The golden secret of the Valley of death

It might make one hell of a acid rain?

Maybe these vents are just giving carbon dioxide? Perhaps plants still grow there in valley in abundance giving off a little oxygen through photosynthesis during daylight hours. However the carbon Dioxide levels must be higher in the lower parts of valley perhaps trapped by cold thermal layer of air trapping the mist inside the valley? Perhaps the deeper you enter the valley the more higher levels of Carbon dioxide. Regardless of altitude the site might be carpeted with thick jungle. As the thermal layer traps heat. In effect its own green house effect.

At night when the plants stop photosynthesis the Carbon Dioxide levels must increase to lethal levels? A possible plant Paradise where no air breathing plant predators can live.


I still say that if I were on site, it would be worth a couple of hundred pounds of dry ice or silver iodide and a plane rental just to see what would happen. If the fog is THAT heavy with moisture, then it should seed easier than a cloud. Even if it did form an acid, I wouldn't be under it when the rain came down! HAHAHA

As an alternative, once you get the spot zeroed in, then you could set up an industrial sized Hookah (not the kind you are thinking of Jose ;-) Dragging a mile of air hose would be way too much for exploration, but straight downhill to work a specific place. Coil up about 50-70 feet of working line to move around, and you have an all day air source. You stick a pile of EBA's (Emergency Breathing Apparatus) around, so that if something happens to the compressor or lines, then just grab an EBA, a couple of extra O2 Generators, and head uphill.


Crow: you posted --A possible plant Paradise where no air breathing plant predators can live.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nor any boids or air breathing insects to polonize.

Polonize means to make pregnant a reoccurring problem that Golly has with his girl friends,

Alternatively, find the emitting source-s and if the pressure isn't too great, cap them off with a concrete dome, air delivery.

Gollys job, since he is big and strong. and has worked with rebreathers.

don Jose de La Mancha

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Hello Don Amigo

Good point. But perhaps there is in the valley still enough low levels of oxygen for insects to survive over larger air breathing mamals?


Agreed, the plants will have been producing oxy for ?? you might be able to pull out enough oxy to survive in a self contained ionic barrier unit. other wise just send Mike in, he is expendable.--- and I get the white land Rover

Insects adapt readily. Nature is very resiliant = witness the unholy trio'

Don Jose e La Mancha

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Ah Don Jose Amigo Take it from me an old pirate with a wobbly boot and a skin full.

I agree nature is very resiliant and key to resilience as the Holy trio will tell you is to be like Chameleons my friend. Adapt and change one step ahead of the rest to suit the environment. I am sure after many years of reading Mikes posts he is more than capable of adapting to changing environmental circumstances. So I do not think you better hang onto your old mule will be as you won't be getting his Land rover just yet.

One thing about this valley you will not get the usual hoard of illegal miners as the nature of the site is too complex from small gold miners. Exploration would perhaps be like landing on a planet with no breathable atmosphere. So it would need a great deal of planning.


Nice one Amigo.

Here is picture of Russian group of Fumaroles just to give an idea of what be on the floor of the valley in Mindanao. The Mindanao site being much closer to equator and difference in altitude the fumes may be naturally trapped below on the valley floor by a thermal layer of air above.



And No not a nice place to cook some crow!:laughing7:


I've had to eat crow many times in my life, nowhere is it good or easy, however in New Zealand, a Maori once told me that one could catch a trout. whop him on the ground then put him in the other side of the stream and pull him out cooked..Do ya suppose ????

Don Jose da La Mandha

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Don amigo

I imagine the bird would be sulfur flavored?


Ah Don Amigo so its hot hot chills the secret of you longevity?

Well perhaps all these years of chilli munching has made ya immune to such things.

Sadly for me when I eat chillies all I can think of is the Johnny Cash song "Burning ring of fire!"


Crow mi amigo, that reminds me of the time that Reece and I went to a wedding feast'

As usual we were is the wobbly state when we finally found our way into the kitchen Like all Mexican families, they kept a fat Nescafe jar full of chiltipines, A particular violent for of chili family/ They are round and when dry, look like French peanuts.

Despite my repeated warning, he never stopped. However, the next morning when he went to the bathroom, I suppose that the entire thwo herd him Sorta reminds me of your an Gumby's experiences.

So, Yes, I do kwno what you are referring to

Dom Jose de La Mancha..

Crow mi amigo, that reminds me of the time that Reece and I went to a wedding feast'

As usual we were is the wobbly state when we finally found our way into the kitchen. Like all Mexican families, they kept a fat Nescafe jar full of dry chiltipines, A particular violent for of chili family/ They are round and when dry, look like French peanuts

Reece latched unto them and wolfed down handfuls. "Take ir easy Reece," I warned hem, but he ignored me. "nah" he answered. "Best damn peanuts I have ever eaten " ????????

Despite my repeated warning, he never stopped. However, the next morning when he went to the bathroom, I suppose that the entire thwo herd him Sorta reminds me of your, an Gumby's experiences.

So, Yes, I do kwno what you are referring to

Dom Jose de La Mancha

Is the secret that if you go to a certain place and do a ritual you become immortal?

How ironic would that be

Hello embrym

It depends on which part of body is used to venerate the Porcelain God. Its the porcelain god if its the posterior is place upon it and its the Porcelain bus if you stick you head into it. :laughing7:


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