Templar Vault Chamber located in New Ross, Nova Scotia

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and so Haywire ,, I mean ,, uh ,, fraudulent poster ,,, ah jebus ,,, um ,, what's your avatar again ?

Loki ,,, that's it right ?

and so , the fraud folks will still get visits in their threads , exposure will continue ,
so don't break out that celebratory Snoose Candy yet .

as stated , Finderskeepers and yourself act as though you both have something to hide ,,and the only people
who fear the truth ,,, are those who have something to hide ,,,

noted is that neither of you sought out Steven Sora's book , or posted where you first heard
of Leylines used for Templar Vaults
instead ,,,
you both went straight into attacks and attempts to deny rather than just answer a real
simple question

and another btw , Steven Sora's Book has none of the details that Finders is using the book was not published in 1999 nor on the market .

discussion forum ? right ?
if you post , people question and answer , That is called discussion

when you attack a person who ask a question , that's not discussion , that's GUILTY PEOPLE and trying to cover your buns .

Fraud is a crime ,,, it really is ,, you can look it up ,,,

and saying back to you , but I said it years ago when you two emailed me : " btw ,,,I know what you're up to "

more dated text to come ,

and Sora was NOT the source you people grabbed a concept from .

Enjoy your ride .

When I joined this forum, or any others for that matter, I had to agree that personal attacks were not to be tolerated.

How anybody can claim to have lied in their posts and get away with it is beyond me.

You seem to enjoy some kind of immunity from that rule. I will say again and for the last time to you, I am not or never have been "Haywire" nor have I ever used any of your "bogus information" in my posts, which btw, you admit is bogus. How I did receive my information is no business of yours, although I did mention a few sources awhile back.

You don't intimidate anyone, certainly not me. I'm just tired of playing with you, and I guess basically you just don't interest me anymore.

Cheers, Loki

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Because, if it wasn't dumped there on purpose, how did it get there, or where did it come from?
Cheers, Loki
Perhaps we should investigate those issues further before assuming that it was Templars.

How much fiber is there?

How do you know this?

Anything that you've transmitted electronically in the last 9 years or so is in the NSA's archives if they were the least bit interested in it. If it's individuals that you're worried about, saving someone's post to your own HD takes literally one key stroke and one mouse click, no software required besides your computer's OS and any old image editing program. If you were to instantly delete all of your posts right this minute, anyone with a computer or even a smart phone could use Google's cache to recover them for the next couple of days. By announcing your decision to delete all of those posts, you've guaranteed that anyone interested in recovering them is now going to do so. Perhaps you should not have made this anouncement.

Delete your old posts if you feel that you have to, but understand why you're doing it. If you're doing it to protect that information, it's too late - that ship has already sailed. If you're simply doing it out of spite...well, carry on then.

indeed , and yes I am very much aware . If I was worried about the N.S.A. , I'd remove their bumper beeper from my vehicle as well
as other tracking apps .

removing the post are essential ,,, to what America is ,,, and who we are ( sniggles )

as for data stacks , Kali Linux is my preferred OS , hacks into my gizmo's , I watch all day long those hacks .

Hacks are Essential to exposing what America is ruled over by ,,,, and Essential ,,, to who we are ,,

Ready for a REAL Change ?

Perhaps we should investigate those issues further before assuming that it was Templars.

How much fiber is there?

Not as much as is generally reported. Yes, I do assume it was Templars and no, I never claimed it was proof. But there are few other choices Dave.

Cheers, Loki

Good Bye Treasminder2 , One down and 3 more to go :occasion14: then we will have a great site to post in :hello2:

If you can't handle the scrutiny of a few people online, how will you handle, say, the media ... or archaeologists / anthropologists?

Dave...One of those choices is that coir was used as packing material for goods in sailing ships all over the world in and before that time period...that is documented, it also is known to last well over a 100 years and can be reused over and over...

Every port would have someone that supplied this item for transporting whatever goods were shipped from that port...The coir being dried, if needed, and reused until it was no longer much more than dust as it was expensive to get more. To get to Oak Island all that would be needed is a trading ship of some kind, or one of the fisheries in the area or on Oak Island itself to have a stock of it.

We have been over this ground before with Loki of the opinion it would not be reused and simply discarded after a voyage...Which is why the Templars must have brought it to Oak Island at that time, and it could not be 'old stock' that had been reused multiple times and so C-14'ed to that date.

It was also used as insulation in the medieval period and there is at least one castle that still has the original coir insulation from that time...in fine shape to this day.

Easy enough to research it's use and history, but I am not going to look it all up again as we get nowhere since Loki refuses to acknowledge that it could be something other than Templar....

Which makes no sense if your only supplier is across the sea 1000's of miles...

Dave...One of those choices is that coir was used as packing material for goods in sailing ships all over the world in and before that time period...that is documented, it also is known to last well over a 100 years and can be reused over and over...

Every port would have someone that supplied this item for transporting whatever goods were shipped from that port...The coir being dried, if needed, and reused until it was no longer much more than dust as it was expensive to get more. To get to Oak Island all that would be needed is a trading ship of some kind, or one of the fisheries in the area or on Oak Island itself to have a stock of it.

We have been over this ground before with Loki of the opinion it would not be reused and simply discarded after a voyage...Which is why the Templars must have brought it to Oak Island at that time, and it could not be 'old stock' that had been reused multiple times and so C-14'ed to that date.

It was also used as insulation in the medieval period and there is at least one castle that still has the original coir insulation from that time...in fine shape to this day.

Easy enough to research it's use and history, but I am not going to look it all up again as we get nowhere since Loki refuses to acknowledge that it could be something other than Templar....

Which makes no sense if your only supplier is across the sea 1000's of miles...

Sorry R2, if you post an argument against I do have the right to respond. Firstly, what sailing ships went all over the world in and before that time period?

Yes, it was used for packing material, but it came from India. This takes anybody who didn't trade in at least the Eastern Med. out of the equation IMHO, and I do have to agree this is not proof. But, what all of those that refuse to accept a Templar possibility ignore is that in 1307 a Templar fleet of some 10 vessels left Cyprus (an area that traded with India) for France by order of the Pope (the 10 vessels is a guess using the number of knights and treasure that was documented by historians).

The ships landed in France in the summer of 1307 more than likely at their own port of LaRochelle. Those vessels disappeared a month before the arrests of the French Knights on Oct. 13, 1307.

The point is these dates fit perfectly with the C-14 dating of the fibre.

There is more of course, but using the coconut fibre alone, fitting anybody else into this equation takes a little imagination again IMHO. Like using 150 years or older packing material and rope. Also keep in mind that the Western Med. countries had better packing materials and better ropes than coir.

Cheers, Loki

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If you can't handle the scrutiny of a few people online, how will you handle, say, the media ... or archaeologists / anthropologists?

You could get 20 episodes on the History Channel with no proof or results necessary at all.

Exactly....you say 10 ships...do you think the Templars were the only ones trading in goods from that area? Coir was a common packing material for any ships laden with goods, no matter if they were packed in France or other ports, with re used materials... Using your logic they would build a new wooden box or barrel for every item shipped rather than re use these items when off loaded at different ports of call..

Line and rope that were degraded beyond use were also recycled into packing...nothing in a far off port was left to waste.

Your dating could cover a wide range of actual exploration due to this re use, well beyond the 14th century.

So unless you have some other 'proof', besides some guys took off in a fleet of ships, the coir found is no proof at all.

Exactly....you say 10 ships...do you think the Templars were the only ones trading in goods from that area? Coir was a common packing material for any ships laden with goods, no matter if they were packed in France or other ports, with re used materials... Using your logic they would build a new wooden box or barrel for every item shipped rather than re use these items when off loaded at different ports of call..

Line and rope that were degraded beyond use were also recycled into packing...nothing in a far off port was left to waste.

Your dating could cover a wide range of actual exploration due to this re use, well beyond the 14th century.

So unless you have some other 'proof', besides some guys took off in a fleet of ships, the coir found is no proof at all.

No Europeans other than the Vikings were traveling to the Americas before the 16th century (well, 1492) and then only Basque fisherman to the Grand Banks. You surely can't think they would use 200 year old material for rope or packing. Only the Templars were trading in the Eastern Med. and possibly traveling on the open sea at the correct time. Arabs were known to be using it in the Eastern Med. at the same time as the Templars were there, but did not sail to the Americas.
And I still am saying it isn't proof, but the Templars are IMHO, the prime suspect. And, btw, coir was not available in Europe until the 18th or 19th centurys when companies started producing it from Caribbean farms. In Europe, they had better materials for rope than coir.

For my own information (not doubting you) but which European castle has usable coir in it now? Whether you believe it or not I do respect yours and others opinions but respectively disagree.

My point in all of this is that the 10 vessels (there were also several based at La Rochelle which could make up the 18 commonly referred to) I premise that traveled to La Rochelle in the summer of 1307, remained in port (a port the Templars controlled according to an 1139 document I have) until September, then some left for Scotland (with members of the secret inner circle, an inner circle that was reported by one well known Templar historian), and the next spring, Vinland. They were carrying 150,000 florins of gold and a great amount of silver brought from Cyprus and whatever amount of gold they took from Templar headquarters in Paris.

Most think Gerard de Villiers was the head of this inner circle. Villiers is the one documented as heading to the coast to escape well before the arrests and was never heard from again. He became the most wanted man in France and was never documented as showing up anywhere, not Portugal or Scotland, both of which were common escape paths. He was well known by all Templars as the Master of France and perhaps became Grand Master of the order according to some historians.

Coconut fibre is not the only evidence, as they were also carrying some secrets that could harm the Church they left some easily discovered clues (hidden in plain sight you might say).

Also, please notice, I used the terms "isn't proof" and "prime suspect".
Cheers, Loki

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alright man

I'm not going to copy paste another Map here . PROOF of what the Vault ( freaking hole in the ground , called money pit )

it was a Holding Bank for traders along the coast .


ZERO Kt artifacts have ever been documented as recovered insitu in that area of the Continent ,,, PERIOD and done

Not as much as is generally reported. Yes, I do assume it was Templars and no, I never claimed it was proof. But there are few other choices Dave.

Cheers, Loki
You did not answer my question. The exact amount is rather important.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk

If you can't handle the scrutiny of a few people online, how will you handle, say, the media ... or archaeologists / anthropologists?
You say I can't handle the scrutiny of a few people. I have answered questions and posted info on this site but there are a few axx holes on this site that no matter what I say they argue and make fun of what I post. I don't mind answering questions but when you have people with no idea of whats going on at the site and have no idea of the tools we use and know little about treasure hunting, yet they do their best to put me down. I will keep posting but I have stopped answering questions for some at this site. There are people on this site that would like to get me to post info that we hold back on. Why , well for their own gain. There are people out their that would like to take over our site, their are group's that would like to stop us from proving who was here. Then we have the Oak Island film crew doing everything to keep us out of the news paper and TV for now. The Gov. of Canada gave $1.2 Million to the Film Company to keep the Oak Island TV show going for another year. History Channel needs for us to keep quiet until the Oak Island TV show runs its course, then it will be our turn to show what we found. We are tracking the Knights Templars and trying to find out what happen to them and did they build a castle at the New Ross site. We are done with our research and plan to do a lot of digging in the spring to prove our finds.

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most correct term for this Thread .
Fraudulent Claims , backed up with fictional material I wrote years ago

and that's the TRUTH .

This is mindful of Jim Kouf and Disney swiping my Material off of ancientlosttreasure forum for the storyline
of the movie " National Treasure "

what's up with people man , can't you people come up with anything original ?

and yeah , The Canadian Gov.'t will spend money to back Bogus T.V. shows in the states
they'll do anything to get Tourist Dollars spent up there .

what a swindle of people .

you've been outed many times finderskeepers , not only here and by me , but in the public press as well .

quote finderskeppers : " There are people on this site that would like to get me to post info that we hold back on. Why , well for their own gain. "

Don't tell me , you're concerned people will do what you've done yourself ,, right ?

Karma it is Bud .

I have your emails to me , asking me for more material , even posted your request for more hippie material
on oakislandtreasure.uk

yeah dude , you know a lot about : for their own gain , you called it exactly as you did it .

welcome to exposure bud .

Chain of events can be posted here , shall I do that for the readers ?

believe I will .

I have a question. Are there any threads in this forum that tm2 will not be allowed to hijack?

I'm not sure why the moderators are tolerating him/her, but that's not my business I guess. I would think that one individual eliminating the opportunity for virtually all others to have conversations is bad for business.

Maybe after the show begins we can return to decent discussions regarding the O.I. area without having to weed through these endless, poorly-written fantasies.

Thank you. I now return you to the next long, rambling, quasi-coherent entry that very few will read...

here's an email from History Channel , sent to me asking for material on the Knights Templar in New Mexico

I turned these Fraud Pimps down , they already stole enough material from people ..
here's the actual email from Wolter's Production Manager Paula

copy pasted email from History Channel

~~~~~~~~~~ Begin email ~~~~~

alright , just a bit to the side now .

This showed up in my email

begin copy/pasted email fro,m History Channels production manager .

Hi roger snow 55 @ancientlosttreasure,

PaulaE has sent you a private message on Feb 13 , 2015 08:52PM
Hi Roger,

My name is Paula Engelking. I'm Senior Writer for American Unearthed, a History Channel/H2 show about unusual sites and artifacts. We're interested in the Templar imagery and artifacts you wrote about--the ones found in Johnson and Soledad Canyons in New Mexico.

We might want to include the Templar/New Mexico connections in our show. Please call me at -------(cell.) My manager really wants to see what you've seen. Do you have pictures you could email to me showing what you located? How did you find out about the artifacts? Did you read about it somewhere else?

I'd love to talk to you about it. You're clearly comfortable on the Internet. Do you Skype at all? If so, maybe we could do that. Sometimes it's nice to put a face to the name, especially when it's a face we might put on our TV show.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Paula Engelking
Committee Films

Clownboy Nostril damned us is back

read it clownboy

Revealing email is it not ?

you were saying ?

more to come

these people are frauds folks .

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