The BIG Duper

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Well, the "Beale PAPERS" is a COVER STORYthat REALLY begins... "It was in the 2nd Year of the CONFEDERATE WAR". April, 1865 was the "END" & FINAL "deposit"; 20 years later, in 1885... the SECRET is revealed; FORGET the "era of 1817-1822; FORGET TJB; FOCUS on 1862/63 "EVENTS" and what was going on in Lynchburg, Va.; then up to 1885... you will be AMAZED!

That's all just a theory, Reb. It's just like all the other theories out there....absolutely nothing to connect any of it to the Beale Papers other then opinions and hopeful speculation. There's the other huge problem in all of this......the absence of anything that can be directly connected to the story in the pamphlet.

Here's a good question for you.....was any of this adventure eluded to prior to the publication of the story, or was it only after the publication of the story that everyone suddenly knew something about it?

That's all just a theory, Reb. It's just like all the other theories out there....absolutely nothing to connect any of it to the Beale Papers other then opinions and hopeful speculation. There's the other huge problem in all of this......the absence of anything that can be directly connected to the story in the pamphlet.

Here's a good question for you.....was any of this adventure eluded to prior to the publication of the story, or was it only after the publication of the story that everyone suddenly knew something about it?

1st paragraph: Nah, NOT a "theory"... "the story" was ONLY a "Cover Story"; NOTICE the title, "Beale PAPERS". "Connected to the story in the pamphlet"... as above.
"Question": "alluded" to...? NOT clear of your question... MANY TRUE adventures/expeditions/treasures of HISTORY were reviewed as PAPERS; a "composite" COVER STORY was created for the 1882-1884 writing of the Beale PAPERS, copy-righted requested in 1884; released in 1885. By 1885, ppl in Lynchburg/Bedford County, Va. became aware of SOMETHING...

... So all we really have is the story itself and everything else that has been given birth from the story.
What we have as fact is who secured the copyright, who printed it, and where it was advertised and sold, all else is speculation.
Was it written by a committee composed of Sherman, Ward, Hutter, and Guggenheimer, using journals of early explorers of the west combined with events from the extended Risqué family, with a Poe influenced cipher?
Was it a cover story concerning events of April,1865, when the Confederate treasury and Davis and cabinet were in Danville when Benjamin gave Hutter his Confederate codebook copy of Vattel's "LAW OF NATIONS"?
Was it just a dime novel to raise money for the victims of the Lynchberg fire,
or a dime novel written as a get rich quick scheme of John William Sherman?
Take your pick, go down the rabbit hold to the yellow brick road that leads to the lost highway and back to the rabbit hole.

What we have as fact is who secured the copyright, who printed it, and where it was advertised and sold, all else is speculation.
Was it written by a committee composed of Sherman, Ward, Hutter, and Guggenheimer, using journals of early explorers of the west combined with events from the extended Risqué family, with a Poe influenced cipher?
Was it a cover story concerning events of April,1865, when the Confederate treasury and Davis and cabinet were in Danville when Benjamin gave Hutter his Confederate codebook copy of Vattel's "LAW OF NATIONS"?
Was it just a dime novel to raise money for the victims of the Lynchberg fire,
or a dime novel written as a get rich quick scheme of John William Sherman?
Take your pick, go down the rabbit hold to the yellow brick road that leads to the lost highway and back to the rabbit hole.

True, ECS; YOU can help me by exploring the "Chain-of-Custody" of Vattel's Law of Nations (Secret CSA Code Book...?) from Benjamin to Maj. ES Hutter in Danville, Va. In Lynchburg, Va. Maj. ES Hutter (VMI Class of 1859) had it, & gave it to his son-in-law, Attorney H. M. Gibbs (as a Wedding Present). Have NOT found VLoN, since. The info comes from the PAPERS in RAGLAND (Family) possession (2004). It was in 2004, PV worked on, published & released his LAST book on the Beale Treasure, CONFEDERATE TREASURE COVERUP: Duty, Honor, & Deceit... as a FACTION/Novel. Did PV have "access" to the RAGLAND papers...? Was the RAGLAND PAPERS part of info for Beale PAPERS...? Benjamin was Head of CSA SECRET Service, wasn't he...? ECS, you have ANY more info about B. & CSA SECRET Codes...? WHAT do YOU know about VLoN...?

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FURTHER R & I: Maj. ES Hutter told his brother Maj. FC Hutter (CSA PAYMASTER) about the events in Danville, Va. & VLoN. Maj. FC Hutter is indicated as being the HEAD of "the Committee", meeting in the ARLINGTON Hotel (Lynchburg, Va.)... AND! The "unknown" AUTHOR of the Beale PAPERS; even PV got THIS (THE BEALE TREASURE: NEW History of a MYSTERY; Chapt. 20, pg. 159-162). ALSO... Ferdinand C. Hutter, Anonymous Author of Ward's Pamphlet


SO! Was FC the BIG Duper...? MAYBE! It was a SECRET CSA "thing" that PV was "into" & NOW... I AM!

Keep in mind that Judah P Benjamin was KGC, along with Albert Pike and John Slidel, since their meetings at the Pickwick Club in New Orleans in the 1850's.
Look at their activities during the Confederate War.

Keep in mind that Judah P Benjamin was KGC, along with Albert Pike and John Slidel, since their meetings at the Pickwick Club in New Orleans in the 1850's.
Look at their activities during the Confederate War.

Have YOU...? Share what ya know... THANKS! Wanted to know MORE about JPB, CSA Codes/Ciphers & SECRET SERVICE stuff... what cha got...? ALL I know is they used "modified"
Vigenere Cipher with "Key-words"... Manchester Bluff, Complete Victory, Come Retribution, & Baltimore. Why BALTIMORE...? Baltimore, Md. had a CASTLE of COPPER-HEADS (Peace Democrats/PRO-States Rights)... "allied" with CSA KGC).

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SO! Was FC the BIG Duper...? MAYBE! It was a SECRET CSA "thing" that PV was "into" & NOW... I AM!

Let us not forget Frank James that was a guest at the Arlington Hotel from the Fall of 1881 till after April of 1882. He could have been the author or chair person in charge?

Let us not forget Frank James that was a guest at the Arlington Hotel from the Fall of 1881 till after April of 1882. He could have been the author or chair person in charge?

Nah, FJ (as James Warren) & family were ACTUALLY living near 5th Street & near the Arlington Hotel, when brother Jesse was "murdered" in 1882; FJ WAS On the "Inner Committee" headed by Maj. FC Hutter... along with some of the others that were mentioned earlier. HE was able to share info from "Q", and the guerillas' War-Fare in the "Free-States" during the CONFEDERATE WAR... Gen. Jubal Early was on the "IC" & HE never surrendered, (as well as some others); Gen. TT Munford (I think); Max has already been mentioned. Gen. Jubal Early met some KGC/CSA, up in Maryland during the CW & KGC "emblem" was on the horse blanket/cape (WAXING Moon Crescent & Star).

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All we really know for sure is that our unknown author wasn't telling the truth about certain details in his story. So why, then, do we still insist on believing that he told the truth about anything? If we remove his claim the story is "authentic" then we would all probably quickly accept that the story was just a fictional tale. So it is only the author's claim that the tale is authentic that drives so many people to believe the tale, even when there is absolutely no evidence in existence to support the author's claim.

Just step back and consider all of the different theories that have come down the pike over the years simply because the author used the word "authentic" in his description of the writing. And yet none of these theories can be directly connected to the events in the pamphlet in any way what so ever. All of them are simply the productions of overly creative minds. KGC, Jessy James, Laffite, Hutter, etc., etc., etc., the list goes on and on and without any justification at all. Not a chance that anyone is going to stumble upon the truth in all of this.

All we really know for sure is that our unknown author wasn't telling the truth about certain details in his story. So why, then, do we still insist on believing that he told the truth about anything? If we remove his claim the story is "authentic" then we would all probably quickly accept that the story was just a fictional tale. So it is only the author's claim that the tale is authentic that drives so many people to believe the tale, even when there is absolutely no evidence in existence to support the author's claim.

Just step back and consider all of the different theories that have come down the pike over the years simply because the author used the word "authentic" in his description of the writing. And yet none of these theories can be directly connected to the events in the pamphlet in any way what so ever. All of them are simply the productions of overly creative minds. KGC, Jessy James, Laffite, Hutter, etc., etc., etc., the list goes on and on and without any justification at all. Not a chance that anyone is going to stumble upon the truth in all of this.

HA! Maybe the word, "Authentic" is a KEY; Code-word... dunno.

The BIG Duper.....another confession, in the unknown author's own words;

"It would be difficult to portray the delight he experienced when accident revealed to him the explanation of the paper marked "2." Unmeaning, as this had hitherto been, it was now fully explained, and no difficulty was apprehended in mastering the others; but this accident, affording so much pleasure at the time, was a most unfortunate one for him, as it induced him to neglect family, friends, and all legitimate pursuits for what has proved, so far, the veriest illusion."

And there you have it, in his own words, the admission that after his claimed discovery he was able to decode all of the ciphers, not just C2. So why, then, can't we do the same thing with his presented key and ciphers using the same process? Heck, we can't even get his presented key to work for C2 without some noticeable word count adjustment, and of course, this solution presenting the one clear text that is absolutely paramount to his story. :laughing7:

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Have YOU...? Share what ya know... THANKS! Wanted to know MORE about JPB, CSA Codes/Ciphers & SECRET SERVICE stuff... what cha got...? ALL I know is they used "modified"
Vigenere Cipher with "Key-words"... Manchester Bluff, Complete Victory, Come Retribution, & Baltimore..
Benjamin ran the CSA spy network and signal corps which utilized the Vigenere Tableau and other codes, derived from cryptography articles written by Edgar Allen Poe between 1839-1841.
In his articles, Poe, described a new way to decipher a "skytale" message, by slipping the curled message down a cone until the proper diameter was discovered to read the coded message. Poe also discussed how to construct cipher disks, grilles, book and dictionary codes.
Poe's "THE GOLD BUG" published in 1843 was used as a cipher "instruction" book, as it showed how any simple substitution code can be solved by looking for letter frequencies- thus making the simple substation code known to he general public twenty years before the War of Northern Aggression. Poe is considered the father of American cryptography.
Field flag signaling of the CSA were based on "A MANUEL OF SIGNALS" by US Major Albert J Meyer, which showed stick figures using flags to form letters. Meyer also described how the alphabet could be converted to send coded messages by light and sound, and discussed "route ciphers" the involved complete words. One of his best students was CSA Gen JEB Stuart.
CSA Gen John C Breckinridge field code was based on the tobacco grading system, with the numbers followed by a description of tobacco, knowing that if the Yankees ever captured a tobacco code book, would have no idea what it really was.

Benjamin ran the CSA spy network and signal corps which utilized the Vigenere Tableau and other codes, derived from cryptography articles written by Edgar Allen Poe between 1839-1841.
In his articles, Poe, described a new way to decipher a "skytale" message, by slipping the curled message down a cone until the proper diameter was discovered to read the coded message. Poe also discussed how to construct cipher disks, grilles, book and dictionary codes.
Poe's "THE GOLD BUG" published in 1843 was used as a cipher "instruction" book, as it showed how any simple substitution code can be solved by looking for letter frequencies- thus making the simple substation code known to he general public twenty years before the War of Northern Aggression. Poe is considered the father of American cryptography.
Field flag signaling of the CSA were based on "A MANUEL OF SIGNALS" by US Major Albert J Meyer, which showed stick figures using flags to form letters. Meyer also described how the alphabet could be converted to send coded messages by light and sound, and discussed "route ciphers" the involved complete words. One of his best students was CSA Gen JEB Stuart.
CSA Gen John C Breckinridge field code was based on the tobacco grading system, with the numbers followed by a description of tobacco, knowing that if the Yankees ever captured a tobacco code book, would have no idea what it really was.

THANKS ECS! THAT is what I wanted to know about; Brad Andrews, in HIS paper, A Theory on Beale and the Beale Pamphlet (on-line), indicated "JEFFERSON, the 'second' name in the name, Thomas Jefferson Beale, was in fact, the author of the KEY of the 'second' page of the Beale encryptions (Ciphers). NOW, remove the capital letters from the name Thomas Jefferson Beale, the remaining small (case) letters (homas efferson eale) , once scrambled, will spell... 'freemason safe hole' or 'freemason hole safe'. INTERESTING "take"; ECS, what cha think...? R & I in this area indicate quite a few names mentioned in "BP" WERE Freemasons... AND! In the HART PAPERS... 1st Lt. Newton Hazlewood (CSA) was the "source" of the 3 Ciphers for a Treasure near his home, in the Montvale. Va. area... HE was a Freemason, too. MORE, later; looking like a BIG storm coming...

THANKS ECS! THAT is what I wanted to know about; Brad Andrews, in HIS paper, A Theory on Beale and the Beale Pamphlet (on-line), indicated "JEFFERSON, the 'second' name in the name, Thomas Jefferson Beale, was in fact, the author of the KEY of the 'second' page of the Beale encryptions (Ciphers). NOW, remove the capital letters from the name Thomas Jefferson Beale, the remaining small (case) letters (homas efferson eale) , once scrambled, will spell... 'freemason safe hole' or 'freemason hole safe'. INTERESTING "take"; ECS, what cha think...? R & I in this area indicate quite a few names mentioned in "BP" WERE Freemasons... AND! In the HART PAPERS... 1st Lt. Newton Hazlewood (CSA) was the "source" of the 3 Ciphers for a Treasure near his home, in the Montvale. Va. area... HE was a Freemason, too. MORE, later; looking like a BIG storm coming...

The Freemason "scramble" was an interesting experiment that was predicated from the notion that if we merge the two names associated with the key & ciphers, Thomas Jefferson for the key and Thomas Beale for the ciphers, what would happen if we subtracted the capital letters in associated with the letters. The end result was that it then became possible to arrange the remaining letters to spell freemason safe hole, or, freemason hole safe. When I did this, however, it was never conducted with any belief that the Freemasons were actually involved. I just found it to be an interesting sidebar, or coincidence. One has to remember that there are quite a few things that can be arranged with these same remaining letters "when we set out to do it." So this little experiment is also an example of how easily one can manufacture suggestive evidence when they really set their minds to doing it.

Over the years I've conducted thousands of such experiments on various aspects of the story and suggested theories. I can say this same thing for the ciphers themselves, which is why I can be so confident in believing that the ciphers have been altered, or designed, beyond possible solution by an unknown author who also presented obvious deceptions in his tale. Basically, the unknown author has lied to his readers, or at the very least, he has intentionally presented a certain number of deceptions.

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The Freemason "scramble" was an interesting experiment that was predicated from the notion that if we merge the two names associated with the key & ciphers, Thomas Jefferson for the key and Thomas Beale for the ciphers, what would happen if we subtracted the capital letters in associated with the letters. The end result was that it then became possible to arrange the remaining letters to spell freemason safe hole, or, freemason hole safe. When I did this, however, it was never conducted with any belief that the Freemasons were actually involved. I just found it to be an interesting sidebar, or coincidence. One has to remember that there are quite a few things that can be arranged with these same remaining letters "when we set out to do it." So this little experiment is also an example of how easily one can manufacture suggestive evidence when they really set their minds to doing it.

Over the years I've conducted thousands of such experiments on various aspects of the story and suggested theories. I can say this same thing for the ciphers themselves, which is why I can be so confident in believing that the ciphers have been altered, or designed, beyond possible solution by an unknown author who also presented obvious deceptions in his tale. Basically, the unknown author has lied to his readers, or at the very least, he has intentionally presented a certain number of deceptions.

"Certain number of deception"... PROBABLY part of CSA "Spy-Craft"...

"Certain number of deception"... PROBABLY part of CSA "Spy-Craft"...

Unfortunately, "probably" just doesn't cut it. What is missing is something conclusive, something that can be proven. All else is just grasping at straws with the blind hope that something about the story is true. Given what we've been able to establish about the unknown author so far, could just as easily be that none of the story is true.

... In the HART PAPERS... 1st Lt. Newton Hazlewood (CSA) was the "source" of the 3 Ciphers for a Treasure near his home, in the Montvale. Va. area... HE was a Freemason, too. MORE, later; looking like a BIG storm coming...
It is interesting to note that the KGC recruited Freemasons and many , many of the Confederate officers were Freemasons. Could this be mere coincidence?

It is interesting to note that the KGC recruited Freemasons and many , many of the Confederate officers were Freemasons. Could this be mere coincidence?

Nah, it was PLANNED...

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