Templar Vault Chamber located in New Ross, Nova Scotia

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Impossible? Very little is impossible and this is not one of those things. Improbable? Given the amount of assumptions and leaps of logic necessary for this theory to work, I'd say yes, it's improbable.

A Norseman at the time would probably have shared that information in exchange for a gift or service. If the Templar asking was also a Norseman, it might have even been accurate information. :)

That having been said, it was a dangerous journey if the Sagas are to be believed and experienced captains were preferred. Simply knowing that there was something "over there," how long the trip would take under good conditions, and the best time of year to try to make it wouldn't be any guarantee of success.

I suppose that they could have hired such an experienced captain (who would want to bring his own crew, naturally) to help them make the journey, but now you have another big variable in the equation: can those Norse be trusted with this knowledge? (Answer: no, they can't.). So now you have to deal with them after you get to your destination, assuming that you make it.

But before you have to deal with your Norse crew, you'll certainly have to deal with the Skraelings - those lovable locals that the Norse had previously pissed off to the point of instigating all out warfare. That was three centuries earlier, which is a long time to a people that don't write things down. Would they still remember Europeans? How would they remember them? The Sagas were written a few centuries after the events they described happened based on oral histories and seem to have gotten the main points correct, particularly with regard to the New World. (More on that in a moment.). Is it unreasonable to think that the natives might remember Europeans as those sneaky, two-faced murderers that arrived as friends and then turned on them? It's hard to say, but it's a strong possibility. So now you have a fair chance of being greeted by unfriendly locals that hate Europeans. They won't be interested in talking, which is just as well; neither of you speak a common language anyway. Whatever you're planning on doing in the New World, you're going to be doing while being attacked by locals.

Many did not read the Sagas, or didn't believe them to be true.

I find it interesting that the Icelanders not only wrote about the New World, but also the people who went there, why they went there, and what they did while they were there, but that few outside of Iceland believed any of it until the archaeologists started digging things up. Such is the power of forensic evidence in context.

Hmm, I have heard this experience argument before. It should be remembered that Templar ships traded up and down the Atlantic coast from England to Spain and traveled throughout the Mediterranean and had been doing so for over 200 years. Also, don't forget that the Portuguese School of Navigation was founded by The then Grand Master of The Order of Christ, the actual remnants of the Knights Templars in Portugal.

If you don't think sailing the Med. counts as experience ask the Vikings of the newest mission to North America this year how they liked Lake Huron. I do not think they would have required a Viking Captain! This last Norse vessel to make the trip used the exact same routes with no required open water leg of over 250 miles, although taking shortcuts they did have a few much longer legs. They did have an escort vessel for emergency help of course, I'll give up that point. But they also began the trip in April, a very early time for the crossing, which they completed in what I believe to have been the short time of just over a month. I followed this whole voyage with much interest, also having a good friend on board for much of it. I visited the ship in Bay City, Michigan and also saw it in Frankfort, Michigan.

As for the Skraelings, how come Champlain didn't have any serious problems with the natives of Nova Scotia in Annapolis Basin?

And forensic evidence for the Sagas is my point entirely.

Cheers, Loki

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We believe we may of located another Castle site in the New Ross area or this is another work site to cut stones for the Hope Castle. Then again these cut stones could of been taken from the Hope Castle in New Ross and moved to this site for use later. I am sure all the cut stones from the castle site was removed by locals to build other things and this could be another part of this story. WE plan to check the site out soon with our team of Archaeologist so we know for sure. I will post more info later.

We believe we may of located another Castle site in the New Ross area or this is another work site to cut stones for the Hope Castle. Then again these cut stones could of been taken from the Hope Castle in New Ross and moved to this site for use later. I am sure all the cut stones from the castle site was removed by locals to build other things and this could be another part of this story. WE plan to check the site out soon with our team of Archaeologist so we know for sure. I will post more info later.

Part of my own premise has the materials being removed by the inhabitants when they left, to hide the fact that anybody had been there. Not an important part I should mention, but keep looking!
Cheers, Loki

We have major finds at the New Ross site last week and things are looking good. WE now know why the Templars came to New Ross, we know why they built the castle at this spot ,why they made it as long as they did. We know now were they buried their dead, dug tunnels, dug water lines, dug vault chambers , built a church and more. This is one great story that will set things straight in History. THE TEMPLARS WERE HERE AND THEY BUILT THE CASTLE AT NEW ROSS, we have the proof.:occasion14:

If you are from Nova Scotia and would like to be on site the day we show and tell all drop me a email, we need experts to be on site to ask questions and back up our finds.
Thank You

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Stop it please ,

The Knights Templar did not come to the Americas .

ok ?
I am not angry ,

simply , discussion forums are sweet venues for ,,, well ,,, discussing ,
that's how I take it .

but ,,, really ,,, it's fiction I wrote long ago

to claim that you found a Templar Vault where the Templar's never set foot ,, ?

please man , have fun , but , let people be aware it's fiction
Lokiblossom said I should have done that

well I did when I first wrote : Descendants of the Knights Templar

on ancientlosttreasures.com

it's insane to keep making false claims Finderskeepers .

I am not angry with you ,
I don't mind you making stuff up , that's fine ,

here's the Genesis ,
I wrote as " Hippie " on this forum .

copy pasted from a 2003 post of mine

" by hippie on Thu Dec 04, 2003 5:08 pm Gentlemen
What Oak Island has is a depository of Knights Templar Articles.
The Treasure is obtained by entering the shafts and or tunnels.
The entrance to these tunnels will be found through the leylines of the Golden mean.
Stones, with drill holes have been found on the island.
These are your increment stones.
The holes will be a certain depth
each inch = 1ft.
If the hole in the stone is 12 inches deep , then the increment is 1 inch per foot.
Measure the distance to the next stone, note how many inches you come up with, say you come up with 123, this means your diagonal line from your southeast corner to your northeast corner will equal 123 feet, this will be the long line of the ley line of the golden mean, You will be looking to set a golden rectangle by this increment.
Where the ley lines intersect on that rectangle, is one of your entrances to the tunnels that will safely get you into one of the vaults.
Next, you must begin to arc the golden spiral, where the spiral cross's the ley lines, there you will find more entrance's to more vaults.
Your next step is to leyout the golden triangle and the Golden circle, remembering that it is 1/3 of the circle that is the portion you are looking for, note that where the lines of the triangle cross the bisect of the circle is your next entrance.
Perhaps it is best, that you take an ariel photo, mark the locale of each stone with the holes that have been found. overlay the photo with clear plastic, set you degrees at 36 and 76 for the ley lines, and see what you come up with.
This is the KEY to the chest.
A study of Pythagorean Geometry, fibbonacci number sequence, and the golden mean would help.
The date on the stone of 1704 is not a date, it is an increment.
this is part of the esoteric knowledge used for these burials.
The alchemy symbols for such are in the area.
The Hippie
hippie Digging for Coal Posts: 12Joined: Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:41 pmLocation: New Mexico U.S.

My Next post on that forum dated 2003

copy pasted text of my Fictional Material

" by hippie on Fri Dec 05, 2003 12:24 am Hi Tank, Not to worry, It is hard to rattle me.
This is my first visit to this site.
On my formulas and where they come from, or as you state it, " how do I know this ?
I am the descendant of the Grand Master Ruxillias of the Knights Templar, circa 1651, as well, My linage is that of Huges duPayen.
Huges, was from the Monastery where Dagobert the II was exiled to after his overthrow by the Carolingians, Dag, was what is known as the last Merovingian King of Middle Europe.
This linage is said to be that of the Saan Grael, known as the Holy Grail, or better stated, Translated loosly from the Latin, Holy blood (Saan Graael)
The Esoteric Knowledge is handed Down through the Linage of the Holy Blood line of King David through to the first Merovingian King and unto the first Grand master of the Knights Templar, which was Huges Du Payan,
The Sacred Geometry outlined above in my prior post, is the Key to many ancient sites and structures of the Ancients.
Much is Laid out to the Geometric design Pythagoras Attributed to Element #47 out of Euclids book #1 of the 13 books of Euclids elements.
This Geometry is relative to all sites within the Ancient Esoteric and Arcane arena. It is the foundation by which The Pyramids at Giza are set and as well as that of other sites inclusive in these is the Cities of Atlantis.
Yeah, Atlantis is real.
As is appearent unto all who have attempted to discover the Mystery of the design implemented in the Construction of the Oak Island Vaults and channels (tunnels) The designers were above the mainstream populace in their Knowledge of constructing such a baffeling maze of stumbling blocks and shafts to protect this one site, as well, even today, with the Technology extent, We struggle greatly to unravel this site.
This is evident in and of it's self that the construction and design is "NOT" that of the simple Pirate,
Simply, the site is one that was very cleverly planned, and replacates those vaults of the Ancients that have yet to be discovered.
A simple demonstration of the Knowledge that the Grand Masters of the Knights Templar were the inhieritors of is the Fact that they were able to enter King Tuts tomb nearly 900 years ago and remove objects more precious then Gold, without the burden of removing the Mass of stones covering the tomb as did Carter and Canarvon had to remove.
This was done, and articles removed, then the 4 doors resealed, and the few stones blocking the channel under the rest of the stones replaced without causing a cave-in. The knowledge of this construction, may have been retrived in Constantinople during the Crusades, where it had been taken by the Zealots who had Sacked the Great Library at Alexandria back in the 4th century, As well, Huges and the other 8 Knights, may have recovered from the Holy land the Documents with the information within them a century before the invasion of Constantinople.
Either way, it was somewhat mind boggeling to Carter that someone had opened the Tomb of Tut, and did not Bother to take ALL the treasure from within, and they were not in a rush, for they took the time to reseal the doors with plaster, and as Carter thought, Heave all the stones back in place, so it is not as though they did not have the time to take all the treasure , nor is it a matter of them being caught, for the items they took, were not placed back in the tomb as they would ahve been if the looters ahd been caught, simply, what was removed meant more to the retrievers then the gold and jewels of Tut, and as well, the Knights Templar already had more Gold and Jewels at their disposal then they ever needed, so why burden themselves further ? ( must be nice to have that much, don't ya' think ?)
The Drag marks of trunks being removed from the Tomb and drug OUT the doors on a prior raid of the tomb, were still in extent upon Carters opening the Tomb some 7 hundred years later.
Carter must have went to his Grave Bothered Greatly by that Mystery.
I can well imagine he did.
On a futher note,,,,,
One may find within the seals of Solomon, and in the Ancient Hebraic Alchemy, all the symbols for such Geometry and the increments of measure, as well as many other features pertaining to Matters of the spirit.
The Ancient Kabbalah, is a set of symbols, each with a mathmatical equivalent, for instance : Pythagoras attached the letter "Y" to element #47, this Geometric design, per his Theorem, was the Key to the Transmigration of the soul from one being or body unto a higher one.
Well,,,, Thats what his theory states. so don't bug me about it MAN

On the Hippie conotations. I would like to point out that Hippism is not a drug based paradigmn,( no matter how the media attempted to portray it)
It is about consciousness, one closely aligned with the teachings of Both Jesus Christ and Pythagoras, whereas , PEACE AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE WERE THE PARAMOUNT ELEMENTS OF THAT CONSCIOUSNESS.
Funny, but I notice as I reviewed the community of Pythagoras, how it appeared to me that this Community surely must have been the contemporary HIPPIE COMMUNE of Greece at the time.
well, just a cute observation to add here in the midst of all the esoteric dialog.
Lets see, I guess I shall at this point throw out a theory as to where exactly the Oak Island Articles came from and why they were deposited there at the island. ( please, keep in mind that i have for the most part read a hugh amount of other theories, and I do not discount them, and this should not be taken as an opurtunity to open a debate with myself by others, I allow them their theories, without attcking such, and in a fair exchange, May they allow me mine, without attack )
As I hav'nt the time to look back on the exact date of this event, I am going to just use for the momment a supposed date, this being done without refering to notes. so please, do not pick the time-stamp apart, geeees-its ! Thank you.
In or ABOUT???? 1602, "ROUGHLY", and in answer to the Church once again targeting the knights Templar in yet another inquitition, by which to frame them for heresy and thereby obtain the Knights land holdings and wealth. The Knights found that perhaps it was time for a little retribution to be paid back to the Church, They brought their combined ships and Harbored them, then, paying off the sentinels, entered the Vaults within the Catacombs beneath the Vatican, They raided and looted these vaults, loaded the loot upon their ships and set sail for the New World.
The deposit at Oak Island, is but a small portion of that loot taken from the Vaults, Some of this loot comprised some of the Templar Treasure that the Church had unjustly taken control of in the 14th century during King Phillipes frame job of the Knights, of Friday the 13th 1307.
This looting of the Vatican Vaults was retailiation for the unjust lynchings of the Knights to gain control of their wealth, and as well, was simply taking back from thieves what was originally stolen from the Knights. The looting was kept hushed by a Vatican which felt secrecy about it would best serve the purpose of trying to retrieve the goods.
Interesting to note, it was The Knights Templar who had found the Gold of King Solomon, and it is as well interesting to note that Huges du Payan was a direct descendant of King Solomon, so you might say, Huges was recieving his rightful legacy after almost 2000 years, It was this gold that was part of the loot the Knights took back from the Vatican which the Church had Tortured and killed for 300 years earlier.
Something to ponder, What did Saunier find in Rennes, that substantiated the Claims of this Bloodline, That caused the vatican to allow Saunier pretty much a free lincense. It was not so much gold he found, yes, he did find wealth, but it was Documents and evidence he found that was more devastating to the Church. Documents that told of the Bloodline of Christ, the holy blood. The real divine right to rule bloodline. uh,,, debate it all you wish, never the less, it is true. but hey, I ain't sellin' no books on it. so sheeesh-its already.
Anyway, that is a side note.
hippie Digging for Coal Posts: 12Joined: Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:41 pmLocation: New Mexico U.S. Top
by hippie on Fri Dec 05, 2003 1:26 am
UMMMMmmm, just as a very interesting side note, and to add a truth that amy as well help people to understand these Caches of the Knights templar.
There is alive today at least one descendant of the person who made this deposit at Oak Island, He is a first born son of a first born son of the linage.
Within the linage of the scione, there are certain requirments to be met concerning each and every deposit, or inhieritence as it may be refered to.
This is all laid out within the documents, of the leagacy.
The Order of scione as it is refered to, is the protection agency within the Knights Templar, they keep a watch on the descendants, and this is done in secrecy, they as well, keep a watch on the caches.
The documentation, are compiled and held within a database by the Government of the United States.
The Vatican, as well, have copies of those documents compiled.
Both the U.S. government, and the Vatican, KNOW who the inhieritors are for each cache.
They keep this out of the public domain, and I can well attest that they have through their intel agencies, attempted to swipe these treasures from the descendants. The files within the treasury department outline this imensely, and they are filed under a clearence heading of :
One of the preiminent grand-masters of the current Knights Templar society was my Great Grand-father Chris Brooks, He is the prime source of my knowledge of these facts, he as well, had access to all documents held within our Governments files that cover these treasures.
The Corruption appearent within the United Staes agencies that have these documents in their posession, has cost some of the inhieritors a great fortune.
This is not a new happenstance whatsoever, for this battle for this wealth has been carried on ever since the Gold of King Solomon was brought to Europe, it has been the Cause of many a torture and death, quite an intrigue. In my own case, when I recieved from my G-Garndfather my own documents, He told me straight forward that this had been going on for 350 years, or since the time of the looting of the vaults of the Gold and other articles rightly belonging to the Scione of the San Grael.
I will here add, that all of these sites ahve built into them deathtraps , and these are triggered if unknowledgable people attemt to open these sites, In the Case of Oak Island, this has already been exampled.
Further, I personally, am "NOT" the inhieritor of the treasure of Oak Island, it belongs to someone else. I have not any gain by telling you the truth of the matter outside of helping to clear the fog a bit for those who wonder over the Mystery of the Cache and how and why it is there.
If there was honesty within the Governments who have the knowledge of the inhieritors, they would approach the inhieritor of the Cache at Oak Island, and produce the documents and then attempt to help that person recover his rightful legacy.
However, This is not the case at this time, yet,,,, perhaps through exposure of these facts and the documents available, This condition can and will be changed.

Being that GREED seems to be the GOD of some souls in this world, and those souls who have succumb to GREED and replaced their GOD with it, and they are the ones who have the documents within their files, it is un-likely that they will contact the Scione and allow for an honest echange with them for as to allow them to collect their Legacy.
Further, as I have already stated in a post above, I am not open to debate as to the Validity of my statements here, or anywhere, I have very personal Knowledge of these facts . for I live them, I as well have reviewed the Top Secret Documents from the files, Therefore, I ask that the readers of these post, please refrain from any attempt to shoot arrows. I give you these truths, as a gift, not as a spring board for others personal attacks steming from the glorified egos and self agrandisement of those who wish to push to the top of solving the Mystery.
I say this simply because I have noted the echange of post here and elsewhere, containing agumentive debate and exchanges, NONE of which furthers anyones hope of ever discovering the truth, it just makes for a bad display of ill manners, and as well is tiresome to the eyes and mental process to witness and read. THANK YOU.

hippie Digging for Coal Posts: 12Joined: Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:41 pmLocation: New Mexico U.S. Top

[h=3]Knowledge of the ages[/h] by Tank03 on Fri Dec 05, 2003 12:35 pm
Rog (hippie),

We believe we may of located another Castle site in the New Ross area or this is another work site to cut stones for the Hope Castle. Then again these cut stones could of been taken from the Hope Castle in New Ross and moved to this site for use later. I am sure all the cut stones from the castle site was removed by locals to build other things and this could be another part of this story. WE plan to check the site out soon with our team of Archaeologist so we know for sure. I will post more info later.

You refer to "Hope Castle" as if there was evidence one existed. Joan Hope, not too firmly grounded in reality herself being harassed by ghosts and UFOs by her own writings, noticed some foundation rocks from a ruined home site and built a fantasy around it. Castles take thousands of cut stones. Not six haphazard unfinished rocks in a loose pile.

"Hope Single Family Dwelling Foundation and Pile of Rocks Removed From Field For Easier Plowing" may be a better description. I believe she was what the locals referred to as "a loony".

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and further

How the heck does a person attach the Knights Templar to this site .

was a Templar Sarcophagus ( Pronounced : Sarcasim Goosed ) unearthed with a Knight inside ?

or did a Knight drop his Timex there and it was still ticking ?

Gawd , the claims ,,, the bleedin' games and claims

and further

How the heck does a person attach the Knights Templar to this site .

was a Templar Sarcophagus ( Pronounced : Sarcasim Goosed ) unearthed with a Knight inside ?

or did a Knight drop his Timex there and it was still ticking ?

Gawd , the claims ,,, the bleedin' games and claims

To begin with Charlie, "looney" (which is the way Bugs spells it), is a relative term isn't it? I knew Joan Hope's very good friend and she didn't think Joan was looney. And attaching the Knights Templar to this site isn't difficult at all if one has spent anytime studying their history. They were certainly capable having sailed across great seas for hundreds of years (documented, btw) and had the reason (motive) to do so. There is evidence in the western highlands of Scotland of a sudden Templar presence in the early 14th century. Also, (IMHO of course) there are many clues they left behind with certain coordinates to Nova Scotia or at the very least Acadia. There was an order of the Holy Rose which followed the secret they kept, and still follows it for that matter. The members of this order read like a who's, who of church haters including one of the latest Jean Cocteau and one the Ansons of Shugbourough knew well. You know of the Ansons, owners and builders of the monument that bears a coded inscription with the letters "D" and "M" on each side Degrees and minutes). A large religious group wiped out by the Church in 1264 (documented) gave to the Templars that year what they had to hide for the time being.
The Castle (I wouldn't call it that myself, more of a small fortress) wouldn't need very many stones and there were not very many Templars to build it.
In my humble opinion "Finders" is on to something at "Charing Cross", the proper name of the site.
I should also mention that Joan and her Husband worked and traveled with Mahatma Gandhi.
Cheers, Loki

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I should also mention that Joan and her Husband worked and traveled with Mahatma Gandhi.

And I am sure she was every bit the archaeologist that Mr. Gandhi was. A well traveled loonie.

hahaha HA !


send a wipe for the spit you caused me to spray on my keyboad Charlie .

And I am sure she was every bit the archaeologist that Mr. Gandhi was. A well traveled loonie.

I don't recall anybody saying she was an archaeologist but she did have a mensa graded IQ of 156. Check me if I'm wrong, but are you calling Gandhi a looney?

Cheers, Loki

had to write this for all the Folks who believed in My Mythical Story Telling

begin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Rusted Roots ,
kissed of Tears ,
lost to ages
become these
unfounded fears

Lasting scenes
gleaned ,,,
from passing dreams ,,,

has anybody hereabouts
seen my Jeans

nothing lost in this ,,,
a nothing Game
where most the folks
use phony names

Sister of Brother ,
Wife to a Toad ,
if I kiss your Frogness ,,,
can I have your Gold ?

Low Mist on Hilltop High
lower then my hips
but not my thigh ,,,
can you clear out awhile
so what I seek ,,,
meets my eye

Jesuit Commie ,
Tunic of Red ,,,
buried his loot
Just Afore he ,,,
died in Bed
saw a symbol
with Jesuit theme
on the back of Milk Wagon
bold and clean
must'a been loaded
with Jesuit Dore
headed for Vaults ,,,
beneath that flagstone floor

flagstone swept in Rust
Believe in Jesuit Treasure
if you feel you must

But ,,,
I believe in Gardens Green ,
Baby sighs ,,
and Puppy dreams .

~~~~~~~~~ End ~~~~~~~~~~~

Above not to be mistaken as a Treasure lead , no Knights Templar were harmed or featured
in this Production

No Leylines or Votice were used in the Computer Generated images or text

Above is not fact nor fiction , nor is it a good poem .... simply , it was just something to do while I await
a Templar UFO to take Home

thank you for not using this material in a Scam T.V. Production

Here , the only Testimony from a Knight about Villiers traveling with 50 for the Sea

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Begin ~~~~~~~~~~~

He also said that they (the Knights Templar) give little alms, and even turn to their own use much of what is received as alms. During all his time in the Order he has never seen anyone reprimanded in a chapter meeting. They rashly abused papal ordinances and in any given preceptory there were clerics at their command who harrassed many people. He also said that the leaders of the Order, having foreknowledge of this infamy, fled and that he himself met Brother Girard de Villiers leading fifty horses and then heard someone say that he sailed out to sea on 18 galleys, while Brother Hugo de Châlon escaped with the entire treasure of Hugo de Pairaud.
Did you notice anything missing? There is no mention of La Rochelle! This port (its Latin name is Rupella) is simply not present in de Châlon’s testimony. Thus far I was unable to figure out who and when first linked La Rochelle to the 18 galleys that this knight talked about. So, while every amateur Templar historian is trying to guess where the ships went after leaving La Rochelle, it is highly questionable that this departure ever occurred in the first place. Even if we assume that the Knights Templar were able to secure 18 galleys for this voyage (which is extremely unlikely), they could have left from any harbor in France. It is true that La Rochelle has been known for its Templar presence, but was that necessarily a good thing if you are trying to escape notice? ~~~~~~~~~

Now stop
Chalon never mentioned LaRochele , nor did he say it was Villiers

he states he heard Villers went out to Sea with 50 Horses

No Treasure was mentioned .
Chalon heard ,,, as in ,,, hear say

Postulations are many and from invalid sources

and that's fine

it really is

We have no contemporary Documents That state the Knights Left France with Treasure aboard ships .

Cool theories , but no one is going to find a Templar Vault in New Ross .

it just is not going to happen because it just is not there .

Where's my coffee, getting a bit sleepy.:coffee2:

And so ,
In as much , the Vault ( Money Pit of Oak Island ) was Identified on a Portuguese Map as : Brittanee Banko

and designated a Merchants Bank for Trade along the Atlantic Coast of the Americas .

This Vault to be publicly known by Foreign Capt.s, was of no secret . whereas , assuredly , if Knights Templar involvement
was present , Secret it would have been for certain .

Further the dating of the Map is post Columbus Contact , and again , for a Certain , not a 14th century Templar Vault .

In short time , with trade so briskly developing , a Permanent reside for the Species was built .

The top dirt and fill along with the Planked floors covered in Coco Fiber , may not necessarily been required to remove .

a Simple pre constructed set of Tunnels , with small walled Parapets to block the waters from entering them as they were dug ,
was all that would have been necessary ..

These Tunnels would be used as fast access route into the Vault

When the Vault had no longer a Purpose ,,,

The species removed
The end of the tunnel blocked at the Pits wall , and the Parapet dismantled , allowing water to flood the Tunnel down to the plug
at the wall of the Pit .

Later , when the dig was in process , that Plug is dislodged and the Pit flooded .

A very simple engineering feat

Nothing to it

If a Raid occurred , the raiders would have a ton of earth to dig through ,

Yet for deposits and withdrawals , a Cloaked entrance to a Tunnel would not be seen by the Raiders .

The Mystery of the Money Pit , was solved before it even became a Mystery a century or so later .

The pit was a Known site by most Capt.'s Trading along the Coast .

if you wished not to carry aboard the species collected during your trading , you simply deposited it in The Suedo Bank at
Oak Island ,
you were given receipt , and when ready to retrieve it for a Trip back to the Continent , you came by , handed your receipt
and were handed your species .

If your ship was boarded by pirates , you lost your money , but not so if it was stashed at the Brittanee Banko

nuff said ?

I assure all readers , if I'd known the fiction I wrote , connecting the Knights Templar to Oak Islands Money Pit
was going to take wings and fly to this extant ,,,

I would have saved my finger tips the trouble of typing that Crap
Back in the early turn of the Century ..

this from the Hand that Told the story comprised of my personal Fictional accounts
, that makes it official folks . There is no Knights Templar Vaults in the Americas .

No Leylines created by them
no Vortex

The Material was simply my own exercise in fiction writing . NOTHING MORE .

Moral of this expose' is

Unwise it is , to assume , that using people's material in producing your own supposed historical research ,
To be a wise idea .
it is not wise , if you chance an attempt to be slippery , be sure you're greased before you try to slide .

Thank you readers for giving me the opportunity to clear this mess up

Here , the only Testimony from a Knight about Villiers traveling with 50 for the Sea

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Begin ~~~~~~~~~~~

He also said that they (the Knights Templar) give little alms, and even turn to their own use much of what is received as alms. During all his time in the Order he has never seen anyone reprimanded in a chapter meeting. They rashly abused papal ordinances and in any given preceptory there were clerics at their command who harrassed many people. He also said that the leaders of the Order, having foreknowledge of this infamy, fled and that he himself met Brother Girard de Villiers leading fifty horses and then heard someone say that he sailed out to sea on 18 galleys, while Brother Hugo de Châlon escaped with the entire treasure of Hugo de Pairaud.
Did you notice anything missing? There is no mention of La Rochelle! This port (its Latin name is Rupella) is simply not present in de Châlon’s testimony. Thus far I was unable to figure out who and when first linked La Rochelle to the 18 galleys that this knight talked about. So, while every amateur Templar historian is trying to guess where the ships went after leaving La Rochelle, it is highly questionable that this departure ever occurred in the first place. Even if we assume that the Knights Templar were able to secure 18 galleys for this voyage (which is extremely unlikely), they could have left from any harbor in France. It is true that La Rochelle has been known for its Templar presence, but was that necessarily a good thing if you are trying to escape notice? ~~~~~~~~~

Now stop
Chalon never mentioned LaRochele , nor did he say it was Villiers

he states he heard Villers went out to Sea with 50 Horses

No Treasure was mentioned .
Chalon heard ,,, as in ,,, hear say

Postulations are many and from invalid sources

and that's fine

it really is

We have no contemporary Documents That state the Knights Left France with Treasure aboard ships .

Cool theories , but no one is going to find a Templar Vault in New Ross .

it just is not going to happen because it just is not there .

Quite correct, de Chalon's never mentioned La Rochelle, but it is a fact that the port was given to the Templars by the French Queen in 1139, I can post a document proving this if anybody requests. It is also a fact that the Grand Master, de Molay had just arrived from Cyprus with at least 10 vessels and 160,000 florins of gold, and also the port of La Rochelle was from where the Templars conducted their lucrative wine trade from England to Spain, how many of these vessels were in port? . The Grand Master had been ordered to France by Clement V that spring and was told not to bring any extra knights with him, but he brought 60 knights, which with some three horses per knight and a scribe with also his own horse would amount to a large fleet. There was also a large treasure from the Templar Paris headquarters that was never found. And yes he did say it was Villiers, Villiers was the Master of France was he not? And more importantly that is not the full or correct testimony of de Chalon's. If you are going to argue a point at least be correct in your facts. But wait, you are the one who produces fictional accounts, right?

Cheers, Loki

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Hi Lokiblossom, Its a waste of time talking to Treasureminder2 who wish he was a treasure hunter but knows nothing. Then we have Raparee that took on a chalange for me to show him how the dowsing rods work and for me to prove that we have located a Vortex and Ley Lines at the New Ross site and he lives just a few miles from the site. BUT he never showed up because it was on a work day. I was willing to be on site at any day light time to take on his challenge yet NO SHOW. Its easy for people to shoot their mouth off here so they feel big yet they know nothing about the true hunt.
We just returned from New Ross on Nov 1,2,3 and we found everything we were looking for. I am posting this info for people to read and see history being made. WE have located many things at the New Ross site that prove the Knight Templars were here and they built a castle, church, dug a cave, tunnels, vault chambers, water runs, and grave sites. The Vortex is real and we have mapped the Ley Lines last week. We now hold the same info that only the Templars had, and now its our turn to unlock the truth about this site. This spring we plan to do many digs that will back up what we post. So if you don't like what I post then start your own post and leave us alone :occasion14:.

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