The golden secret of the Valley of death

Gidday Amigo Don Jose

I just tumbled in from the high roller casino curious to know if you new what Kancki inferred to with the picture?. There was an old motto the unholy trio used play by work hard play hard. Your very close as I have no need to tell you the yarn. Every one did okay out of it. And yes I miss the girls terribly as well they made this old sea dog feel young feel for awhile.

And I back in drunken retirement for awhile Cheers Crow.

Yep ! so you have reverted? typical tropical tramp , just like me. Kinda thought you would be chasing those down under lassies> on your Island. Give my regards to the gals of the crew if you see them. For those that do not know what I am referring to El Crow just completed a six month cruise in a beautiful ship WITH an all girl crew.




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Not as such as the moment I'm in the proverbial dog house. Er....she could not understand leave a guy in the candy shop your going to taste the candy?


Don Amigo My relationships with women is like tide mark in Sewerage farm I am always in the s... the level just varies.

Its the tropical tramp code.


Speaking of fog levels.

There must be data out there somewhere about this mysterious Valley in Mindanao? I suspect it is in region in between two active volcanoes somewhere near Moro territory?

There must be a geologist report somewhere?


This legend is waiting for the next generation to explore. Anyone have any good guesses for the location?


I love a good mystery.

According to Carpenter, this valley "covers many square miles." Apologies in advance for (once again) seizing on one key detail and perhaps neglecting the others, but this seems like a big hint to me. "Many square miles" is easy to find from an aerial view. Spotting a fog-filled valley of this size would be a trivial task on Google Earth, which is exactly what I attempted to do. Admittedly I haven't been over every square inch of Mindanao, but I took a pretty good look at all of the mountainous regions and I saw nothing fitting this description. At my level of zoom, even something one square mile should have been apparent, never mind "many."

What I'm getting out of all of this is that either Carpenter (or the reporter) exaggerated the size of the valley, or else it's not filled with fog anymore.

Or maybe I somehow missed it? Take a look and doublecheck my work.

Gidday Dave

A good Idea to attempt to find the location with cloud cover with Google earth.

Google earth is an excellent treasure hunting tool however it should not be relied apron solely. Goggle earth is made up of different resolution pictures of the landscape below and Radar modeling images. Not every bit of the earth is fully photographed around the same time frame. You can see a clear picture of Mindanao at 211 km? It show no clouds at more as in fact it is computer generated model of landscape below based on radar sounding bounced of the earth. It will pick terrain feature but no weather conditions. To get weather conditions you have go lower down where you will get satellite pictures. the height you have to look down from is about 7 km.

Please be aware even at that level you with have whole areas without satellite photographs. What they have is radar modeling imagery instead, they do not show cloud cover at all.

The Area I suspect is... On Google earth I was unable to find the area in question without some form of cloud cover in the satellite pictures from various years? But in fairness to statement I made a recheck with time laps of Google earth photographs of the site just in case. Nope they are all obscured by clouds.

I did not take the actual location to be as big as imagined by carpenter as I suspected it was a more localized with the precients of an area of geothermal activity. And it s knowing where the active geothermal activity is the key. Infact the area I suspect is in a small mountain range sandwiched better two active volcanos.Perhaps2 or 3 square miles at most. Most likey an ancient collapsed caldera before the land rose out of ocean millions of years later. The caldera has vents spewing small amount of sulphide dioxide and methane that is traped by the cold layers of air above.

keep looking and ya will find friend. And when you do you will have grin from ear to ear. PM when you do.


I was seeing atmospherics at around 43 miles, but I did most of my searching at a 10 mile view. I only zoomed in further on spots that looked particularly interesting.

However, how large is something that "covers many square miles"? A major metropolitan area "covers many square miles" by most definitions but is easily seen from 900 miles or more and will not be entirely covered by clouds. Like you, I suspect that Carpenter (or the reporter) exaggerated the size, as it's an easy mistake to make. An observer on the beach, at sea level, sees the horizon about three miles away. If you were to ask them how much area their view covers, they would likely say that it was many square miles but in reality, it would only be a few.

If the reported size was wrong (which it likely is), what else was wrong?

Obligatory disclaimer: I just enjoy puzzles. There's nothing on Mindanao that's worth my life. I believe that this is largely an intellectual exercise, as even if we found a treasure there, who could go and get it? Without any skin in the game, I'm not inclined to work too hard on the problem. I'll look into it some more as time allows, but I suspect that whatever gold fields are there may as well be on Mars. That's just not a good area for a variety of reasons.


I think you have the makings of an excellent researcher because I see you have methodical and analytical approach to such legends and not so prone to ego-centrism. :thumbsup:

A trait not to have when researching into these legends. There are legends are what I call for those inclined mind candy as they are puzzles with a intellectual exercise at least.

One of things I learned long ago Newspapers stories are a useful tool to get an idea of what was allegedly being said at the time.

Its neither black or white but usually somewhere in between. Generally I find in older newspaper accounts more of genuine attempt to report the facts. After the 1870 the quality of so many newspapers with accuracy in reporting declined due to market forces such as greater competition that drove pressure on sales...The more dramatic the story the more readers. .And tabloid journalism thus evolved in which many of writers would hear parts of story and add their own to sexed up version of the story to their newspapers. That should also be noted that there was a slight difference in time frame as Tabloids evolved in English speaking countries. As the telegraph transcribed information Tabloid style of journalism traveled down the wires. Definitely it evolved first in America as the newspaper industry was the most evolving and dynamic. As I have said newspapers do have their uses by verifying the established facts from newspapers by various other sources help build a better picture of what was going on at the time.

As for Mindanao the story was posted for every one who enjoys a treasure yarn off course. But it had another purpose to show the people of the Philippines that there is other treasures in their beautiful country other than the national obsession with Yamashitia treasure story.

I doubt I also would be packing my bags as yet either but still enjoy if for what it is....

More than happy to hear about the intellectual stimulation as that is what its all about.


One of things I learned long ago Newspapers stories are a useful tool to get an idea of what was allegedly being said at the time.

I couldn't agree with you more on that. I also concur with the "in between" remark. One thing that I'd read about, but really hadn't seen firsthand until I enlisted, is that if ten different people see something happen and then are asked to describe what they saw later, you're going to get ten different stories - sometimes significantly different. The very important facts will usually match more or less between accounts, but the less significant details will be all over the place. The witnesses are not necessarily attempting to be deceitful; it's simply a matter of how the human mind processes information and records it. Sensationalism aside, reporters sometimes (often?) report things incorrectly because their brains recorded their observations incorrectly. Even if they did record those observations correctly, the person being interviewed may not have.

Carpenter's giant valley may have been fairly fact, I'm almost sure of it. As for the fumes? Possibly exaggerated, possibly non-existant today, but we'll have no way of knowing that until someone goes there and looks.

Do you think that you know where it is? Don't tell me where. I'd rather look for it myself, as half of the fun is in the search. But if you know someone who is in a position where they could actually put boots on the ground, please, tell them. I would like to know if it did actually exist (somewhat) as described, and that someone found gold there. I suppose that that's the other half of the fun for someone who researches - the researcher's payoff, so to speak - validation. :)

Hello Dave

Getting boots on the ground is another challenge in itself. There are quite a few exploration companies still round but they come and go all the time. I know at lot about them becasue many years the unholy trio was the boots on the ground. We had one thing they wanted... We were expendable...Until they found people from other countries that would work even cheaper...

And of course it helps to have a little luck ya side. Dame fortune came be an evil bit.. You spend your whole life searching these treasure legends and not find a cent, even with the best of research. Others can come along not being able to touch their nose and stumble on an absolute fortune. like a lottery winner. Not all winners of Lotteries have been won by people of good repute and even deserving?

For any explorer of this region they will have to have their wits about them and many challenges to face.

Treasure hunting is a bit like Gambling with good research will increase the chance to win. However in the end it is a numbers game and a Professional gambler will know when to hold and know when to fold. There is a whole history of those who gambled and lost. Oak island is just one classic example among others. This valley of death has many complex problems to be resolved before it would move into being more viable. Mining is a dirty and risky business and many more companies fail than succeed.

But some do?

One such Treasure story you might hear inferences of and will never hear much about the dead horse mine story? Is a classic treasure legend Story with letters and map that turned out to the real deal. So far the mine in question has pumped out 9 million ounces is has a projected 40 million ounces of gold. The site was inside an active caldera with fumeroles and ground so hot we had to drill horizontal bore holes and pipe seawater from the ocean to cool the rock to mine it. Such obstacles can be over come .....As necessary is the mother of invention.

Dave have fun. As that was what this posts are intended for. Some times its the journey and not the destination that matters...


Crow, if I may be so bold, the dead horse mine was merely preparing you for the hereafter, which is fortunate for me, I won't be alone.

Incidentally. that is why I posted on Tayopa at the first, to allow the readers to have the fun of participating by rrequeting them to tear holes in my thinking, one can get too involved in an apparently successful deduction and over look an obvious contradiction. I must asmit they really put me over the wringer, but they haven't shown any wrong conclusions or results. In fact they developed new sources of thinking etc. which have been invaluable to me. I hope in the process they enjoyed it as much as I.

Course,I lept my ace in the hole,. I knew that I had ir and why.

Don Jose de La Mancha

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Hello Don Jose.

I intend to live for the moment not worry for the next life. We come into this world with nothing and I intend leaving it with nothing.

The only thing I want to leave to the world is a headstone on my grave with one last one liner.."See I told you I was sick!":laughing7:


Speaking of epitaphs ...

Best one I ever saw years ago was....

Stranger please note as pass by..

So what you are now so once was I

So What I am now so you must be!

Prepare for death and follow me!


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