The Curse of Civil War Gold


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Jun 11, 2015
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Just saw a brief preview. From the same folks that brought us The Curse of Oak Island. Just happens to be up by Marty Lagina's neck of the woods and they just happen to be using the same guy who does the metal detecting from The Curse of Oak Island, ( Gary Drayton ).

Some say the guys on Oak Island had some type of argument ? and maybe this is why ?

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I remember seeing him maybe last year on a Treasure show on t.v.. He was getting ready to go magnet fishing with the host and they were going to go back into the swamp area. Gary then opened up the rear door of his SUV and pulled out this jewel and said it was found on the beach, ( I believe ). His theory was more of the ship's treasure was blown back into the swamp. I remember the shock on the show's host face when Gary produced the jewel and he asked if he carried it around all the time ? Going from memory, ( which could be wrong ), I thought he said it had a value which was in the 6 figures.
Gary Drayton.webp

the new Expedition Unknown was in Egypt .
I haven't sat down to watch it yet.
according to the Description he was looking for Nefertiti's & others Tombs.

Is This the Face of King Tut's Mother? | Expedition Unknown : Travel ... › Shows › Expedition Unknown › Photos
The body of Nefertiti, one of the most powerful women in the world, has never been found. But thanks to what we know about her marital past and about a DNA match to a mummy in Cairo's Egyptian Museum, we may now be able to put a realistic face to her name.

my dvr didn't record the one you mention

I like the way Josh G runs that show & his Lady Friends are Pretty & Smart.

Really enjoyed the UFO Episodes.

They found a silver Confederate coin, ( in the south no less ), what are the odds of that ? Then they want to call Marty and convince him that they were right. Had Marty jumped on board, all credibility would have been lost. Glad to hear Marty say he needs more evidence. The first episode was about as exciting as the season finale of Curse of Oak Island.

I thought the same thing. I am trying to figure out what coin it really was and if it really was Confederate!

Did he say it has "13 stars" around it "? The 13 stars would seem out of place for the Confederacy I would think.

wouldn't surprise me.

The fact it "Looked" Hand Made.
Yet Looked Identical to the Impression on a Wall.

I'm guessing it was mass produced, to remind tourists of the one on the wall
Donald will build the wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Gary Drayton can't identify a bolt, but can tell in 3 second that a coin is confederate?

Then when they knock the dirt out of the hole of the bolt, Gary says it must be 1812 because nothing made in 1920 would still be around??

With all due respect Gary may know about a 3030, but he has to give up acting.........he's horrible at it!

I'am still on the fence with Gary. I want to like the guy. But tonight when they found that "nut" he said right off it wasn't a nut because it did not have a hole in it. Then they cleaned out the hole with the wire from a flag. Next they find a bolt and Gary said the bolt did not belong with the nut. On Oak Island he seemed to be batting a 1000, on Civil War Gold, not so good. He must not have received the advance copy of the script so he could prepare ? It just seemed so strange that he did not seem up to speed. I'll give him a few more episodes to prove his expertise.

I missed it :(

Last night before going to bed I looked to see what was set up for my DVR to record.

My eyes saw "Curse Of..."
My mind thought ??? HUH ? I don't have Oak Island set up to record anymore, So I deleted
the Setup.

now I need to wait till 4am for the rerun to record Civil War Gold

If you were to miss an episode, this would be the one. Hopefully, next week will be better.

Wasn't real Bad. I do know the announcer is going to get on my Nerves.
I was hoping for someone Different :(

Cool on the Silver coin find, Though I have a question.
Confederate silver. Silver ? Low Quality ?
it really looked more like Copper by color out the ground to me.
Of course I know nothing of Confederate silver coins.

Either way it Doesn's prove the Gold was there, Just that a Confederate Solder was there,
Which we already Knew.

No real proof.

But if they had found Gold, I would have Called them Liars & Tuned out :laughing7:

Gary really Did come off as a Newbie :tongue3:
Like Simon1 I wanna Like the Guy, But He's gotta Come down to earth for that to Happen.

one Question " Kevin Dykstra" ? My apologies if he's a Member here & I forgot.
We have allot of Members .

Why is that name Familiar to Me ?

Wasn't real Bad. I do know the announcer is going to get on my Nerves.
I was hoping for someone Different :(

Gary really Did come off as a Newbie :tongue3:
Like Simon1 I wanna Like the Guy, But He's gotta Come down to earth for that to Happen.

one Question " Kevin Dykstra" ? My apologies if he's a Member here & I forgot.
We have allot of Members .

Why is that name Familiar to Me ?

That name "Kevin Dykstra" also seemed extremely familiar to me. I did not recognize him so it probably was not from another show, so that made me wonder about seeing him here on TNet.

I thought the same thing about the name Dykstra. Then I remembered, Lenny Dykstra played baseball for the Mets and Phillies.

I was stuck at work, so it was on as basic background noise. What I saw was absolutely horrible. Bad (REALLY bad) acting, the most annoying announcer ever (he ruins everything he touches for me, hes like nails on a chalkboard) and more stupid, modern finds passed off as old

Lets hope (on this one) they only repeat the facts once or twice.Not a thousand times like they did on Oak Island.

I thought the same thing about the name Dykstra. Then I remembered, Lenny Dykstra played baseball for the Mets and Phillies.

Maybe; Through Hearing it on TV :dontknow:

Unless you call Pool a Sport, I'm not a sports Fan of any Type.
but I do unwillingly hear sports talk on TV occasionally :(

Lets hope (on this one) they only repeat the facts once or twice.Not a thousand times like they did on Oak Island.

on the Plus side. A Confederate Treasure lost in a river is Much more Believable.

Then ant People Tunneling 1000 or so feet under an Island,
where people today can't :laughing9:

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