Templar Vault Chamber located in New Ross, Nova Scotia

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OK you are on for another day. We will be in New Ross for 10 days in the spring doing a lot of work. I will get a hold of you before we set a date. The truth is we been to New Ross 14 times in 5yrs doing research. We have permits to dig and drill. We work with the government and local land owners. I have reported our finds so others can see what is going on at the site. Yet there are people on this site that think they know more about this site than I do :BangHead: , there are things we can not talk about and some questions we will not answer. I spend a lot of money and time to get the info we have and I will only give up so much 8-) if others want the answers they will have to make a trip to New Ross and do their own work. I am done giving out info about our finds to the public, we will still answer questions from university's , museums, government, etc. Thank You

If you are only going to answer questions from university's, museums, government, etc. then why are you posting on this forum? Seeking answers that you don't have is my guess? I have seen no proof whatsoever of anything that you have posted so it would be best if you only answered to university's, museums and government etc.'s ?

If you are only going to answer questions from university's, museums, government, etc. then why are you posting on this forum? Seeking answers that you don't have is my guess? I have seen no proof whatsoever of anything that you have posted so it would be best if you only answered to university's, museums and government etc.'s ?
Why am I posting on this forum, You wouldn't know :tongue3:. I been answering questions and have shown proof of our finds yet none of this sinks in for some of you. I just now have stopped answering questions because its just a waste of time for now. In the spring we will see who is the axx hole on this site. How many trips have you made to Nova Scotia Frank, and why do you think you know all the answers:tongue3:. Your just another big mouth on this site:laughing7:.
I believe you said you solved the Beale Codes ( No Proof ) then you found the Beale Treasure site again ( No Proof ) and you say you found other sites but again (No Proof ) yet you can cut me down . Its because you are a looser and found nothing and you want to look bigger than anyone else on this site. Good Luck :occasion14:

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we know why Finderskeepers post on this forum , we know why he submits his treasure stories to news papers .

Acknowledgement seekers , not a finder , and not a keeper .

I was in communication with Steve Sora many years ago .

1999 , the book was copyrighted , was it released to the public ?

Makes no matter

You , nor Finders , have the slightest original material , nor any Beef to show for all the claims .

but I don't care on twit .

real simple ,

The Knights Templar did not arrive in this Hemisphere.

Steve's work was Theory

My Work was Formulated fiction writing .

Both Steve , Myself , perused our own Material .

we did not scab it from other people , then come into the Internet Forums and Make BIG untrue Claims with it .

and here we sit with finderskeepers extending his dig until next spring ,,, AGAIN .

Buying time ?

Jebus , 16 years ago he claimed he found gold bars , but no one wanted him to dig them up
so he didn't .

come on man ,,,

what is this , some kind of Serial Clown Show ?

I've been busy for days removing my post from this forum , for the fact that our laptops are hacked everytime
we visit this forum ,,,

When all 2600 of my post are off this forum

I shut down and delete my account here .

This forum has been reported as an attack site ,

I wouldn't click on any Pic's or links here , Viruses are sometimes ( most times ) in those .

I'd stick around and watch the hashing ,, but , no thanks man .

Finderskeepers .,,,,,,,,,, Think something up on your own from now on .

it's embarrassing to read your claims .

we know why Finderskeepers post on this forum , we know why he submits his treasure stories to news papers .

Acknowledgement seekers , not a finder , and not a keeper .

We all know for sure. He only wants to get help from museums, universities and government because he can not ask for investors on this site. They ran the whole story of Oak Island in to the ground and now they want to move it to Nova Scotia in hopes of finding some more suckers. Finderskeeper you will never find more treasure than I have and when I recover them you will still be trying to attract interest from television for hole digging for hidden chambers.


I've been busy for days removing my post from this forum , for the fact that our laptops are hacked everytime
we visit this forum ,,,

When all 2600 of my post are off this forum

I shut down and delete my account here .

Great, thank you!
Cheers, Loki

"I been answering questions and have shown proof of our finds yet none of this sinks in for some of you."

Can you point to one proof of anything?
Not conjecture...proof?
Anything at all that can not be dispelled by anyone else?

And it is more than trash washing up on a beach.

How do you know this?

I've been busy for days removing my post from this forum , for the fact that our laptops are hacked everytime
we visit this forum ,,,

When all 2600 of my post are off this forum

I shut down and delete my account here .

Anything that you've transmitted electronically in the last 9 years or so is in the NSA's archives if they were the least bit interested in it. If it's individuals that you're worried about, saving someone's post to your own HD takes literally one key stroke and one mouse click, no software required besides your computer's OS and any old image editing program. If you were to instantly delete all of your posts right this minute, anyone with a computer or even a smart phone could use Google's cache to recover them for the next couple of days. By announcing your decision to delete all of those posts, you've guaranteed that anyone interested in recovering them is now going to do so. Perhaps you should not have made this anouncement.

Delete your old posts if you feel that you have to, but understand why you're doing it. If you're doing it to protect that information, it's too late - that ship has already sailed. If you're simply doing it out of spite...well, carry on then.

Originally Posted by treasminder2

I've been busy for days removing my post from this forum , for the fact that our laptops are hacked everytime
we visit this forum ,,,

When all 2600 of my post are off this forum

I shut down and delete my account here.

Good Bye Treasminder2 , One down and 3 more to go :occasion14: then we will have a great site to post in :hello2:

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"I been answering questions and have shown proof of our finds yet none of this sinks in for some of you."

Can you point to one proof of anything?
Not conjecture...proof?
Anything at all that can not be dispelled by anyone else?

I have posted drawings and pictures of artifacts found at the site in 3 post on this form. Check it out . I have made a lot of claims and we do not back down on any. I have the proof we need to show the Templars did build here and why . WE found the Church site last week, the 9' high Cave they dug, the Tunnel's they made , and we tracked down all 32 Ley Lines at the Vortex and a lot more. In the spring we plan to do a lot of work at the site mining for gold and other minerals . For over 50yrs The Heritage and Museum in Halifax say there is no proof of a castle at this site or anything historical so as a mining company we can dig , dig ,dig . This should be interesting to see who is right :dontknow:

A picture of a common type of well?

A drawing of the well shaft as you imagine it to be?

A Google earth picture of the area?

As I asked...proof...

One piece of undeniable proof of your theory...until then...just smoke and mirrors..

We used a GPL for 3hrs on one side of the well to make sure of its depth and size, then 3hrs on the other side . Our pins were 190' apart. I am 100% correct on a void at 90' and 40' . we done this on different trips over 3 years. On Joans web site she said the well was 60' deep. I talked to Ron Harris and John Neuss and both were on site when she did the measurement. They said it was 60' deep in 1970' Now its only 20' deep.????? An interior wall of the well must of fell in. We see traps in a arch we found. I am sure there are other traps in the walls.

You do realize the GPL is just a toy. I owned one and could find nothing of value with it. Find quartz in the ground and it will tell you it is gold. Find sand and it will tell you there is gold. Good luck if you are basing your Templar Chambers on findings of a GPL or your dowsing rods. You need to find documented proof from the Knight's Templar Archives. Then you may find a hidden chamber or two Templar Graves. How do you know a Templar Grave from an ordinary grave have you excavated the graves? Of course not you can not get permission to disturb a grave. You are doing just like Oak Island working in the dark without any historical documents or manifest to back up your claims.

You do realize the GPL is just a toy. I owned one and could find nothing of value with it. Find quartz in the ground and it will tell you it is gold. Find sand and it will tell you there is gold. Good luck if you are basing your Templar Chambers on findings of a GPL or your dowsing rods. You need to find documented proof from the Knight's Templar Archives. Then you may find a hidden chamber or two Templar Graves. How do you know a Templar Grave from an ordinary grave have you excavated the graves? Of course not you can not get permission to disturb a grave. You are doing just like Oak Island working in the dark without any historical documents or manifest to back up your claims.
Like I said 1 down and 3 more to go :laughing7:. Franklin the GPL is only as good as the person using it. To you its a toy and you found nothing but to us its one of the best tools to use in Nova Scotia. Not many metal detectors can be used here, and radar is a waste of time. We use many other tools to locate metals .
One of the graves was dug up years ago and it has the Templar cross or sword carved in to the plate of the grave. WE have located a trench full of dead bodies that we hope to drill down and get samples of bones to date. We have located a grave yard close to the church with 2 graves. We have been locating things at the site for over 5yrs and not doing any major digging. We want to locate as much as we can before we get shut down by Heritage. So we need to dig up some areas before we dig other areas. We are also a mining company looking for minerals at this site. The Vikings and Templars had a lot of gold nuggets hidden at this site and that's what we hope to dig up first , then the graves, and other finds. Like I said the GPL and any other treasure hunting tool is only as good as the person using it.

Like I said 1 down and 3 more to go :laughing7:. Franklin the GPL is only as good as the person using it. To you its a toy and you found nothing but to us its one of the best tools to use in Nova Scotia. Not many metal detectors can be used here, and radar is a waste of time. We use many other tools to locate metals .
One of the graves was dug up years ago and it has the Templar cross or sword carved in to the plate of the grave. WE have located a trench full of dead bodies that we hope to drill down and get samples of bones to date. We have located a grave yard close to the church with 2 graves. We have been locating things at the site for over 5yrs and not doing any major digging. We want to locate as much as we can before we get shut down by Heritage. So we need to dig up some areas before we dig other areas. We are also a mining company looking for minerals at this site. The Vikings and Templars had a lot of gold nuggets hidden at this site and that's what we hope to dig up first , then the graves, and other finds. Like I said the GPL and any other treasure hunting tool is only as good as the person using it.

Wrong about treasure hunting tools being only as good as the person using it? Every person hunts treasure the same way while there are some making claims that are unsubstantiated. The treasure hunting tools has to be as good as the treasure hunter in my case. I am still searching for some equipment to verify the treasures that I have found. Yes I HAVE FOUND. I am not trying to use bogus treasure hunting tools as others are still using.

Oh and by the way if I am one of the other 3 you want to go away forget it---------I AM HERE TO STAY.

Great, thank you!
Cheers, Loki

and so Haywire ,, I mean ,, uh ,, fraudulent poster ,,, ah jebus ,,, um ,, what's your avatar again ?

Loki ,,, that's it right ?

and so , the fraud folks will still get visits in their threads , exposure will continue ,
so don't break out that celebratory Snoose Candy yet .

as stated , Finderskeepers and yourself act as though you both have something to hide ,,and the only people
who fear the truth ,,, are those who have something to hide ,,,

noted is that neither of you sought out Steven Sora's book , or posted where you first heard
of Leylines used for Templar Vaults
instead ,,,
you both went straight into attacks and attempts to deny rather than just answer a real
simple question

and another btw , Steven Sora's Book has none of the details that Finders is using the book was not published in 1999 nor on the market .

discussion forum ? right ?
if you post , people question and answer , That is called discussion

when you attack a person who ask a question , that's not discussion , that's GUILTY PEOPLE and trying to cover your buns .

Fraud is a crime ,,, it really is ,, you can look it up ,,,

and saying back to you , but I said it years ago when you two emailed me : " btw ,,,I know what you're up to "

more dated text to come ,

and Sora was NOT the source you people grabbed a concept from .

Enjoy your ride .

Franklin : " Oh and by the way if I am one of the other 3 you want to go away forget it---------I AM HERE TO STAY."

Finderskeepers , get comfortable with people calling you out on your claims , you're credibility should be examined , and it will be .

You went public when you went Media , Once you're out in Public , rules change , for , you put yourself in the spotlight
and under the microscope .

I call Fake , I as well call FRAUD , and FRAUD is criminal .

are you as well selling your services as a Treasure Hunting Expert ?

Note : If so , I call Fraudulent claim of expertise .

so answer for us " where did you first hear of Knights Templar being here and building Vaults using sacred geometry to
lay out their grid for structures ? "

answer please , where'd you hear it

and no , Sora's book has no info on it , mine does .
your book never existed

so answer the question please , I say you won't , and you haven't , why not ?

afraid to reveal your sources ?

boy , you and loki never Thought " Hippie " would come out of the past and surprise ya ,, now did'Ja ,,

enjoy the ride , stop defending yourselves ,you ain't under attack , you're being called on your public claims
and that's what discussion forums are ,,, discussions . not hide and seek , not cast aspersions toward those who question .

answer the question please .

quote Loki : " that blew your story line! "

Story line is NOT who wrote books

Point was this : material that is fiction , fiction that I myself wrote years ago , is being closely ( very closely ) used on this forum
in these threads that make claims .

get the point and answer the question rather that argue please .

Why am I posting on this forum, You wouldn't know :tongue3:. I been answering questions and have shown proof of our finds yet none of this sinks in for some of you. I just now have stopped answering questions because its just a waste of time for now. In the spring we will see who is the axx hole on this site. How many trips have you made to Nova Scotia Frank, and why do you think you know all the answers:tongue3:. Your just another big mouth on this site:laughing7:.
I believe you said you solved the Beale Codes ( No Proof ) then you found the Beale Treasure site again ( No Proof ) and you say you found other sites but again (No Proof ) yet you can cut me down . Its because you are a looser and found nothing and you want to look bigger than anyone else on this site. Good Luck :occasion14:

Projecting are you Dennis ?

That exact profile is exactly what many people are begining to watch you pin on yourself .

Makes ya nervous to have " Hippie " of Oakislandtreasure.uk ,,, in your thread ?

Roger, the others please shut up ! err relax.:laughing7: We are not here to listen to your idea of self aggrandizement, but some thing about Oak Island or the Templars..

Roger, what is the purpose of bringing up "who was at first "? Since none of it applies truthfully to Oak Island or the Templars, your admission. Sorta reminds me " how many Angels can fit on a pin" about as useful.

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