the amazing randi


Apr 21, 2009
I have just now accepted the million dollar challenge from Randy,,, though I have done this twice in the past,, and got no response at all from him,,,, I thought that maybe if I posted here,,, he would see it and get my money ready for me,,, I want a big crowd with media, too,, so they cant leave by the back door when its time to pay up,,, Im from the big city but live in the woods,,so their wont be any shenanigans without me paying notice to it,,,,, this looks like its too good to be true . so it probably is..... but what the heck,,, Ill give it my best effort anyway just in case,,,, besides,, if this million dollar thing is a hoax, I can get a lot of mileage out of exposing a crackpot ,,, so here it is,,, Youre on Randi! Get your self and your folks down here and prepare to be amazed,,, and dont forget that prize money!


Good luck, I hope he accepts and you have the chance to give it a go...

Did you submit the challenge at his website?

I went to his website on two occasions, and left pertinent info on both occasions,,, all for nought. Thats when I first suspected that the Randi people might be full of soup.BUT. I still need a million to get the kids through school,, so we'll see if they want give me a try,,,,, ! Heres hopin!

1)date of April 1 is very telling
2)application has changed
3)those who may apply ???? wth?
4)test protocol??
5)this guy has written this thing with a lawyers help to confuse everyone.
6)and he doesnt want anyone to be embarrassed?
8)Too much monkey business.
An application my eye.
Prove you have the money and I will prove the ability I possess,,
Just another case of the classic..
"The Large Print Giveth, But The Small Print Taketh Away"
Meet my terms and Ill do it half a million. Yes I went to the same website before to see if the Amazin Randie was on the up and up,,,, I am waiting for a personal message from "Captain Trips" to see if they can get their challenge to stand up to my response."Half Price"!! Come an get it Cappy!!! Baby needs a new pair of shoes!!! 7 come 11! Snooze and lose pilgrim!

sodak said:
Prove you have the money and I will prove the ability I possess,,

The proof is on the website for all to see, as of March 31, 2009 over
1.148 million dollars on account with Goldman Sachs
They won't be leaving out the back door, they would love to see proof
as much as anyone, they just won't be hornswaggled.
I don't think JREF has to prove they have the money to you or anyone!
You are the one claiming to have these abilities, balls in your court.
No one has ever passed their preliminary test, surely you can do that.
They come to you to perform it. You might want to polish up your list of
excuses though, those above are run of the mill.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." Randi's claim of having a million dollars in escrow is not extraordinary, and as such he has given extraordinary proof of it anyway. Dowsing IS an extraordinary claim, and therefore does require extraordinary proof.

Randi does require a challenge to follow strict scientific controls. He also allows the claimant to start the process of defining the testing conditions, but he makes suggestions to make sure it does follow the scientific method. Double blind setups, etc.

The application process did change a couple of years ago, as so many people were filing ludicrous claims and refused to work with him in setting up control protocols. Now the challenge is restricted to those that have had some level of publicity for their claims. If you can get a local newspaper to publish your claims, though, then you qualify.

Give it a try, the money is real -- but before you do, make sure your preferred testing method can be set up as a double-blind experiment. (Example -- someone unknown to you places 5 coins spread out in 10 paper bags, then leaves the room. Then you come in with an objective observer, neither you nor him having seen where the coins were placed. If you can find which bags have the coins by dowsing, then you have succeeded a scientific, double-blind experiment. Next, go to 5 out of 100, etc.) (Double-blind meaning that you are blind to the setup, and the person doing the setup is blind to your attempt.)

If you can pass the experiment I suggested above, then definitely go after the million!

I have been to Randi's website several time's and found out the people in there try to play down dowsing as crackpot's or wackjob's!! I thought very sad they are very closed minded on that website and for the milliondollar contest smell's like dead fish sitting out in the sun!!I had somone on this website ask me to locate a gold coin there kid has hidden what's the point they know where's the gold is? :tongue3:

Whether Randi is straight up or a scoundrel doesn't really matter. He's got his books, personal appearances etc. So either way he makes a good living. Haven't been to his site in a couple years, but my take was they could always bend things to invalidate any claims made for anything. It's sad to see so many closed minded people. The first time I went to the JREF site I asked the same question I've been asking skeptics for years "Why doesn't it (fill in the blank) work? Can you prove beyond a doubt it (fill in the blank) doesn't work beyond a shadow of a doubt? Needless to say I never got a reply to my question. Not even a sit down & shut up reply back.

Up until a few days ago, I didn't even know who this guy "Randi" was. I had seen mention of him in other threads but didn't know anything about him. I have spent the last few days reading all I could find about him (his reputation, the challenge, etc.).

This guy has gotta be one of the FLAKIEST people out there. What a scam artist.

"Amazing" indeed. ::)

What's amazing is that anybody in their right mind pays attention to anything this guy says or does.

SWR said:
EddieR said:
Up until a few days ago, I didn't even know who this guy "Randi" was. I had seen mention of him in other threads but didn't know anything about him. I have spent the last few days reading all I could find about him (his reputation, the challenge, etc.).

This guy has gotta be one of the FLAKIEST people out there. What a scam artist.

"Amazing" indeed. ::)

What's amazing is that anybody in their right mind pays attention to anything this guy says or does.

What is the scam portion, Eddie?

Pretty much all of it, SWR. He rants on like a sullen child.....and charges people money to hear his asinine babble....I would like to go see him though. I think it would be interesting to see someone with vocal cords in their posterior.... ;D

Hey Eddie…I think that Randi may be the greatest Magician of all times…He has hypnotized thousands of people into making him rich and following his occult like believes like a bunch of zombies…Art

Years ago on a trip to Miami, I made a side visit to JREF. Randi & I chatted for about 2 hrs, mostly about dowsing. He's an exceptionally nice guy who didn't hesitate to give me his time. I later saw one of his public anti-pseudoscience presentations at UVA. He demonstrated, right in front of a packed auditorium, that he could bend spoons, stop watches, and read minds with the best of them. Even did a bit of psychic surgery. Quite a show.

As an accomplished magician, Randi knows all the insider secrets that many frauds try to use, and he's really good at exposing them. As such, he's made a lot of enemies who do what they can to personally attack him. Just read these forums for examples. Same thing happens with me; I expose the dirty secrets of LRLs and I get personal attacks in return.

Yes, if you get a chance, try to see Randi in person. You may change your mind about him. At the very least, your opinion of him won't be based on what someone else tells you to believe about him.

Carl-NC said:
Years ago on a trip to Miami, I made a side visit to JREF. Randi & I chatted for about 2 hrs, mostly about dowsing. He's an exceptionally nice guy who didn't hesitate to give me his time. I later saw one of his public anti-pseudoscience presentations at UVA. He demonstrated, right in front of a packed auditorium, that he could bend spoons, stop watches, and read minds with the best of them. Even did a bit of psychic surgery. Quite a show.

As an accomplished magician, Randi knows all the insider secrets that many frauds try to use, and he's really good at exposing them. As such, he's made a lot of enemies who do what they can to personally attack him. Just read these forums for examples. Same thing happens with me; I expose the dirty secrets of LRLs and I get personal attacks in return.

Yup, kind of goes with the job. Anyone who outwardly exposes the frauds will eventually wind up being attacked by the fraudulent. (After all, we are cutting into their bottom line... if we weren't they wouldn't waste so much time and energy trying to silence us.) :headbang:

It may be that in over 20 years not one person has taken Randi’s challenge test…But…There have been many info-commercial showing these tests being preformed….just to get donations to his group which means HIM…Art

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