Surreal day of CRHing (10/19)


Hero Member
Dec 15, 2018
NYC area
Primary Interest:
Last Saturday (10/19), I hit a few banks to get some coins (nickels, dimes, halves) and at each of the 4 banks I came away with goodies (and in 2 of the places, a lot of goodies).

First stop was a Wells Fargo where I got $80 in dimes and $20 in nickels (all were CWR). The dimes were a skunk, but the nickels gave up this 1910 V. Not in too bad of shape as you can make out a few letters of LIBERTY in the headdress and the entire back is readable. Usually when I get these, they are in worse shape than this.

Next stop was a Chase (right near the Wells Fargo), where I went to dump some coins I had from several days earlier, as well as the Wells Fargo coins I had just got and looked at in the car (when I dump I try to make sure I get rid of everything I have up to that point). Asked for halves, and the teller said he had $14. He brings out the bag and starts counting them and I can hear and see the silver. Turns out $7 of the $14 were 40% silver. (4x 1966, 3x 1967, 5x 1968D, and 2x 1969D).

Stopped at another Chase where they know I collect and they sell me CWR. All they had $65 in dimes and only $6 in nickels. One of the dime rolls had the 1952S in the picture.

Last stop was another Chase, and this blew my mind. Went in and asked for $30 in dimes and $10 in nickels (if they give me CWR dimes I then ask for more - I don't want to get large amounts of MWR dimes). While I have never spoken to her about it, she must know that I collect, as I have gone in there a number of times before asking for coins (a few months ago she gave me some silver halves, knowing they were silver). So she gives me $20 of these old rolls and said that these are likely silver as someone wrote silver on the rolls, and to enjoy looking through them. I then ask for more rolls like this and she looked and said that there is another $20. So I buy them too. As advertised, $40 in solid silver dime rolls. The other 2 rolls (the $10 of the initial $30 I asked for) had silver (the 2 1964s and the 1946) - probably from the same customer if I had to guess. All in, there were 342 FDR dimes, 57 Mercs, and 4 Canadian 80% in the rolls ($50 total) from this bank (one of the rolls was almost all Mercs).

Even the $10 in MWR nickels had something - the dateless buffalo in the picture.

On Monday I went back in to thank the teller for the coins and to give her an Amazon gift card. She said that rather than the gift card, I should donate to the Salvation Army, which is exactly what I did today. She is very kind.

Thanks for looking and HH

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Upvote 5
That is awesome! Congrats on the silver, and good on you for the good deed. Instant karma.

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