The golden secret of the Valley of death

Here is a map of the Known gold bearing Areas in the Philippines? This valley I believe has been over looked and just about lost to history.


That coffee is looking good :coffee2:


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Don Jose: No Coffee for me my friend but I will stay for some hot chocolate!

Amy: You have a job worthy of envy my friend! I can't even imagine researching these stories for a job - you have done well and do your boss proud.

Victoria would be the clear state of choice for any legends you are aware of, but I would settle for any available. I know of a few in the area, but would love to hear what you come up with :)

The map you just posted of known gold bearing locations does not coincide with the few locations I have selected for the valley either. I assume it would be simply due to the fact that the area is so wild, uninhabited and the general region possibly is not known for gold. Due to isolated volcanic activity I can see why gold would be in the particular area, however.

How dangerous is the area? A friend on mine staying in Mindanao recently was ushered into the landlords room where he was directed to look under his bed. He saw a pistol, assault rifle and shotgun. The landlord was friends with most groups associated with kidnappings in the area however he told him this: "I keep these under my bed because you are here. Do not unlock your door for anybody." Needless to say my friend left the area soon after.

Petrology and geochemistry of the Central Mindano Volanic ...
by ESG Corpuz - ‎1992 - ‎Cited by 2 - ‎Related articles
Outline map of Mindanao showing major physiographic-structural units .............. 28. 2-2 ...... eruption of 1951, causing the death of over 500 people. 2.3.2. PREVIOUS ..... trending steep-sided flow which rises 20-50m above the present Itum valley floor. The top and ..... as: 01, olivine; PI. plagioclase and Cp, clinopyroxeneHi Any luv, wilkes"

Hello Wilkes

Thanks for the complement! However the credit should be all Hardlucks. I was lucky to have access to his archives. All I have done is little fine tuning of his records and verified a few things and added thing to them and at times corrections.

What part of Victoria? I have several in Gippsland. Others in northern central Victoria. Melbourne Area, Ballarat or western Victoria. Mostly lost gold reefs or gold Sovereign Caches from Robberies or hoards hidden by misers that had died. Take your pick?

As for Mindanao. I think there might be some potential for exploration as long as interested parties that have a vested interest in it has a say.

Hello Don Jose my one eye Pirate. thanks for the references. I think your getting close?


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The Philippine Islands are a great place to find a wealth of treasure and gold, barring in mind some stressful or life-threatening inconveniences, i.e., scammers, bandits, kidnappers, roving NPA'S, armed Muslim separatists & other related groups(MNLF, BIFF, breakaway MILF factions & Abu Sayyaf), predatory police, military, gov't officials & local political kingpins.

Amy Luv, logic dictates a place of little concentration of population , due to the danger from the
gases yet, it is negated by an example in Africa where thousands died recently.

A depression surrounded by Moutains, in an isolated area. This eliminates most of Mindanao and leads one to the second range of mts in from the 'east, about midway. Where I would start my search.

Split with ya '''Amy???

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Don Mancha one eye tropical tramp.

It would be a pleasure if you worked out how to mine the site without gassing ourselves?


Ah my one eye pirate Lupita would put a stop to you to running off to Mindanao to seek fortune and glory. And besides you have Tayopa to play with?

This yarn is perhaps better for Wilkes or Embyrm who lives in eastern Mindanao. No one is in a better position to understand the lay of the land and politician situation there?

And for me I am just a humble archivist. But one can always dream?


Amy luv, :coffee2::coffee2:but Tayopa already has been found and it's story in creating the deposit for financing the revolution is known. they don't need me up there to open it up, ,. still working on the kipus, sides I might run into my old flame On Cebu. and, and. and. --------,

Do you suppose that the unholy trio would rest on their Laural's?? .

Don Jose de la ancha\\

PS. Left eye is almost clear again, have full depth Perception but can't yet type with if.

c egfu

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" And for me I am just a humble archivist " . Where did it go the " Personally as a professional archivist and Historian " ? :wink:

And for " But one can always dream? " just read my wife's t-shirt .


Hello Marius

Nice T-shirt, It would be a sad sad world if we did not have dreams.

In answer to your question? Sadly I am not a treasure hunter although I love the stories posted here and perhaps its nice to dream a little. The reality is I am still a professional historian and archivist as long as paycheck comes in. But after the last few years working for Hardluck outside of academic circles in cataloging a massive collection of records pertaining to lost treasure from all around the world. I am in awe that some one with no official qualifications could amass the collection of that size and complexity. That is why I say "humble archivist" as with all the university training and official qualification I have could not have amassed such data. I have no doubt there a few more who are similar in interest and passion.

It has been a wonderful experience chatting to everyone. I will be back to Rome in four days for My last month before I take my new position.

And indeed may your dreams do become real.



Thank you for your answer . I have not doubt how you are a very passionate and experienced archivist and Historian . And I have not doubt how you are a treasure hunter . You could be a principal person in a treasure hunters team .

I wish you good luck in your new position . And you don't stop dreaming ...

Hello Amy

Indeed those loveable brown eyes of yours must of softened the heart of old hardluck to get that story off him. Me and kancaki had been plying the old bast... for years with alcohol trying to leaver that story out of him.

The evil trio are going to miss ya. Crow

Perhaps this valley was once under the sea and the vents were actually once undersea fumaroles spewing various metals while under the ocean before the land was raised from the ocean floor?



Since the air is so thick with moisture, why not seed it with Dry Ice or Silver Iodide? It would turn the mist into rain, and pull the noxious gasses down with it.

You just hire a couple of those large Wildland Firefighting Planes or maybe even some high flying crop dusters. Do it once, and see how long it takes to re-propagate. That way you know how much time you have for exploration/working.

That is, of course, after you pay off Abu Sayyaff and MILF.



Since the air is so thick with moisture, why not seed it with Dry Ice or Silver Iodide? It would turn the mist into rain, and pull the noxious gasses down with it.

You just hire a couple of those large Wildland Firefighting Planes or maybe even some high flying crop dusters. Do it once, and see how long it takes to re-propagate. That way you know how much time you have for exploration/working.

That is, of course, after you pay off Abu Sayyaff and MILF.



A very clever Idea. But I amnot sure if that would work? This region is possibly in the wet tropics already in right altitude for high precipitation comes into the equation anyway, Which seems to make no difference.

Perhaps an expedition of teams with full self contained respirators supping air bottles in series of Air bottle dumps alone path down into valley? Key points of any expedition would be to retrieve enough ore samples to get gold content and size of ore body and perhaps discover the exact source of the gases. Depending on viability. It might be possible to redirect gasses out of valley through a system of pipes? I think knowing what the gas actually is is perhaps the Key. If methane perhaps there is a way of burning off the gasses? If there is a combination of Carbon Dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen sulfide, and since it appears oxygen content is low in this valley then even that would make the gasses almost be impossible burn off also.

Many years ago on an island off New Guinea we got paid in shares drilling into an active volcano horizontal and vertical drill hole to cool the ground rock. Water flowing through these holes converted to steam and ran a geothermal power station that supply the town, the mine and processing plant with electricity. However that site mining company's had two advantages on the the location was not in a valley and two the locals wanted the Jobs.

However the site would have be a massive ore body for large multinationals to go great risk and cost for such an investment. While there is less complex ore bodies available in other parts of the world. And even for small specialty miners the problem the cost is too prohibitive to circumvent the complex geology of the site to effectivly mine the site at cost effect manner. Dealing Abu Savyaff and other local governments I agree is whole another can of worms.


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Gollum, having used Silver iodide I'm not sure tat it would work on these gases.. It works on moisture is the air, don't know f it would work on the combination, not enough moisture laden air' Cute inovative idea.

Might even make an acid., might even ear yer little roes off,

don Jose de la mancha

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