Alright here's the story everyone has been on the edge of their seat for:
I was about 4 or 5 years old and my favorite toy was the metal Tonka dump truck, (about 16" long and 8" high with big plastic tires) I think everyone had one of those. Anyway the one I had looked like it had been handed down through about 30 different families, rusted almost beyond recognition, it still worked though. My neighbor right next door (I think 5 years older than me) had a brand spankin new Tonka truck that he never used.
One day I look out the window and there is the dump truck on top of the garbage cans next door, still as shiney as ever. I ran and told my mom and she said it was illegal to take something out of someone's trash so I ran next door to ask someone if I could have it, the parents were at work and the kid was at school. I knew that both the kid and the parents would have said it was ok to have, but they just weren't there to ask.
The garbage truck came and they threw all the stuff in the back, not really sure why the garbage man didn't take it. Get the tissue box, here's the sad part... That compactor thing that pushes the trash up into the main part of the truck came down directly on the Tonka and one of the wheels popped off and fell onto the road, the trash guy picked it up and tossed it back in the truck.
If I had that one to do over again, I would have ran out there and grabbed that sucker or maybe asked the garbage man if I could have it, prior to the crushing of course. Although as a 5 year old I probably wouldn't have been allowed to talk to the garbage man anyway...
I was about 25 years old when I was at a garage sale and saw one for $5, still have it to this day.