nevrdundetecting said:
what are the laws about going onto private property that isn't posted
I posted somewhere how this is Treated in My area, However
all areas may be different.
If I ownd land and didn't have it posted, it is my Fault
if someone goes on it. not theirs. as there is some areas aroud here
where nobody owns.However IF they took it upon themselves to Build on it,
I'd wait till their Finished and Take Possession of what they built
in fact, there are some areas where their are
homes where the people don't even need to pay taxes.
the homes have been taken as Squatters rights.
some Actually on Rail Road land. But Do not exist on paper.
even tho they have electric & Phone.
My one Friend lives on one Given to Distant Relatives,
on a 99 year lease. it has gone empty several times since the 1800's
and squatted in by whoever.
There is also a Mountain side, where people are building homes,
where they don't need to even ask first & don't pay taxes.
The Jealous people were trying to close the Loophole
I Don't know if they ever were able. I just remember the Original Write-up in the 90's about it.
My point, some people don't know how to research, and IF they don't see a sign saying who owns it, or NO TRESPASSING, they take for granted it's PUBLIC ACCESS