it in pouch or d-clip and continue on.

I do not concern myself with what others think, I have as much right there as anyone and more so than most, I am a resident not a tourist.....

Been hunting crowded beaches for 7 years with no problems other than eye strain from the eye candy.....

You misunderstood me here. I totally knew what to expect from you!
What's so offensive? Questioning the reasoning we all make towards what we need permission for and what we can just go and hunt?
Did I sound like a do-gooder in this post after sharing my experiences with getting kicked out by security and a warning ticket?
Why am I wasting my time with someone who justifies trespassing?
If you think you're getting under my skin you're wrong buddy!
This is the internet. Time to go back to my real life.
Im not trying to get under your skin, just giving my opinion, like you.When someone posts something and they dont get the responses they want, they blow up and get an attitude. Metal detect how and where you want to, everyone has to make their own choices. Sounds like you want everyone to follow your lead and do what you do.Just because you dont hunt school yards and crowded beaches, that doesnt make it wrong.I never said I justify trespassing...I said the guy that hunted the bank foreclosed property was no worse than the people that dont turn their finds over to the police. Sorry you didnt get the support you were looking for...dont take it personal...everyone has different opinions, it doesnt mean they are against you.

Hunting a crowded beach makes no sence :icon_scratch: why weave around beach goer's and pi$$ them off, and why would you want a crowd when you are finding Gold rings, suerly better to wait until the beach is less busy.

What about them weaving around me and pi$$ing ME off? :laughing7: Are you saying they have more rights to use the beach than I do?

What about them weaving around me and pi$$ing ME off? :laughing7: Are you saying they have more rights to use the beach than I do?
Everything is about common sence, like not going on forclosure property, or private land with out permission. There does'nt have to be a written law, just plain old common sence. You can hunt the beach just about anytime, you can't catch rays anytime.


The only time this is an issue is when someone wants to justify hunting on property that they don't have permission to hunt OR if someone posts up suggesting they're calling town hall and asking about the local laws.

Tom in Ca is the self proclaimed king of knowledge on this "permission" front, what is his response? He encourages members, new and old to break the rules/laws/take shortcuts and discourages people from calling to find out their local laws. You can see evidence of this in post after post after post by him.

If it's not your property and you don't have permission to be on it, stay out, don't hunt it until you have permission. There is no grey area here. It doesn't matter if it's vacant, owned by a huge bank or insurance company, it's not yours and you have to ask before going in. Who cares if you ask and get a no? Move on, hunt somewhere else.

What's the difference between knocking on a homeowners door, asking for permission and getting a "no' or calling the local town hall for permission and getting a "no"? Nothing, no means no, go hunt somewhere else OR, ask the person at the town hall if there is someone else in charge that can make the proper decision but again, no means no, move on, go hunt somewhere else OR work to get the laws changed.

It's not about being "Joe legal" or a "Goody two shoes" either. It's about keeping our hobby in a good light, knowing the laws and a respect thing. Know what the laws are in your area no matter who you have to call and respect other peoples property.

No permission/ don't know the law? no beep and dig.....simple. Don't like the local laws? Take some time to change them. Don't think the detecting laws can be changed? It happened here in NYC.

How would those who think it's ok to hunt other peoples/insurance companies/bank foreclosed properties without permission feel if they came home from 2 weeks vacation and saw the obvious signs that your yard was dug up? I know how they would feel.

The only time this is an issue is when someone wants to justify hunting on property that they don't have permission to hunt OR if someone posts up suggesting they're calling town hall and asking about the local laws.

Tom in Ca is the self proclaimed king of knowledge on this "permission" front, what is his response? He encourages members, new and old to break the rules/laws/take shortcuts and discourages people from calling to find out their local laws. You can see evidence of this in post after post after post by him.

If it's not your property and you don't have permission to be on it, stay out, don't hunt it until you have permission. There is no grey area here. It doesn't matter if it's vacant, owned by a huge bank or insurance company, it's not yours and you have to ask before going in. Who cares if you ask and get a no? Move on, hunt somewhere else.

What's the difference between knocking on a homeowners door, asking for permission and getting a "no' or calling the local town hall for permission and getting a "no"? Nothing, no means no, go hunt somewhere else OR, ask the person at the town hall if there is someone else in charge that can make the proper decision but again, no means no, move on, go hunt somewhere else OR work to get the laws changed.

It's not about being "Joe legal" or a "Goody two shoes" either. It's about keeping our hobby in a good light, knowing the laws and a respect thing. Know what the laws are in your area no matter who you have to call and respect other peoples property.

No permission/ don't know the law? no beep and dig.....simple. Don't like the local laws? Take some time to change them. Don't think the detecting laws can be changed? It happened here in NYC.

How would those who think it's ok to hunt other peoples/insurance companies/bank foreclosed properties without permission feel if they came home from 2 weeks vacation and saw the obvious signs that your yard was dug up? I know how they would feel.
But hasn't Tom found the most single Gold Coin finds on TreasureNet....perhaps the World :laughing7: perhaps because of this he feels he has the right :laughing7:


Well, I guess I bent a little more than most, but only for a reason. Here's an example that comes to mind, but it is about shooting. A friend and I were shooting my .44 mag, which makes a bit of noise. The Sheriff came up and told me a neighbor had complaned about shooting on Sunday. I said is it illegal? He smiled and said, no. I told him to go back to her and tell her that it is not illegal, but as a common courtesy, I will stop this once. Frank...

111-1 profilecracked.webp

Its a lot easier to get forgiveness than permission.

Everything is about common sence, like not going on forclosure property, or private land with out permission. There does'nt have to be a written law, just plain old common sence. You can hunt the beach just about anytime, you can't catch rays anytime.

Your wrong, I cant hunt the beach anytime...I live 100 miles from the beach and when I go, I hunt in the water from 8am to 6pm.

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The only time this is an issue is when someone wants to justify hunting on property that they don't have permission to hunt OR if someone posts up suggesting they're calling town hall and asking about the local laws.

Tom in Ca is the self proclaimed king of knowledge on this "permission" front, what is his response? He encourages members, new and old to break the rules/laws/take shortcuts and discourages people from calling to find out their local laws. You can see evidence of this in post after post after post by him.

If it's not your property and you don't have permission to be on it, stay out, don't hunt it until you have permission. There is no grey area here. It doesn't matter if it's vacant, owned by a huge bank or insurance company, it's not yours and you have to ask before going in. Who cares if you ask and get a no? Move on, hunt somewhere else.

What's the difference between knocking on a homeowners door, asking for permission and getting a "no' or calling the local town hall for permission and getting a "no"? Nothing, no means no, go hunt somewhere else OR, ask the person at the town hall if there is someone else in charge that can make the proper decision but again, no means no, move on, go hunt somewhere else OR work to get the laws changed.

It's not about being "Joe legal" or a "Goody two shoes" either. It's about keeping our hobby in a good light, knowing the laws and a respect thing. Know what the laws are in your area no matter who you have to call and respect other peoples property.

No permission/ don't know the law? no beep and dig.....simple. Don't like the local laws? Take some time to change them. Don't think the detecting laws can be changed? It happened here in NYC.

How would those who think it's ok to hunt other peoples/insurance companies/bank foreclosed properties without permission feel if they came home from 2 weeks vacation and saw the obvious signs that your yard was dug up? I know how they would feel.
Tom uses good old fashioned common sense...I dont think you have a clue to what he is talking and ask everybody you want for permission...its your right and none of our business.

But hasn't Tom found the most single Gold Coin finds on TreasureNet....perhaps the World :laughing7: perhaps because of this he feels he has the right :laughing7:

Do I sense a hint of jealousy? :laughing7:

Thanks for starting this thread backup the grounds still froze here

The only time this is an issue is when someone wants to justify hunting on property that they don't have permission to hunt OR if someone posts up suggesting they're calling town hall and asking about the local laws.

Tom in Ca is the self proclaimed king of knowledge on this "permission" front, what is his response? He encourages members, new and old to break the rules/laws/take shortcuts and discourages people from calling to find out their local laws. You can see evidence of this in post after post after post by him.

If it's not your property and you don't have permission to be on it, stay out, don't hunt it until you have permission. There is no grey area here. It doesn't matter if it's vacant, owned by a huge bank or insurance company, it's not yours and you have to ask before going in. Who cares if you ask and get a no? Move on, hunt somewhere else.

What's the difference between knocking on a homeowners door, asking for permission and getting a "no' or calling the local town hall for permission and getting a "no"? Nothing, no means no, go hunt somewhere else OR, ask the person at the town hall if there is someone else in charge that can make the proper decision but again, no means no, move on, go hunt somewhere else OR work to get the laws changed.

It's not about being "Joe legal" or a "Goody two shoes" either. It's about keeping our hobby in a good light, knowing the laws and a respect thing. Know what the laws are in your area no matter who you have to call and respect other peoples property.

No permission/ don't know the law? no beep and dig.....simple. Don't like the local laws? Take some time to change them. Don't think the detecting laws can be changed? It happened here in NYC.

How would those who think it's ok to hunt other peoples/insurance companies/bank foreclosed properties without permission feel if they came home from 2 weeks vacation and saw the obvious signs that your yard was dug up? I know how they would feel.


Tom is not telling anyone to break the laws, he advocates not calling someone to hunt public property, there is a big difference..... I do not call and ask any public offical if I can hunt so and so public property, I research the laws myself, and if there is no law saying no, then I hunt it, I do NOT call and ask permission of local political officals just like I do not call and ask if I can throw a frisbee or paly with a dog in the park........

I know 99% of homeowners do NOT own the easements, they maintain them but they are owned by the city, counties and state. I worked for a utility company for 16 years locating lines on easements, most are not privately owned..... There are some private easements, most are owned by the railroads.....

Reminder to all, remember our rules on attacking members, I DO......

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